Mind control tech used on Biden in debate, I believe this 100% as I know Trump, I know the technology and I know the apathy and ignorance of the "leaders" who participate in this crime against me. //They do not study the technology they do not make threat assessments they are flattered paid in millions and billions they believe they are untouchable in their incompetent self-assurance of supremacy. They know NOTHING of what is being done when they further the implementation of this tech death squad system. They don't understand that mind control can be exerted upon them. They do NO RESERACH ON THE TECHNOLOGY they only assume they are "superior" and nothing will happen to them. They are so immersed in violence and torture, they are high off abuse and getting away with sadistic fantasy rape and oppression enslavement scenarios and profiting for decades off poisoning, raping, mutilating and watching me suffer fighting continuously for my life it's a huge thrill. They lie call me names make up lies about who I "deserve" this endless torture and poisoning to death. For the Biden Team, its' about putting endless repetitions of the Obamas into power who have all shared this contract under Obama, then handed it to Trump, obtained deals out of it by partnering with the celebrities and Trump, and now they are holding me in torture captivity, every day endless abuse and hate and mutilation and hate and terrorism so another round of the wives, children and partners and friends of the initial terrorists can also profit. THey study NOTHING about what the tech does, how it can be used, how it operates only that they grunt, demand , get paid get promotions and everything else is about them being called the epitome of society talent and quality. Nothing could be further from the reality. //And Biden WAS ATTACKED BY MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY DURING THE DEBATE I have zero doubt i know what Trump is, as you all mostly do as well. Please read further, this post rambles, the hacking is non-stop the disruption of the keyboard is non-stop but these are salient points about the dangers, the lack of realistic assessment of the dangers of allowing this tech into endless groups of criminal abusers and bigots and contemptuous wanna-be minions. //Hey Biden! "GET SMART"---UNDERSATND the technology you so covet with your terrorists from H-wood and in Congress who rush to assault me because the incompetence of your opponent is a total fascist death murder inc cartel while your incompetent team is a "liberal" posturing clown show as well TO BE COMPETENT FOR TOP POSITION IT REQUIRES MORE THAN ACCOUNTING, ADMINISTRATION AND LYING POSTURING CAPABILITIES. There is something called foresight, there is this quality to understand threats. There are tools to gauge how serious a threat of technology will be in long-term. None of this has been applied to my situation and I think you, Biden, were just bombed with mind control in the debate by much more incompetent Trump. but with tis brain-altering tech, the most incompetent can "win". Why you, Biden, have been so incompetent to underestimate this threat, as have your colleagues of The House and Senate (the Senators are fascist Nazi white supremacist KKK even if they are "Latino" from Texas) but the "liberals" should have more than bartending experience and yapping theatrical posturing and perhaps years of teaching about The Constitution but never following it when it comes to promotion and venting self-hate and loathing at the Jews which the Jews attacking me all have. Not a SINGLE ONE has any clue as to what leadership entails. I keep saying so endlessly but they can't hear the money they are paid for being the bitches that they truly are is far beyond any reasoning capability. THey also have no training in the scientific method or analysis for impending threat of seriously catastrophic tech that they consider to be a fun "game" to play torture sadistic "master" over a victim whom no one will even begin to help//so now Biden has been brain-manipulated during the debate, or I should write this philosophically thusly: Was mind control tech used on #46 Biden in the debate? I have to wonder, I heard only the worst verbal stumbling clips for about 15 seconds and I have never heard Biden stumble so badly verbally.

 "Harvard Scientist Exposes |CIA Mind Control Weapons Still Being Used Today/Len Ber & Robert Duncan". Danny Jones. November 9, 2022.

The proliferation of these technologies is now like a "candy man" coming for insatiable drug addicts looking for a sadism high, which, combined with the money pouring into every participant by this social engineering project, is the most "high" on power and violence drug possible that I think has ever existed. The leaders do nothing to study or understand any implications their only focus is in obtaining money through illicit means and by being promoted into never-ending monopolies.

As I have told the terrorists attacking me, from both Left and Right of the "aisle" (zero degrees of separation)--the technology can and will be used on ANYBODY the 4th Reich wants to eliminate or supplant, discredit or take the place of.

I  know for sure #45 has access to technologies that I may not have experienced but anything that appears innocuous can be a transmitter of technologies to remotely afflict brain function. I am aghast at how badly I can't think or speak when I am in public but I feel, absolutely 100%, the stifling pounding of my brain like it's in a dense fog of electronic suppression. The sensation is palpable if one is aware of it and understands that these technologies can be utilized almost from anywhere and are used constantly on me while I am tying and in public situations where I must deal with hostile terrorists.

The people who do nothing but try to gain from my torture, microchip "slave" situation and observe, try to get into the contract somehow, always believe that they are so high-ranking in the hierarchy that they can never, ever, ever be touched by anything like mind control technology.

I always am shocked by the utter lack of foresight in the terrorists who are ensconced in the monopolies of media and politics or who are trying to become the same, entitled, permanent fixtures that all the rest who bring them into the "fun game" of teleportation torture, rape and violence against me are all waiting in line to join in---

I think Biden, knowing what he knows about Trump participating in brain implant mind control and torture technology--would never assume that there are "enemies' in his own camp, who would implant nanotechnology via "doctor" check-ups, which can be done even by taking blood samples. 

They are so arrogant about their untouchability and lack of empathy lack of awareness of how much their "friends" actually have zero compassion or actual real love unless they are cozy in a tiny group. Nevertheless, the terrorists love to infiltrate, turn one against the other, and break-up such protective groupings even of their own minion base.


They so underestimate what is happening to me and the capability of someone like Trump to really UTILIZE this tech and in a situation like this. I have read that Satellites can be used to transmit brain-blocking or nervous system alterations and there are books available that should be focused on in media but NEVER ARE.

They are so certain that it will never happen to them. Thusly, I saw Biden stammering in a way that I have not seen  him do before--except at the very beginning of his campaign but this was the worst. I feel certain that when I read my tarot cards yesterday about this debate and got THE DEVIL CARD for Trump, it means that serious subterfuge and sabotage and conniving malicious machinations for power were afoot. 

Why no one ever takes my writings seriously no one ever considers how deadly this is. The politicians who are in Biden's camp are not concerned because when they come to beat abuse and torture me, that ensures that no matter who is in power, they will always be protected by the 4th Reich. They don't care about the potentialities of destroying someone else but making it appear like a degeneration. I write about this, I have warned about this for years. It has gone unmet with any concern even by Biden and his team who hacked their FAcebook pages on the top of my Facebook page every time I opened it at the beginning of his administration. He sent one politician after the next to abuse and torture me and Trump sent countless criminal celebrities and others (Rep politicians) to do the same. All are assured a safe warm space in Congress no matter who wins. They all believe they are untouchable.

This is touchless technology that CAN be transmitted in ways that I can only guess at. I did read a book by former DARPA scientist who had worked in compartmentalized "experimental" research for mind control technology. He has his PhD and I am trying to remember his name---of course, mind control is blocking my brain from memory.

Yes---ROBERT DUNCAN. There is much technology being experimented upon, and put in current use, that is so extreme in brain-altering capabilities but so useful for people like Trump, and for Biden, but Biden and the people who shrug off my plight, take my ranting diatribes as me just being an hysterical victim--they call me all kinds of names, scoff and laugh--when they teleport me. Ignore my endless begging for my life to stop poisoning and torture-to-death. They do nothing they allow it to continue (because Obama needs his wife to be elected so they keep me as a torture victim so then can use me for the next round of promotions for the Obamas, and etc Kamala Harris was put into her position by Oprah who sent her to attack me and it never ends).

Now, it truly appears that Biden was stumbling so badly but his many weeks of preparation seem to have been just flushed down a tube of brain dysfunction. I seriously do not believe this was "nervousness" or his incapability. I know what the mind control tech does even when you do not have a speech impediment. You can't remember how to count simple numbers. You can be stymied and stop being able to think and speaking is fraught with something that feels like your brain is caught in glue and you can choke, they can do all kinds of things to your nervous system

NO ONE TAKES WHAT I WRITE WITH ANY DIRE SERIOUS CONSIDERATION they laugh. Harris came and giggled and mocked and insulted me and she went off being championed. No concern about me, but no concern about me writing about the symptoms of how this tech works either. From years of being ignored and shunted around to being mass-raped and tortured and mocked abused and then poisoned almost to death and fighting to shit the poison out day after day after day or when it's just stuck sitting in stifling pain with hard poison blocking my intestines, mind control poison stuck in my body--all this for years and years as the expletives of H-wood KEPT BEING INVITED TO THE WHITE4 HOUSE by Biden kept being put into Oscars position--and me writing writing writing begging screaming asking for help to the emptiness and NOTHING that abounds in the mainstream consciousness of America and usually in the "subcultures" as well, which are equally as brainwashed and programmed as the mainstream and almost are the same except for clothing style and dress.

If Biden had been drugged by mind control tech, as any close associate or person caring for the Biden team can EASILY be bought-out to just pour a tiny vial of mind control drugs and poisons into Bidens coffee, food or anything else--any injection, any capsule--all can so quickly be replaced by any terrorist working covertly.

This is not "conspiracy" this is how the 4th Reich operates constantly around me. How much more they would converge to be paid by the Trump team to operate as agent provacateur or infiltrator for the same purpose.

The Devil card implies that trickery and malevolent machinations were employed.

I could say that for Biden to have kept me as a victim so Obama could also "enjoy" this contract, as Biden has done, along with being buddy-buddy with the H-wood establishment for more interviews and his team of "liberal" Democrats doing the same, the teams all convening to join in to torturing me non-stop as they are enjoying murdering me, there is no doubt about the lengths they will go to inflict murder upon someone just to get a "high" out of it. 

When it comes to the billions and trillions of dollars available for the administration who will "win" the election, the stakes are so high that I think there is no doubt that Biden was attacked by mind control technology; perhaps by Satellites as Robert Duncan, this seemingly "established" Harvard researcher claims that satellites can and are being used to relay transmissions for mind control tech enabling against targets. 

I think of Elon Musk that Trump put into such high power who has absolutely enabled the use of satellite technology with potentiality of terrorism and torture/death capabilities upon either individuals or larger groups.

It could be easy for me to say that Biden has allowed the situation to unfold but the fact that Trump is a murderous (moreso than Biden, if that is possible) tyrant and that these ignorant 'superior" people should firstly stop the torture of me, stop the technology from being further implemented, stop the technologies and recall them ALL immediately, stop the mind control terrorism apparatus which is now being aimed at this man, Biden, who for 50 years has undoubtedly been aware and has fully supported it's use against people like me, who may now be a victim of it himself to his great detriment. That is why I have said they are INCOMPETENT and this is one of the reasons WHY. It is NOT ENOUGH to be able to posture and make speeches and perform administrative procedural tasks it is the types of decisions that one must have FORESIGHT and concern about the future implications--they all appear to be just numb with entitlement and this stupid arrogant sense of absolute immunity from all terrorism they fully endorse upon me. It would never happen to them, they believe. I keep writing and telling them it absolutely can. I think this is what has happened to Biden. Perhaps you can stop inviting the terrorist bigots who are teleporting and abusing me to your |White House for dinners and things like that. Perhaps Biden you can care about the Democratic Party and stop allowing Trump and his terror team to continue because you made a pledge to goddamn jokster clown Obama you wold help to put Michelle and his rotten family into tv and movie production slots, and help to put Michelle into power by keeping this contract of mind control terrorism out on me so more and more f-ers can enjoy getting free promotions. Now you are a victim, I believe, of your own ignorant incompetence in this most critical matter of NEVER stopping this 4th Reich terror mind contrnol apparatus so the good ole boys like Musk, from the Nazi 4th Reich fascist country South Africa, to continue to put his fascist bigot not "cool" influence on the most serious threat to humanity this technology that you all keep allowing these fascist bigot rape culture "men" so-called to continue to inflict on people like me. 

Now it's happening to you. You all will continue as you always do to ignore me, what is happening to me, and the Republicans are having a heyday repeating the stumbling rambling and incoherency of Biden which I truly believe was Trump up to a trick up his d--ck-wad of tricks of mind control and torture technology that BIDEN SHOULD HAVE STOPPED AND HAS ONLY JUST ENDLESSLY EXPLOITED THIS CONTRACT OUT ON ME. 

But it's more than Biden I care about, it's not allowing the fascist Nazi 4th Reich through Trump have more power. Can';t any of you f-ers out there ever give a goddamn about anything but your sleazy greedy selfish career aspirations and consider this a goddamn threat to the country and to the planet?

It's so impossible to reach anyone you are all so absorbed in your stupid sense of impenetrability you never, ever study this technology you never do anything to learn you only want to press buttons rape and abuse and steal ideas and get a promotion. Hateful and violent for me fighting to stop this. Biden should have stopped this years ago and now he is probably paying a huge price but has no idea what happened. That also is what the mind control tech does, you will have no idea why you can't function and you can't really "feel" the sensation unless you are extremely familiar with it's effect and have experienced it countless times, as  I have. I am constantly ignored, the expletives who teleport me mock, abuse and jeer at my writings. They have no concept of how the tech works they could give a damn. I keep telling them they are incompetent they truly are. The competence level if they are to use this tech is to understand what a very simple scientific method tool available that they never even understand how to use--it's called a THREAT ASSESSMENT. I had to write some of these threat assessments when I studied Criminal Justice at the graduate level. These idiots who teleport me have no scientific method, methodology, research-based experience (except perhaps a few of the celebrities) but they still don't utilize anything they only see they get instant promotion.

Too stupid for me to even talk to yet I am forced to have to deal with their endless hate aimed at me for caring about the dangers of this tech in the wrong hands. Incompetent Biden keeps promoting the expletives for using this tech--has no idea that any idiot in his administration could be a covert agent. NO concept that satellites and nanotechnology can be used to drug and disable his brain while he's in the debates. This is the JOB HE SHOULD HAVE BEEN DOING WHEN HE IS GIVING HIS ROTTEN DUMB CLOWN BUDDY OBAMA THE PROMISE THAT HE WILL KEEP ME AS A TORTURE VICTIM OF THIS TECH UNTIL MICHELLE CAN BE RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT. I was just assaulted but not so badly by Obama a few days ago and I realized that Biden was saving me in endless torture and violence, as Obama had done because Biden/Obama are both using me just as Trump is as well--

endless rotation for terrorists, their friends, the wives and children then taking turns--a complete feeding frenzy. Now Biden has completely f-ed up the Democrat chance by his ignorance and showing his incompetence at understanding and making any semblance of a threat assessment for the tech that Trump has at his disposal. It is as if they consider my predicament just a fun game, I am a "stupid bitch" and they can beat and rape me to death for years and years and years and they are of course, the "good" boys and always I am lying they are always telling the truth--they are good I am t his "bitch" who "deserves" endless torture to death for fighting for basic human rights which they are all laughing about as they are able to confiscate each and every single human right from me using this tech.

Now it appears, to me at least, that the most rambling I have ever seen of Biden in close proximity to Trump means that mind control tech was probably used, in conjunction with a Musk satellite. Thanks to Biden never doing ANYTHING to stop them he is now a victim, discredited, giving the Repubs a huge advantage and looking like an incompetent. And he is incompetent because his job is to protect the constitution for ME as well as his white supremacist shithole friends who are torturing me. The shithole friends he invites to the White House who are torturing me have more at stake for supporting Trump than Biden, btw because of the absolute Mafia Nazi cartel monopoly that Trump is promising them all.


Hacking goonies--funny papers on the internet hacking "fun & games"= I wrote a sort of quote that "They" called me the B-word--yes, bitch (bow wow wow ) and of course, the "bad" kind of bitch, the "worst" kinda bitch--that female version of just not Klaus Barbie bitch something like a minority woman not knowing her place bitch---something like that came from- a Black man---I quoted it because h is utterances are really the basic bottom line that all the other terrorists of "higher" verbal scholastic qualification do not say but mean with their beatings rape torture mutilation laughing about my body being destroyed a huge bloated box-shape out-of-alighment laughing joking what  a "bitch' they don't say but Mike Tyson said it outright when I told him and Jasmine Crockett that they were supporting white supremacy. It's so obvious but Crocket rushed at me violently as Tyson, right next to her both facing me, lunged at me and of course he said that b-word--I'm pretty certain that word rolls off his palate and is a refrain often heard in his casual listening entertainment programming. I used it because he also said, really the bottom line that none of the attackers say, which is, "They have money, what do you have?"--which I answered with, "I have foresight". Well, obviously using the ubiquitous word "bitch" for women used so often in rap songs with bitch sometimes meaning hot and sexy of course he dd not mean that for me because he hates darker women in particular Jewish--which I am not really but they have categorized me into their boxes and with hate sealed with a death wish kiss---

and for many YEARS except under the Obama terror regime (for me, yet another victim of yet another president and the antisemitic background of Obama is known but he made a public gesture of changing his church to the more underground variety of a much more violent ritualistic slaughter of Jews in the 4th Reich when he attained that position)

but under Obama., the comedy pair Key & Peele hacked their videos endlessly onto my youtube. I had never heard of them being so far distant so they were funny. But oddly, I wrote in one of my Facebook posts before I had begun this blog, "I must be the ONLY ONE who is being teleported and raped and tortured like this because "they" never stop"--and hacked not long afterward was a Key & Peele skit about a black Scottish man wearing a kilt with a throng of white Scottish men plotting an attack upon the English (in something like "Braveheart" era)--he kept repeating (this was Peele) how he was raped--by the invading English--but "am I the only one?"{ he asked as the white men completely ignored him, uncaring. It seemed a bit odd but it was before I had begun to recognize a pattern of the things I had written being used, repeatedly by the endless circulation of celebrities (and politicians sometimes using a few select phrases I had just written) and stealing them, profiting off the participation, and leaving me to be raped and poisoned and beaten to death as they got promoted.

And they were under the Obama team, and now they hacked again because I wrote about the Obamas and the next successive wave of terrorism in which they expect to endlessly have me beaten, raped, tortured and abused day and night so the children, the wife and all can continue to "enjoy" endless privilege and promotion hopefully into the White House. And now the path may be clear because Biden f-ed up so badly.

But the Key & Peele kits were of "black men" calling their wives "bitches" in private to the all-male partnership but when the wives appear, they are all loving smiles and doting good husband soft talk.

But in teleportation t his Black man with a lot of violence in his life just rolled out that word instantly because there was nothing holding him back. Crockett, as well, just rushed violently at me but not using that word as she has been programmed by the photo of \Shirley Chisholm to have care and concern for women and not call them bitches--she probably does not listen to cock rock rap as Tyson does (the black man's equivalent of cock rock for white males) 

Every single one has a particular hate or suppressed cliched hate person or group they need to transpose onto me as a surrogate for all their hate and rage.


I watched Trump's face in the debates when Biden was just lost in  inability to speak. Again, I have never seen Biden so lost for words, ever until today. He is not incompetent he was being manipulated by mind control technology. The look on Trump's face as he glared with a frown but made almost comical slight facial expressions also made me KNOW that it was a calculated attack and he knew precisely what was going on. Trust me, if anyone ever can, because everyone has a grudge against some woman, minorities, women with dark hair, Jews all hate is directed at me for every personal problem and cliche and hate meme possible

but trust me when I know and say that Trump absolutely has the technical capability to insert brain-altering tech into Biden

if the tech was not used by Netanyahu who has a huge stake in the Celebrity and Jewish politician Nazi Mafia cartel, then it was also Putin who obviously has a stake in Biden not winning--the satellites, the technology and the ability for deceitful staffers to very easily drug biden so the tech-drug interface works smoothly. 

The almost comical looks on Trump's face as Biden struggled for words, with facial movements on Trump's face signifying that as grim as he was, he was relieved, sadistically thrilled and making mocking insulting looks at Biden knowing his brain was being pummeled with compartmentalized brain-stifling assault.



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Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. 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