
Showing posts from April, 2024

Banana Republic Colonists with full Immunity for any and all crimes. What country could that be, the parenthetical reader ponders? No, it's not quite the United States...yet. But it is a country I am experienced with and realizing the extent of the absolute control over the legal system and political maneuvering and how much the colonized (unofficially) minions are (akia slaves). It is what America has become but only emerging as such openly at this time. Comparison Thailand v. USA.

  "From Swastika flags to Hitler T-shirts: why Nazi symbols are common in SE Asia". South China Morning Post. May 7, 2019. "Thailands Nazi pop culture phenomenon". DW News. March 12, 2019. I am not going to delve into the United States' descent into despotism combined with every kind of despotic corruption that is blatant and now outright as opposed to the more hidden version in Thailand---it's more simple, much easier to understand as the color differentiation makes the "haves v have-nots" much more easy to understand in terms of racism and post-colonialism. It is another definition for the modern 4th Reich which I constantly write of. Today, feeling the sense of frustration of the enormous battle I have had to personally undergo with almost no results or any seeming inch or millimeter advance against the tsunami of hate sleazy sick creeps coming at me ferociously to obtain their free promotion and the free hand-outs and the free awards and the pa...

"Dear Kitty". Dear Anne Frank. Your cat was lost due to Nazi invasion, and so has my cat been stolen by the 4th Reich as a hostage crisis situation death threat "incentive" to conform to not fighting the Nazi protocols of the Elders of the 3rd Reich.

**I expect this post will have been partially deleted and hacked-- Unlike Anne Frank, however, I have no other family to commiserate with, as the 4th Reich version of programming has now included a mass Jewish Nazification to the degree that Jewish Nazis--from my lifetime experience of all the various "groups" attacking me, is far more common than any support system amongst that "race" or "group" which I have been labeled as being a "member" of, although I only was forced to participate in family gatherings in NYC as a child and only then, learned nothing about the religion and only about the eating establishments that were "Jewish" because my family concentrated all family gatherings on going out to dinner (where I probably was poisoned and my grandmother didn't have to cook for 5 children + 2 adults plus herself and Grandpa). Of course, my food was poisoned by the wait staff, I suspect/am very aware of. The restaurants were of aff...

I so support Marjorie Taylor Green on this issue: NO MONEY TO UKRAINE. "Fighting for Democracy" my a$$. Agenda has been since before WWII to create a new SS nation in the Ukraine region and it was one of the stated goals of the Nazis (which were spread throughout Europ-a-land and...of course, the United States. Please keep fighting "Marjorie" even though she probably is fighting stringently for a different reason, which I actually care about more than the Nazi expansion into "The East". It is that money is being kept from the actual PEOPLE of America for this Nazi pursuit. Some criticize me for calling everything antagonistic towards me as being "Nazi". I think that is one of the psy-ops of the 4th Reich is to smugly accuse those who are pointing out 4th Reich agenda are "paranoid" "nutcases" "calling everything Nazi". I suggest peeps listen to "The Occult History of the Third Reich", which is a 3-day series on William Cooper's Hour of the Time archived MP3 broadcasts. This is not Cooper lecturing but a pre-recorded British piece that sounds like it came out of the late 60's-80's--I have not looked up this piece but the MUSIC background for t his explanation of the mostly under-reported history, or non-reported history --based on research, validated and confirmed as being verifiable and accurate) also is the same music Kubrick used for the movie The Shining--a film I wrote of I think last week or two weeks ago which, in the context of the same exact music being used for this (I think) earlier recording, appears to be a subtle "hint" that the United States "elite" stemming back from the early 1920's and the ensuing financial collapse is part of the Nazi take-over agenda. Murder, oceans of blood, ghosts from the past; hideous seemingly "beautiful" Nazi women who really are grotesque monsters and demons if and when you actually get near enough to them to grab the flesh and feel it wither into mutilated decay and rot (referring to The Shining).//There is more to say, hacking is pretty awful once more on the keyboard and fighting to get words out.

(Huffpost, April 20, 2024) Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes Incredibly Worrisome Claim About Speaker Turnover   ========== The Occult History of The Third Reich is actually a video presentation, and there is no information on when or which company produced this video or the track for the presentation. It could have been made prior to the movie The Shining. It is very worth the 3 hours because most of this information is never reproduced in public lectures about Nazis, in particular how the SS had a pan-European structure and had inducted many from other countries such as Sweden and Norway (Sweden currently has a "Far Right" government which some ascribe as being a sort of Nazi type political party--which is gaining traction in other countries NOW in places like The Netherlands, another country which the German Nazis created offshoots of the SS, using the same SS uniforms and slogans and death squad genocidal programming). The Nazi mentality is fully in effect as far as I have exp...

My correct tarot reading prediction has come true: Democrats as the real power brokers for control over The House of Rep's. Prior to the Midterm elections two years ago. I predicted that the Dems would "win" the House. I read this for B-kov the political terrorist teleporting me/poisoning/raping etc but when I did a tarot reading he had his "voice-to-skull" tech along with the camera surveillance (and I have been informed that within the brain microchip implant the terrorists are able to "see" what I am looking at as the optic nerves are connected somehow to visual capture of the tech interface-- ). //He, of course, would deny that my tarot reading was accurate and uncanny since it did take 2 years for this prediction to come into view, which it has (see article below).. As B-kov's every ambition is to destroy any credibility and every single thing about me (up to and including killing plants I am growing on my patio just to make sure I can't have anything really stunning or beautiful---all shredded, stained, ripped, stolen if the terrorists breaking into my room want any item I have that they can use, etc). He would claim that I never said any such thing, because I am not supposed to have any outstanding anything, whatsoever---although the theft of my original ideas has been ongoing with this terrorist group for over 10 years and longer, with the concepts claimed as their own, the endless censorship of every single thing I do and try to learn, endless brain-suffocating poisoning, endless attacks with hate and terrorism every single moment possible for anyone to reap a promotion out of. But my prediction has come into being and I take credit for it. Perhaps in the anals of the archives of the endless teleportation sessions this has been recorded somewhere. I would suggest that if this group is a furtherance of the 3rd Reich, meticulous records have, indeed, been archived are the information is buried in some computer chip file.

(Breitbart, April 19, 2024): Democrats Seize Control of House: For First Time in Recorded History, Speaker Mike Johnson Relies on Minority Party Votes to Advance Foreign Aid Plan ================ Furthermore, I did a similar reading for MAGA Mike, featured in article above, who later cast me as an evil witch for reading tarot, thustly justifying his violence against me (rape--done at the onset of his ascension to the Speaker's position along with the Australian bigotws and American Nazi league of Whorewood)\ AND judgment MAGA Mike, who later proclaimed that I deserved all the rape, hate, torture, poisoning and violence due to my reading of tarot cards---being thus not a "good" Christian as he "is" asked me for a reading about the future of the Rep control over the House in the Nov. 2024 election cycle. I told him they would LOSE and that really requires almost no prediction as it's almost a foregone conclusion because of the chaos they have caused and many o...

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.

  "O.J. Simpson vs. Richard Burton". JackNTheVideoBox. January 26, 2023. "Public Enemy--Can't Truss It". Channel ZERO. October 23, 2010. The KLANSMAN Trailer

(Brief) News analysis: O.J. Simpson dead, but domestic violence is still shielded from scrutiny. The "right" for men to abuse women is never questioned in "today's" post-mortem condolences and glib gratification remarks (two words) by "celebrities".

**This video titled in Spanish is the only video I could find of this lecture/book reading at the Los Angeles store that I have obtained in English-only but for some reason, the videos are now in non-English format but with English subtitles. Thusly, the commentary about the op-ed in the LA Times by Dworkin, heavily redacted by the LA Times editors, but sufficiently insightful as to the collusion of rape-privilege which is sustained, now, today, by the utter silencing of this topic in the "media' that I have found on my hacked internet, which, of course, if a serious break of law and another form of silencing of me as the target of endless rape and sexual and physical assault by the "me too" and UN "women's rights' cheerleaders who embrace utterly all the rapist Nazis who assault me. Non-stop, as no one stops it either. The contract on me is so popular that an industry is burgeoning on experimenting on how to create more teleportation rape and domestic v...

So So sick of the ugly and sinister filth that has been put into power being handed torture technology and going on and on for over 13 years without a goddamn restraint and only applause and more sinister filth coming to join in. They are such life-fuck sinister and ugly horrific and boring loser scum put into power by demonic forces I swear this must be a "real" thing of demonic possession. The more I have to deal with this group of excrement and evil filth I realize that the concepts I used to just brush off as ridiculous may be, in fact, absolutely correct. Demonic possession. But that EVERYBODY alive just goes along with this death organization....They are now using the "insult" of "boring" at me. I sit here trying to ignore sick and satanic shit parasites who are being paid to destroy me with every kind of mind fuck, poison and torture that will kill me slowly but appear like I am just disintegrating while "everyone" around me knows and participates and is paid but it's all kept "secret" and I ist here writing to fuckers reading my posts for YEARS laughing about it.

**30+ minutes later--the hacker terror unit froze my laptop whilst I was in the very middle of the above diatribe--the entire system froze--pages popped up constantly--this browser slowly evaporated and disappeared. The Settings page appeared while I had not pressed it at all. The system completely froze so I had to press the start-stop button and then the system is always hacked when I do a restart or turn the system on so the screen is black--with the red edges of the destruction of the monitor the terrorists performed upon this shoddy, scratched, stained laptop which is all due to terrorists making all I own stinking, broken down, ugly and dirty and half-operational--constantly non-stop every day something is ripped, torn, sprayed, etc I was trying to write about this group but to whom? A bunch of scumbags reading my posts for YEARS and never getting involved in defending the most basic of human rights, for me, for anybody? Surely this situation will trickle up and down the scale of...