"Dear Kitty". Dear Anne Frank. Your cat was lost due to Nazi invasion, and so has my cat been stolen by the 4th Reich as a hostage crisis situation death threat "incentive" to conform to not fighting the Nazi protocols of the Elders of the 3rd Reich.
**I expect this post will have been partially deleted and hacked--
Unlike Anne Frank, however, I have no other family to commiserate with, as the 4th Reich version of programming has now included a mass Jewish Nazification to the degree that Jewish Nazis--from my lifetime experience of all the various "groups" attacking me, is far more common than any support system amongst that "race" or "group" which I have been labeled as being a "member" of, although I only was forced to participate in family gatherings in NYC as a child and only then, learned nothing about the religion and only about the eating establishments that were "Jewish" because my family concentrated all family gatherings on going out to dinner (where I probably was poisoned and my grandmother didn't have to cook for 5 children + 2 adults plus herself and Grandpa). Of course, my food was poisoned by the wait staff, I suspect/am very aware of. The restaurants were of affluent level and the fare was not exceptional as I recall although it was not inexpensive. Coming from a farming area where fresh produce and whole grains were common instead of mass-produced restaurant-grade mass-marketed products were sold off at higher price was not a basic trade-off of quality or taste in comparison to fresh and home-grown that I was used to (we had a garden plot as well).
Just saying, I wasn't extremely impressed by the food but we went, it was more presentation and show and a social atmosphere than anything else. My grandmother got the red carpet treatment in the Jewish eating diners and establishments of higher rank affluence because of her half-Nazi race, her blonde hair her blue eyes and that she was a noted artist of paintings (in museums, occasionally) and also a magnet social personality in that community in Long Island---absolutely part of the 4th Reich and inter-married to become a "big fish" in the smaller pond of NYC with my Grandfather, whose family completely rejected him and his Nazi wife, knowing what they really were up to with all the sudden wealth in a very small family-owned pet supply shop in Lower Manhattan and then my grandfather rising up to wealth suddenly after having partnering with my blonde Nazi grandmother--it has taken me almost a lifetime to understand exactly what happened. I never met that side of my grandfather's family, they disowned him due to his collaboration with the Nazi party for his "retirement" into a beautiful house, maid, huge garden and backyard on Long Island which was not the result of having sold plastic toys in the Lower East Side family pet store.
Unlike Anne Frank, I have no dear father to turn to for succor and support, as the 4th Reich has incorporated mind control very early on, after the experiments in brain-manipulation and trauma-based mind control with subjects both in the gigantic human supply of subjects who could be killed off and the experimental information kept at top secret level (perhaps hidden in archives from the Soviet Archives but working also in collaboration with the Stasi and thus information transported through the networks into the U.S. Intelligence).
My cat was stolen as I fought to get a rapist from further pounding deadly poisons as deeply into my body as possible. His aim was to follow instructions and pound poison into my body via rape/via teleportation but the jolting to my body has an effect on both split bodies simultaneously; or it could have been from the rapists who exploited and mutilated my body when I had no idea people were coming in my room and spraying fungus into my hair and scalp every day, inserting metal objects under my cuticles, and raping and then afterwards inserting poisons, drugs, fungus and mold into my bladder via my "yoni" and then using chiropractic methods, putting my spine and hips out of alignment as well. Plus stealing money and poisoning my food and etc etc stinking toxic sprays covering every inch of my room, clothing and furniture (which is still ongoing every day non-stop, the spraying of toxic filth, with the mechanical arms).
I was fighting to get this famous celebrity to stop--and so 2 weeks into what become TWO YEARS of non-stop violence and rape and assault he had my cat's body attacked and then I was told she had "drowned" in the swimming pool . As she was heaving for oxygen due to the microchip or remote tech aimed at her breathing she could not walk at that time. She was teleported to me later to the celebrity where she ran into my lap in a furious relief to get away. They have since randomly teleported me to her where she constantly believes I have FINALLY come to rescue her as they teleport me away instantly. The last time, she had been tortured and was crying and clinging to my leg in terror.
I remembered this morning that from having watched a movie about Anne Frank she began her famous diary with the intro, "Dear Kitty" and I realized that she had to lose her precious cat due too the Nazi invasion and having to go into hiding. She then communicated with her cat by writing to the cat in her diary.
And I am also in hiding, although this is not an "annex" within a building, I have had to leave and go a great distance to try to "get away" and find some relief from the death squads of America, and they are everywhere around the world I have gone.
I am now cloistered in a prison/surveillance chamber room facing a hillside where the plants, animals and all I grow and love are constantly being killed, literally bombing the hillside so all trees and animals must flee and get killed (literal bombing as the entire rock formation has slid down into huge piles of boulders, all simultaneously from what had been a covering of flowering vines. All the flowering vines that began to grow later were instantly killed off and so the entire range of flowering vines after years of every beginning to blossom destroyed there are none left.)
The Nazis have formulated mind control so that most of the Jews I have ever met are either outright vicious terrorists playing "friendly" as if I am part of their diaspora. My brain has been under a smog of drugging and mind control and poisons so I have drifted to anyone who presented a smiling face, only to be endlessly betrayed and everything else that they can exploit and damage and steal and get paid and promoted for.
I can't express how a vast number of Jews are so fully integrated, through mind programming which is full of trauma-based programming and also of non-stop drugging and poisoning.
I could write my diary entries like Anne Frank did to my kitty (La Moux) as she transcends all the bigotry and the classifications because as pets often do, they know the love of the people who care for them, or they are likewise traumatized into "loving" the abuser or they run away (this is why dogs are often so beloved because they will stick with abusers but cats I think are always keen to get away, understanding that nature will not provide them with life-supportive sustainability as the 4th Reich has plastered all they can with earning profitability and the torture and abuse of animals coincides with the hate and dehumanization of human beings in the death squad mentality so animals and nature are included in the categories of anything that is vulnerable is open season for killing, maiming and genocide (destruction of entire species).
The sleazy and most foul celebrity who would not stop raping and physically assaulting and abusing me in teleportation (now taken over by extremely violent A$$-hole celebrities where JUST the abuse, in and of itself, is a slow torture-to-death situation that more and more join in, Jews have been arriving in droves lately as the signal from the 4th Reich for ALL to assault me is a feeding frenzy so I am exposed to the duplicitous sickness that encompasses all the "fighters" for all charitable and equal and freedom causes that are famous around the planet.
The sleaze creep who giggled that I was crying to return my cat, laughed about it, overjoyed and enjoying every bit of rape and torture, included his fiance-turned-wife who then accused him in a famous domestic violence situation. He got standing ovations at Cannes, had raped me at Cannes a few years prior in a most disgusting porno display of mind control teleportation in a lavishly decorated rococco room, to prove how fascist and Vichy-progeny r4th |Reich Nazi he really is. His dirty rat daughter has been "famous" ever since, applauded by the likes of the ever-present Robert Redford whose movie festival has featured many of the terrorists who have stolen my ideas and/or tortured me. But that was back in around 2014-2015. The wife who obtained fame for using the 2 years of domestic violence posts I had written about both of them as being perpetrators of domestic violence and undoubtedly spawns of violent environments and abuse of women (or in the arena of racism violence), later joined in with the dirty rat daughter spawn to assault me as they both have been applauded in Europigapeland ever since, before and after, but of course, the white rapist male has been held in lofty iconography as being "royalty" by the fascist Nazi French at Cannes. The next wave of his former lovers, the skankalina and pig pitt crew of a rotation of at least 200 cele brities and politicians and many "not famous" scumbags who proliferate to assault me in teleportation, have stolen ideas, asked me for ideas, and they claim them as their own and then order more disfiguration and poisoning and torture of me so each scumbag gets his award prize handed out by the entity that has many names.
The filthy men who have abused, tortured, raped and poisoned and mutilated and killed my plants, just in the past few years, all have children who have since become the nepo-babies that are either held in contempt or are just included in the rigged system that everyone just complies with. Assuming that one must obey and participate if one yearns to be a "somebody" as opposed to a "nobody" or even a "loser" who can be put into the street if they just don't comply, question the "system" or say NO.
My cat remains slowly dying waiting for me to return, by now so old it's a record-setting situation of old age for a cat to wait and wait to death for their beloved family to return. The millions of dollars the pig apes have obtained by the endless money POURED into the productions of the films that are loosely based around the concepts they stole from me--not a single bit has "trickled" down to me in any respect and all I do is spend my sub-sub-poverty on items that I must repurchase as so much is destroyed every month. Plants now are a huge monthly expenditure because every seed or plant I buy is killed as soon as it appears out of the soil or begins to grow and fully blossom.
No word no blockage no interfering "adult in the room" as the endless repetition of this phrase goes surrounding the antics of the politicians for cameras and publicity now that performative politics has superseded |"mature" behavior and calm political and societal discourse. Those who do attempt to make "philosophical" discourse as part of their platform, lessons derived not from personal experience which they cannot adhere to in any of their personal dealings, but rather as a performative piece for a podcast discussion exemplifying Eurocentrist conformity to traditional and confined value system sets, as narrowly defined as "Do what I tell you but I am exempt" sorts of admonitions to conformity to authority. \
In teleportation their ape-like piggishness comes to the fore, yet in the public displays of educational repetition of lessons studied and memorized, they sound astute and hold their heads up in the pig-sniffing-the-air posture of Nazi pig ape elitism, which rarely, if ever, has a basis in actual superiority.
I truly formulate that in conferences such as the not-well-revealed Evian Conference, where a pan-Europ-a-land decision was made for ALL surrounding boundaries and national borders were to be CLOSED TO JEWS FLEEING PERSECUTION IN VARIOUS OTHER STATES. This was decided-upon but the Frank family in |Germany was well-situated due to the affluence of Otto Frank and his service in the First World War for the German Army. He was not slated for murder/death but his family surely was.
Yes, it was the pan-Europigapeland decision to "allow" the Germans to waltz into their countries, such as the most despicable almost instant surrender of the Polish leadership and the French as well (leaving the city of Paris to be fully occupied as the leader of that city claimed on radio he was going to defend Paris to the last, and then in actual reality fled Paris within 3 days of German advance leaving the city wide open for the inevitable rape and Imperialistic conquest of the Nazis).
So, they have all, the creeps attacking me in all the various "leadership" formats who have partaken of this ample promotional contract out on endlessly poisoning and torturing me to death and then trying to extract a baby--I think before or after death, not sure but I only can surmise that when they would never stop the poisoning their intentions were made clear-to me.
Not a penny, not a thank you, only more torture as more and more scum crap expletives come to assault me in a non-stop rotation.
My cat is waiting, I get nothing they take whatever they can and make my home stinking and foul, constantly. j
I fight and fight and there is no leadersihp.
My family was programmed almost during and in the immediate aftermath of the 2nd World War to become the new generation of Nazi/Jews who are following the plans that were made through such incentives. The trickle-down of that contract remains to this day so I cannot have any contact with my family as it could lead to my murder, literally.
The "superiority" of the Nazis was a lie and a myth. Nations put down their arms because the pan-Europ-a decision to allow Germans to march on through, except from the last group of human beings on that continent, who did fight to the last--who were not part of the Evian conference (such as Yugoslavia). But now all these countries are goose-stepping in formation with the Nazi Battalions of Ukraine leading the way for resistance against the less affluent controllers of Russia and hoping for re-investment and all that money handed to every Nazi collaborator who gives a private, or open, Sieg Heil and Nazi affiliation salute.
The people like my family are all "liberals" (or many of them are) they provide blonde Nazis with dark-haired boys for homosexual relations with. Fully programmed into lovingly submitting and adoring the fascist controllers they even marry. The programming is the only thing that has trickled down into the economy that so many administrations have fully endorsed, this Nazification incentive-trauma-based mind programming inducting of the by-now ballooning 4th Reich.
If anyone can return my cat to me, alive and healthy, away from the hateful deadly bigots who are constantly threatening to kill her.
If there is anything but endless conformity to the protocols of death squad Nazi and organized crime left on this planet.
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