Controversial post---will receive attacks for writing this. Don't read if you can't handle anything that is always kept silent by the majority blind-siding the obvious. ANTI-SEMITISM "won" the rigged awards at the British celluloid mind programming awards the other day (and every day, every year, year after year). Some of the most viciously antagonistic of the terrorists involved in my lifetime of attack come from that foggy Isle and it's dominions and minions who are viciously trained to behave like rabid rabies-laden.//One film that "won" (or the actor "won" or the movie "won" but the destination for extreme programming in obliterating Jews by reverse engineering "won"). Two examples of psychological manipulation were displayed. One was of an actor (has been involved in attacking me, not overtly viciously but hacking and in the group in the midst) but he is "American" (obviously programmed as the A$$-list is in how to behave like Europ-a-land fascist aristocrats, Nazis and Mafia brutality combined) he has been portrayed as being "Jewish" in the past, his aquiline nose would conform to the stereotype of Jewish appearance--yet he is not of "Abraham's kin" or perhaps he is in his geneology--I have no idea. He is not known to the public as being "Jewish" that is what counts. His roles are of "Italian" mafia out of NYC for an English-based mafia movie extreme brutality killings revenge--the usual. Portraying the Irish/English as being "superior" or at least from what I saw of a few of the clips. The lead who hacked his "stuff" into my youtube I have tried to ignore because I know the agenda by now. No matter what, he "won" an award for playing a highly sophisticated American scientist which, like the American playing the Jews, obfuscates the reality of who the actual personalities were and what group and what they actually came from, their origin and instead replacing the actor with an identification of the ingenious traits of the representative, which they actually have very little in common with at least superficially as their personas and career. That an actor who is known to not be Jewish but plays a "tough" but traumatized Jewish man having survived the Holocaust--and forgive me, I did not watch the film, only this is a superficial analysis of the trends, the patterns not an examination of the movies. To be seen as a "Jewish" man but really to be associated by the audience with an "Italian" man playing a tough Mafioso and other such roles---just, seems like a negation of any Jewish man who may have that kind of strength and I believe that is the actual message being portrayed in the dissemination of such a movie, and then elevated to this top position. Combined with the English support of Netanyahu's "genocide" (my personal experience of a really wealthy hateful anti-Semitic mind screw out of London who urged Netanyahu to sexually assault me and then fascistically abuse and yell at me even though I had been very supportive of Netanyahu's fight against the massacre that had occurred in Israel by Hamas--all of this transpired before the real bloody destruction of Palestinians and I had been brainwashed in the belief that somehow the fight to preserve Jewish strength would be synonymous with my identification with Netanyahu, but alas the English influence was of abusing me to gain promotion and funding for the genocide--for the purpose of British Israelism and funding for a new State of luxury development projects, et al and "security" that Israel has NEVER known. I wrote of this extensively but the agenda is for the Christian Identity movement in America and the British Israelism system to usurp hegemony over the "Holy Land" all claiming that they are the rightful inheritors of God's chosen and the Jews merely stewards of the physical land only to serve white supremacist Nazis n their zeal zealot urge to claim themselves as "God's Chosen". The BAFTA awards was just another mind screw program to instill non-Jews into roles of strength and top professional ability. The other nasty movie depicting Jews as being sleazy stupid incompetent and dirty and nasty was about the prostituted sex worker whose goal of being a rich b-tch turned into her clinging to the obviously non-Jewish man who offered her "reality" rather than the flamboyant and then weak and reprehensible, obviously jewish-looking "boy" with his Money-clasping Jewish stereotypical Nazi family the cliches that the Nazis used about Jews stealing being sexual predators and destroying the country the unit the fabric of society--etc. Please note it is very difficult for me to type the hacking is non-stop and my brain is under attack. I am writing about "sensitive" topics and always the terrorist celebrities and politicians are extremely violent for criticism but usually they steal the concepts I am tortured out of, my observations that I write they are censoring and torturing and murdering me for having written after murdering me via poisoning for just being part of a group they want to exterminate (using the term Vernichtung that they so grasp onto with delight and schadenfreude because their goal is to become the 4th Reich post-German New World Order Nazi State with Germans training them and moving in to brutalize rape and murder with teams of minoritiies operating as their death squad operatives with the white aspiring to be Nazi Christians right there backing them all up. Oh, English and those of the rest of the Isles are right there, alongside the German Nazis very expressively spiteful and violently murderous I have been fighting all of these groups so famous in the media for over
**Nota Bene: written one day later---if "you" read below, I could not remember the English menace which is the "real power" behind the Palestine genocide, a reference I made and my brain was blanked out in memory for the name. It came with a "whoosh" back into my mind as I lay down to sleep. Suddenly the name came out of "nowhere" because, I believe, the memory retention made it pop to the surface of my brain like a plugged flow which was unleashed and DOUGLASS MURRAY--an insidious and nasty (so typically nasty English) name popped to the surface. It had been suppressed by mind control technology as happens every time I am in public and especially when I have to add for sums (i.e. money exchange). I wrote of him as being D-la$$ Murray--his endless interviews with Netanyahu and members of Jewish and Israeli Youtube'dum(b) (like all the yapping youtube presenters of all religions who pose as commentators they are all intertwined in the 4th Reich, usually as diversions from reality and truth---claiming they represent voter fraud checks while they are pointing in the wrong direction and stating they are fiercely fighting against voter suppression--blah blah but they are hailed by the MAGA as being threats which means they are "friends". All are lies in that realm it is a Youtube-dumb not a kingdom.
Anyway, after Douglass Murray, as usual brought to be by the pigapeshitalina team of stupidity greed and power-grabbing to install a fascist Nazi dictatorship in Whorewood with Europigapeland Nazis controlling all, which is currently underway while you all cheered on the movies derived from my ideas and then the banal and empty meaningless movies the dumb shitpigapealina also came out with which won nothing but the endless yapping movie drone was infected with their movies for the sake of promoting everyone who attacks me as the symbol of all that the usual "Jews" in power never do: question, they never fight back against insults and racism, they NEVER defend me and indeed the rotten, hypocritical white supremacist advocate Ben Shapiro instantly welcomed Douglass Murray to his show instantly after the death threats and the abuse from Netanyahu--who began his murder rampage within the week of this display of antisemitic violence towards me, from the "Jewish leader of the State of Israel" while the English ape filth creep connected highly absolutely one of the most lying pawns of the English Monarchy you can see a list of grateful Israeli and Jewish idiot savants lovingly staring at him thanking him for his "Help"---and how "lucky" they are to have such a wonderful "goyim" like him at their back. Their backs are so stabbed they have no concept that the knives came from his direction****
"christian identity british isrealism part 1 and 2 william cooper hour of the time episode 1289 1290". THIRDWORLDASSASSIN. June 30, 2022.
Well over 15 years. My life has been under a microscope of surveillance and English operatives I am attacked by children of English infiltrators and traitors trying to become as Aristocratic as possible a la everything French English German and Italian, to name the most prominent of our NATO "allies" as possible.
One thing about Trump is that he is capable of recognizing what very few are even willing to begin to contemplate, that these are not our "friends" and that is a wonderful refreshing thing about Trump I always liked about him and I am very glad he is openly expressing how much they are users and exploiters but he still allows all the expletives to come into this celebrity group and exploit me in order to gain access to the top H-wood levers of power, alas it is sad that he can't continue this concept that enemies should not be granted endless access to the mind control machine. But his family and friends need the celebrity access so the traitorism continues unabated in that horrid arena of power-grabbing "sharing". I seriously contend that the exchange is so one-sided that I see no benefits whatsoever for the continuation of English and euro-p-a-land exploiters to continue to be allowed to control and use extreme violence to gain access to America and it's endless wealth. Their countries are sinking economically why are the "Make America Great Again" movers and shakers handing America over the formerly enemies of the United States (and guess what, the English have been enemies of the United States for far longer than they have been allies and the alliance is only for power grabbing and not because they really love America--at all but especially me they have an abiding hate for that a Jewish female talented beautiful and happy must be deformed mutilated and thrust into a misery abuse torture slow murder operation every single day for far longer than the 15 going on 16 or even 17 years I have written every single day about torture that is sheer murder which no one apparently could give a damn about. They--you--could not care that these technologies are being implemented that they are being passed around to sheer immature sleazy sick violent people determined to steal and rob and rape anyone and everything possible without any restraint using every slim justification based on forcing the targets to say something that is subliminally injected after torture and drugging. No, the cruelty and lack of humanity that is rife in American society only transfixes you all into loving this situation as your own platform of torture and usurpation you love them you cheer them on you can't wait to get your own sex slave rape mutilation and murder victims teleported to your own huge groups surrounding one person who is barely able to recognize the surroundings (at all) and etc.
But the BAFTA awards--the sleazy stupid "boy" who used the "poor" white female played by an actor fervently involved in this teleportation rape and mutilation racist contract--on the sidelines but no less an advocate for it than the most violent. She has of course appeared in the hate and abuse situation and is like them all glowing with satisfaction and the anti-semitism of the film is NEVER mentioned. The "deviant" and hateful Jewish weak and "stupid" boy running from his wealthy jewish family, portrayed as weak, ineffectual, stupid and ignorant because wealthy jewish people and men (but even moreso the women if they are not blondish or fair) are "supposed" to not be smart strong capable of anything but appearing like stuttering stumbling oafs stupid dirty jewish people with money sleazy sexual predators
the Nazi cliches abounded. Another movie which was such an insult I see "won" some other awards, maybe not at the BAFTA because I didn't want more of the expletives to rush to teleport me with the already burgeoning massive lynch mob of the endless group of undesirables who have forced their loathsome lack of understanding compassion sickness racism sexism murderous hate upon me unleashed their self-hate insecurities on me by feeling elevated by unending torture and abuse of me, while obtaining ideas from the lifetime of my studying literature and growing up with extremely talented and unique family members who "had to" succumb to this system of subordination and self-destruction and the sacrifice of me to this group to be raped and tortured to death as they watch on happily smiling and helping out because all my siblings have huge mansions money and "success" out of this. I won't go on, but the theme I see continuously is to destroy my every sense of self awareness beauty to mutilate torture me to the point of screaming rage using drugging and this technology which literally forces me to be controlled in my breathing I see them yelling and abusing and hear them into my inner ear there is no way to ignore the ugliness and their sick stupidity.
But always they are with the English
and the BAFTAS this year combined with the English control over Palestine in the past century handing that area to the Jews in the Balfour Declaration has resulted in both sides of the conflict being funded by the same mind screw manipulation English, German and all the rest of the teams whose representatives are looking to massacre jews in America and the American actors involved are all wholly into this premise and are actively working to allow and welcome in as many fascist Nazi genocidal Nazis into America as possible. In return they all get an empire of continuous media attention, awards and they can live as Emperors with no clothes in Europ-a-land as temporary guests--their mansions will be rescinded once they have died, whether poisoned drugged put in accidents by the Europ-a\'s they believed were their "friends". The Nazis will be warmly embracing them with enthusiastic handshakes and invitations to "Haute" events to their deaths so they will never figure out the deception as the hated Jews are continuously destroyed in both H-wood and in America in what most of the expletive Americans of this group hope will turn into an actual real American version of a Holocaust but using teleportation and torture and poisoning and many other versions of mass murder using technology.
It is now impossible for me to get out more than a few words the hacking is so atrocious--I am pounding down, backspacing almost every word pounding still does not get the keys to work and print out what I am pounding with my bicepts at this point after fighting to think clearly as well-my head feels woozy from the attack from brain-altering destroying technology.
The other movie that may or may not have won at the English version of English-speaking solidarity with the German Nazi death machine post WW2---as the main influencers of Nazism into America mainly due to shared language
the other film is created by a Jewish man who, like so many Jews must do, must include a blondish or any other race but the personalit has to be a controller of the Jewish personality and an adamant figure in the 4th Reich Nazi machine. So many of every ethnic and nationality are currently indoctrinated into Nazi fascist antisemitism and death squad mentality.
The movie had a non-Jew playing someone going to Poland to visit Auschwitz and somehow not playing the ever "playful" "stupid American" as the Europ-a-s call Americans (they drug and poison me into a state of stupor calling me "stupid" for the drugging they forced upon me, with everyone going along with this contract so there is no evidence of death squads no information for anyone to understand, the information is never mentioned anywhere in mainstream media--even the slight mention of "Havana Syndrome" which is microwave torture and alteration of brain has been discredited and has died out with no awareness left in the public stupor of entertainment news media.
The non-Jew plays the shocking sadness of being the recipient of death and hate--but it's played--the person who "won" any mention, as usual by a non-Jew the actual Jewish person in the film was ignored. is name was put as a creator but the actual recognition was of a person who was featured in any sympathetic light as being strong but emotionally realistic was not Jewish. I wonder if that film won an award at the BAFTAS as well.
It is time for me to repost the William Cooper much researched and accurate timeline and historical account of the GENOCIDAL both American and British centuries-old crusade to KILL JEWS and claim ISRAEL as their rightful WHITE SUPREMACIST HOLY LAND
While I am typing this things are popping up on the page blocking my writing--that means this post, which I am writing and backspacing each and every word to make sure it is not misspelled--will be hacked words will be deleted. I am guilty of not putting commas in right places--my hands are pounding every single key to the point that my biceps are burning from the pounding action, so including all the commas from my elongated sentences is an added stressor to my hands, fingers and biceps. I must backspace, pounding down on the space bar, the backspace key any extra key is really an undo burden for my hands body and my shoulders are in pain from the endless exertion.
I really can't go on pounding down any longer.
I got some of the points out. No one ever listens and if they do, it is only when the evidence is "in your face" to the point that you are joining the rest of the "shocked" people who laughed at my posts rushed to slap punch rape laugh at mock me and participate in me being poisoned raped to death and then profiting off it--as these actors have done--for years those who "won" the rigged awards\
the other actors who thought they might "win" who had relied on torturing me or indeed stole for the 16th year my ideas crediting all on themselves, the English crown funding the most top professional set makers directors of the fascist 4th Reich to glorify the actors the most money poured into the set design and filming and money money showering everywhere except to me as money is stolen from me and all I pay with sub-sub-sub unsustainable disability money they steal they break my personal items every month so I must repurchase as they destroy my clothing my body I must pay for healing herbs as they continue to destroy all they can about me--the push to destroy jews and make them only rely on servicing some bigot who is using them until they can't suck anything else out and then they can kill the Jew off using poisoning or accident, microwave-created heart attack, oh the endless "fun" that the expletives are handed with this tech and full commission by the English Empire conjoined at the genitals-brain system with Americans just working harmoniously to install English Germans French and Italians into major control over American industry and real estate (especially) and in H-wood the take-over is so complete but the American "puppets" remain in the visible seats they are controlled by their "friends" across the pond.
My brain is now in a dazed sickness from the technology blasting my brain, my nervous system and inability to think, remember as whatever is being aimed into my body and brain has done damage and I am sick and slightly nauseous but mostly exhausted from pounding keys down constantly backspacing rewriting pounding every single key as hard as possible and then inevitably the hackers will rewrite delete the entity of this post to discredit what I fought to pound out. The English hater who stood behind Netanyahu like a puppeteer, just before Netanyahu was ordained into mass murder on an epic scale of Palestine, was urged by this man to sexually and in every way outside of physical violence yell like a fascist at me acting like a tyrant towards me--the english creep had hissed in hate at me for saying that he was not a friend of Israel but using Netanyahu--and Israel for English overtake--hissed with hate that he would "get" me and he got Netanyahu to demonstrate first pretending to be friendly and then viciously turning on me--which is what all the attackers do. They spend hours infiltrating my thoughts and after hours of me telling them days and days and years, they remain stolidly fixated in forcing their unwanted presence into my very thoughts until I finally can't remain in a constant warfare state of shouting into my brain to these creeps hacking into my brain inaudible content to get off me to go away as they remain until I am exhausted and just unable to fight any longer--as I do not want to live in constant murderous stress once I relax and answer their endless questions about every thought I have every ideas they can suck out every thing I do they comment on, literally from going to the toilet to cooking to cleaning they are yelling like fascists for me to spend what tiny energy I have to clean the endless muck they are ordering their dirty filth minions to spray onto my kitchen countertop-the floor being literally dug out of the pvc flooring daily chunks are left out after having been chisled by mechanical arms--hours and hours they remain until they begin to call me a bitch a whore insults galore as I react in rage shouting the drugging also under endless effect in my bloodstream--drugging me endlessly every single day--also part of a murder contract which the politicians all rush to participate in never stopping it never having an iota of concern the Jews and Blacks rush in where the rest of the fools remain for hours every day--an unholy alliance they have claiming to have all rights on righteousness and the only legitimacy of being akin to god is only accredited to their posturing hate antics they claim are their righteousness entitlement. But what is this name of this typical English bigot--he's so interchangeable with all the haters with "I"m part English" out of America, but his direct association with Netanyahu as "friend" out of England and "advisor" but truly a controller--if you look at the antagonistic glaring hateful look (peering down while Netanyahu has a downward drooping face of depression and stress while the English is peering "down" through his imperialistic glare of demand to obey and recite the sentences he has been instructed to repeat. Dear Americans who are blaming Netanyahu for the genocide but can't even begin to look at the English control and history over the "Holy Land' are also acting out of sheer antisemitism--I would "suggest' but when it boils down to it, those who make the condemnations of Netanyahu who also hack their videos on my youtube have participated in the extreme anti-semitic hate contract upon me in the Whorewood domain.
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