(Brief) News analysis: O.J. Simpson dead, but domestic violence is still shielded from scrutiny. The "right" for men to abuse women is never questioned in "today's" post-mortem condolences and glib gratification remarks (two words) by "celebrities".

**This video titled in Spanish is the only video I could find of this lecture/book reading at the Los Angeles store that I have obtained in English-only but for some reason, the videos are now in non-English format but with English subtitles. Thusly, the commentary about the op-ed in the LA Times by Dworkin, heavily redacted by the LA Times editors, but sufficiently insightful as to the collusion of rape-privilege which is sustained, now, today, by the utter silencing of this topic in the "media' that I have found on my hacked internet, which, of course, if a serious break of law and another form of silencing of me as the target of endless rape and sexual and physical assault by the "me too" and UN "women's rights' cheerleaders who embrace utterly all the rapist Nazis who assault me. Non-stop, as no one stops it either. The contract on me is so popular that an industry is burgeoning on experimenting on how to create more teleportation rape and domestic violence surrogates for the 4th Reich ultra-violence that is kept "hush" and a "protected" status. The "feminists" who do put in "representation" are absolute colluders of male violence and female violence as well, only that white supremacy" is sheltered as the surrogate DV victims are pounded upon and then teleported to another expletive with the women laughing, dancing, applauding.

Listen to Dworkin's elaboration of how many YEARS Nicole Brown  Simpson attempted to garner a support system, even back then in the early 90's with all the "feminist" and DV "support" systems. The "celebrity" protected status which remains in effect today--well, it will be put on trial beginning on April 15, 2025, in NYC, but then again, the "issues" being commented around are that political and not the abuse and exploitation of women, even prostitutes and sex workers (deemed formerly as the officially-recognized unprotected punching bags of married men.


"Andrea Dworkin sobre Pornografia em Israel". Feminismo con Classe. April 20, 2019.

*The vid above was a mistake** I was so engrossed with doing something else due to the endless congestion of hacking malware I had not reviewed the brief clip above--BELOW is the English version elongated--unfortunately only a small sample of the lecture---but begins with the Nicole Brown Simpson essay written for the LA Times. Please listen, try to understand that all "rights' are being abrogated by the 4th Reich and the silencing of women (like me) being raped and tortured by State-actors of "authority" (I never voted for nor chose a single one) under full promotional "good ole boy" patting of the back and promotions for all the women who play along laughing merrily--getting movie studios to promote movies of themselves being victims of rape, abuse by men and of racism. All heavily involved in these criminal and nefarious activities in this teleportation drama that, like Nicole Brown Simpson, I have made public outcries against and have received, at best, "advice" to passively "accept" the torture and passively find "inner peace" despite the fact that BRAIN ENTRAINMENT is impossible to escape from or simply "ignore" due to the fact that it is electric energy coursing through the brain and body, impossible to "ignore".

"Andrea Dworkin: life and death". feminist vhs archive. March 24, 2021.

Marc Lamont Hill: O.J. Acquittal Was the ‘Correct Result’ of a ‘Racist’ Legal System

If I were to be thorough, I would do research on domestic violence awareness and increase or decrease and trends, according to DOJ statistics (sometimes claimed as erroneous reporting or lack of reporting and omission problems) and various domestic shelter and women's advocate resources.

I did peruse the front (internet) page of today's MS Magazine, and found only a series of articles about the fight for abortion rights. Not a mention of the legacy of the O.J. Simpson trial and the ensuing "permission" for a man to beat and abuse and murder a domestic violence partner, as is such a universal trend in such violent DV situations that books have been written about the "Cycle of Violence" that is never quelled, and protected as a "Man's" right, with women sometimes also being the abuser in DV cases but the under-reporting by the abused men is why statistics is so low in that gender role "switch".

I read, in today's paper (Breitbart) that the Acquittal of Simpson was a sort of "justice reparation" bill come due for the centuries of biased legal wrongs and State-ordained and protected lynchings and absence of legal equality and protection for Blacks/African-Americans (whichever one prefers). The person who made this statement admitted that Simpson was a "monster" but nevertheless, it was a reversal of automatic racist legal adjudication of a case which, in the past, was so skewed against Blacks.  NO mention of domestic violence and that perhaps the murder of Nicole was also a race-based murder, following along the lines of reverse racist violence at some psychological "core" issue of the fated marriage and DV violence. The former wife of Simpson (a Black woman) claims that their marriage had been mostly decent and without violence. 

What I, personally, have been subjected to in the 11+/- years of teleportation to H -wood "celebrities" (beyond "reproach" and exempt from legal persecution, apparently) is a milieu of absolute and total most deadly racism, as applied by "victims" of racism and the 4th Reich administrators of the "divide-and-conquer" programming through media and false heroic displays of fighting against racism, while privately fully conforming to such endeavors to get " a piece of the pie" which in some cases of the most prestigious "oppressed minority" characters, involves a huge CHUNK of the American Pie (part of the 4th Reith Empire, full exemption from transparency, full allowance to commit crimes i.e. against "Jews" targeted by the 4th Reich and against any other target whatever color or affiliation).


The entire "agenda" of this brain-implant terror/torture contract out on me is instant domestic violence supplemental victims teleported to the abusers while the intended target (the spouse) sits back cheering it all on. It is the instant relief valve, all done quietly in a private setting, for the group setting of torture, information extraction, rape and absolute immunity pervades every illegal criminal act and is used as a promotional tool.

The "right" of white males to beat and rape and torture and dismember women, very similar to the Taliban (which I believe to be one of the factions of the 4th Reich, so "brown" women have no chance, which is what the white supremacist women in my own "advanced" culture are having their men do to me, Taliban style, exactly in the same justifications used throughout all the 11 years of all this endless sexual and physical emotional psychological health care financial and information and then silencing with endless threat of death pervading over all--hovering over every abuser who rapes, beats and all is so much akin to The Taliban).

All of this is intending to divert domestic violence away from the white Nazi women and instead dumped on any and all who are slated to have literally no political representation even if they believe that they are living in the "Land of the Free and Home of the Brave". The reality behind all the rhetoric of those in power (ever domain) is the unspoken in public perspective that people like "me" have absolutely no legal rights and the male dumping his racism and hate upon me is part of his general white "privilege". The "feminist" women who are almost always "blond"-ish of the 4th Reich (and their minions of other "races" as long as they bow and "bend the knee")

are thrilled and this is the diversion of the utter violence of the death squad culture, aka the 4th Reich, aka Nazis and Mafia.


Thusly, the entire span of the media is NOT mentioning DOMESTIC VIOLENCE whatsoever, in any article or mention of how the victim had pursued advocacy, justice, restraining orders, help from family, help from friends, help from the LOS ANGELES COMMUNITY which dumped her completely UNTIL after her murder and that of the man who was mostly an innocent. 


As much as most people "hate" Andrea Dworkin, she had written a piece which was slaughtered by editors for The Los Angeles Times after the Simpson debacle and shockwaves were evaluated by concerned women's rights advocates. The shrill cry has since so dimmed that by now there is zero mention of DV and hate crimes and even of reverse racism from those in "celebrity status" against the "oppressor" class (black against white).

I am including the Dworkin lecture from a bookstore in LA, please try to not judge her by her huge and deformed body because most of you have, by now, assumed that anyone not athletic and slim is almost a subhuman not worthy of respect---especially if it is a woman.

The bloating I attribute to the same bloating and hardening MURDER poison that the 4th Reichy administers covertly to many of it's targets for assassination, me being just one, and undoubtedly Dworkin as well without her knowledge or ability to heal as she was fighting a fight that appears to have been silenced and replaced by palstic surgery rape and mutilation 4th Reich cheerleaders put into positions of media "representation"--which they are not. That includes also Ms. Magazine, which like so much of the politics since the origin of that magazine, has shifted far into the terrain of the sell-out ultra-Conservative puppet regime. I guess that goes out to Gloria Steinem as she is involved with Ms. Magazine and also has known about my situation for a very long time and has done nothing but join in so herself, as a "blond"9ish (dyed" "Jew" can be exempt from the rape categorization of the 4th Reich racist divide of who gets all laws and rights obliterated and who gets "protection". It is an extremely white supremacist agenda. The "Black" reaction to the acquittal of Simpson owes to this distinction of terror embedded in the Criminal (Not) Justice "system".


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