(Speaker) Mike Johnson came to replace the violent attempted murder tyranny of Baryshnikov, the Russian Agent aka "ballet star" who has made movies focused on being a "dissident" but in actuality his blatant oppressive bigotry towards me only signifies his absolute collusion with KGB Russian/CCCP programming and indoctrination. Every single time I begin to exercise he forces his unwanted,--how can I express over 2 years of telling him screaming and fighting to get him to get off me as a disgusting rapist parasite with his family and fascist Nazi Europigape friends (paris, etc) who are all obtaining lead roles in movies for participating in murdering me along the lines of KGB Secret Police and Nazi SS death squad protocols?) He uses the voice-to-skull to endlessly tell me what to do while I am in the midst of exercising using 100% concentration so endlessly having to fight to get him to stop means having the interruption of my life-fight to survive the poisoning he kept having poured into my body while claiming I owed him my life for "Helping" me as I endlessly told him to stop, stop but for a few weeks after violently raping me and beating me, with ugly prostitute shitalina and pig pit the Europigape puppets who all the fascist Nazis and politicians from Congress go through in order to obtain their Nazi reward system. Once again, he went on after years of me screaming to get off me, as the murder ongoing. //Knowing and being trained in psy-ops, Johnson has been trained by his "CIA" or psy-ops programmers as has Trump--he offered to "help" get Baryishnikov off me only to assault me with the kind of back-and-forth kindness and then vicious abuse that the CIA--looking violent, death threat crew of Morning Joe all used on me. The very same techniques. **please note the hacking is bad and I am struggling with every single word while keyboard function is being blocked almost ocmpletely.

 Teleportation skits of death and miserable dark hate death and abuse under the "benevolent" Christian despotic "help" of Johnson, I am awoken groggy because I am drugged in deep sleep being tortured in teleportation (by the mechanical arms I can't stop from entering my room from almost every direction there are panels and portals I can't afford to pay to shield myself from. Also, the terrorists break into my room literally every single time i leave this room to poison, dump filth, spray filth, break, rip, spray stinking filth on my clothing which is treated with chemicals so it clings to the fabric (permanently, never completely comes out no matter what)

Abusing and then "helping" me in alternate versions of mind control back-and-forth traumatizing mind control protocols

before the debate, hours of Johnson using the voice-to-skull to "talk" to me while I was in the shower, It is one man after the next doing this while I am showering, making especially nasty comments as I wash parts of my body, really dirty, nasty, hateful pornographic commenting on the bloated poison the filthy prostitute rape enabler shitalina ordered put in my body as the nazi woman watched on giggling and dancing around (the creeps from Australia in particular, very tied to English Crown and fascist Nazi 4th Reich but disguised as not being so overtly English so as to hide the real controlling factor).

The debate was going to be on and I had told Johnson that I had read tarot and I saw the Devil card come up. I decided not to watch the debate partially for that reason. I also asked what would happen if I did not watch the debate and I got the 10 of swords, which is betrayal and attack. I was attacked instantly after the debate by the groups of Brooklyn Mafia glaring looking like drooling zombies waiting to just devour and have a fascist Nazi monopoly mafia empire when Trump wins, they believe and me a subject of endless torture-to-death for their continuing endless profit off  this heinous crime that Biden never stops but instead has  his partners join in so it's both sides of the one-sided fascist Nazi/Mafia double-hater "system"--which is why there are double-haters in society as the hate trickles down and it's not even dislike it's just hate on every side.

I had been watching a YouTube podcast that appeared on my channel, and almost always the videos that appear spontaneously are expletives looking for me to click on their podcast so they can profit off attacking me in one form or another. The reserved seats of endless teleportation attack are reserved for the Whorewood A-$$-hole list and top tier politicians of the most visible media attention--(trained by H-wood, many and most of them, and that includes also Elon Musk and of course Trump)

The podcaster was a white male with dyed white hair who had on his video about the debate that the time of his reading had been 10 hours prior to when I clicked on the channel. His readings appear to have "insider" information and I suspect he is a part of the 4th Reich, or I mean I know he is. Tarot readers, psychics, and people of that ilk now have technology to read thoughts, gather all information about a client, hack into websites and gain information on what may happen (as in, Trump may have known and passed around that he was going to use mind control tech on Biden, and Johnson was prepared of course to state that it's obvious Biden is incompetent---it was rigged, it was planned, the Dems have done nothing to protect anyone from this tech as they only yearn for their place in perpetual monopoly until they literally die while still clinging onto the position of power--in Congress this now appears to be a trend.

The reader said that the prevailing card was "The Devil" and in his readings he makes loud noises shuffling the tarot cards but it's off-screen. He then lowers the camera to the deck in his hand, which he then lays out with perfect assimilation into a discourse that sounds scripted and prepared. The cards he makes fit into a narrative. He also does readings with his "brother" and just using my creativity for a moment, the cards could be shuffled loudly while this man is lecturing about the issue on politics, and then the cards replaced with a "rigged" deck by someone on the other side of the camera--it is possible. Could be genuine. However, he said twice that The Devil showed up. 

I was not shocked but I didn't react while Johnson was watching for my reaction, and I can never see the terrorists as they use voice-to-skull combined with surveillance and they can "see" out of my eyes, I have been told as well. 

But the same card came up, there is a 1-in-78 chance of that happening but this man stated very loudly THE DEVIL in a level that was at the edge of shouting it out.


I try to always not "believe" what I see especially on my hacked YouTube but I was brainwashed, mind controlled and he said that Trump would 'fail" and it would be the "end" of Trump's campaign. The actual near reverse occurred with Biden, or so it would seem as many are calling for Biden to drop-out. 

I see only a rigged system and Johnson, this tarot reader who may have been paid to stage this reading in the first place and have it hacked into my system, as his other readings for the past weei (I have only been watching him for about one week, just really to see how these entertainment tarot readers use the cards to try to put a wrong puzzle piece into a narrative they are trying to push.

There was Mike Johnson as well, and Jasmine Crockett--both have been attacking me for a while--Johnson since he was handed the Speaker position and Crocket now it seems like a long time but maybe 4-6 weeks? They are all so interminable that a day feels like an aeon of putridity I can't get out and get off me. 


Then seeing that what the Devil card really portends is mass manipulation and dark control. If Trump used mind control to block Biden's articulation and auditory skills, which has been done to me innumerable times, especially in public, where my brain is being "scrambled" my thoughts are gone I can't remember I can't count I say things I had never intended to say that are just blurted out and the vocabulary is not mine--it's someone else's. 

The drugging makes ignoring the terrorist haters every morning they go on for hours-_I can't stop reacting, and Johnson just repeated what I told myself as he criticized me for not being able to do what I think may be impossible. Ignore the terrorists breathe and count breaths. It does not work. My responses are instant I react with rage I can't stop talking to them.

SOME KIND OF SUPPORT FROM ANY SINGLE HUMAN BEIN OR EVEN A CAT WOULD SO INFINITELY HELP. But Biden has seen to it that I remain a terror victim of a most inhuman torture situation and so has everybody else. 

By their, and your, permission if any of you care about fascist Nazi Mafia death squads being able to freely destroy lives, because if this group does come into more power, they won't have to "hide" very much for very much longer. Do any of you care about this rather than having a flattering gushing Europigape telll you that their country is so much superior to broken-down America and that all you need to do is bring them into America, have them control, let them bring in National Socialism and just get "rid" of people like me who they all hate because I compete and without the drugging and torture I very often win. That displaces the myth of white superiority and they cannot absolutely abide this they are dripping with drooling violence waiting when they can openly use this technology and become the pig ape shit that they truly are. None of you recognize it you are so beguiled by the myth of white supremacy, black victimization turned into black Nazi white supremacy, and jews groveling and allowing for humiliation if they want to play any role (mostly as comic centers of degradation and "comic" humor always making them look goofy stupid ugly  and the women unless they dye their hair as blonde as possible are supposed to be destroyed. Replaced by darker jewish man procreating with blondish Nazi women creating mostly whiter Nazi replications but claiming they are somehow "Jewish").


What I was mind-controlled to "forget" to write in the midst of hacking, obstruction and my brain being blocked--so I know a lot about how mental function is stymied and watching Biden struggle to remember and speak the day after the debate compared to what I know, I have come to this reasonable conclusion that he was under drugging/mind control interface tech terrorism.

Baryshnikov claimed he was "helping" me by yelling with hate instructions that are basic pointers for beginners. I told him to stop yelling into my inner ear, he began to demand that I follow his instructions and that he was going to help me. He told me only to pull my shoulders back and I could not, but that was all he said other than put shoulder back, head up. His assistants hacked dozens of videos from YouTube exercise instructors and a few invaluable videos from self-massage Asian videos. 

The nature of this poisoning put my hips out of alignment along with RUSSIANS under the Trump tyranny when Putin was excessively hacking his face, his videos onto my Youtube channel along with --a former Fox News  blonde anchor who partnered with Trump--Megyn Kelly--

but, Russians came into my room while I was teleported and I had been locking all three of my door locks, the sliding lock and the round hole lock I had secured with wires to block breach but the mechanical arms had no problem untying and retying. I was followed around by Russian huge men in the hallways, literally following me on my heels and also groups of Europigapes living in the hallways. All that stopped after I spent months trying to figure out a way to make the door so secure that they would have to leave really visible evidence of break-in. As I wrote above, they want to get to the point when they won't have to worry about leaving evidence of break-in any longer. 

Baryishnikov then told me not to adjust my body--because the hardened poison "tubes" latched from my vertebrae into my flesh are in a criss-cross and serpentine construction, I must stretch in many directions while; I am pulling up in a more gentle stretch of the spine or any area. He told me to stop and was yelling with this threat tone in his voice. He would torture me for doing what I wanted to instead of what he was directing, which was hurting me so badly that I could only sit in agony for the rest of the day while he told me to "keep going" and that I owed him everything a baby and my life for this 'help" which was actually diverting me from the stretches and my own personalized inventions on how to get the hard poison out.

AS they kept poisoning me so I was literally shitting out huge piles of black stinking poison out every single day or almost--because they kept poisoning me but claiming they were "helping" and I owed them (Baryshnikov and his Europigape and American fascist Nazi friends, the blonde "New Age" k-rapsters based in long-ago H-wood celebrity now using torture to get any acclaim--)

Johnson then told me he was going to get Baryshnikov off me and that I owed him thanks for it. Demanding a thank you out of me. About two days after over 15 hours of Johnson trying to "break" me with warm and friendly hints, questions and then vicious mutilation and dismemberment commentary, I finally said " thank you" when he told me to try to count and breathe -in, which I had told myself to do, in order to try to block them out while blasting music and podcasts into my ear. They can "talk" over anything I blast in earphones into my ear and I can't stop responding.

It was so much CIA mind control out of Johnson. They expect that Biden has "lost" already and the Supreme court is now ruling that people can be killed more easily in the streets. This same group has just tried to cut my money off and I have been fighting to not lose it from a government agency that has never bothered me a single time until Trump took office. I am still waiting to see if they will cut off my money as the threat is not finished by a long shot. 

They want mass murder, one way they have just been given the green light to do after Trump PROBABLY used mind control on Biden, who is clear and articulate today but not in the closed studio of CNN, and it is not clear whether CNN is actually compromised to the extent that some of the operatives in that media corporation, associated with vicious and violent Jane Fondu who has violently yellled at me for thinking she looks like something disgusting after her DECADE of assaulting me through this group to obtain her plastic surgery and Nazi approval in Europigapeland--she is still connected to CNN--which William Cooper termed "The Communist News Network" and there is no doubt there is good reason to call it that moniker.

The sealed CNN studio could have been fixed with receiving capability and transmitters from various forms of mind control tech--and this is NOT conspiracy theory as I wrote in my last post, please look up Robert Duncan, Doctor Duncan, a Harvard researcher and DARPA scientist who has written books on how tech is used to convey mind control signals and even from Satallites.

Still, no one wants to even credit me with anything I say, they all just want everything for free as instantly as possible. This 4th Reich is recriting ever scammer liar schemer goon thug clown Nazi and mafia psychopath literally on the planet.

Biden is one of them and he thought he was one of the "important" pieces of their instrument of power and death. 


5 mins later--I am under extreme mind control while struggling to fight the hacking interruptions to backspace and retype constantly

I "forgot" was forced to "forget" that firstly, the emphasis for my body to remove the poison is on my hips. Not one single time did Baryishnikov mention my hips or give me any suggestions on how to center my body. He gave me the impression or told me in deep hypnosis sleep in teleportation to just stretch my neck and shoulders. It kept me in agony pain for months, almost a year while he kept me in death poisoning as his former lovers and Europigapes and Nazi celebrities from Whorewood, one in particular, of course welcomed to the English Nazi fascist including Black Nazi fashion gala at the Met--but for more than a year they converged on me as they kept me poisoned so more and more of these bigot parasites could join in, along with Baryishnkov's daughter and of course his creep wife who joined in raping me and looking like a demonic goon making stupid faces at me as if I am stupid but she appears like an ugly disgusting demonic clown while I was in shock, my body being permeated by body sensations artificially rendered via nervous system/brain/poisoning/drug/trauma attacks in deep sleep in teleportation. The hacking is now at very bad stage it is almost impossible to get anything out via typing. Keys won't work and etc

So he was murdering me. When Johnson tried to take over using the same sort of mind screw "You owe me" rationale mind game, while attacking me, making murder comments, dismemberment comments interspersed with insults and then calm friendly questioning--for 5-10 hours for day almost just focused on obtaining this contract out of me for the entire 4th Reich contract of the expletives I just try every day to get rid of in teleportation and otherwise--

I told Johnson that Baryishnikov had been murdering me, he countered that with , "are you telling the truth" which he repeated after asking me what Baryishnikov had  been doing to me that required his 'help" in getting him off me. I finally responded in rage that 'only rapist men tell the truth" and went into a sort of feminist diatribe as Johnson probably had prostitutalina take notes to make more appearances in Congress to "fight" against violence agaisnt women with full welcome by the Biden Democrats and now The Repugs will welcome in the same prostituted skank women who viciously have dirty nasty celebrity men rape sexually abuse and violate me, as Johnson had done the first week he was ordained into Speaker position. He has since been exalted by the 4th Reich for his violence against me and is now focusing on "breaking" me using the same tactics that Morning Joe hole used and many others have used as well--a kind of weakening by transferring kindness with murder and abuse comments in a random manner for hours and hours using drugging--I wake up absolutely groggy drugged up and torture teleportation skits of death in a very twilight manner are being forced upon me by the "you owe me thanks I am helping you" Johnson who took over "You owe me thanks and everything" Baryishnikov who was poisoning me to death slowly while having me slowly killed bringing on more nazi skanks to participate and get invited to The Met by the Nazi English--for the eventual take-over completely of American culture, all beach front property, all politics all politicians are only interested in obtaining Europigapeland mansions which they all obtain, disdaining America with whole-hearted hate for Americans and the "minorities' which I am supposed to now represent who don't grovel and play the false oppositional roles of controlled opposition such as the endless line-up of violent and fascist dehumanizing criminal Democrat politicians in the House and Senate all have performed to get their 'get out of the genocide free" card that is being distributed constantly to every brown and black and white Jew possible and everyone and everything else. 

All I know is my parents played that game and were slowly poisoned to death, programmed to self-hate and to hate me to death for not playing the same game but then regretting it but not being able to step out of the roles demanded for the eventual destruction of Jewry in the United States--the eventual plan by the Nazis and Mafia out of Europigapeland who control this group of Americas whose only goal is to become Europigapelaned aristorcrat Nazis with absolute power and control.

My words are met with the usual silence, a bevy of celebrities hacking their "stuff" on my  YouTube page, and none of this ever exposed, stopped or even revealed even in the slightest. Only opportunistic criminals put into entertainment, youtube media podcasting, politics and in society the people who had been against something like this appear to have been quietly killed off. Those who remain just are brainwashed into an apathetic silence and commiseration amongst themselves but no action ever taken.


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