
Showing posts from June, 2024

Karens handed mind control tech, drugs, poisons, and death squad operations to induce a "Karen Meltdown" in order to discredit me, the target.

"Epic Karen Meltdowns That Will Make You Cringe: Reaction Video". r/reacts. June 28, 2024.   I just know that after a high dose of drugging, which occurs every night while I sleep anyway, and an uncountable and non-stop series of attacks are constantly being swarmed at me at extremely critical junctures in my life so my stress levels of endurance are extremely low--the nervous system attack tech and subliminals are most prone to be highly successful for repetition of the "puppet" or rage they have created in me. Trust me, the real Karens are silently watching giggling and smirking. In teleportation they dance around like goons laughing about rape, mutilation and poisnoing. This teleportation microchip implant has proven to be a KAREN PARADISE who are replicating THEIR behavior onto me after only years and  years of hours and hours and hours and hours per day and night of non-stop really sinister and ugly disgusting truly Kareneque attacks by the otherwise calm, and ...

Overwhelming depression overcame me because I am taking Kratom for pain, and the next expletive who hacked it's video onto my YouTube channell while I was watching to see the aftermath of the debate--it was a politician from The House---I only watched the video --I mean, I was doing something and it came on--hacked--while I was not choosing what was on. It was Katy Porter from CA. She began dancing I suddenly was dancing to the music I was listening to and she went on using the voice-to-skull to try to penetrate my interior life by this forced stalking apparatus. I was too tired from over 20 hours in the last two days of Mike Johnson threatening to mutilate my body, endlessly making comments while I was in the shower, immediately upon waking, endlessly hate endless accusations of how inferior I am to his superiority he claims and that I will be his slave and live in the Swamp with him and have a slave room and he will beat and torture me and etc etc on and on and on and on it went for over 20 hours. Writing about it today, he has left. Replaced by Katy (Katie?) p from Conress playing the game but very similar to how Marjorie Taylor Green began by dancing around as I was listening to music and it happened without me even being aware I was doing it because I was dancing in the teleportation zone but cleaning the endless filth and muck her predecessor had ordered put in my room--and every moment she was there making comments, a cheery hug and welcome and I was too tired to fight another one. Realizing that anyone who teleports me is a deadly enemy, I could barely say anything but "this is not okay" after dancing around because I am over-stressed, exhausted and in pain and just took Kratom and I cried when I said that I just want America to not be overtaken by this criminal element of the hate organization that she is just participating with to get her promotion just like all the rest. Then, later on, after I said a few times that I could not talk to her, I was looking at the next sewing project and as I decided in my mind how I was going to make this new item (they always spray stinking substances and rip seams out of all that I make, btw) but it was Victoria Gotti saying, "that will be pretty" and so they never leave. It is absolutely depressing for one violent hateful person after the next to try to insinuate themselves into my BRAIN and begin conversations for HOURS only to insult, abuse, make disgusting hate comments, and order torture upon me. trying to pry them alll off constantly only for one to be instantly replaced by another, who is joined by people i have fought and fought to get off me for Y EARS and ....the inhumanity the sickness of it all. That this is okay with the American leadership should say a lot about how seriously sick the culture really is, but no one even begins to venture into the thought of that.

  One of them after the next, after the next, after the next, then the nest of them clumped in a room of rows of chairs staring as I scream in rage at yet another one--it is a sequence of vicious hybrid cross-breeds of locusts combined with some sucking life-draining parasite combined in a semi-plastic surgery-coated  human form plied with millions and billions of dollars and sucking all they can out of my subpoverty existence. They rush to get promotions deals leadership and once they obtain their first promotion, they are addicted to all the free deals as they all never stop. There are so many of these fillthy disgusting creep things globbing onto me constantly that it's impossible to count them any longer. Vicious and sinister disgusting lead political representatives rush at me with the MOST outright violence and bring on murderous bigots like Mike Tyson who, like so many blacks are thoroughly inculcated in antisemitism as the relief mechanism to the racism they claim they...

(Speaker) Mike Johnson came to replace the violent attempted murder tyranny of Baryshnikov, the Russian Agent aka "ballet star" who has made movies focused on being a "dissident" but in actuality his blatant oppressive bigotry towards me only signifies his absolute collusion with KGB Russian/CCCP programming and indoctrination. Every single time I begin to exercise he forces his unwanted,--how can I express over 2 years of telling him screaming and fighting to get him to get off me as a disgusting rapist parasite with his family and fascist Nazi Europigape friends (paris, etc) who are all obtaining lead roles in movies for participating in murdering me along the lines of KGB Secret Police and Nazi SS death squad protocols?) He uses the voice-to-skull to endlessly tell me what to do while I am in the midst of exercising using 100% concentration so endlessly having to fight to get him to stop means having the interruption of my life-fight to survive the poisoning he kept having poured into my body while claiming I owed him my life for "Helping" me as I endlessly told him to stop, stop but for a few weeks after violently raping me and beating me, with ugly prostitute shitalina and pig pit the Europigape puppets who all the fascist Nazis and politicians from Congress go through in order to obtain their Nazi reward system. Once again, he went on after years of me screaming to get off me, as the murder ongoing. //Knowing and being trained in psy-ops, Johnson has been trained by his "CIA" or psy-ops programmers as has Trump--he offered to "help" get Baryishnikov off me only to assault me with the kind of back-and-forth kindness and then vicious abuse that the CIA--looking violent, death threat crew of Morning Joe all used on me. The very same techniques. **please note the hacking is bad and I am struggling with every single word while keyboard function is being blocked almost ocmpletely.

  Teleportation skits of death and miserable dark hate death and abuse under the "benevolent" Christian despotic "help" of Johnson, I am awoken groggy because I am drugged in deep sleep being tortured in teleportation (by the mechanical arms I can't stop from entering my room from almost every direction there are panels and portals I can't afford to pay to shield myself from. Also, the terrorists break into my room literally every single time i leave this room to poison, dump filth, spray filth, break, rip, spray stinking filth on my clothing which is treated with chemicals so it clings to the fabric (permanently, never completely comes out no matter what) Abusing and then "helping" me in alternate versions of mind control back-and-forth traumatizing mind control protocols before the debate, hours of Johnson using the voice-to-skull to "talk" to me while I was in the shower, It is one man after the next doing this while I am showering, ma...

End the era of selfish greed and lack of concern for your community and society, focusing only on wealth and privilege and money=power and nothing else matters: People need to care about other human beings and not call those who cannot survive downsizing and corporate lay-offs as being "losers" when they cannot pay rent any longer. Those who are so oppressed by the 4th Reich plot to kill off and put people into homeless concentration camps in the streets, dying horrible deaths in broad daylight every day as people sneer in contempt, completely dehumanizing them and hoping they are eliminated. The 4th Reich modern American version of Capitalist fascism genocide: People should band together and form communal support systems for the homeless, instead of waiting for government to pay for emergency provisions to slowly kill the homeless and take away their life-sustaining little pup tents in the streets. If only people would care about society moreso than their little egg shells of comfort, sneering at the homeless and dehumanizing them, and pay just a little bit into a communal fund instead of giving tithes or spending that extra bit on some entertainment, some of the huge problems of each city could be reduced.

  'Stay awake or be arrested': Sotomayor's passionate dissent in homeless encampments case I find this mentality, ;this paradigm, of sneering in gleeful contempt at those who are not allowed to "make it" --and the terrorists of the 4th Reich have a slogan which is, "fake it till you make it" which turns into monopoly of power. Those who are just trying to make it are now dying in the streets due to the many policies that have enriched a few who have globalized industry and outsourced and profited off as many slave labor developing country denizens as possible. This is supposed to be called "liberal woke" ideology when write this, except it is a prevailing sentiment amongst those who are on the lower end of the tipping scale but still white 4th Reich supremacy who want to kill in order to ensure that the resources that have been outspent will still be in some organized structure for them to access, in one way or another. Either way, desperation ...

Mind control tech used on Biden in debate, I believe this 100% as I know Trump, I know the technology and I know the apathy and ignorance of the "leaders" who participate in this crime against me. //They do not study the technology they do not make threat assessments they are flattered paid in millions and billions they believe they are untouchable in their incompetent self-assurance of supremacy. They know NOTHING of what is being done when they further the implementation of this tech death squad system. They don't understand that mind control can be exerted upon them. They do NO RESERACH ON THE TECHNOLOGY they only assume they are "superior" and nothing will happen to them. They are so immersed in violence and torture, they are high off abuse and getting away with sadistic fantasy rape and oppression enslavement scenarios and profiting for decades off poisoning, raping, mutilating and watching me suffer fighting continuously for my life it's a huge thrill. They lie call me names make up lies about who I "deserve" this endless torture and poisoning to death. For the Biden Team, its' about putting endless repetitions of the Obamas into power who have all shared this contract under Obama, then handed it to Trump, obtained deals out of it by partnering with the celebrities and Trump, and now they are holding me in torture captivity, every day endless abuse and hate and mutilation and hate and terrorism so another round of the wives, children and partners and friends of the initial terrorists can also profit. THey study NOTHING about what the tech does, how it can be used, how it operates only that they grunt, demand , get paid get promotions and everything else is about them being called the epitome of society talent and quality. Nothing could be further from the reality. //And Biden WAS ATTACKED BY MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY DURING THE DEBATE I have zero doubt i know what Trump is, as you all mostly do as well. Please read further, this post rambles, the hacking is non-stop the disruption of the keyboard is non-stop but these are salient points about the dangers, the lack of realistic assessment of the dangers of allowing this tech into endless groups of criminal abusers and bigots and contemptuous wanna-be minions. //Hey Biden! "GET SMART"---UNDERSATND the technology you so covet with your terrorists from H-wood and in Congress who rush to assault me because the incompetence of your opponent is a total fascist death murder inc cartel while your incompetent team is a "liberal" posturing clown show as well TO BE COMPETENT FOR TOP POSITION IT REQUIRES MORE THAN ACCOUNTING, ADMINISTRATION AND LYING POSTURING CAPABILITIES. There is something called foresight, there is this quality to understand threats. There are tools to gauge how serious a threat of technology will be in long-term. None of this has been applied to my situation and I think you, Biden, were just bombed with mind control in the debate by much more incompetent Trump. but with tis brain-altering tech, the most incompetent can "win". Why you, Biden, have been so incompetent to underestimate this threat, as have your colleagues of The House and Senate (the Senators are fascist Nazi white supremacist KKK even if they are "Latino" from Texas) but the "liberals" should have more than bartending experience and yapping theatrical posturing and perhaps years of teaching about The Constitution but never following it when it comes to promotion and venting self-hate and loathing at the Jews which the Jews attacking me all have. Not a SINGLE ONE has any clue as to what leadership entails. I keep saying so endlessly but they can't hear the money they are paid for being the bitches that they truly are is far beyond any reasoning capability. THey also have no training in the scientific method or analysis for impending threat of seriously catastrophic tech that they consider to be a fun "game" to play torture sadistic "master" over a victim whom no one will even begin to help//so now Biden has been brain-manipulated during the debate, or I should write this philosophically thusly: Was mind control tech used on #46 Biden in the debate? I have to wonder, I heard only the worst verbal stumbling clips for about 15 seconds and I have never heard Biden stumble so badly verbally.

  "Harvard Scientist Exposes |CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today/Len Ber & Robert Duncan". Danny Jones. November 9, 2022. The proliferation of these technologies is now like a "candy man" coming for insatiable drug addicts looking for a sadism high, which, combined with the money pouring into every participant by this social engineering project, is the most "high" on power and violence drug possible that I think has ever existed. The leaders do nothing to study or understand any implications their only focus is in obtaining money through illicit means and by being promoted into never-ending monopolies. ----------- As I have told the terrorists attacking me, from both Left and Right of the "aisle" (zero degrees of separation)--the technology can and will be used on ANYBODY the 4th Reich wants to eliminate or supplant, discredit or take the place of. I  know for sure #45 has access to technologies that I may not have experienced bu...

Archie Bunker v. "woke radical liberal" "Meathead". Oh man, watching this old show, wishing for the days when such debates were worthy of comedy instead of deadly division. //Watching the dinosaurs hash it out in Fantasia's scene of a T-Rex fighting (can't find the name of the dino type that "lost") but the music for Fantasia is set to The Rite of Spring--a music that Hitler used for his Occult Pagan festivals, the half-Jewish composer offered a bit of sanctuary until he was condemned to a suiciding by the 3rd Reich. This story is not told I only read it online and am using details by memory. The Rite of Spring and the debate of the dinosaurs as the other species of dinos watch in a vague hope and then sheer disappointment as the inevitable slaughter-for-meal scenario played out--water trickling down from the hail storm that was only subsiding as the poor, weaker dino slowly lowered his eyelids in death. I thought of this scene and also of Stravinsky and the 3rd Reich in connection to the upcoming Debate in Atlanta tomorrow. In the frenzy of drugging and rage and hate I had been thrust into as I am only a mortal and drugs and torture and imbalance I cannot tolerate after a certain number of it being forced upon me day after night year after year literally without end. I thought of the T-Rex (which I have called Trump T-rump in comparison) who is supposedly the ""King" of the dinos, the apex predator, demolishing all the more pleasant and peaceful animals, mostly vegetarian and almost dainty in their slow but smooth movements to eat, enjoy the sun and watery atmosphere of languid delight then ravaged as ponderous storm approaches, with Death in the main apex predator T-Rex as the system, the fight they want to win against, but cannot I cannot assign the lesser dinos to the Biden team, I, in my rage yesterday, put the brunt of the more peaceful dinos on the more passive and peaceful normal civilian population--as they are called, "The People". They are the prey and the predators are the "system" which has at it's defense and offense system a hard-shelled death machinery of armed forces, a police state, full complicity from the wanna be T-Rexes which abound and imitate the behavior, but the real prey is the very people who strive to only want to become T-Rex. Dearly beloved predator Apex T-rex.

  "Disney's Fantasia (1940) T-Rex vs. Stegosaurus Dinosaur Battle". popcornbones. October 1, 2017. "All in the Family/Mike Meets Archie For the First Time". The Normal Lear Effect. April 19, 2021. Back to Archie Bunker calling the "Jewish" "Hippie" (not labeled "radical woke lib-tard" as a "meat head". One can associate the concept of the brain, the head of anyone opposing the dominant predator T-Rex group as being food for devouring. The brains, the minds of the opposite and peace-loving "losers" is only meat to be consumed and controlled by the T-Rex system. Mind control is one of the best seeding-for-feeding groups and the heads of the victims turned irretrievably into vicious monsters attempting to emulate the behavior, mannerisms, concepts and aspects of power, violence and control that they, themselves, their brains now befuddled solely-focused-on-power pieces of grey meat matter which have been thoroughly ...

"Secret Societies & Psychological Warfare (Series #2)"/Hour of the Time *991. //Documented (?) details of Roman Polanski and Charles Mansion purportedly making child + animal pornography together or working in a team. Taylor Swift...opps, I mean Sharon Tate working in Satanic ritualistic performances with members of the Manson Family. //Movies and tv as portals into Satanic programming.

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