So So sick of the ugly and sinister filth that has been put into power being handed torture technology and going on and on for over 13 years without a goddamn restraint and only applause and more sinister filth coming to join in. They are such life-fuck sinister and ugly horrific and boring loser scum put into power by demonic forces I swear this must be a "real" thing of demonic possession. The more I have to deal with this group of excrement and evil filth I realize that the concepts I used to just brush off as ridiculous may be, in fact, absolutely correct. Demonic possession. But that EVERYBODY alive just goes along with this death organization....They are now using the "insult" of "boring" at me. I sit here trying to ignore sick and satanic shit parasites who are being paid to destroy me with every kind of mind fuck, poison and torture that will kill me slowly but appear like I am just disintegrating while "everyone" around me knows and participates and is paid but it's all kept "secret" and I ist here writing to fuckers reading my posts for YEARS laughing about it.
**30+ minutes later--the hacker terror unit froze my laptop whilst I was in the very middle of the above diatribe--the entire system froze--pages popped up constantly--this browser slowly evaporated and disappeared. The Settings page appeared while I had not pressed it at all. The system completely froze so I had to press the start-stop button and then the system is always hacked when I do a restart or turn the system on so the screen is black--with the red edges of the destruction of the monitor the terrorists performed upon this shoddy, scratched, stained laptop which is all due to terrorists making all I own stinking, broken down, ugly and dirty and half-operational--constantly non-stop every day something is ripped, torn, sprayed, etc
I was trying to write about this group but to whom? A bunch of scumbags reading my posts for YEARS and never getting involved in defending the most basic of human rights, for me, for anybody? Surely this situation will trickle up and down the scale of human sickness that you are all incubating and are applauding every year at the Oscars and NOW it's every fucking 4 years for every presidential race one of the pieces of rotten sick shit is a participant in this hate crime against me. It was unbelievable when Trump joined in, but so many rotten dirty politicians have joined in since Biden took office, whereas it used to be "only Trump" as far as I was aware, it's been the one and only "bipartisan" congruity that Biden promised his Nazi counterparts on the "other side" when he took office, which is for politicians in Congress in both Parties to attack me violently with death threats and rape and poisoning and torture. I have never seen Biden in any of these hate and torture/rape exchanges, and only because that rotten creep undoubtedly has sat in the rows of chairs while I can't see, screaming and fighting to get the next abusive scumbag shit whore off me--non-stop and I do not have a depth-of-field vision in this state unless I am directed in some way or have to look at an object at a distance. Otherwise it is a very minimal range of vision and very blurry but I do see the people hovering over me and do recognize them as the shit celebrities--just in case people would "doubt" my claims--but since no one will do anything it doesn't matter any way. (hackers are as usual deleting words that conjoin the sentences so they are disrupted and half-deleted at this point).
they are calling me "boring" now, that was originated with dirty nasty Sophia Loren, a fascist Nazi of course, as they all are. Her threats of dismemberment, and murder, and sexual violence and enslavement are spoken softly and then insults and me trying to ignore her with grim and hate determination. Called "boring" by the hate parasites who suck the joy out of living for me with a non-stop rotation of hate, abuse and torture. My cat, most loving and fun and wonderful, they stole years ago and have tortured her, maimed her, maimed me, tortured me, killed other animals forced me to lose animals I took care of beat other animals who I had connections with to death on my patio
the same fucking shit pig whores pig pitalina who are smiling, gloating, paid in millions being championed congratulated and honored by the shit filth of Congress who keep paying this contract keep joining in with violence, culminating in the past 2-3 weeks of Jews actively following the Nazi protocols as the English shit Douglass Murray instructs his filthy dirty Jewish nazis to violently assault and sexually abuse me and torture and insult--in ways that are disgusting and even moreso as I am supposed to "represent" the sacrificed scapegoat role that fuckers like this have never challenged they just are working as hard as possible to keep me in that position so they can continue to get promoted for pushing the Nazi antisemitism that so many Jews have been promoted for--(thusly leading to more and more antisemitism in society, which THEY are responbible for, but they are still torturing me to be the endless victim of the brunt of racism because I have fought it and they have been "good" and performed all the Nazi acts, such as allowing Jews to be arped and killed so they could take-over Gaza in a war, as ordered by the filth who are planning on investing in Gaza such as the Trump family who obtained the investment capital from Saudi Arabia. Just to let people understand the level of psychopathy involved all the way around every side of this one-sided 4th Reich regime:
as the sickness of Netanyahu and Ratskin has been the ultimate in violence almost--on a kind of psychological level because the sleazy greed of both and the hate and violence coming from Ratskin to push this ritualistic sacrifice of me so that filthy lying piece of rotten filth can become more promoted by Nazi Pelosi the fascist Nazi who has stolen SO MUCH MONEY and performed so many acts of crime to obtain her illicit millions not only from "insider trading" and etc. But behind them all are Europigapes and they are all puppets of the fascist Europigapeland cartel aka The 4th Reich, which controls them all. Sick and disgusting the Americans have become. I left that sick rotten country because of dirty ugly shit pigs liek these celebrities and politicians so they are polluting my sleep and every moment they can with their grasping clutching to get p romotions and to drag me down because they are an abomination and I ran from America not just once but for multiple YEARS to find some alternative to this death cult Nazi country and they are teleporting me and forcing their ugliness and sickness upon me non-stop--to the applause of a most sinister and lying fake government--the entire government undoubtedly this is no secret.
So no one will step in, I wish them death every day and they remain alive, and this ugliness is never stopped. The country continues to decline and the wars and threat of annihilation increases because these pig apes are so incompetent although they do great jobs of blathering bs slogans and platitudes which people only want to hear, apparently. Everyone wants to get rich off the upcoming 4th Reich. Millions and millions of pieces of shit can't all obtain safety and security but there are so many of these sleazy, ugly, boring and stupid pig apes although well-educated and are capable of blathering all kinds of seemingly erudite bs shit...
And the lesson to be learned is that all people reading this are pig subhumans, that the shit from Whorewood is a pile of filth and stupid scum and the same holds for all members of Congress and that probably will never change.
I must learn that all are worthless and not worth even clicking on their shit because if I do, they will surely come and torture and rape and/or abuse me until I rush at them trying to kill them as usual. They are so deplorable it's beyond anything MAGA could have created and they truly are all MAGA and much more sinister and lying sick than MAGA, even the MAGA scumbags who join in, which is now a few of them.
Anyone who is "famous" is part of this demonic cult and is a sleazy parasite waiting to torture, maim and destroy anyone they are "allowed" to vent the darkness and sick parasitic filth life-sucking fucking hate upon. It won't matter what the target says or does, they lie about every single thing and concoct every single sick and stupid lie possible. It is evil incarnate. If only people had really warned me about this long ago to the degree that it sounded realistic--I never believed that peopel could be so sick and disgusting and now I realize that most of the shit of this organization worldwide are exacty the same. I repeat that they are so sick and life-fuck destructive that the planet cannot sustain this sickness along with this highly developed technology and survive the ground-level stupidity and incapability that these scumbag pig apes really imbibe--they are either "possessed" by evil, are born evil, or I really don't know.
I just want them fucking GONE already and want someone to stop this sick shit that is never-ending. Their shit empire of crap politicians and sick and shitty movies is completely so debased a condition of humanity I truly am fighting against this evil empire you all are constantly applauding and cheering on.
They all become more and more violent and murderous as time ensues. I am now trying to kill them if I can
yesterday it was filthy nasty Jackie Chan who will be obtaining his filthy promotion for his immature and stupid movies and stupid antics.
I can't describe how stupid and sick they all appear now with the shit they are paid in millions to crank out.
I found one page on YouTube that is not a shithole mess of commercialized mainstream Whorewood pop shithead crap
and instantly it was saturated with the filthy faces of celebrities and bullshit 'music' on this alternative channel.
I discovered it because they DELETED all the videos from another very rare and underground musician and all the videos are gone from her channel. I doubt seriously that the artist kept the page but deleted all videos. The content was removed by the shit whore boring and sick group so I am stuck with no love, nothiung I love, always their hate and sickness forced upon me, as I remain grim now form over 13 years of piece of sick shit after piece of sick and ugly, boring and rotten shit evil demonic crap coming to vent their hate and filth on me, they laugh and giggle and are light and happy, being cheered on with million dollar entertainment and movie deals and political careers and plastic surgery (the usual for all the women who violently assault me as their boyfriends and daddies rape and beat me as their proxy)
and I remain writing to the fucking void of the sick society that I now abhor
the f ew alternative media sites I do find are instantly hacked with the fucking shit whore faces and videos of the filth creeps from Whorewood who, if I try to obtain the music they hack their filthy faces onto, they teleport and violently assault and rape me
this happened when I was listening to a "Witch house" band and a fucking movie clip from a dirty and sinister English piece of shit was on it, I clicked on it, he teleported me and began violent assault and rape along with his filthy dirty ugly wife (both ugly) they are now starring in a movie which will come out and is already listed on IMDB--this sick rotten English fuck piece of crap has not been in the limelight for YEARS because like all of the pig apes who rush to attack me, their careers have flailed because they are sold-out whores with no sweetness only sour bitterness so they suck the life out of me every single day.
The occurrence of sinister Ratskin with Netanyahu, with the English demonic hate pig ape Douglass Murray, a British Israelist Imperialist filled with antisemitic hate, as Jews surround this English representative of the English Crown and hover over this filthy and dirty ugly creepazoid to garner favor by The Crown for the Imperialistic support system for the eventual overtake of Israel--with only a few "elite" being handed prime property and the rest--well, probably slated for murder in the long-run and part of this has just transpired--the killing of jews by the Jewish-Nazi cartel controlled by the English Crown in the form of this dirty violently murderous genocidal Nazi Douglass Murray who "enjoys" great status in England--I am the only one seemingly who sees through the bs or cares to not pretend he's a great "friend" to Isreal or that he's cool, intelligent all I see is a lying sinister Nazi and not because I am preconditioned and biased but because of his actions towards me for pointing out the discrepancies between his blathering usual bs and his actions of utter threat and violence, and in the form of Netanyahu and Ratskin as his proxy terror Nazi agents directed at me for this sinister contract there are at least 200 English and 1000 other celebrities-so it seems from over a decade of non-stop teleportation to sick fuckers every night, I assume these are the couch-casting lot an the other sick shit whores are the A-list scum who are being handed endless monopoly status for this mind control death cult situation which will expand to mass murder eventually.
so the life-fuck boring ugly sinister pig ape shit are calling me "boring" now, in addition to "ugly" and "stupid" and "loser"
endless years of torture, my beautiful cat that NO ONE will even try to return to me, and all that I love and all happy and fun people completely avoid me because they must conform to the Nazis who are torturing me--so I remain alone, but even that is turned into a never-ending violence of sick ugly shit whores dumping their ugliness and filth on me perpetually day after day for just fighting for my basic human rights that are being denied me by every member of Congress, but accentuated by the most vile of the pretentious shit whores who pose for the cameras and spew the most vile and loathsome sugar-coated shit lies about their humanitarianism
I write to no one. You fuckers never do anything but keep me in this situation.
they are boring, they are losers, they are ugly, they are stupid.
When will you fuckers ever actually figure this out instead of complimenting them for the bs posturing they have been coached and paid and pampered to "represent" for a sick and dying culture.
The vultures of England are most ferociously working to take over and infiltrate. None of you gives a damn about this. You consider my ranting to be hysteria and in part it is, but that' s because you fuckers do nothign to stop this death cult from taking over everything including your country and government. Not a single one of you fuckers reading this could care less. It's so stupid you fuckers are so sick and stupid.
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