John Cage brings out the discernment of clear sanity insanity poised on the edifice of structure unbound of society's discontents and approvals & "Much Madness is Divinest Sense--To a Discerning Eye--Much Sense--the starkest madness--This the majority--in this, as all prevail--Assent--and you are sane--Demur-- and straightaway you are handled with a chain".--Emily Dickenson.//
"John Cage about silence". jdavidm. July 14, 2007.
"Is This Even Music? John Cage, Schoenberg and outsider artists". Sound Field. April 11, 2019.
"2001: A Space Odyssey--and Beyond the Infinite". L05tinTRAn5lati0n. February 4, 2013.
"Gyorgy Ligeti--Atmospheres--2001: A Space Odyssey". Vector Spector. June 25, 2019.
Much Madness is divinest sense
Much sense, the starkest madness....(Emily Dickenson)
John Cage deregulating noise and sound as music or uncaged epiphany perhaps sometimes a square sometime an infinity of nothingness
if he can love all sound
I wonder where his madness is derived
John Cage was an "experimental" noise manufacturer musician
combining various discordant noise and sound with classical clips
I must admit
it's a bit noisey and inharmonious
sometimes this is suitable
but if you are not healthy and hear horrid noise
it is unbearable I think in a vulnerable state when you hear sound that is grating it is not "supposed" to be according to the "spheres"
**Nota bene: at this point in my post, I began to go into a sphere of my own--free-form whatever may come from my buried child subconscious (reference to Sam Shepard's Buried Child, by the way--back in the day when he was renegade abstract poet/playwright)
but to continue--I had begun to write, it came out fluid and abstract--and everything had been working the endless hacking had not commenced--I clicked on publish and only 1/3 of the post appeared (above)
I had to turn the router (which had all lights on, with the signal showing connection "on") and wait for over 10 minutes to resume the WiFi
on another tab the post is still in a vague near transparent "spinning" cycle and the last half of a sentence appears with the rest that was blocked and if I do a single thing on the page all will disappear--so below is the half-deleted rest but I want to post it because the mind screw operators are not the good kinda insane that Emily Dickenson was referring to--no divinest sense here anywhere but a square of conformity to their insanity which buries the child and the bones are being devoured by the maggots feeding off the child's sense of open air space and regurgitating all as their own meat and bones--they of course most of them have had some kind of gastric bypass surgery or something similar what comes out is a fraction of the real essence)
**to continue--rewritten from the barely visible rest of this post that they are trying to force me to delete--it won't appear and if I do a "restore" click it will all disappear
I liked my writing, which I used to do quite often like this and no one liked my "poetry" I stopped (and indeed stopped all my creative writing after I saw that people who want me buried completely pushing up daisies were stealing my ideas, turning them into the square conformity sounds of mental suffocation repeated for consolidation of a majorly Minor F-symphony of approbation.
The rest of my post they are trying to delete--no one will "like" it anyway but I still want to get it out--I am getting their poison out today as well (and every day, sick as a droopy puppy with worms from the daisies they tried and keep trying to force me to push up)
"...quandary and supposed are at odds combined noise and grating
are one end perfect pitch and square solidity at the other end
of the musical attention.
Just a small snippet of listening to John Cage makes my mind go
off in tangents of free form
always very refreshing to hear people who inspire a flood of ideas
whether discernable or acceptable
some people can talk and suddenly a flush of buried thoughts and
connections surface--it becomes acceptable in the area of
person with such an expansive mind as opposed to the nay-saying
controllers who strive to bury your independent thought so their
structure can prevail as the only real-time noise beat their
structures continuing and the same music repeated into ad
a noise that is unbearable like elevator music played during Satre's No Exit on stage.
As for the grating cacophony I endure every morning, a noise that extends beyond the barrier of listening aural tolerance, the high-tech low-down-low voice-to-skull noise of hate bombarding into my brain, I must attest to all the Cage followers that SOME noise is not a function of the normal universe and perhaps lower levels of the 9 circles instead.
But as for that orbit of movie and MUSIC--not to ever forget that the most ingenious of the top layers of movie zenith output came from the experimental tracks layered into the uppermost talent and genius of directing by Stanley Kubrick. You cannot enjoy watching The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, and of course not to forget those most inimitable scenes from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the trek has lead the unsuspecting chess-playing tactical astronaut into a realm of the higher unrealizable spheres of the Jupiter Rising assault upon his senses. Both the artwork the directing the reflections the fractions of visible light and crushing multiple directions of centrifugal immersion--that famous scene would never have been accomplished without experimental a-tonal music as well as the most eerie of The Shining and all the rest. Shame that this trend has become submerged by square mise-en-scene and 4/4 musical timing in films that the majority have access to. That much sanity has lead to an insanity of unextraordinary repetition.
But as for that orbit of movie and MUSIC--not to ever forget that the most ingenious of the top layers of movie zenith output came from the experimental tracks layered into the uppermost talent and genius of directing by Stanley Kubrick. You cannot enjoy watching The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, Eyes Wide Shut, and of course not to forget those most inimitable scenes from 2001: A Space Odyssey where the trek has lead the unsuspecting chess-playing tactical astronaut into a realm of the higher unrealizable spheres of the Jupiter Rising assault upon his senses. Both the artwork the directing the reflections the fractions of visible light and crushing multiple directions of centrifugal immersion--that famous scene would never have been accomplished without experimental a-tonal music as well as the most eerie of The Shining and all the rest. Shame that this trend has become submerged by square mise-en-scene and 4/4 musical timing in films that the majority have access to. That much sanity has lead to an insanity of unextraordinary repetition.
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