Archie Bunker v. "woke radical liberal" "Meathead". Oh man, watching this old show, wishing for the days when such debates were worthy of comedy instead of deadly division. //Watching the dinosaurs hash it out in Fantasia's scene of a T-Rex fighting (can't find the name of the dino type that "lost") but the music for Fantasia is set to The Rite of Spring--a music that Hitler used for his Occult Pagan festivals, the half-Jewish composer offered a bit of sanctuary until he was condemned to a suiciding by the 3rd Reich. This story is not told I only read it online and am using details by memory. The Rite of Spring and the debate of the dinosaurs as the other species of dinos watch in a vague hope and then sheer disappointment as the inevitable slaughter-for-meal scenario played out--water trickling down from the hail storm that was only subsiding as the poor, weaker dino slowly lowered his eyelids in death. I thought of this scene and also of Stravinsky and the 3rd Reich in connection to the upcoming Debate in Atlanta tomorrow. In the frenzy of drugging and rage and hate I had been thrust into as I am only a mortal and drugs and torture and imbalance I cannot tolerate after a certain number of it being forced upon me day after night year after year literally without end. I thought of the T-Rex (which I have called Trump T-rump in comparison) who is supposedly the ""King" of the dinos, the apex predator, demolishing all the more pleasant and peaceful animals, mostly vegetarian and almost dainty in their slow but smooth movements to eat, enjoy the sun and watery atmosphere of languid delight then ravaged as ponderous storm approaches, with Death in the main apex predator T-Rex as the system, the fight they want to win against, but cannot I cannot assign the lesser dinos to the Biden team, I, in my rage yesterday, put the brunt of the more peaceful dinos on the more passive and peaceful normal civilian population--as they are called, "The People". They are the prey and the predators are the "system" which has at it's defense and offense system a hard-shelled death machinery of armed forces, a police state, full complicity from the wanna be T-Rexes which abound and imitate the behavior, but the real prey is the very people who strive to only want to become T-Rex. Dearly beloved predator Apex T-rex.

 "Disney's Fantasia (1940) T-Rex vs. Stegosaurus Dinosaur Battle". popcornbones. October 1, 2017.

"All in the Family/Mike Meets Archie For the First Time". The Normal Lear Effect. April 19, 2021.

Back to Archie Bunker calling the "Jewish" "Hippie" (not labeled "radical woke lib-tard" as a "meat head". One can associate the concept of the brain, the head of anyone opposing the dominant predator T-Rex group as being food for devouring. The brains, the minds of the opposite and peace-loving "losers" is only meat to be consumed and controlled by the T-Rex system. Mind control is one of the best seeding-for-feeding groups and the heads of the victims turned irretrievably into vicious monsters attempting to emulate the behavior, mannerisms, concepts and aspects of power, violence and control that they, themselves, their brains now befuddled solely-focused-on-power pieces of grey meat matter which have been thoroughly devoured and are a source of energy and "food" for the predator to use, as they use various forms of slavery which the dinos could not conceive of, due to the limitations of the anatomy that did not allow for minute technological advances--no thumbs, no hands or tiny little claw and only enormous tusks or jaws, meant that the dinos were not adaptable and the supposed asteroid theory of how the dinos became extinct and the Ice Age altered the landscape of terra firma forever. Lush swamps became arid deserts and caverns and the dinos rested in the massive crypt which the disrupted soil had enmeshed them under the earthquakes and the storm systems that lasted for very long times--uninhabitable for the former species and lush swamp conditions in which dinos could thrive.

Now those same dinos are proving that the earth will once again become a desolate destruction zone of uninhabitable crypt death zones for life on the planet. Their very essence has become the oil derived from the soil upon which life on earth is reliant upon. The death that these dinos are brining with all the technological advance is total destruction of the earth system through which the compressed atoms of the long extinct dinos have created a newer system of slow death but no asteroid will complete the death but the power-craving humans trying to emulate the T-Rex dynasty are incapable of understanding that although they have hands and fingers in which to manipulate the gifts of the earth, their plunder is only a more intense ravaging of anything weaker deemed suitable for consumption. This carries over to the exploitation of other human beings in a slave system and the ensuing "entitlement" structure.

The debate tomorrow is one of the T-Rex crew against another. I had thought I would sit it out, but I have decided, if I don't oversleep which I doubt I will, I will watch it live. 

The choice is between which group is going to be the sacrifice and which group will be allowed, temporarily or not, to join in the T-Rex dominant predator "class". The "loser" gets funding, Social Security, environmental protection cut out. And many other concepts such as "Democracy" which, as I now know, is only a phrase implying a system but the real theme is the T-|Rex devouring of the weaker so the entitled can continue to devour the resources that should have been allotted to those being artificially constructed as "weak"--poorer food, toxic living conditions, discrimination and lack of resources, demands from banks (i.e. Kenya right now in a most horrific debt crisis due to the IMF and debt-crisis T-Rex devouring of the leadership, country and the prey are the "people" of this greed, graft and the destruction of the potentiality for strength and power of those allotted to being the "loser" weak food meat-head to-be-consumed, exploited, and enslaved class).

In America, the choice is between lawless greed and absolute takeover of the mechanisms of power and control with laws and transparency potentially gutted and an empire of total immunity and teams of death squads being allowed to roam much more freely and openly than they now are "allowed" to do by the T-Rex predator class which, of course, Biden is a full member of, one of the "Brotherhood".


Another thought I had today was of watching Assange freed. He looks very dapper considering for years it was claimed he was dying of cancer and breaking down physically and should be released immediately or he will die in captivity.

Otherwise, I saw for the first time footage of American military gleeful murder of two (Iraqi?) men trying to save the life of a journalist who had been shot while in the streets (Iraq?) which Wikileaks had obtained, supposedly Classified information, a most heinous actual footage of the interchange between the murder T-Rex cowboys--white American males one presumes from their voices-begging for permission almost to blow apart the van (of a family which stopped seeing the dying journalists laying in the street which the Americans had just shot using all their helicopter and warfare tech--you could see the crosshair projection of the target for the death weapons that the itchy fingers of the trigger-happy cowboys were urging to be unleashed the Kraken of death upon those helping the people who had been shot and no one may help a target or death is the penalty (this is what the rules were under the Roman Empire when someone was put in a cage and hung to die of starvation, in something like the town square, and if anyone dared come to help that person in any way, they too would die the same horrible death for just helping).

And a long time ago, when a famous "intellectual" who has watched on to my situation, I wrote of him a few days ago, and the theme was on protecting journalism and free speech. The main focus of concern was on the enabling of journalists to expose the crimes of a "hegemony" in violation of all laws of warfare or so heinously sadistic that the "people" the lessor dinos aspiring to become T-Rex control class--should be aware. I believe "The People" really are already aware in one way or another and definitely do not want to see or become exposed because the main focus for "the people" who really worship the T-Rex dominant class, is to become just like them. Who cares about the "Losers" who were so weak and pathetic such "losers" that they got shot by high-tech weaponry for daring to say NO to Imperialistic exploitation, slavery and resources from their country being almost sold for a penny on the dollar to the T-Rex Colonists (The IMF, etc) so that they can be allowed to slave for low wages and love the exploiter? All then learning that the only way to not be devoured is to become the T-Rex.

I had written that I tried to join the journalism world and was really viciously attacked when I did so. I have been writing for over a decade about the system of domination that journalists claim they are working feverishly to provide as the meathead meals for entertainment news manifestation of the infestation of mind control programming in order to truly more revere and be terrified by the allowances of power by the T-Rex controllers.

I tried to write and have been only tortured, abused and raped using the tech that all the participants claim make them truly noble and entitled T-Rex leaders and "winners". My writing in an attempt to document, like any researcher, despite the ranting drugged-up raving and the endless hacking, I have tried to do what Assange, the white male from the Commonwealth, has only done by retrieving documents in a covert manner, breaching the law a a matter of fact not some mere insinuation against this journalist.

The people who are caring about Assange, such as the "intellectual" also care so deeply about the plight of the poor Palestinians.

But when it comes to me, rape the bitch, abuse and torture her, join in smirking and smiling and then demanding that I read his book so he can get another promotion after the years of participating in a most deadly and heinous system of exploitation, torture, murder, rape and mutilation of "The People", which, especially for WOMEN of all races, is more vulnerable and less protected by the T-Rex class but oh my, if you are not part of the 4th Reich entitlement wanna be T-Rex class, then all T-Rex maneuvers for power and control are fully allowed with jeering cheers, laughs, giggles and dancing around the pole by which the victim ha been tied, hands bound and all taken away. Not a peep from anybody exposing this crime against the preyed-upon class.

No, a female of a most despised "minority group" that the Jews have been for over 2,000 years, and not blondish as the Jews struggle infinitely to intermarry with Nazis (I mean blondish and lighter skin) and with a darker complexion, plus being able to compete and out-compete when I try and am not poisoned so my body is paralyzed, etc, the cries of "destroy her" are rampant amongst the "liberals' the "intellectuals" the "Jews" the other groups vying to become fully integrated into the T-Rex class.

So the debate tomorrow will not be which 4th Reich candidate will emerge as the "winner" but which of the slated-for-destruction groups will not be outright slaughtered for the sacrificial feeding frenzy of the T-Rex predator class.

Now the debate is how much unfettered domination the T-Rex group will be allowed to wreak upon the society and/or which group will be allowed the pretenses that enabled the "other" T-Rex predator devouring group to rise to such power in the first place as there is no real opposition except for grandiose lectures by those looking to either not be the most down-trodden prey group, the minorities fighting amongst one another but now the 4th Reich has put Jews as the most hated targets and thusly Blacks and Latinos and other "brown and black" can join together to assault Jews so that there must necessarily always being a T-Rex preying upon at least one group. 

Because there is no real opposition, the Disney Fantasia scene, which came out just as the Nazis and the 3rd Reich were a dominant force, using music that the Nazis used for their displays of fertility rites and the pagan rituals which they replaced Christianity with--using this same piece of music.

The other "races" of the preyed-upon dinosaurs sat staring in desperate hope and then sad submission to the T-Rex getting it's sacrificial victim---but now, the groups who had once watched sadly as this power brutality has been supported by the very lack of opposition and all the fake rhetorical devices that one hears from "The Left" with the endless refrain of "equality, Freedom, Democracy" and yet, because I KNOW--they all team up inevitably with the theft of the resources allotted to the "poorer" who are artificially engineered to be the "losers" who are preyed upon. Used as human shields for endless military conquest so the T-Rex group can prey on larger more fertile places on the earth, decimating cultures, killing in mass numbers using all their well-controlled "meat head" minions who are just given instructions on the nasty, hateful and sick stupid things to say which are all done with glee that they are finally working with the big T-Rex cartel.

The hacking is so bad that I am fighting constantly to backspace and retype every word--

I will watch the debate for which group gets to feed off the more or less vulnerable with more or less outward expression of brutality along the lines of a T-Rex complete devourment of people and mass murder mass neglect mass lies mass murder.

The real choice is whether the PRETENSE will be allowed to continue or will it become a truly open feeding frenzy of the T-Rex wanna be cartel versus the "keep my feeding ground nice and warm and safe while I also feed off the poor and vulnerable" "radical woke" cartel.


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