More evidence for my perception that the election outcome was already known at least 2 months ago: but the congruence of attacks and the symptoms that precede the attacks are conjoined in this "theorizing" about the filth attacks and the types and the longevity of the duration and when the Nazi attack in a most visible open way began months ago. So the studios near my room have been bulldozing drilling and pounding completely breakdown and renovation for white German looking whore-mongering whore pig ape scum to move in, for free rent and to STEAL my property and break and destroy and take and stain in a most disgusting way and now they are stalking me in the hallways openly and going into my room spraying my perfume on stealing my money stealing my clothing now almost openly, like the Nazi filth that they are. It began 2 months ago and I predict that they knew that the 4th Reich trump shitteam of scum and filth would "win" the rigged election because: MORE ITEMS STOLEN FROM MY ROOM WHEN I LEFT IT BY THE NEW MOVE-IN WHITE TRASH EUROPIGAPELAND THUGGERY SCUM PIg ape Whorewood-in-partnership and Nazi white trash bigots in this condo who just moved in to assault me, where the rooms with weeks of drilling and pounding were blasting into the hallways because the Thai creeps left the doors wide open and there are two rooms this was done in my vicinity, across the hall is a group of creep minorities (sorry to use that term, but the differential of subservient sick sleaze with greasy white pig apes controlling them so obviously and the deference and adoration of the brown black is so akin to the a$$-groveling in Whorewood---) but the greasy white trash Nazi bigots have moved in, undoubtedly they are from the German shit facet of this endless cesspool configuration of every ty pe of shit scumbag possible on the planet. The blonde creep who I saw from the side angle emitting my perfume last night, because I was so distraught, so sick from shitting pooisons out and being tortured to death I went to see what was in my mailbox and I "forgot" to bring my little hand-held purse with me so this pig ape scum stole it, in addition to pouring filth into my humidifier brand new, spinklin filth on the floor and spraying stinking filth in places. Today the deliveries were a terrorist operation (ordering items necessary) and t he entire formerly perfect delivery system extremely polite and professional is now constant lies, I can't phone the call center my phone calls are BLOCKED I am hung up on by the main call center after I get to the "hours of operation" message, the calls are hung up. I literally cannot phone for customer service. The agents are posting "delivery today" and then never deliver and the next day write that I have rescheduled. I phone the phone number that is listed for only one of the couriers and as soon as I begin to speak a Thai women shouts into the phone every time I start and stop. Shouting at me when I am speaking they then hang up. The "chat" agents who are perpetual liars have kept me in a state of waiting and not helping as I have b een so abused and attacked by the shitwhoreood scumbag group and the poisons coming out of my body and healing and the stress of everytghing that Trump and his filth empire of shit and stupid sick scum can block they have been doin g under Biden for all these years, now a frenzy of violence and rape and abuse and death threats and attacks literally on every single thing I do which involves any of modern technology and survival in this technological world. Literally every service is a torture and abuse situation and all functions from banks to my money are constantly being treatened to be destroyed by the filth that is the Trump and Biden sickness and before that it was Obama but the real death threats openly stated have been under Trump. They never ended under Biden and now the hate and viloence is like a feverish endless attack on every single thing. So MORE ITEMS STOLEN FROM MY ROOM when I went to pick up a delivery and my brain was so shot because the technology smothers my critical t hinking so I can't count, I can't remember the cost I can't function with money I literally "forget" to take my packages with me. That happened and I put one thing down, many things on my bed fighting to remember what I had done with this package of herbs I will need for healing. I threw everything out of bags, the item that was stolen I use to protect my body from slices and gashes in my fingers and everything digits and they just stole that bag because I was throwing everything around to see if I had p ut the herbs inside bags, my memory of something that had just happened was shot. I literally put items down and forget to take them with me, I leave my money I leave purses. This has happened to me at stores that I p ay and walk away "forgetting" to take my paid-for groceries because ONLY of the mind control technology literally zapping my brain into non-functioning on that critical level of analytical comprehension. If you doubt that this is feasible you are not aware of what mind control is, and the stupid apes I deal with have no concept or claim they don't know--all they do is torture me to death as I founder alone. So the blonde German -=looking meatball hamburger body scum thug was stalking me in the hallway looking like he was a quarterback looking to topple me. I ignored the rotten fuck and he is reading my posts right now--they are just down the hallway from me and they are mojnitoring my movements my thoughts my writing and hacking into my internet so it's off every few mintues and I sit here in a shocked state. So they stole yet another item I use, that I always carry around with me because it protects my fingers--and they walked in, stole and dumpted more debris on the floor which is slashed filthy stained brown filthy black muck and goo on everything. The blonde Nazi si obviously partnering with the German fucking scumbag shit whore creep who is so adored by stupid sick pig ape Whorewood--a most disgusting group they are so infinitely low and dirty and filthty and rotten to me that is all I can ever se ein them ever--and he's there every day with me screaming in murder mode to get the fuck off me every day screaming as th is filthy fuckin scumb pig creep ugly rotten sleazy porn fuck comes with the ugly crowd ofo the Nazi group of so-called performers just sluts and shit and creeps stupid and sick and dirty and ugly and vile--and so I am in a state of far too much stress. My body aging so rapidly it is killing me. I feel my body unravelling they are murdering me. No one has ever stopped them or just given me any kind of respite from this. Writring about it to fucking nothing. Enjoy the further destruction of the U nited States I wonder how many of you will be cheering t his on in a few months or years?
More items I have to replace which will cost me not a little bit of my sub-sub-subpoverty non-sustainable non-survivable so-called income because all avenues of income are blocked, my money is stolen my property is now being stolen by the German thuggery whore shit who have moved in. They look very German and they act like theiving scumbag porno whores, which is all that I have ever seen of Germans despite their superficial posturing it is just window dressing of stupid sick whores behind it all. And they have gotten free rent for "holiday" with fresh reconstruction that lasted for 2 months, as they are making my completely broken stinking sprayed every day with brown and black grease home, stinking debris everywhere filth and dirty poured on the floor at night and when I leave- crap on the floor and ceilings and stinking like foul grease and the bathroom always smells like shit or urine or foul fungus--after I clean it and spray it with perfume cleaning solutions.
It's a host of sleazy dirty Germanic looking fuckers with sleazy trashy Thai skanks attacking me. In elevators and then trashy-looking poor people and my BRAIN is put into a state of unbelievable incoherence. I lose items I am forgetting to take my wallet my items when I know how to protect myself my brain is just blanked out. I "forget" one thing and rush in a panic, which also is induced. to have to leave and I put something down and "forget" to pack it all in, because I fear I will lose the item I put down, and if I "forget" to pack all after I search because I can't even remember what I have done with something I had in my hand a few minutes before on the ground lobby. My brain is so blanked out in memory that I "forget" that I have put my package down to ask if my wallet was found--and I just lose everything. Now the pig ape Germanic sleaze sick fuck filth are going into my room destroying and stealing my money and breaking everything. My flowers are dying, I just bought them less than a week ago.
And followed by hyper-spastic germanic blonde fucks, these filth fuck creeps are always high on adrenaline and dopamine from torture hormones and the thrill of stealing robbing and they want to rape and mutilate as well, if they could get the chance.
This is the type of shit that this dirty and sleazy stupid sick fuck German actor is, with the usual sick filth prostituted Nazi fascists from Whorewood championing their most violent abuser of me yet.
Always he shares knowing glances with the filth skank who has had over 30 similar sick fucks rape me brutally with hate and insulting humiliation dehumanization while these filthy whore shit creeps watch on applauding and smiling. I am asleep, drugged beyond belief and they consider this my "loser" posture and they are the "winners" and this is cheered on by all of the politicians who are supposed to be protecting the Constitution because that is all they have been discussing after they attack me and go on air the same or next day detailing how much they are 'fighting for justice and the Constitution and Democracy".
It is exactly the same in Whorewood but the violence is much more on a truly macabre scale in Whorewood because of the belief that they are all |"above the law" and they have been promoted for this posturing--which of course is why death squads will become an open season upon many in the coming months and years.
They are promoting this mentality in whorewood, you are all allowing it to go on and on. I wonder if any of you reading this will ever get attacked by the death squads and the Nazi filth minority minions who will just rush to violate and steal and try to kill you or kill your friends and familyl because they have been so influenced by this very group you are cheering on in filthy sick incompetent and stupid Whorewood. The movies are such sick crap never analyzed along any content beyond mere superficial renderings of a brief analysis only of stressors between certain characters but never any deep structural analysis of what the films are actually portraying at deep mind programming levels.
You all remain blank and brainwashed as usual into loving the instant gratification death squad instant money promise your fascist Nazi leaders and mafia scumbags are promising you in these glorified death movies and skank posturing soft porn sleaze filth they are constantly cranking out.
Oh, I've forgotten due to stress that is murder blocking everything in addition to the brain-altering tech that literally swipes memory out and can render me unconscious, as has happened while I was walking and on motorbike--and I do not have a "brain problem" except for the microchip implants that is the problem of your filth group.
But now the politicians are not yapping into microphones about "Democracy" and "freedom" and the celebrities about the "freedom of their pussies" which Trump grabbed with full permission obviously about half a million dollars ago worth of investment in their pussy gyration butt lifts for the sleazy dirty videos they make
oh, no, now the theme is "christianity" and "gawd" and goddamn, it's going to shift one bullshit yapping stream of shit to the next one and the religious condemnation of Mike Johnson is fully vindicated by the election rigged by the Musk satellite debacle that no one is taking seriously as a potential serious hack. No, the theme will be how "shocking" the Trump severance package is, and the Christian theme of "purity" will be expressed by the same aforesaid terrorist politicians who espoused freedom and democracy endlessly in front of cameras.
Now Gawd is on their "side" and that will be the theme as they attack me with rape (Mike Johnson) because I read tarot cards and the Bible states that women like me must be raped as punishment and then of course passed around to Nazis to beat and rape so white trash skank shit can continue to crank out more Me2 bullshit about how they are victims of male white supremacy rape culture as the perfidy and sin is concealed behind a lot of plastic surgery.
Transitioning teams of 'Democracy" terrorist rape enabling Nazi Jews and Blacks are now replaced by white "Christian" rape and torture murder open Nazi white supremacists. Teams of trashy sick filth continue to surround me as was ordained by all the people observing my slow murder and profiting off it--undoubtedly sick sleazy stallone and his fascist Nazi italian and french partners who have made millions off this contract on me, and it's all metathesized into this german sick fuck dirty filth crap creep who is the epitome of stupid dumb thug rapist sleaze bag ignoramus rapist racist--their perfect ending to the Democrat tyranny as they knew that Trump was going to win the election months before November (or at least 6 weeks to 2 months0 so they got this filthy stupid ape to torment and torrure me daily and they knew that Biden would transition it all to Trump and it's already been in transition for over 2 months.
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