End the era of selfish greed and lack of concern for your community and society, focusing only on wealth and privilege and money=power and nothing else matters: People need to care about other human beings and not call those who cannot survive downsizing and corporate lay-offs as being "losers" when they cannot pay rent any longer. Those who are so oppressed by the 4th Reich plot to kill off and put people into homeless concentration camps in the streets, dying horrible deaths in broad daylight every day as people sneer in contempt, completely dehumanizing them and hoping they are eliminated. The 4th Reich modern American version of Capitalist fascism genocide: People should band together and form communal support systems for the homeless, instead of waiting for government to pay for emergency provisions to slowly kill the homeless and take away their life-sustaining little pup tents in the streets. If only people would care about society moreso than their little egg shells of comfort, sneering at the homeless and dehumanizing them, and pay just a little bit into a communal fund instead of giving tithes or spending that extra bit on some entertainment, some of the huge problems of each city could be reduced.

 'Stay awake or be arrested': Sotomayor's passionate dissent in homeless encampments case

I find this mentality, ;this paradigm, of sneering in gleeful contempt at those who are not allowed to "make it" --and the terrorists of the 4th Reich have a slogan which is, "fake it till you make it" which turns into monopoly of power. Those who are just trying to make it are now dying in the streets due to the many policies that have enriched a few who have globalized industry and outsourced and profited off as many slave labor developing country denizens as possible. This is supposed to be called "liberal woke" ideology when write this, except it is a prevailing sentiment amongst those who are on the lower end of the tipping scale but still white 4th Reich supremacy who want to kill in order to ensure that the resources that have been outspent will still be in some organized structure for them to access, in one way or another.

Either way, desperation is a version of trauma-based mind control and it is being extensively used by this terror organization in the guise of legitimacy because the Supreme Court has just ruled that death is on the table for all to see, openly now. 

Shunt "them" all into some concentration camp far away from public view where they can die quietly because they will be silenced.

There will be guard towers and even electrical fences to keep "them" in the pens and gutted alleys of the new ghettos where they can be exterminated quietly with State sanction but still, legitimately in that happy positive American way, with "resource" managers coming to make case loads of files on each prisoner/homeless "loser" who will get "drug rehab" if they are lucky or some other version of replacement and behavior modification. 

As yesterday the mind control tech was utilized extremely successfully with State approval, the "loser" team having been so beguiled by all the flattery of his friends and partners who are vying to replace him, and with that cue the Supreme Court issued rulings they have been waiting to deliver with the green light after the fiasco of the debate using the modern mind control warfare technology that was beamed into Biden's brain, his throat and nervous system. I suspect that there may be microchip implants that are so impossible to detect as nanotechnology extensively implanted into Biden's body. What a perfect passive front-man for those behind him to be used. Told that the good ole boy 4th Reich network will always support him if he goes along with the situations such as me being tortured (to death is their aim) using mind control tech, he was assured that the 50 years of his 'service" and the promotion to the highest ranking meant that he is untouchable. Lax in his assumption, it boomeranged and still he has no idea what happened.

Now the shame is trickling down and the culprits are stepping up. I was attacked viciously yesterday by the throng of celebrity haters in the teleportation after the debate; I had made the false assumption that it was a dismal failure for #45 when in fact, the demons came out glaring with drooling vicious hate because their ploy had worked so well and the 4th Reich gave the Supreme Court to issue the ruling the extermination organization has been waiting for: kill as many Americans as possible, inculcate the sense of genocidal death squads and permission to kill the homeless into full public view.

As I wrote yesterday, as I told Bloomberg 2 years ago that Biden was not doing a good job at all, that he should have stopped the mind control situation, that antisemitism would rise up and Jews would be openely threatened in the streets. All this I said to Bloomberg as he grabbed at my breasts and looked like Golum in Lord of the Rings under CGI gruesome grotesquity (sic) and had me hanging off a halter on a rope with a helicopter flying overhead, me dangling from this rope over the Manhattan skyline. Bloomberg and the Jewish fascists and Nazis are all comfortable having played all sides but mostly for the 4th Reich and what Biden has done or not done is no concern to them. They played the "right cards" by fully giving-in to the 4th Reich death squadron and genocidal regime.

People like me are left hovering over the brink of an abyss. The Nazi Jews and the Nazi bigots and the Nazi Mafia have all been handed mansions and investments in Euro-Nazi-Mafia land overseas and they are happily able to fly to the welcome arms and legs of the Euro-expletives who flattered them into believing in their superiority as long as they allowed the Nazi Mafia from overseas to come in and create endless fascist enclaves that have spread throughout the country. In order to make lebensraum, many Americans must be killed off. The genocidal plan is ongoing in the Middle East and has been for at least a decade and much longer. It has been ongoing since the Reagan era of deregulation and the Supreme Court, after the supposed "win" of Trump in that "debate" where Biden's brain was blanketed by mind control tech but since this technology is so coveted NO ONE WILL EXPOSE IT so now the Supreme Court is commencing with the next steps in implementing a fascist genocidal regime from within America. The culprits who are American are all in such close proximity to Euro-mind programmers who they welcome in legs spread minds blank believing the Europigapes when they sneer in hate that Americans are so stupid, uncouth and nothings compared to the elite fashionable Europigapes who all rely on stealing even fashion designs and claiming them as their own and have been stealing everything that others have worked on in the Roman-paradigm for centuries.


The Supreme Court was given express okay to begin deregulating corporations now, after the Trump seeming "win". Total or partial Immunity will be coming up, probably today or tomorrow from that effete power-grab court and society goes along.

If only someone had shaken Biden and told him to not follow orders as he is supposed to be the President in leadership position. To not embrace mind control technology as president he should have understood by now the Machiavellian mechanisms of destruction and power-grabbing that the mafia Nazis truly epitomize in every society at this point. But he had to go along, follow orders, and allow Trump to continue as he did and has done for so many years when he should have asserted the law and forced Merrick Garland to DO HIS JOB far earlier than at the last minute. Leaving Trump able to dodge out of trials due to delay tactics because the Attorney General was instructed by the 4th Reich to WAIT and let "THE PEOPLE" decide between the two Nazi fascist Mafia white males who are endlessly instructed that the years of following all the protocols of this group means that eventually they will "win" bigger and bigger rewards.


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