
Showing posts from November, 2024

EXPLOUNDING ON THE TRIATORS OF THE UNITED STATES: "DEMOCRACY IS INDISPENSIBLE TO SOCIALISM"--V.I. Lenin, former leader of the Russian Revolution and Totalitarian regime putting mass genocidal Communist leader Stalin into power: Marx called blacks "n-ger" the n-word and express vitriolic hate towards Jews, of course Marx was a Jew. His German money supply controller/"handler" Frierich Engels used the same formula to produce hate bots that I see endlessly in Whorewood and that includes the white bigots who would claim they are not controlled bots of fascist Nazi Germany or any other Imperialist Euro country, but they absolutely are, on the level of every prostituted minority that they disdain for selling their genitals in songs as symbol of their "freedom".//Condemned speech; not because it's "hate" but because it's inconvenient analysis pricking at established lies. This is not a political advocacy of any stance, especially except for a "take-away" from yet another revelatory William Cooper lecture on your enemy (but friends to many) KARL MARX (Friedrich Engels, his German precursor to the 3rd Reich was the puppeteer from whence came the "double-speak" which is the prevalent component of all the celebrities, news anchors and politicians along with "the masses"--the Communist term for those who hold the power when the excessive force of death threat is too palpable behind the endless drivel of glorious Vaseline-coated plastic surgery enhanced subliminal content to promote MURDER massive death white supremacy and all the "isms" that are being "fought" by the famous "Intellectuals' you all turn your blank gazes to--).

**after attempting to write one word over 6 times, after the internet had been turned off by remote while the router was on and the actual internet service was still "on", but my computer was being blocked from the signal so I had to get up and turn the router off and on over 6 times within a 15 minute struggle to pound every key down and backspace constantly to rewrite---they rewrote the first sentence so that it was unrecognizable. I will not spend any more time as it takes over 10 times or more longer to fight just to get the internet back on and wait for it to restore function while fighting to pound letters out, the keyboard so stiff that typing is reduced in speed by at least 80 times as I type well over 100 words per minute now it's about 10. They rewrote as this is a theme that is highly "controversial" which means dangerous, vorboten which means death and rape and abuse for writing about what these slime, slick, sleazy money and power grabbing rape and ...

I would be giving thanks if the Whorewood shit cesspool of filth evil scum and trashy sickness disgust could just die or be killed horribly today, on Thanksgiving and if there only weren't sick sleazy dirty Nazi and Mafia shit running the United States who actually gave even the slightest damn about Freedom, Hope, Change, Christianity, Peace, Decency, Good Will and all that fun happy fuzzy warm stuff instead of bullshit skank evil demonic filth shit spewed out as it's opposite constantly: I shouldn't call "them" the pig ape scumbag greasebag pieces of shit parasites of Whorewood--I should call them the MAGA filth fuckery rape machine bigot 4th Reich bullshit operation out of Whorewood instead. Is there any acronym possible--like SCUM=society for the Cutting Up of Men (see who shot Andy Warhol).

  "Flipper--Ha Ha Ha". Baba Booey. January 14, 2010. "Lydia Lunch ('Fuck')". tommymmad. August 17, 2012. "Lydia Lunch Why WE Murder part 1". Femo Lando. September 11, 2010. The endless War of The United States is being waged against me, what I now represent---a target? A hated group which does not comply to abuse and self-humiliation so the ape filth pigs are going to instill self-hate into my body from mutilation and poisoning with internal hard poisoning supplied by the lynch mobs of Congress--the John Kennedy KKK squad along with the AOC Warren Squad, all the Left-and-Right Bitch-slapping whore whorewood supporters of the rape and pillaging Imperialist Nazi regime that the United States keeps claiming it isn't. Supplying sleazy sick foul filthy whores with MY ideas while torturing me for writing anything in my blog as the silent stifled reproach that is met with theft of the idea and torture-to-death for not being a mediocrity with stunning ...

Caricatures for my upcoming non-existent tv show movie book tour p-valley chasm teleportation novel:

Peanut-head with a double barrel was opening his projection into a projectile the huge hair bob-glob that perpetually framed his lower peanut-shaped head apparatus which expounded in fits and bursts upon the scene with his blonde mole-like appearance wifey who gently sipped her hot drink in the comfy coffee mug that appeared like about $6000 worth of training in how to not act like a gulper gopher for the male who emboldened her lying propensities as he yapped in intermittent lies the GAME was brought up constantly and who "won the game" was a recurrent theme. His peanut shaped head with the black beady eyes peered viciously into the camera along with his black-eyed wifey--almost touching distance a pair of criminals laughing about the "game" while they feigned the alternative stance for the common denominator brought to the top. ************** Grease-stain vicious violent toy-boy game-changer to the lower levels of higher aspirations. Lowest common denominator won ...

What the fuck is wrong with you sick fucking pig ape pieces of shit?: THEY SHOULD BE IN PRISON NOT AWARDED!!//It is amazing how people treat a truly helpless victim of GOVERNMENT ORDAINED SYSTEMATIC DISCRIMINATION ABUSE ATTEMPTED MURDER RAPE AND GANG RAPE AND rape and torture. The laughter, gaiety and thrill of participating when it becomes a group torture sport and full approval for all the participants and condemnation for the victim is truly a testament to how sinister America and most of society of the "West' has become. These performers who are such loveless and sleazy practitioners of lies and degradation every day if they get a chance, along with the extremely lying vicious politicians, especially those who profess the greatest righteous indignation for all the oppress but are some of the most vocal and physical of abusers when they get a chance to unleash their pent-up persecution complexes they are paid to "represent". It has taken weeks of anyone to pull the most violent sleazy sick and really kind of stupid German Nazi expletive off me as the sick group has just smiled and laughed while brutal rape has been ongoing. The filth creeps who have fed energetically off torturing and stealing ideas from me have completely fed, every single day, for years, i.e. dirty ugy prostitutalina the filth machine of parasitic and energy draining violence so beloved by the entire spectrum of professionals paid in millions to protect constitutional rights, as I have been endlessly on the edge of DEATH and non-stop mutilation and abuse and torture destroying breaking me down as they puff that filthy parasite up endlessly. MOnths of writing about extreme sickness, stupidity and violent creep pig ape behavior that is on par with the lowest of humanity--and no one would even begin to consider that ugly shitalina has been feeding off my beauty by laughing about having me poisoned with bloating hardening poison for over 15 years, has stolen my ideas as her claim to any intelligence other than sleazy slutty stupid posturing, and has blocked my every health care home beauty peace and love everything for over 15 years. The entire spectrum of shit dirty filth whorewood and the crap of the united states political machine, including about all of society has just applauded this sick filth. I remain sitting here under non-stop torture while that fucking bitch whore is being presented with every appolause and the german sick stupid dirty greasebag fuck is being propelled into fascist Nazi iconography for his filthy disgusting behavior. My crime is iin not believing in the bullshit that they represent and the ideas that in particular sick stupid ugly trashaina has stolen, out of torture of me, and not even a single cent has been paid me but instead rape from eager dirty filth pig ape white trash shit "men" beating and raping me in front of that stupid ugly whore, endlessly feeding off having a victim to torture and it has taken over 4 months for ANYBODY to pull that filthy greasebag ugly piece of shit german rapist fuck whore creep off me--and I was told insults as a result and abused but not like the violent murderous pig ape entitlement of ugly sick shitalina and pig fuck out of germany, so revolting they are so vile. andthat ugly whore is projected to win a golden globe for maria, the idea she stole verbatiim off me, ,has had me poisoned tortured mutilated and the filth fuckmen who rush to exploit and insult and abuse me, another one did it today claiming he is something like prince charming for stopping a violent murderous criminal and I should thusly allow insults and abuse from him but it's the Hegelian Dialectic and he's playing "hero" so what the fuck more can I do but write yet another post. PLEASE DO NOT LET FUCKING DIRTY WHORALINA THE UGLY PARASITE SHIT NOT-JOLIE WIN ANY FUCKING AWARDS NOW OR FOREVER. I WROTE THE IDEA FOR MARIA AND FOR MALIFICENT AND FOR SO MANY OTHER IDEAS THAT FILTHY FUCK PSYCHO SHIT PIG APE PITT STOLE AND TURNED INTO BLONDE AND ONCE UPON A TIME IN WHOREWOOD they have almost murdered me, my body is completely mutilated and broken down aged and damaged permanently from the endless violence they have ordered inflicted on me while they are puffed up in hormonal highs of psychopathy.

Impermanence--today's theme.

  My landlord has sold the apartment and tells me that although the renewal date is next week, he will "renew" the lease when the lease is up in a few months. That means he's not renewing it because he's selling it. He says I can stay at same rental price, and he will renew but new buyer agrees but ...just then blank. No more information. That means nothing but I must become a rolling stone once more in search of a less fungal infestation living situation while prices have only shot up and I am still in need of peace. This room should have been beautiful and peaceful, they turned it into non-stop near death, non-stop poisoning to death, non-stop abuse for over 16 hours per day using this infestation technology deep sleep abuse torture rape death filth sprayed everywhere everything brown black stinking to a degree that appears like some cave dwelling in a coal dirt mine. ------------ The landlord threatened me with eviction in a subtle way, by threatening me to not ask...

Why am I not thrilled? One of the biggest accomplishments provided for women not ordained to have financial or any other security is to lose weight. I have not lost weight, I have lost about 3 inches around my upper body from hard poisons I ripped and cracked out, resulting in a slight change in my body appearance. A shirt that I had ordered (2nd hand) white "old school" blouse, ordered "large" was sent 3rd world tiny "Medium". The shirt was so tight I could not move in it, and the length of the sleeves has remain up half my forearm. //One week after trying on the shirt, it fits loosely because I broke the poisons from exertion and herbal healing I can barely afford and it has taken me over a 15 years to begin to figure out how to break this internal poison out of my body (it took years begging for my life to have the mechanical arms stop poisoning my food--begging in my blogs and online for my life met with jokes, ridicule and the poisoning continuing indefinitely for at least 14 of the past 15 years as the poison was raped into my body from hateful bigot violent nasty men with "feminists" cheering and laughing it on and all profiting in millions out of it). One last vestige of anything afforded me is to lose this poison as a life accomplishment out of guess work on how exactly to do the literal impossible task while under non-stop repoisoning, non-stop drugging adding to toxicity and stress on my live and kidneys, and non-stop torture with most vile hate surrounding me for over 15 hours of every day from cheery smiling empowered hormone-high politicians and celebrities. My one aspect of life now that is the only avenue for any kind of attainment is in not being a huge bloated poisoned bulging teetering destroyed person so more rapists can inflict DOMESTIC VIOLENCE upon me aka rape torture sex trafficking brutality and a non-stop murder contract. So, thusly, as a "woman" my goal in life to be as thin and f**able a possible for abusive men who really want young boys and dirty porno females to play their favorite sex sleaze power-over, loveless S&M hate power control "games" with-- and in effect, an artificial simulated domestic violence situation of helpless endless "victimization" for which I am literally threatened with death for trying to rectify to not be a "victim" is met by senators coming to threaten yell fascistically and representatives coming to applaud the hate celebrities and pushing me down and allowing it to continue-a non-stop abusive sex trafficking hate condition of non-stop murder albeit ever-so-slowly. i should be thrilled that I lost the poison they put in my body and still would be poisoning me to death if they could while they continue to shatter every moment of peace and love, tranquility and they inject violence and hate upon me as often as they can, relieved, their sickness dumped on me--off being awarded by a sex trafficking defunct system (aka Government).

"Everything's Wrong If My Hair Is Wrong". The Waitresses. August 4, 2022. "I Know What Boys Like--The Waitresses". Louiscmck80s2. July 25, 2008. ????????????????????????????????????????????????? "Sex Pistols--Problem (Lyrics)". Elizafer. July 28, 2015. "Andy Warhol's Flesh For Frankenstein Trailer". Cheesy Movies. October 28, 2022. The bruises, permanently scarred into my body from chemicals that tattoo cuts and blemishes (they create eruptions into my skin--I have never had allergies, my body never was just coated with outbreaks and scars that remained permanently until 15 years ago when perpetual plastic surgery rotation celebrities came to inflict something like their hate upon me in ways that would make them want to curl up and die, literally destroying my skin hair body fingers toes, etc I look battered completely from head-to-toe like a domestic violence victim who has been beaten for years. That is what these United Nations Feminis...

More evidence for my perception that the election outcome was already known at least 2 months ago: but the congruence of attacks and the symptoms that precede the attacks are conjoined in this "theorizing" about the filth attacks and the types and the longevity of the duration and when the Nazi attack in a most visible open way began months ago. So the studios near my room have been bulldozing drilling and pounding completely breakdown and renovation for white German looking whore-mongering whore pig ape scum to move in, for free rent and to STEAL my property and break and destroy and take and stain in a most disgusting way and now they are stalking me in the hallways openly and going into my room spraying my perfume on stealing my money stealing my clothing now almost openly, like the Nazi filth that they are. It began 2 months ago and I predict that they knew that the 4th Reich trump shitteam of scum and filth would "win" the rigged election because: MORE ITEMS STOLEN FROM MY ROOM WHEN I LEFT IT BY THE NEW MOVE-IN WHITE TRASH EUROPIGAPELAND THUGGERY SCUM PIg ape Whorewood-in-partnership and Nazi white trash bigots in this condo who just moved in to assault me, where the rooms with weeks of drilling and pounding were blasting into the hallways because the Thai creeps left the doors wide open and there are two rooms this was done in my vicinity, across the hall is a group of creep minorities (sorry to use that term, but the differential of subservient sick sleaze with greasy white pig apes controlling them so obviously and the deference and adoration of the brown black is so akin to the a$$-groveling in Whorewood---) but the greasy white trash Nazi bigots have moved in, undoubtedly they are from the German shit facet of this endless cesspool configuration of every ty pe of shit scumbag possible on the planet. The blonde creep who I saw from the side angle emitting my perfume last night, because I was so distraught, so sick from shitting pooisons out and being tortured to death I went to see what was in my mailbox and I "forgot" to bring my little hand-held purse with me so this pig ape scum stole it, in addition to pouring filth into my humidifier brand new, spinklin filth on the floor and spraying stinking filth in places. Today the deliveries were a terrorist operation (ordering items necessary) and t he entire formerly perfect delivery system extremely polite and professional is now constant lies, I can't phone the call center my phone calls are BLOCKED I am hung up on by the main call center after I get to the "hours of operation" message, the calls are hung up. I literally cannot phone for customer service. The agents are posting "delivery today" and then never deliver and the next day write that I have rescheduled. I phone the phone number that is listed for only one of the couriers and as soon as I begin to speak a Thai women shouts into the phone every time I start and stop. Shouting at me when I am speaking they then hang up. The "chat" agents who are perpetual liars have kept me in a state of waiting and not helping as I have b een so abused and attacked by the shitwhoreood scumbag group and the poisons coming out of my body and healing and the stress of everytghing that Trump and his filth empire of shit and stupid sick scum can block they have been doin g under Biden for all these years, now a frenzy of violence and rape and abuse and death threats and attacks literally on every single thing I do which involves any of modern technology and survival in this technological world. Literally every service is a torture and abuse situation and all functions from banks to my money are constantly being treatened to be destroyed by the filth that is the Trump and Biden sickness and before that it was Obama but the real death threats openly stated have been under Trump. They never ended under Biden and now the hate and viloence is like a feverish endless attack on every single thing. So MORE ITEMS STOLEN FROM MY ROOM when I went to pick up a delivery and my brain was so shot because the technology smothers my critical t hinking so I can't count, I can't remember the cost I can't function with money I literally "forget" to take my packages with me. That happened and I put one thing down, many things on my bed fighting to remember what I had done with this package of herbs I will need for healing. I threw everything out of bags, the item that was stolen I use to protect my body from slices and gashes in my fingers and everything digits and they just stole that bag because I was throwing everything around to see if I had p ut the herbs inside bags, my memory of something that had just happened was shot. I literally put items down and forget to take them with me, I leave my money I leave purses. This has happened to me at stores that I p ay and walk away "forgetting" to take my paid-for groceries because ONLY of the mind control technology literally zapping my brain into non-functioning on that critical level of analytical comprehension. If you doubt that this is feasible you are not aware of what mind control is, and the stupid apes I deal with have no concept or claim they don't know--all they do is torture me to death as I founder alone. So the blonde German -=looking meatball hamburger body scum thug was stalking me in the hallway looking like he was a quarterback looking to topple me. I ignored the rotten fuck and he is reading my posts right now--they are just down the hallway from me and they are mojnitoring my movements my thoughts my writing and hacking into my internet so it's off every few mintues and I sit here in a shocked state. So they stole yet another item I use, that I always carry around with me because it protects my fingers--and they walked in, stole and dumpted more debris on the floor which is slashed filthy stained brown filthy black muck and goo on everything. The blonde Nazi si obviously partnering with the German fucking scumbag shit whore creep who is so adored by stupid sick pig ape Whorewood--a most disgusting group they are so infinitely low and dirty and filthty and rotten to me that is all I can ever se ein them ever--and he's there every day with me screaming in murder mode to get the fuck off me every day screaming as th is filthy fuckin scumb pig creep ugly rotten sleazy porn fuck comes with the ugly crowd ofo the Nazi group of so-called performers just sluts and shit and creeps stupid and sick and dirty and ugly and vile--and so I am in a state of far too much stress. My body aging so rapidly it is killing me. I feel my body unravelling they are murdering me. No one has ever stopped them or just given me any kind of respite from this. Writring about it to fucking nothing. Enjoy the further destruction of the U nited States I wonder how many of you will be cheering t his on in a few months or years?

More items I have to replace which will cost me not a little bit of my sub-sub-subpoverty non-sustainable non-survivable so-called income because all avenues of income are blocked, my money is stolen my property is now being stolen by the German thuggery whore shit who have moved in. They look very German and they act like theiving scumbag porno whores, which is all that I have ever seen of Germans despite their superficial posturing it is just window dressing of stupid sick whores behind it all. And they have gotten free rent for "holiday" with fresh reconstruction that lasted for 2 months, as they are making my completely broken stinking sprayed every day with brown and black grease home, stinking debris everywhere filth and dirty poured on the floor at night and when I leave- crap on the floor and ceilings and stinking like foul grease and the bathroom always smells like shit or urine or foul fungus--after I clean it and spray it with perfume cleaning solutions. ----------...

My tarot prediction was not a "failure" on my part. The presidential reading I did one single time for the 2024 election was done under duress with two people simultaneously demanding in their 4th Reich expectation of instant gratification teleportation terrorism that I obey without fail. Under stress, duress and also the two of these people had viciously assaulted me physically and I laid down a few cards in exasperation to get them to stop haranguing me (as in tirade or synonyms of that word include "ranting" for one, the "h" is similar to harass and hate, so I use that word and they are both orators for prominent edifices /einsturzende neubauten). I laid down about 4 cards, asking which of the two men would "win" and I got a "page" card, I "felt' it would be a female and I believed it would appear on the Dem side and that it would be a much younger candidate. That was before Harris was ordained. I normally would CONCENTRATE, clear my mind and try to let my energy flow so as to focus. Under stress under a lot of former attack for hours and weeks by them in tandem in other theaters of attack, etc I just did "quickie" and since then, the constant monitoring by someone who remains here with more and more people of the "Minority" stance coming to viciously attack me in his presence--and he's intent on stopping my every creative and spiritual endeavor and putting me in a mediocrity conformity to the structure which I believe is a pyramid that will implode and also does not deserve it's huge status as being the epitome of what culture has culminated in.

"POV: you're the Fellowship fighting Sauron's armies and then his tower comes crumbling down". Haley Beuthel__lotr.    "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)--Destroying the Ring Scene/Movie Clips". November 10, 2022. So, I did one single reading, the result "everyone" confirmed from tarot readers on YouTube to all the pundits and "everyone" was staunchly stating that Harris would win. I, probably like inexplicable numbers of voters or NON-VOTERS had done, assumed it would be the outcome probably.. I wonder if all that expressed certainty had a deleterious effect and voters just declined to wait in line for hours to vote for someone who they believed would "win" whether they voted or not? I did not do a real reading, I did not do further readings and the non-stop surveillance by an extremely vicious personality who has a great effect on what is the host of the fallen 1/3 of the empire who sittest atop the apex of the lowe...

Weird superstitious conjunction. Yesterday, because I never would have known this if it were not hacked onto my YouTube channel, was a "Taurus Supermoon with Uranus --something, square or trine or conjunction or up yours uranus..?

"The Werewolf The Monster of Full Moon Nights--Mythological Bestiary--See u in History". April 2, 2019.   "The MOST Evil Use of Astrology in History". World Astrology Report. January 14, 2023. "I Claudius--Tiberius returns to Rome". LINCavebot. April 10, 2022. I am aware that some of the celebrities and people who teleport me, who are thusly not benevolent light worker beings but more of the light-bearing Luciferian types, are followers of astrology. For some reason, I was trying to understand if astrology was legitimate when I was around 14 years old and I read the daily horoscope in the newspaper. My grandparents, I now realize how great their influence upon me has been, told me together as a "quacking duck" duo that astrology was a stupid deception and they cited various instances of themselves being of the same "sign" but totally different personalities types. AS it appears, from my later very scant understanding of this art, both o...

Sycophant fakes posing as opposition to the 4th Reich, sometimes called Democrats" but even more fascist are the "Progressives" and "Neo-Liberals". Whorewood has resumed the deadly vicious attack upon me post-Harris with a deadly assault by the German grease sleaze ape pawn of ugly sick shit pig pitalina team of Whorewood apes scumbag stupid dirty parasitic 4th Reich sexualized operatives for the international Nazi infiltration of the Whorewood-Congress continuum. //Violently like a murder death squad dumb thug working for the thuggery of the Whorewood-Congress establishment, sicced upon me after Kamala had begun to dispel of the Obama/Biden tyranny of fake altruism and stupid slogans and lingoistic slinging of dumb elementary grade school slogans for their campaigns. Biden focusing on "the sun will rise again" which is a Nazi/Illuminati/Freemason reference to Sun Worship, the group which Biden and his team of Jewish nazis and other of their ilk of the "minority" and "white liberal" established liars and diversion agents dispelling fake altruism and utter lies to the public about everything from sexual-laden Benjamin Franklin Michael sex addict from Whorewood putting out a 4th Reich bigot cartel tv show about American Reolutionary sexual tirades of one of the "Founding Fathers" who actually was involved in secret societies and was a drunken alcoholic with "bastard" children in France way outside the "Christian" morality that the American version of despotic-themed benevolent dictatorship presented to the New Colonies. I am diverting from most of my main theme, due to non-stop hacking blocking keyboard function for almost every single word, and my brain under massive attack. So in deep sleep this sleazy stupid ugly dirty German filth bag was violently, I mean like murder level of an ape going berserk pounding with his entire ape grease arm a t me with utter murder level of violence, sent to violently assault me by the shit like the Gotti Family and their Jewish Nazi partner who starred in a fake sexualized version of concentration camp greasy "love" about homosexual S&M but disguised as a "love" story. Everyone who has assaulted me or pushed their greasy ugly celebrity photos on my every search page connected to this disgrace of an "actor" troop featuring fascist Nazi sexualization of S&M gay and "master-slave" sexuality disguised as an alternative theme of a "Jewish victim" "Love" story. Full supported, I suggest, as well by the very often hacking of General MacGreggor (is that his name, I must look it up) with his repeat almost verbatim with echoing ALMOST exactly the morning podcasts I listen to of William Cooper's Hour of the Time podcast about Inflation. Literally copying almost the exact nomenclature, and I must also add that Trump has played the exact songs the Cooper has used on his shows ("I'm Proud to be an American") and long before Trump began to use extremely fake "Patriotism" in his every speech to gather his "legitimate" death squad 4th Reich terrorist squads wearing "patriot" uniforms in disguise for murderous genocidal regime-change--I have been listening to Cooper's lectures for over 15 years now it's daily every morning to drown out the spiteful murderous yelling of the celebrity shit and filth which continuously attack me. So I am digressing as typing is almost impossible and thinking is very blurry and almost impossible as well--my brain under non-stop attack.

**This post is not ME RANTING but hacking interference combined with cognitive blocks by mind control technology forcing a stream of subliminal content into inaudible brain functions (I cannot write using the exact terms as there is nothing on the "normal" internet about such cochlear capabilities, perhaps I should do research on cochlear tech used on deaf people but research, obtaining any pages, getting the keyboard to work it is always so blocked that pounding down every key produces non-stop typos because nothing gets the keys to work---I can type over 100 words per minute when hacking is not obstructing. I cannot think clearly when my brain is being altered into a different neural firing state by this "mind control" tech which can COMPARTMENTALIZE' brain function so the target appears normally cognitive and aware but parts of the brain are impeded and also subliminal messages are pumped constantly into the brain--silent mind control but the effect is discer...