Overwhelming depression overcame me because I am taking Kratom for pain, and the next expletive who hacked it's video onto my YouTube channell while I was watching to see the aftermath of the debate--it was a politician from The House---I only watched the video --I mean, I was doing something and it came on--hacked--while I was not choosing what was on. It was Katy Porter from CA. She began dancing I suddenly was dancing to the music I was listening to and she went on using the voice-to-skull to try to penetrate my interior life by this forced stalking apparatus. I was too tired from over 20 hours in the last two days of Mike Johnson threatening to mutilate my body, endlessly making comments while I was in the shower, immediately upon waking, endlessly hate endless accusations of how inferior I am to his superiority he claims and that I will be his slave and live in the Swamp with him and have a slave room and he will beat and torture me and etc etc on and on and on and on it went for over 20 hours. Writing about it today, he has left. Replaced by Katy (Katie?) p from Conress playing the game but very similar to how Marjorie Taylor Green began by dancing around as I was listening to music and it happened without me even being aware I was doing it because I was dancing in the teleportation zone but cleaning the endless filth and muck her predecessor had ordered put in my room--and every moment she was there making comments, a cheery hug and welcome and I was too tired to fight another one. Realizing that anyone who teleports me is a deadly enemy, I could barely say anything but "this is not okay" after dancing around because I am over-stressed, exhausted and in pain and just took Kratom and I cried when I said that I just want America to not be overtaken by this criminal element of the hate organization that she is just participating with to get her promotion just like all the rest. Then, later on, after I said a few times that I could not talk to her, I was looking at the next sewing project and as I decided in my mind how I was going to make this new item (they always spray stinking substances and rip seams out of all that I make, btw) but it was Victoria Gotti saying, "that will be pretty" and so they never leave. It is absolutely depressing for one violent hateful person after the next to try to insinuate themselves into my BRAIN and begin conversations for HOURS only to insult, abuse, make disgusting hate comments, and order torture upon me. trying to pry them alll off constantly only for one to be instantly replaced by another, who is joined by people i have fought and fought to get off me for Y EARS and ....the inhumanity the sickness of it all. That this is okay with the American leadership should say a lot about how seriously sick the culture really is, but no one even begins to venture into the thought of that.
One of them after the next, after the next, after the next, then the nest of them clumped in a room of rows of chairs staring as I scream in rage at yet another one--it is a sequence of vicious hybrid cross-breeds of locusts combined with some sucking life-draining parasite combined in a semi-plastic surgery-coated human form plied with millions and billions of dollars and sucking all they can out of my subpoverty existence. They rush to get promotions deals leadership and once they obtain their first promotion, they are addicted to all the free deals as they all never stop. There are so many of these fillthy disgusting creep things globbing onto me constantly that it's impossible to count them any longer.
Vicious and sinister disgusting lead political representatives rush at me with the MOST outright violence and bring on murderous bigots like Mike Tyson who, like so many blacks are thoroughly inculcated in antisemitism as the relief mechanism to the racism they claim they experience but are honestly with integrity fighting to represent some resistance to. Cruel, ugly, sick and disgusting they rush at me all with utmost hate for just saying NO to being the scapegoated witch hunt victim they all are foisting their loathing onto otherwise they may themselves have to experience some version of this if they also try to be authentic and actually fight oppression for real, not make-believe theatrical productions in front of cameras, as that is all they ever do as far as I can see or know of them. The things like Democracy Camp I fear are just more sucking opportunities for the youngsters to at least provide them with fresh and idealistic concepts with which to ply their snake oil corrupt and insidious decrepit deceptions about how much they are fighting for "Democracy" against racism and for women's rights and everything else they are selling and getting away with, to huge cheers from audiences they have been coached in acting so well.
IT's never ending the sickening disgusting pile-up of rotten disgusting violent crap parasites who are just abusing me non-stop day and night because of some contract they are promised so if I just say like all the Jewish and 'Black and Asian and Latinos slaves that the white bigot pig apes are the most supreior that I will love them adore them that they can rape beat abuse and use me--in particular the abuse towards me is ext5remely violent so much so that it's attempted murder from each rapist so finally I have had to fight to get them off me--for my life. For doing this, I get death threats from politicians in Congress non-stop.
Katy porter is just warming up. I am so exhausted from dirty foul Johnson and Baryishnikov and FOURTEEN YEARS of non-stop torture and begging for people to fuckin stop them and t6o stop this and to defend my rights and just anothe fucking congress person has come to fuck me over replacing within a few HOURS the sickness, pure evil of Johnson who is a foul and violent crap personality just like Morning Joe and his Nazi bigot orange-haired CIA bigot partner for that rotten show--can't watch it ever again or katy porter. She lost her election but she was dancing like snoopy today because she hopes that after endless other of her colleagues and political scumbag parasites she, too, can play the same abuse game and devour my life force as I felt this sagging depression from contact with her, seeing her so enthused to be able to attack me to get a promotion.
So thrilled to be having me poisoned drugged raped beaten abused insulted my home made stinking my life destroyed countless shit celebrities and politicians hundreds of thousands of Europigapes on vacation or living where I am just attqacking me with deadly violence. Cars hitting me and people plotting abuse skits in stores--hundreds of thousands of people nearly one million for the past decade of a high-density tourist area with millions of tourists coming in each year so I am under non-stop deadly assault. The vicious ugliness of them all is a disgusting sight and they are hormonally so excited and some are dancing around and joyfully attacking me in huge groups.
Alone, not a single fucker comes to approach me except to exploit and attack me. Fighting to tget these f ucking pig apes from Congress off me and the shit from Whorewood and FOURTEEN YEARS of this going on and on. A few hours after sick ugly dirty JOhnson was finally doing something else with his filthy and vile evil demonic creep self it was katy porter behaving a LOT like Marjorie Taylor Green before she sexually assaulted me. Porter hugged me and got physically close, it was like a grooming session for some underaged victim she was preying upon. My state of mind in teleportation was that I finally was dancing but i had to realize this is always sick and violent evil people always a threat to my life--and trying to get them off me is like a lifteime of energy fighting to get shit fuckers off me I never wanted anything to do with. Pigs from 1997 are still trying to suck my life out of me for yet more huge discos and businesses *the mafia Italian and crap out of Miami is just endlessly latched on and I never even talked to them when I lived there I just sold cigars and they stalked me and it's now 30 years later as people are threatening to kill me for not allowing them to poison me and rape the poison into my body to paralyze me--for "fun" for them and more businesses handed to them for their entertainment huge mafia goon squad system with politicians coming to join in the VIP lounges for more p-grabbing and coke parties and etc
this sickness is never stopped.
but I have to be concerned about Biden and the probability that Trump used mind control to completely discredit Biden. I've only been writing about it for FOURTEEN YEARS to the silence of the parasites stealthily approaching to suck my life sexuality my ideas and the joy and peace my health anything they can suck out steal and destroy and get awarded for by the Nazi pig ape cartel they all take completely instructions from obeying every order.
It is so sickening and yet it's never over. Even me writing trying to get the dumb and shit crap from Congress who supposedly care about "Democracy" to begin to consider that Trump used mind control on Biden and that they should finally fucking study the subject instead of just attack me gladly seeing they can inflict rape beatings abuse racism upon a person to destroy them and get huge laughs, giggles and their dream career promotions out of it and then forever they are told they can go on forever attacking me, taking turns of course. And so, maybe they have begun to realize that the tech is being used by "their side' if they care and perhaps they will try to protect Biden. But instantly all they do otherwise is just continue to be stupid and rotten and grasping sleazy greedy ignoramus parasites who have no conception of the deadly nature of what they are doing.
And no one else does either, except for me, in all the famous personages who rush to attack me forever to death to get their cheasy greasy sleazy promotions forever by endlessly attacking me, in lieu of actual talent. Yes, Porter lost her election bid so jump at the chance of attacking me to get another chance. That's all that matters. Fuck Democracy, it's really all they have all ever communicated towards me. They embrace predatory sexual violence all--
it's absolutely sickening a slow death from disgusting crap shit parasitic "leaders" who act like foul contagion assaulting me with so much hate. Dirty disgusting Johnson has behaved as if I have committed the most grievous of offenses by just enjoying my life and having once been competitive and winning against bigot shit him and his group of crap from the Slave colony plantation society that is just as rotten to the core as it always was during slavery. they can't wait to "rise up" again and re-instate brutal slavery and murder and lynchings and torture--Katy Porter, the bubbly "defender" of lower income victims of the wealth tyranny that Johnson really represents, came so delighted to join in and be one with the crew of \trump, all the most nasty Republican senators, and the Democrat fascist Nazi bigot antisemites, particularly the Jewish ones.
It's sickening, disgusting an endless array of shit dirty crap parasites I can never get off me because on one ever does or thinks a damn thing other than sadistic enjoyment of feeling privileged that it's happening to me and they can jump on me to death just being paid by the 4th Reich. Come one, come all just come and come beating abusing threatening. Every lying sleaze crap from Congress just have a ball abusing me for Trump and for Biden for both for all for America make it great again godammn
While I was focused on concentrating on something I was studying, which required quiet, and not being interrupted, Porter was talking non-stop asking me questions about what I was doing, what it meant, etc. It was non-stop talking as they all do. they all go on literally yelling talking insulting and constantly asking me for information as I can't stop responding and am drugged literally every day in order to obtain this result. The pompous expletives are all so smug about this attack upon me. She had been given instructions obviously, after having obtained the next beating session upon me from Johnson, who obviously finally had something else to do for his career of stating into a camera that Biden obviously was unfit for office. That was literally immediately after more than 20 hours of verbally assaulting me with death threats, dismemberment threats, insults and endless interrogation questions about my lifestyle choices that he disapproves of---everything is a sin a crime a whorish sinful disease that I imbibe that must be altered with me being a slave, beaten and abused and crushed. My music, what I have done in the past (they always neglect my 6 years of grad school, my jobs my "normal" life but they focus on the years I had to literally fight for my life because I had been physically assaulted while sleeping but was put into an accident on the prior day. Unharmed just a bit sore, I woke up with fractured vertebrae and a broken metal rod in my back for a scoliosis surgery. I had to literally fight for my life, as I have not stopped doing for over 14 years of whorewood and congress endlessly assaulting me because of some sick contract that these scum can't even delineate from cesspool mentality to the filth that they do for their promotions. It's just "me" who is bad and wrong. The rape, the poisoning, the mutilation that they all laugh about and join in, that's just good fun, I "deserve" it they all make up lies and repeat the lies and go on and on still getting unbelievable promotions for it.
They are "good" I am the epitome of a just degenerate loser bitch whore, etc. They repeat and repeat this type of mentality at me, the blacks come at me endlessly that I am this most virile racist for saying that Oprah is supporting white plantation society by participatin in t his crime so they all come at me with the counter accusation that I am racist for having used a 60's term that Malcolm X used in a speech about Blacks who partner with the plantation masters.
And this southern bigot is just being embraced by them all, of course in private, the biggest boon for them is that a white bigot is going to endorse them and help them to be more welcomed into the general 4th Reich Plantation scheme. I am the racist, not the actual lynch mob KKK sleazy sick fuckers whom they grovel to and love and respect and obey who make hints at lynchings and slave society and slave treatment. No, it's me, they all hiss in hate at me and get rewards for it.
It's so sickening. But I have spent the last two days while Johnson was literally non-stop assaulting me as proxy for Trump to impress the Nazi bigots of the 4th Reich that he truly is a vicious violent Nazi hate personality and Johnson is his Missionary Man and is acting as proxy terrorist in replacement of Trump to assault ME for some reason it's always me they rely on for the fix of the crimes they commit. They had everything and lost it and it's ME they attack in order to get out of all the liability that is surrounding them, with a lot of help from their friends at the Supreme Court and the rest of the "liberal" lynch mob who join in like lemmings to attack me and also be a part of the fascist Nazi cartel.
Still so sickening that there is no support for me and they are still flocking like roaches to get the free deals. In the light of truth they scurry and attack me to silence me and they keep it all silent and in a concerted effort to protect this institution which it is by now. It put Trump into power, politicians of all sides are rushing to join in. Sickening. Biden was attacked probably by mind control tech but they STILL must rush to attack me and join in with the use of this tech. Johnson spent 2 days verbally abusing me obviously to obtain some huge promotion for Trump as his spokesperson of abuse. No one could give a fucking damn in the entire whorewood Congresswhorewood shit cartel of the endless sleazy and sick line-up of these rotten shit creeps in the institution of decay and destruction.
Another of the 20-hour-long psy-ops trauma-based attacks by Johnson was when I was being interrogated about every subject possible, as I am so exhausted from fighting for years to get hateful parasites off me, as I have done with Johnson but they ALL rush to return asap. And here he was, condemning me for using a word that had a slightly more sophisticated level of academic or learned awareness than basic vocabulary of a "slave" which he and the Morning Joe team and Trump and the white bigot rapist hateful parasitic leeches all are trying to force on me with non-stop drugging and paralysis fracturing of my spine and mutilation of my body and non-stop gaslighting and blacklisting.
The word was too threatening for him to hear coming out of me. They ignore completely that I grew up as the step-daughter of a university professor and my biological father was a Yale Law School graduate my mother was an attorney I come from highly professional people but because of their racism and hate and the contract to oppress me in every way possible, even using words that are not basic grammar school 4th Grade level for unexceptional students is all they will "allow" me to express without accusations that I am faking it that it's too sophisticated for me. Dirty filthy Joe from that MSNBC show of lies told me that me listening to Mozart is far too sophisticated for me. I played violin in a symphony and have played Mozart, have played Beethoven on piano and they ignore every single thing in an effort to place me on a bare slave level of existence. All finances are cut from me, I am blocked by all banks by all financial institutions I am stuck with no ability to obtain health care that isn't fraught with damage to my body from malpractice which is the norm not an unusual event.
Everyone flocks to put me in this slot and position. The Jews, in particular the men, are so violent and abusive towards me and their every action of glorifying Nazi blondish women is disgusting. They are some of the most flattering minions of the rapist skanks who have ordered dismemberment and poisoning of me, laughing about it and giggling for years as they are awarded and the Jewish men so gladly assault me violently for just fighting for any basic human rights which they deny me constantly.
Now Biden, in my opinion 100% was under mind control technology/. |The expletives who have been assaulting me from Congress are aware of the basics of this tech, and like any 4th grader they know you press a button and you get a fun prize of beating abusing insulting and torturing someone and then you press a button and there is no evidence so you can continue, as the politician, to spout out sophisticated scripts you have studied for years to memorize so you can sound like you do have a very sophisticated level of vocabulary but in private, the basic grunting of immediate gratification for promotion and the need to brutalize someone as a victim is the tantamount feature of them all--literally all have the same basic 4th Grade mentality and vocabulary when it comes down to talking to me. I don't know how they talk to their significant others.
And they try their best to block my every attempt to just sit quietly and think and do something that requires attention as happened today. I could not concentrate the next terrorist was constantly blocking all my silent introspective analysis of what I was doing and it was half-destroyed and that was their intention--to completely destroy anything I am capable of and put me in a minority minion slave position, literally. Johnson has vocalized this approach while the rest have made lying promises of me obtaining the health care and food they have blocked from me and stolen from me for all these years of poisoning me nearly to death, with intention to put me in a coma and kill me.
But even though Biden probably was under mind control, he STILL can't recognize that this group must be stopped. Instead he allows it to continue allows his "friend" Johnson to attack me because Johnson made a deal with Biden to pass some war legislation which means obviously the billion dollar contracts were also shared with all the greedy and lascivious demons that Johnson keeps in the back pocket of his bottom persona which comes out of the closet but only as a sadistic rapist hetero when he's abusing me.
They are sick. THIS TECHNOLOGY MUST BE STOPPED this group must be stopped. Where is the graduate level of intelligence that will stop this and not the grade-yard bully 1st grade level of stupidity that I see every single day, including their basic dumb vocabulary and absolute lack of actual intellect that is evident and they make it apparent in teleportation. When they go in front of cameras it is rote recitation of the scripts they spent years and a lot of money studying to repeat when the time came. The rest is what I have called repeatedly Idiot Savant and I just want some intlligent and capable person in Congress to actually intervene and stop this sickness. To live with my level of intellect unhampered by some disgusting bigots posing as Christians and righteous fighters for Democracy and against racism and sexism --the two seemingly opposing sides are actually the same thing just using different words with different skin shades and levels of economic expectations.
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