I so support Marjorie Taylor Green on this issue: NO MONEY TO UKRAINE. "Fighting for Democracy" my a$$. Agenda has been since before WWII to create a new SS nation in the Ukraine region and it was one of the stated goals of the Nazis (which were spread throughout Europ-a-land and...of course, the United States. Please keep fighting "Marjorie" even though she probably is fighting stringently for a different reason, which I actually care about more than the Nazi expansion into "The East". It is that money is being kept from the actual PEOPLE of America for this Nazi pursuit. Some criticize me for calling everything antagonistic towards me as being "Nazi". I think that is one of the psy-ops of the 4th Reich is to smugly accuse those who are pointing out 4th Reich agenda are "paranoid" "nutcases" "calling everything Nazi". I suggest peeps listen to "The Occult History of the Third Reich", which is a 3-day series on William Cooper's Hour of the Time archived MP3 broadcasts. This is not Cooper lecturing but a pre-recorded British piece that sounds like it came out of the late 60's-80's--I have not looked up this piece but the MUSIC background for t his explanation of the mostly under-reported history, or non-reported history --based on research, validated and confirmed as being verifiable and accurate) also is the same music Kubrick used for the movie The Shining--a film I wrote of I think last week or two weeks ago which, in the context of the same exact music being used for this (I think) earlier recording, appears to be a subtle "hint" that the United States "elite" stemming back from the early 1920's and the ensuing financial collapse is part of the Nazi take-over agenda. Murder, oceans of blood, ghosts from the past; hideous seemingly "beautiful" Nazi women who really are grotesque monsters and demons if and when you actually get near enough to them to grab the flesh and feel it wither into mutilated decay and rot (referring to The Shining).//There is more to say, hacking is pretty awful once more on the keyboard and fighting to get words out.

(Huffpost, April 20, 2024) Marjorie Taylor Greene Makes Incredibly Worrisome Claim About Speaker Turnover 


The Occult History of The Third Reich is actually a video presentation, and there is no information on when or which company produced this video or the track for the presentation. It could have been made prior to the movie The Shining. It is very worth the 3 hours because most of this information is never reproduced in public lectures about Nazis, in particular how the SS had a pan-European structure and had inducted many from other countries such as Sweden and Norway (Sweden currently has a "Far Right" government which some ascribe as being a sort of Nazi type political party--which is gaining traction in other countries NOW in places like The Netherlands, another country which the German Nazis created offshoots of the SS, using the same SS uniforms and slogans and death squad genocidal programming). The Nazi mentality is fully in effect as far as I have experienced of Europ-a's which is why I call most of "them" Europigapes because they become sleazy and filthy less-than subhuman animals and they are told that makes them "superior" in some way.

"The Occult History of the Third Reich (1991)--SWESUB". Jacko TV. August 26, 2021.

House of Lies

First floor:
Here live the blind
Who believe what they see
And the deaf
Who believe what they hear
Strapped to a kitchen stool
Sits a lunatic who believes
Everything that he can touch
(his hands lie in his lap)
Second floor:
Roll to roll
In wood-chip wallpaper
Tenants stand around in the corridors
Contemplating the walls attentively
Searching on it strip by strip
For printing or spelling errors
They couldn't even decipher their own names
To the next floor:
Which, oh wonder! Was never completed
And can only be reached by the stairs
Here lie errors belonging to the company
With this they tile the floors
Where none are permitted to tread
Fourth floor:
Here lives the architect
He goes on with his plan
This building crammed full of ideas
It reaches from funda- to firmament
And from fundament to the company
At the ground floor:
There are located four doors
They lead
Directly outdoors
Or better stated, to the cornerstone
There, who wants to can wait
The concrete comes at 12:00
Laying the cornerstone!
Laying the cornerstone, lies, lies, lies!
Trains of thought are painted over
In head-height brown
Infamous or Catholic violet
For better orientation
Attic floor:
It has some damage
An old man sits on the roof truss
Dead angels are scattered on the floor
(their faces match his)
He holds a gun between his knees
He aims it at his mouth
And in the skull
Through the skull
And out of the skull, outward
In the top of the roof
Permeates the bullet
God has shot himself
An attic floor can be expanded
God has shot himself
An attic floor can be expanded



Haus der Lüge

Erstes Geschoss:
Hier leben die Blinden,
die glauben, was sie sehen,
und die Tauben,
die glauben, was sie hören
Festgebunden auf einem Küchenhocker
sitzt ein Irrer, der glaubt
alles, was er anfassen kann
(seine Hände liegen im Schoß)
Zweites Geschoss:
Rolle für Rolle
in den Gängen stehen Mieter herum,
betrachten die Wände aufmerksam,
suchen darauf Bahn um Bahn
nach Druck- und Rechtschreibfehlern,
könnten nicht mal ihren Namen entziffern
Auf ins nächste Geschoss:
Welches, oh Wunder! nie fertiggestellt
nur über die Treppe erreicht werden kann

Hier lagern Irrtümer, die gehören der Firma
damit kacheln sie die Böden,
an die darf keiner ran
Viertes Geschoss:
Hier wohnt der Architekt
Er geht auf in seinem Plan
Dieses Gebäude steckt voller Ideen
Es reicht von Funda- bis Firmament
und vom Fundament bis zur Firma
Im Erdgeschoss
befinden sich vier Türen,
die führen direkt ins Freie
oder besser gesagt in den Grundstein
Da kann warten, wer will
Um zwölf kommt Beton
Grundsteinlegung, Lüge, Lüge, Lüge!
Gedankengänge sind gestrichen
In Kopfhöhe braun
infam oder katholisch violett
zur besseren Orientierung
Es hat einen Schaden
Im Dachstuhl sitzt ein alter Mann
Auf dem Boden tote Engel verstreut
(Deren Gesichter sehen ihm ähnlich)
Zwischen den Knien hält er ein Gewehr
Er zielt auf seinen Mund
und in den Schädel
durch den Schädel
und aus dem Schädel heraus
in den Dachfirst
dringt das Geschoss
Gott hat sich erschossen
Ein Dachgeschoss wird ausgebaut


Although the video puts the year 1991 into the title of the video, I am unsure exactly which year the soundtrack was created. The video could have been synced with the soundtrack for all I know. I also do not know if the entire video above contains all the information that was included in the 3-part series on Hour of the Time. 

I will leave it to the readers, whomever or if no one to the void, to look up this 3-part series which is extremely insightful and has much bearing to the symbolism that is used constantly in Whorewood Nazi 4th Reich Whorewood and Congress (the rising sun used by not just the current but other leaders who use this symbol to express the onset of their administration. They inevitably screw over the American people to forge international economic and political alliances which cut jobs for Americans and put money in the hands of the "elite" and monopolists).

The rising sun in the East is used by "The Illuminati" and also by various other offshoots of that (now discredited) group and under various other names/monikers such as The Golden Dawn, in which Alestair Crowley presided or founded---There are foundations which are allied with these groups, and from years of prior research, Cooper details quite a lot that were openly acknowledged as major campaign funders for American elections, now gone underground into various other entities and funding properties and conglomerates. All of international spread and influence. Brought in by the succession of all sides of the political spectrum in all the administrations for so many decades, slowly encroaching and  slowly destroying through debt and crash bubbles the wreckage that has culminated in the onset of openly fascist regimes and death squads and crazed fanaticism inside America, where the campaigns of |"search and destroy" have been concealed for so many decades as well. My claim that Whorewood is being infested with foreign (in my situation, the infestation is coming out of Euro-p-a-land) as that is where the chateaus and mansions and castles and estates of the American-born Whorewood "A$$-hole" listers claim their homes to be, their real "homes" and living in America is just a necessity, it would appear, to them all.

The series details that the SS (which was really the symbolism of two "Sieg" runes, but put under the exoteric guise of Schutz Staffel as a "security detail"/Pretorial Guard/death squad command of "the elite".

Their goal was to take over Ukraine as a new Nazi/Aryian elite nation, procuring the farm land for the benefit of the 3rd Reich. 

That agenda remains as a critical expenditure for global expansion and the American people are so desperate to survive with all things cut and all financial stress bearing down on their breaking backs and bank accounts----too bad, the "economy is great" is the claim of those who have played all the right a$$-grovelling "good" games for the 4th Reich and even those of the darker skin and white but not wealthy variety they are beginning to realize that they are just more 'nothing" that the Nazis consider to be expendable and not part of the "choosen" "elite":. I have been threatened with death by looming political leaders of the most highly-coveted political spheres in Congress who viciously assault me for fighting against a Nazi concentration camp enslavement "experiment" in brain implant/microchip and drug compliance to slavery of all versions. 

There are, indeed, also "Manchurian Candidates" who are programmed to assassinate. The people being teleported while in deep theta sleep can be so traumatized into violence that a planted gun in a location where the teleportation technology has been covertly (or overtly) planted can, by remote, have the assassin teleported inside the house, instructed while absolutely unconscious and traumatized without end until the target is on a murder drugged up program, and instructed where a planted gun is or whatever and the murder /assassination can transpire and the perpetrator of the actual crime can simply be whisked away via teleportation leaving perhaps no evidence. All claims of whereabouts during the teleportation can be verified by the actual perp who is a programmed assassin. 

Oh yes, this contract is far too "precious" for the 4th Reich of America to ever denounce or make known to the public.

Let it be known that most of the media (entertainment and news) are fully aware of what is going on. No actual news reporting and certainly NOT under Trump who is a full pusher/slinger of Fake News and he got that term after I wrote about his administration hacking into my internet so all I get is "fake news" when I am looking for information that may provide insight into how to fight this murderous 4th Reich |"system". The week after I wrote about only having "fake news" while Trump was in "control" of the teleportation he began to use that term.


However, digressing as usual although the points are relevant I am traversing great divides in the actual thread I had begun with.


The takeover of America, the United States and the destruction of "Democracy" is, in no way, only confined to the Trump side which the "Dems" claim is his threat to the country.


I also had forgotten that the word "Beiden" in German is the exact same formulation of phonetics as BIDEN and I wonder if that craggy destroyer is not as "Irish" as he claims, along with his "Italian-American wife" which he says means that he is no "weakling" I assume that means he is "tough" because Italian-American means mafia or organized and violent and "not victims" but victimizers\

a social engineering he fully subscribes to, along with the Axis Powers that he fully supports with the Whorewood Nazi-slogan and Holocaust death memes of the Nazis that are used against me when I am "bad" and not endlessly complying to the theft of my ideas obtained via torture for over 13 years and the mutilation and poisoning and just not saying YES SIR I will means death.


I support Marjorie Taylor Green's push to stop the funding of the original expansion concept of the Nazis and for the funding instead of Americans who need so much help that they are turning to Trump for some kind of fictitious "relief" rather than the absolute decrepitude of the Biden Administration combined with the Clinton global expansion leading to the Trump movement--so many Americans who first cheered on all the Clinton proposals are now left in ruins due to the globalist expansion, which under that "|liberal" regime was just another prong in the 3rd Reich expansion of the planet--the United States they presumed would fund all the Europigapeland concepts while the Europigapes luxuriate in endless money poured into their countries by all their austerity measures of poorer countries, the IMF debt insolvency money grift, and the blood gold stacked away in Swiss accounts from the Nazi gold era and etc.

Because Biden is so phonetically similar to Beiden (look it up, not hard to do, the meaning is just "you two" like "both of you" and I would suggest the split personality structure of this House of lies THAT HAS been running the United States into the ground financially, morally, ethically and all the sleazy violent destroyers are just endlessly championed as heroes in the media).

Biden Beiden two-faced personality structure is like the song by a German Band called "Tearing Down New Structures/Buildings". Take that in any political slant you want, as they also are undoubtedly part of the two-faced Beiden politik structure. 

House of Lies, a song I heard back in around 1988 which I had bought in the underground BART station in San Francisco for $2 from a guy selling cassettes, and while I was on my way to work, I saw this collection and the picture on the cover of this album, on the tiny cassette, was so puzzling but intense I bought the cassette although I had never heard of this band. The guy selling the pirated cassettes told me that it was an "industrial band that used metal objects used for construction like jack-hammers slowed down to make a synchronized beat, and various other industrial products . This was before the Internet and synthesizer revolution in music, although at the onset of it all. I just handed the two bucks and brought the cassette home and listened in awe how such a great sound could be created out of all these things like metal drums for storing oil or industrial products and a few guitars/bass and etc.

The sound cannot be replicated by any electronic device.

However, the lyrics were astounding. I had very little knowledge of Germany or German language and gladly the English Translation was available on this fold-up cassette cover in the plastic case.

So, in light of the United States where both contenders for power have origins in Germanic genealogy (I suspect Biden would say he's "part German") and of course Trump makes his German background pretty open and plain.

As both are adherents to the 4th Reich--and although Trump may want to stop the war in Ukraine that does not mean whatsoever that he is adverse to the silent economic war on that front and investment spread of the 4th Reich in that region and development with the "urbanization" of the formerly pretty poorish nation into another, as predestined by Nazis, part of the 4th Reich.

so both Nazis are running and both |"sides" are in shock, and the minorities are lining up for which of the Nazi candidates are going to favor them more if the align. the victims of the Clinton/Biden Crime Bill in the mid-90's are flocking to the Trump campaign because the brunt of the next economic destruction of the poor classes is goin towards poor whites and minorities (black communities) where living is now too expensive for most Americans. The utter wealth of places like Whorewood are smug and on power trips of murderous ego-driven entitlement and the Biden Administration has turned them into more violent murdering elitists than ever before.

So I dedicate House of Lies (Haus der Luege) to the 2024 election cycle and the two dead old white men at the attic of a house of lies, which may ultimately collapse under the weight of so many atrocity lies and displaced firmament money extraction (the base if a firm, the song goes).


THIS POST IN NO WAY DEFENDS TRUMP TO THE SLIGHTEST DEGREE of an iota of a fraction of support for his past, present or anything else. Under his terror regime, which I suspect is the predominant force behind this absolute increase in rape, torture and poisoning--I think it's Trump trying to force me into accepting a lifetime of non-stop abuse instead of fighting what should have been my God-given rights to live in peace, not be raped non-stop and abused non-stop because sleazy dirty trashy Nazis of all races and even Jews (so-called) want a free promotion and acceptance into higher ranks of the 4th Reich--literally speaking that is what this is about, a Nazi/Mafia cartel of the old Axis Powers.

Under Trump it was him presiding with smiles after I had been tortured with the shit pigalina team of A$$hole wood listers teaming up in rotation, taking turns, adding new terrorists by now it's a new sick F every day, almost. Trump had my large left toe broken, my teeth loosened and gum tissue cut out of my lower jaw, after they ordered a car to hit me because I wrote on my Facebook page that Pig Pitt should not be endlessly awarded at the Oscars for his violence towards me. I did not only focus on that pig pitt but on the entire non-stop gamut but I wrote about him specifically. They had me  hit by a car, I landed on my jaw, and then I was raped  by shit pig pitt with "me 2" shitalina watching applauding as she does with all the Nazi bigots who beat and rape me as she strokes them lovingly while they all get more promotions and Congress watches on like it's a Dark Web porn movie they all want to get into the act in one way or another (the most predominant ones for cameras taking photo-ops, interviews and for debates they are called endlessly and those who may not be overjoyed about this death situation must remain silent, and they are silenced unless they approve of this hate crime which is so coveted and protected. Trump being one of the most fervent supporters of this teleportation enslavement and do not believe a single goddamn thing he spouts about caring about minorities--he cares for the vote. He is not your friend. He approves mostly of Europigapes is a total fascist and Biden is absolutely no different. I only got to a few of the deadly acts of violence Trump ordered put on me, there is a huge list of absolute torture (raped nightly my hips and spine put out of alignment poisoned by both prez regimes with bloating hardening poison, which has been presided over for all my life by every administration. There has never been a "good ole days" of political administration in my entire lifetime although it was a bit better under --believe it or not--Nixon, for me at least. For Jews as well. I think that is why Nixon was so hated as well as for his draft wartime policies and the rotten Nazi white trash of America could not stand having to be forced to actually risk their nasty dirty lives for America--the risk of death fighting for NOTHING is the "job" of the minorities and poorer whites (according to them, as I perceive from the before-and-after of the protests, and the backlash movement which has culminated in Trumpism, with a lot of Blacks and other minorities absolutely enthralled with dumping the brunt of racism onto Jews--as basic as that may sound, it is the basic truth and reality. 

It is no different under Biden/Beiden. The yapping about Democracy constantly going on is just more of the money-only policies of the "ruling" wasteland of criminal adjudicators of which "side" gets more access to grifting and graft than the other. In this contract, now Biden has shared all the criminal exploit opportunities amongst all his "friends" in both Chambers. Unlike Trump, who also had fungus and mold inserted into my ears, my vagina, my bladder (every day for all the 4 years of his devastating term in office, with also the U S being so bereft of fiscal solvency that the National Debt went from $17 Trillion to over $35 trillion during those 4 years--none of the Blacks for Trump mention this because all that inflationary fiscal policy has "come home to roost" and they truly are deluded. 

The difference is that a roster of mutilation and destruction and me fighting literally for my life every day due to sickening, horrific poisoning and the rape of the poison deeper into my body until my body is riddled with it-- All ordained under the Biden/Obama team and now Biden/Harris--just another Black Nazi duplicating the role of Biden actually ordering the 4th Reich takeover and a token Black family being put into fashion modeling and movies and tv shows alongside the most vile and vicious A$$-hole listers of Whorewood who have beaten poisoned raped and non-stop tortured me to extract ideas which they steal, claim as their own

to present the United States as being a beacon of human rights in these movies--the ideas the pig apes steal from me regard their lack of empathy, the sexism the racism the rape and hate they shower onto me in a group mind-body-soul-spirit-sexuality-financial screw-over. Both leaders have fully endorsed the worst and have only profited off this torture of me, which they continue to fund. Various dino senators are fully into this contract and have been around far longer than Obama or Harris but on the same timeline as Biden/Beiden.

There is little difference, in other words. My complaint or explication of the endless death threat I am forced into, because the Jewish diaspora as a whole has fully welcomed in the control of fascist Nazis from various Europigape countries as their "controllers/handlers" who want to use me as an example of what happens when you question their stranglehold on Jews and do not instantly comply with how they openly insult, humiliate and abuse and use Jews---which is very common for the Nazis and Mafia who are endlessly surrounding me. I fight back they cut something out of my body insert things under my skin have me hit by cars kill animals I am taking care of spray regardless of what I do or not do stinking fillth on my clothing my bed into my body in my hair if they could.

On and on, the list is so long. 

None of the defunct so-called "leaders" of America have done anything about even beginning to privately address this. It is a State-sponsored "experiment" in social engineering and it has worked so well to institute fascist Nazism and "authoritarianism" which Biden has absolutely helped to expand in the last 4 years of his term in office.

That Garland was instructed not to delve deeply into prosecuting Trump demonstrates that they are all interwoven with a huge organization which has far more power than the mere elected officials, who follow orders. Both Biden and Trump speak about what their "father" told them (to do). It is symbolic about their Big Daddy and Kamala does it as well.  They are all "in bed" together, is my point.

I would vote for Biden but I am stuck and not registered due to my license expiration. I would vote for Biden regardless just to make sure that absolute and outright Nazism under Trump does not hold sway over a country that may still have a chance. Some of the Biden policies that never pass sound very delectable. He promises to try to push the Green New Deal and Biden just blocked a Trump Bill to drill for oil in Alaska. I believe that if I were a city or government official I would push for more expansion of public transportation which would mimic what many of the well-funded cities such as Portland, Oregon have, where you can easily get from many places on public transpo and reduce the emissions and the cost of gas and try to eliminate all this pollution and stress of car ownership. Carpooling and people caring and sharing. I think Biden is emphasizing that, not sure how much he believes in it but at least GIVE IT A TRY if Manchin and Sinema are gone and hopefully Biden can pass the agenda he had proposed for the LAST election.

For all I know about the stalking "benefactor" recipient of benefit and of the parceling of awards, prizes and etc (as Trump with his fasco Europigape contacts in Whorewood has huge clout, still)

and, the excessive violence since Biden took over may just be Trump behind it all, trying to get the same Get out of Jail card Free that Graham received in his Immunity, which coincided with deadly poisoning, as it could have caused sepsis and extreme poisoning--as he lashed out at me immediately upon teleporting me, then went into passive-aggressive, an finally completely annoyed I fought him off me, all done while I was bedridden because the poisons had swelled-up underneath my knee caps. I was in so much pain constantly all day I was unable to get to the bathroom without clutching every item to brace my body. The shit filth pig apes he finally concluded his deal of abusing and torturing me -pig pitalina the whores and Nazis of Whorewood endlessly clutching on and stealing my ideas and having me raped, beaten and poisoned poisoned and this is murder

Graham concluded with offering shit pig pitt a mansion in Carmel, CA and in having my drinking water tainted with sewage water---I could not get up and go out and buy more water I poured bleach into the water so as not to dehyrdate until I could walk again. He ordered stinking liquids sprayed on my clothing and the yelling abuse was shatteringly violent and all done while I could not move, was in agony from the poisons that shit pigalina had ordered be put in my body, insertions into my bladder while sleeping and teleported so I had no physical consciousness in my "prime" body

as they came out year after year with ideas I had written of about abuse of women, dictators, Marilyn Monroe, Cambodia, etc they stole and are still doing so. No thanks, just poisoning and abusing me to death, day after day, year after year.

The American society has awarded Graham with Immunity and the one juror who spoke to the media said what a polite and well-mannered guy Graham was (so part of the Nazi network dispelling this psy-ops prop about how "innocent" Graham really is/was--all obtained for his very disgusting and potentially deadly assault  upon me for about 2 weeks or more, non-stop).

That was done under Biden, and under Trump it was other equally deadly and sickening attacks.

The ultimate would be a politician and body politic that actually did/does follow the rule of Law, the Constitution and Bill of Rights, State and Federal Law, and would actually not be paid and put into office or promoted for breaching every law and right possible with huge smiles as they all dig into killing me for profit in this "experiment" of mind control and slavery and etc.


I think Trump has been responsible for the gamut of violence against me in addition to Biden, both taking turns as well, as they are partnering just as Trump with with Hillary when she was invited to yell, abuse and then order mutilation of my body in a very serious way while I was sleeping (knives slashing the skin between my toes, every single night for about 2 months and my hair being made to fall out) and etc, just for not endlessly saying YES SIR I WILL to the unspoken demands of just "comply" instantly with whatever the pig ape scum want, becuase they were elected to represent "the people" and so now entitled and protected, they represent only the 4th Reich "elite" white supremacy and the violence exhibited towards me is not just limited to "me".

This is to say there ARE NO REAL CHOICES FOR PEOPLE WHO WANT TO BELIEVE THAT THERE IS ACTUALLY A LEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT which genuinely follows what they espouse for public display in interviews or their rotten lectures and speeches about how grandiose they are and in what they claim they "believe|". Whorewood is even more sinister in that respect and that entity holds more sway that politicians at this point in history. It was Whorewood that essentially put Trump into the presidency due to his willingness to rape me and abuse me and he is still clinging onto violently abusing me endlessly for one more free deal, just  one more get out of jail free entitlement card....and more than just "one" it is endless and with Biden it is endless and with shitpigalina it is endless parasites clutching at the free deals to be had by murderously assaulting, poisoning and torturing me. There is NO RESTRAINING HAND anywhere there is no legitimacy anywhere in the "leadership" on any front, in the United States, any longer. 


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So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.