EXPLOUNDING ON THE TRIATORS OF THE UNITED STATES: "DEMOCRACY IS INDISPENSIBLE TO SOCIALISM"--V.I. Lenin, former leader of the Russian Revolution and Totalitarian regime putting mass genocidal Communist leader Stalin into power: Marx called blacks "n-ger" the n-word and express vitriolic hate towards Jews, of course Marx was a Jew. His German money supply controller/"handler" Frierich Engels used the same formula to produce hate bots that I see endlessly in Whorewood and that includes the white bigots who would claim they are not controlled bots of fascist Nazi Germany or any other Imperialist Euro country, but they absolutely are, on the level of every prostituted minority that they disdain for selling their genitals in songs as symbol of their "freedom".//Condemned speech; not because it's "hate" but because it's inconvenient analysis pricking at established lies. This is not a political advocacy of any stance, especially except for a "take-away" from yet another revelatory William Cooper lecture on your enemy (but friends to many) KARL MARX (Friedrich Engels, his German precursor to the 3rd Reich was the puppeteer from whence came the "double-speak" which is the prevalent component of all the celebrities, news anchors and politicians along with "the masses"--the Communist term for those who hold the power when the excessive force of death threat is too palpable behind the endless drivel of glorious Vaseline-coated plastic surgery enhanced subliminal content to promote MURDER massive death white supremacy and all the "isms" that are being "fought" by the famous "Intellectuals' you all turn your blank gazes to--).

**after attempting to write one word over 6 times, after the internet had been turned off by remote while the router was on and the actual internet service was still "on", but my computer was being blocked from the signal so I had to get up and turn the router off and on over 6 times within a 15 minute struggle to pound every key down and backspace constantly to rewrite---they rewrote the first sentence so that it was unrecognizable. I will not spend any more time as it takes over 10 times or more longer to fight just to get the internet back on and wait for it to restore function while fighting to pound letters out, the keyboard so stiff that typing is reduced in speed by at least 80 times as I type well over 100 words per minute now it's about 10.

They rewrote as this is a theme that is highly "controversial" which means dangerous, vorboten which means death and rape and abuse for writing about what these slime, slick, sleazy money and power grabbing rape and torture filth meaningless but well-trained in posturing bs operators truly are. TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES.

"English Internationale (with lyrics)". dphusion. September 10, 2008.

"The Internationale (lyrics)". Vadok. July 1, 2016.



"Top 10 Moments/Robot Chicken Star Wars/Adult Swim". Adult Swim Europe. December 18, 2025.

William Cooper's lectures on Karl Marx, with the lack of analysis on  his part as to how much racism is automatically embedded in the German-Jewish relationship of power differential. Engels was the benefactor, endlessly using Marx as a "symbol" such as what America has used Oprah, Obama, Cardi B, Stevie Wonder, the pig pitalina team (stealing my ideas for over 15 years to present themselves not as the greasy hate sleazy sick psychopathic meaningless hate grasping parasites that they are but benevolent, using MY IDEAS for years as a double-speak shield from behind emerges non-stop leeches in power and entertainment and media positions to also feed off this contract. Each and every single one a veteran liar and abuser user, some with extremely established long histories of having done so such as rotten dirty Hillary Clinton, a most vile racist bigot rape enthusiast which even T-rump mentioned as a rape enabler. Although, the same "masses" of vicious who chanted "lock her up" are now reveling in the utter destruction of law and real sanctimony in regard to observing the law, in particular when rape is forced upon me in this endless mind control, MK ULTRA tyranny endless promotion factor of lying bigots hatrers users all posturing with their glorified plastic surgery make-overs. Some of the worst are the blonde Nazi feminists such as Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda, Meryl Streep---all vicious applauding rape cheerleaders for a non-stop rotation of vile and dirty nasty bigots using rape formulas intending to "humiliate" me as they are promoted by the entire spectrum of Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood, who join in like teams of yapping hyenas screeching into the air while they smile gently into cameras applauding their "causes" which appear as righteous pomp to the public, which latches onto every lie like children endlessly high on heroin, which they now crave instead of Fentynal (sp?) as this will become the drug of choice, I suspect in the near future. Have to alter the black-ops chain of money-making grift to Congress to the "old school" system coming out of completely -controlled Afghanistan once more and the Triad-controlled Golden Triangle regions of the world. 

That was a digression, but not really.

Cooper elaborated on the 2 nights of podcasts, and I believe that on the Hour of the Time website, under the MP3 collection link, you can peruse all the titles until you find the lecture titled, "Karl Marx" and thusly instead of me proving any of you vaguely interested in this exposure of the racism and hate of Marx, as the puppet of the German money controller (this power and control system I see endlessly with the minorities and German and English bigots who rush to join into the pig ape shitalina team who are thoroughly the enemies of the united states but the "people" love the basic sleazy psychopathic image because "the people" yearn for mass murder and genocide within America. For me to be more beautiful more talented more intelligent more athletic than the rotten Nazi women is unthinkable. Death squad teams are now almost openly being built to stop people like me, whereas under the more covert version of the "Socialist" regime of the 4th Reich, it has been obscured by immature stupid and childish themes of "hope and change" and "joy". 


The Russians had archived letters between Marx & Engels, until Stalin h ad them excised from the record. Documented and retained nevertheless, but not published in latter books of letters between the entities of the seeming "origins" of Communism (Marx/Engels) were expressions of outright bombastic openly expressed racism. The n-word and language of subhuman qualities of blacks and Jews was rampant especially coming out of the typical longing for approval and money and influence "Minority" the self-hating minority waiting to dump it's hate upon any other "minority". 

Cooper cited books and places where these letters, verified authentic, had been stored and books in which they could be discovered. The Russians under Stalin and successive leaders have endlessly deleted these passages of the letters so as to present a fictitious egalitarian aspect of the Communist and Socialist Parties.


Cooper continued with an analysis of the concepts of the political "Left" and "Right".

Socialism are deemed to be "Left" while "Right Wing" is deemed fascist.

I could go back and obtain the exact definition for fascism that Cooper had written and then repeated in this lecture, but it is control over the mechanisms of thought, free speech, and the definition he provided was so excellent but it's so hard to type and think and write under the oppressive arm & hammer of the U.S. global torture regime of the 4th Reich with a reach into every computing and microchip system around the world with instant access to hacking, deleting, rewriting and discrediting and blocking. The latter should be added to the definition of what fascism entails, and this has been an established system under the thoroughly corrupt Obama regime who proved to be a most disreputable tyrannical racist bigot echoing the self-hate and desire to supplicate it's German "master" by nudging with "bro-hood" the German filth bucket scumbag who was violently raping me while I was drugged, teleported while asleep, in agony from ripping poisons out of my body and at my most vulnerable he would rush to attack me. The team of dirty ugly sick shitalina and the entire crew of nasty and empty meaningless hate filth from Whorewood have applauded this open use of the most vile of Nazi behavior just waiting to be programmed into the eager masses for death and death camps now.

--------------------The WiFi has been turned on and off twice in the last 10 minutes of fighting to pound every single key down to get anything to  appear on the page.

It's out now, the fourth time since I began to write this very small post and it's impossible for me to gather my thoughts as my brain is being blanked out.

If any of you care, and have time, you can find the podcasts by Cooper very easily just by taking some time.

The Right is anarchy, the Left is fascism and dictatorial control. That is the actual real scale. Everything else being told as "right" and "left" is an outright deception.

That is a tiny brief summation of the political analysis that Cooper expressed. The U.S. Government became a fascist entity many decades ago, I suggest in collusion with Nazis even before the 3rd Reich fell. The plans were made to divide and build up a wealthy West while retaining fascist Nazi mentality in the "East" for domination and exploitation under the banner of Communism. The "Freedom" America has thusly used sly lies endless machinations of deception in the press and in society to create a lying division between "Left and Right" which, in effect, has resulted in every election despite which "side" emerges through what I now believe are absolutely controlled and rigged elections so the most theatrical of the fascist Nazi "socialists" like AOC merge in the "down ballot" by those who also voted for "Trump" as she made a video explaining how t his possibly could have happened. Of course, she made her presence of hate at me in teleportation my point is the very dangerous exposure which, is banned censored and death threats are constant for writing about the reality. Torture, mutilation, and I watch as the "Left" shirks it's duty every single day in "fighting fascism". 


Because my WiFi has been manually turned off by remote hackers (next door probably, down the hall) that means that this post WILL be rewritten, parts deleted and made obscure and unrecognizable as coherent sentences. Then the greasy filth of Whorewood or even Congress will steal the ideas present them in the controlled format of their lying bs posturing in order to enhance the deception and further the descent into absolute horrific death squad techno-tyranny.

Cooper stated that what America was building (the lecture was made in the 90's, so 30 years ago) would so far surpass the tyranny of what Hitler and Stalin had done).


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