Impermanence--today's theme.
My landlord has sold the apartment and tells me that although the renewal date is next week, he will "renew" the lease when the lease is up in a few months. That means he's not renewing it because he's selling it. He says I can stay at same rental price, and he will renew but new buyer agrees but ...just then blank. No more information. That means nothing but I must become a rolling stone once more in search of a less fungal infestation living situation while prices have only shot up and I am still in need of peace.
This room should have been beautiful and peaceful, they turned it into non-stop near death, non-stop poisoning to death, non-stop abuse for over 16 hours per day using this infestation technology deep sleep abuse torture rape death filth sprayed everywhere everything brown black stinking to a degree that appears like some cave dwelling in a coal dirt mine.
The landlord threatened me with eviction in a subtle way, by threatening me to not ask any questions with threat of eviction unstated directly after I was drugged, under non-stop torture--left waiting all day for deliveries stated due out for "today" delivery, all week this has been ongoing. The entire time surrounded by shit and filth pounding and drilling new white pig ape Eurotrash filth violently murderous under the same old administration to make every minute a fucking hell to destroy me with streaks of grey hair my body broken down from over 15 years of the ugly pitshitalina team with scores of filth rotten celebrities and shit whore politicians absolutely rushing to abuse me so their Nazi filth machine mafia operation will endorse the sleazy shit they spew out on a non-stop basis about "Democracy" if they are Demo-rats and "Christian values' on the Repug side
so they forced not-only threats on all sides with my life being attacked in every single way, constantly day and night for years and years on a 24/7 mode, but then blocked all money while shit stupid whores have been torturing me so they can suck joy, beauty and ideas out of me. Formerly ugly sneering and black hateful shit like ugly trashalina the whore you all adore has gone from looking grim with her blank hateful staring sexulized sick fuck posturing to looking youthful and exuberant from 15 years of being awarded for ideas and my life force energy my joy in living which that ugly sick putrid whore you all adore and keep allowing to feed off my ideas my life force with a parasitic ugliness and sickness so that I look grim and old while that ugly old bich whore has been feeding off torture my ideas
and so, they had the trashy greasy landlord write extremely vague statements after telling me to "Next day" have abusive white trash pig apes look into my home and to be there despite me writing (and they hacked this sentence over 5 times after I wrote it once "I will not be there" as he kept harassing me to be there to be inspected and attacked by some greasy sleazy fuck who has now bought the place, supposedly t's just the greasy fuck landlord being told to continue his operation here but someone else abusing me because this filth landlord is away with his endless new construction business building more death cement structures all over this country--as his prize for endless filth
so he wrote that the lease would be renewed in February but february is the expiration of the lease. I wrote a few brief responses asking for confirmation by sending me a new lease now when it's DUE not when it EXPIRES with a co-sign of the new landlord
he wrote back that "You had better stop sending me emails" and then explained--and it wasn't this filth fuck writing it was the white trash group writing it as he just sent it through his email
that the transfer had to take place he can't write a new lease and etc etc
but threats hinting that severe actions would ensue if I asked any more questions
and then this sick fuck wrote that he was going to evict me and not renew the lease when the first greasy fuck (the same greasy fuck every time) "looked" at my apartment as the group threw filth fungus filth killed and broke and stole, non-stop for this "tour" of my living space
and that the first prospective buyer (the filth grease fuck wrote, but it wasn't the greasy landlord it was the greasy sick fuck telling the stupid minority minion what to say and write, as you all do, in particular the white trash who just follow orders and are stupid dumb fucks as you all are, most of you at least, 98%
and so, he was just kindly allowing the 2nd greasy filth bomb who "inspected" my home and threw black filth and spewed filth into my home and had my items broken ripped and stained in this "inspection" because I refused to be there and they demand "obedience" and I demand that they die horrible deaths at this point, which is what they are doing to me if none of you can gauge my 15 years of writing into hysteria as presidents and senators and house reps join in with violence and the shit of Whorewood join in, all going to the Oscars and slated to "win" forever as they spew endless lies
so he told me he was doing me a favor because if he was only "for money" he would have sold the unit to the first person who wanted renovations and to kick me out, as I asked him about because he gave no details, my nervous system was put into shock they injected subliminal trauma-based mind control about being homeless and landlord doing all these things, which is what is done to Americans on a non-stop basis now to destroy any group capable of fighting back against outright genocidal tyranny of overtake by Eurotrash filth intoAmerica through this incompetent pestilence of Whorewood you all adore, the sleazy fucks who have been torturing me to steal mannerisms ideas and to suck my life force out of me, and be propelled for not being ugly and sleazy but intelligent and joyful in living, as I used to be until ALL of you allowed this group to 24/7 for over 15 years and longer torture me to death every day non-stop with non-stop shit joining in to abuse and attack me every day every night day after day
fuck you all
hope some horrible catastrophe envelopes you all so that I can live in peace. but unfortunately the American victims of this ever-increasing encroaching murder operation upon the planet and the population will only rise up when it's far too late to fight the military-grade police forces that are being constructed as they shoot and kill with over 50 rounds people protesting things like COP CITY in Georgia, now slated absolutely to be built as the rotten shit of Georgia has so incompetently handled the corruption, as happens non-stop when you put thoroughly programmed Nazi blacks into power along with thoroughly programmed Jewish Nazi shit into power and et al the list of minority minion incompetence put into power who absolutely defer to Nazi invasion is unbelievable
so your lives, those of you who believe still that your inclusion will mean you have luxury and wealth and privilege despite the shit that the government is doing to me which you think is your elitism
Thinking of how absurdly nasty the people attacking me are today,. as the theme of celebrities taking turns handing the tech out to one another reminds me of the people who are seminally "known" in the music field--as I have a very short list of childhood and college "friends" who were really terrorists who all have videos and made albums--going nowhere pretty much but in the hometown they have a few elevated memories.
One of them, the last time I saw him he was trying to "make out" with me by grabbing me in his car--we had been in a class together. He appeared very amiable but often around his presence nasty attacks presided (we took a theater class together, and then hung out and he was just suddenly at an airport while I was in another State and we hung watching the luggage deliveries and plane loading stuff in front of a huge mirror---maybe it was in Chicago---him meeting me in a huge international airport "by accident" was of course not accidental.
IJ was teleported to him, or vice-versa doesn't matter, he was with Baryishnikov as this man, now crusty looking and much older, not the "boyish" cute image he had been with longish hair and swagger, but down because his fame and youth are not evident any longer
so screaming with utter rage at me about nothing, I can't remember because it's been years of non-stop screaming yelling abusive celebrities and politicians rushing to attack me ferociously who get some deal instantly afterward.
Like...I had not seen him for about 30 years before his instant vicious yelling about something, nothing it was just abuse for abuse's sake yelling about something with no point to get his brownie points in with the 4th Reich. I believe he has a tiny recording studio and needs a promotion.
Being passed around to just HATEFUL people who are so smiling in front of interviews after they viciously abuse me. Almost completely different people.
All this hate and for products that---not sure, what worth are the products ultimately they are "selling"?
And just hate and hate poured on me so more and more can be promoted. The friendship I had shown many of them is completely negated when they can obtain a promotion, and years of promotions year-after-year has only enhanced the greed aspect so they are inured and mired in vicious violence to the point of murder ongoing never-ending hate so they can obtain more and more and more and more.
Watching as people are warning of environmental collapse,
economic collapse.,
the destruction of the empire(s) around the world, the most vicious ones who have dominated with colonization death camps concentration camps who are now spreading these philosophies of usurpation death around the globe with full acceptance and devotion from highest leaders of all societies
"The Jim Carroll Band 'People Who Died' Lyric Video". Patrick Conrad. June 5, 2018.
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