My tarot prediction was not a "failure" on my part. The presidential reading I did one single time for the 2024 election was done under duress with two people simultaneously demanding in their 4th Reich expectation of instant gratification teleportation terrorism that I obey without fail. Under stress, duress and also the two of these people had viciously assaulted me physically and I laid down a few cards in exasperation to get them to stop haranguing me (as in tirade or synonyms of that word include "ranting" for one, the "h" is similar to harass and hate, so I use that word and they are both orators for prominent edifices /einsturzende neubauten). I laid down about 4 cards, asking which of the two men would "win" and I got a "page" card, I "felt' it would be a female and I believed it would appear on the Dem side and that it would be a much younger candidate. That was before Harris was ordained. I normally would CONCENTRATE, clear my mind and try to let my energy flow so as to focus. Under stress under a lot of former attack for hours and weeks by them in tandem in other theaters of attack, etc I just did "quickie" and since then, the constant monitoring by someone who remains here with more and more people of the "Minority" stance coming to viciously attack me in his presence--and he's intent on stopping my every creative and spiritual endeavor and putting me in a mediocrity conformity to the structure which I believe is a pyramid that will implode and also does not deserve it's huge status as being the epitome of what culture has culminated in.

"POV: you're the Fellowship fighting Sauron's armies and then his tower comes crumbling down". Haley Beuthel__lotr. 


"Lord of the Rings: Return of the King (2003)--Destroying the Ring Scene/Movie Clips". November 10, 2022.

So, I did one single reading, the result "everyone" confirmed from tarot readers on YouTube to all the pundits and "everyone" was staunchly stating that Harris would win. I, probably like inexplicable numbers of voters or NON-VOTERS had done, assumed it would be the outcome probably.. I wonder if all that expressed certainty had a deleterious effect and voters just declined to wait in line for hours to vote for someone who they believed would "win" whether they voted or not?

I did not do a real reading, I did not do further readings and the non-stop surveillance by an extremely vicious personality who has a great effect on what is the host of the fallen 1/3 of the empire who sittest atop the apex of the lower tiers of the pinnacle of the pyramid of the Eye of Sauron, all have completely allowed him to influence and now to control (as much as possible). Alas. Woe to America. 

So I have really stopped doing tarot readings. He is there with his Stasi training to spy and control and he's being given full approval of much older people of much political experience; surely they are aware of the former Iron Curtain much more than I am, but having lived through that time period as adults, they have thoroughly embraced it's precepts and forms of control and internal State control. 

Oh yes, oh no. So, I only laid down about 4 cards, got a page of cups, so I saw the person who would "win" was a much younger, I "felt' female, with a large emotional personality. No one can doubt that Harris is emotionally-drive, for good or ill.


But if I were not under duress, I would have also checked more than once, and would have laid down other cards to check and see who else came up.

I am not excusing this "false reading" I am explaining that this is not a lottery and you just spin the wheel and the result comes out of a basket and the basket case of my mental state under extreme torture and murder conditions is not conducive to spiritual ease of attaining clear anything--and to do it correctly with the comfort of concentration and pursuing the other "variables" surrounding the question so as to more accurately pinpoint the forces around and against.


Plus, I do believe that there was something seriously amiss with the election I have written of it and been nearly hit but a huge SUV which drove through a red light, as I drove into an intersection at the top of a hill (a steep incline the hilly area is not a gradual incline but a sudden incline) and this huge SUV drove directly into me as my motorbike was in the intersection it drove into me through the red light. Of course, no police anywhere in sight and the other people just stood silently, as usual during this seriously dangerous intersectional attack. 

This specific intersection, which I have to use, or use because the area has been a threat to my life and this is a side-road I drive into to avert the other serious attacks from this one busy crossroad intersecion area.

I get the green light, and I drive through but huge SUV's and trucks drive into the middle of the intersection and begin to drive directly into me within a death range of hitting me while the light is green and I am driving in the middle of the one-lane road completely in the middle with the green light giving me absolute right-of-way. 


That was also after 4 hours of tears streaming out of my eyes to the point that dripping tears were constantly falling off my face. My eyeballs are still almost throbbing from it, days later. My vision was obscured, in a deadly way, in other words.


I keep trying to stop writing so as to stop the "punitive" reactions of the death squad operatives under order from the Los Angeles team of the Fallen but risen from the depths of debauchery and false proclamations of purity of intention---ha ha ha evil laugh.

The stress of hours of verbal abuse while I'm sleeping, injected with drugs which make blockage of any emotional and hysterical ranting reaction impossible render me in a shocked state I have to release the stress and the imperative to "write" is also rendered too overpowering because the "stress" that they are creating on my nervous system in order to push me into writing so they can get ideas and then torture me for writing any kind of resistance, the ideas of resistance they then steal.

Any analysis, in particular if it is an "inconvenient truth" about their actions, is met with death threats and violent gestures. In front of the German man who has violently raped me they are extremely violent in their speech. I write of the terrorist "liberal" "brown and black" and other faux "Humanitarians" who helped to destroy the opposition to the Trump campaign by their floundering and hugely-paid overpaid appearances and the years of them hacking their photos and videos on my social media (when I had never done any search or anything related to them, this is a constant barrage of opportunistic celebrities and politicians and podcasters who are relentlessly hacking in order to obtain access to this most unbelievably lucrative torture "Mind control" contract out on me. They are so eager to issue death threats--this one described a type of murder that was inflicted on a black man in Texas, which is famous (his last name "Bird" I believe, it was a dragging death) and she blurted that out at me. Obviously she has spoken out against this murder in the past, but kept the concept of a brutal murder based on racism in order to consciously or unconsciously "impress' the German coordinator of now a rotation of Jews, Blacks, "feminists" into death threats of their particular sadistic choosing in front of him, like another casting ritual of murderous racist intent for promotion out of the German branch of the Nazis. I mean, how more Nazi-controlling programming can it become at this point? He also has played a Stasi operative, a hugely popular program in England, which I find is a most programmed group (at least in terms of the celebrities I have been inflicted by in this terror teleportation and of course, a few years of living in London--maybe one year or a bit longer)'s a completely programmed gang stalking terrorism country, from my experience of also having traveled around. They loved ("they" meaning the show about a Stasi/German Secret Police spy during the "cold war" in the 80's) but they love the show, they love this actor, and all the behaviorisms of torture sadism rape and murder are being absolutely welcomed by the "freedom" rappers singers pop stars feminists anti-racists and it's a complete audition spectacle for which murder they rant about in public as being a heinous racist crime, which they then grasp as a great form of sadistic brutal murder for me having written in a post this morning about how they had hacked their "stuff" (my nicest euphemism) on my every social media page and then appeared as part of the celebrity endorsement spectacle that was the Harris campaign and now are just relaxing in their penthouses in their stretch limos going to more parties.

But  I discovered that it came to assault me as soon as it possibly could, with the German dude smiling with comfort that the program for Nazification of America has so completely penetrated the culture and how his demonstrations of brutal rape, concentration camp murder of me, etc has "won the hearts' of the blacks browns feminists and radical liberals, as the Republicans call them (another psy-ops strategy implying "Kill those weirdos")

and so, the famous dragging death of this "Bird" black man in Texas was the reference she instantly recalled as my "punishment" for writing about her hacking her pages and videos for a while, but not in direct line to attack me but she got her chance today.

And how she has been waiting to be adorned with the Proud Boys wreath symbol of inclusion and not diversity except that her particular murder threat was just so "different" from the normal "kill you in a concentration camp" motto that is flung so casually amongst the "radical liberal" celebrities out of H-wood.


I am still hesitant to do any tarot readings for my dire situation while this Eye of Sauron dude out of Germany, with his armies of "oppressed" women blacks browns and feminists proclaiming death threats at me and insults and sinister ugly hate they pour out of their mouths at me for having participated in all this violence and torture and poisoning and rape but never obtaining this brave new world "chance" opportunity to join in the teleportation. She went on threatening my life until I began to become violent and exasperated once more until she obtained her life-sucking energy feed as they all do every day from non-stop violence aimed at me, to make every single day as much a hell on earth as possible for me while they go off laughing and partying with their new promotions.

It was why I wrote about her in the first place, and I believe she is out right now getting a manicure so she can party with the German dude who will congratulate her on her "pussy" songs as he claims he loves it and they will go off hand-in-hand to whatever else they have planned, of course with his girlfriend and boyfriend or whatever his normal partners are, also "loving" the pussy songs and the gyrating "freedom" songs all these terrorists who supported "black girls" under the promise of "freedom" Harris had displayed in her campaign. 

If I were not constantly cleaning stinking filth and fighting and screaming all morning and afternoon as this German violent abuser and user and this group has become so much more nasty violent and murderously abusive since he joined in; they love him for giving them permission to just undo all social learning for a sane and healthy society.

But I do need to stop writing, it is dangerous and the attacks upon me are truly deadly all day, every day and I need an outlet. They don't stop the verbal death threats and abuse until I get on the laptop and once there, to try to shut them up after 4 hours or maybe if lucky 2, but usually they go on for about 6 hours intermittently every day, or that has been the pattern for a few years. Around every Oscars time and awards circuit time the vicious violence escalates to a frenzy of me being raped and tortured and abused for at least half the day, meaning 12 hours and that leaves 8 hours to sleep and whatever is left to try to salvage my equilibrium.

Impossible when they are screaming into my brain using this tech which bypasses the ear functions and the vibrations of the tech go directly into my brain I can't stop them until I get on the laptop and then the mind control really begins so I click on videos and more celebrities get the cue to attack me and join on in. The social engineering for more to be included until almost the entirety of the A$$-list and their B-list partners is so extensive that these photo spreads of celebrities that sometimes appear are like a check list for me of vicious nasty hateful participants who resemble nothing like caring feminist concerned about humanity that they "represent" in these magazine photo-ops and etc publicity for them.

And thusly, that is why I wrote about her but more about this indoctrination into more and increasing violent fascist behavior by this group, transmitted into the public whether consciously or unconsciously.. It has affected the election in similar ways. I was threatened with a horrible murder because I used her name (her opportunity has finally arisen to be welcomed into shopping sprees in Germany and Italy the holy grail of the lives of these celebrity fascist Nazi mafia death cult members of the celebrity a$$-listers. The count of the Harris campaign haters all participants, viciously abusing and assaulting me, now open murder and violent death threats when this German comes in with his "Money" handed out and promises. It takes a lot for me to express to them how they are selling out America how they are traitors how they are being used as vessels of exploitation infiltration by enemies of the country.


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