Banana Republic Colonists with full Immunity for any and all crimes. What country could that be, the parenthetical reader ponders? No, it's not quite the United States...yet. But it is a country I am experienced with and realizing the extent of the absolute control over the legal system and political maneuvering and how much the colonized (unofficially) minions are (akia slaves). It is what America has become but only emerging as such openly at this time. Comparison Thailand v. USA.
"From Swastika flags to Hitler T-shirts: why Nazi symbols are common in SE Asia". South China Morning Post. May 7, 2019.
"Thailands Nazi pop culture phenomenon". DW News. March 12, 2019.
I am not going to delve into the United States' descent into despotism combined with every kind of despotic corruption that is blatant and now outright as opposed to the more hidden version in Thailand---it's more simple, much easier to understand as the color differentiation makes the "haves v have-nots" much more easy to understand in terms of racism and post-colonialism. It is another definition for the modern 4th Reich which I constantly write of.
Today, feeling the sense of frustration of the enormous battle I have had to personally undergo with almost no results or any seeming inch or millimeter advance against the tsunami of hate sleazy sick creeps coming at me ferociously to obtain their free promotion and the free hand-outs and the free awards and the pat on the back--in particular for the slated victims, the browns and the blacks, the women understanding on some level that rape culture is an "entitlement" of the oppressors who range from the most "loving" of Progressives viciously sexually attacking me for their presidential campaign allowance as a "victim" of racism or sexism or classism--to the outright Nazis who are at the forefront of the entitlement feeding frenzy food chain.
IN this banana republic that I am experienced of and in and within, the so-called "daughter" of the woman who used to rent motorbikes to me supposedly, I was told, was "half-American" and how sick this woman (porn) was of Americans, she told me. All she has ever said to me has been at the behest of the people instructing her using the voice-to-skull with insults that have been continuous while my brain was suffocated in ability to cognitivwly function. I was blanked out so I could not even speak and froze while she sat insulting me and I tried to think and words came out of my voice, as my vocal chords also were tweaked so it was not even "my" voice--and I could not think, avert her abuse and I sat transfixed while she made insulting sneering nose-swiping movements constantly. Another thing "they" do in this very highly electronically-infested mind control torture situation is to ask me questions and then while I am speaking they begin talking to someone else, they yawn in my face, the ignore me and I can't stop talking the whole time. I must repeat how sick and sinister the drugging truly is in combination with the brain-altering tech (whatever you want to call it, it must have specific names but the best I can do is just to say my brain is irreparably altered and ideas and words come pouring out of my mouth instantly and even sometimes my body reacts without my awareness--and this can be done and is done in very dangerous ways, such as while driving (they just tried to really harm me the last time I was driving by remotely altering my steering while I was on a downhill slope at the bottom as a car drove literally into me and I had to swerve as my handlebars instantly were swerved in another direction by the remote attack on my motorbike handlebars--but I cling tightly and averted falling from a 45-degree angle down a hill so the fall could potentially have killed me and I only managed not to fall by bracing and using my body strength fully to adjust the handlebars within a fraction of a second while the driver swerved to try to hit me just at this mot critical angle, and the car came suddenly from behind a small rough cut-out of the steep hillside on the bottom as I attempt to make a sharp left turn (you drive on the Left in Thailand) and the car had gone completely into my lane from behind this large boulder at the base and was really trying to hit me).
The handlebars of course from this motorbike rental shop where I have been routinedly abused in and attacked for years--and they keep going and the "daughter" of this woman (Porn) is in MOVIES and got her chance to be in MOVIES after partnering with Whorewood and their benefactors (of the 4th Reich Nazi contagion).
She had been arrested for possession of methamphetamine and needed a get out of jail free card. Her father is Dutch and so the white male was featured in the news clip for Phuket as coming to bring a cake and some clothing to his daughter who was in jail, awaiting a 33-year prison sentence.
Voila! Because of the white Europigapeland male, she left the country to avoid the legal proceedings, there was an investigation into 5 policemen in Bangkok who "helped" her to get out of the sentence by lying about the findings which were obvious--the police were investigated and there is no news as to what transpired then except that she got out of all charges except for a 5-month prison term and a $100 fine and some probation. Her Thai boyfriend, no white big Nazi daddy came to the rescue for him, and he is still rotting in prison.
And she is now working in MOVIES in Bangkok. So I was told. I did some research and saw that she has no presence on IMDB and there is no news about her anywhere (but my internet is always hacked and information is routinely blocked--no problem though because this is a banana republic and although the top Americans in power are fully aligned with this situation of information being blocked from my access as a terrorist subject and political prisoner of a banana republic aka the united States--don't worry, be happy because they "care" about Americans and their information and in protecting DEMOCRACY--except when it only happens to me that I become the subject of torture, rape, mutilation and endless violence and murder attempts . My body remains huge, contorted and stuck with all this poison they kept pouring into my body and are still drugging and poisoning me to this very day. "They" meaning a global system. Working in partnership with a banana republic here in Thailand. Also, some of the Chinese who as of late came to insult my body, abuse and have me tortured, are making a movie in BANGKOK now trying to emulate the old school Honk Kong style sans the political censorship of the CCP.
The director who made movies with the people who have attacked me. And that is why after I saw this in IMDB on the movie information page, I thought about the "daughter" of this woman (Porn) who says that her daughter is very busy and happily involved in movies in Bangkok instead of suffering the sleazy trashy tourist sex tourism of Rawai and how trashy and what Nazis and white supremacist Banana Republic sex trafficking and power-tripping vacations these Nazi pig apes enjoy with the absolute slavish devotion to them as the Thais, without the half-Nazi pig ape fathers (the new generation of the "top models" are all half-Europigapes, the mothers usually are left by the wayside as the fathers have an ample chicken shack choice of fresh new chicken every year they get bored with the "old" one).
Thinking of a Europigape piece of shit from Belgium who had her brown half Latino/Half Dutch creep assault me as I literally could not stop engaging with him. My every death knell alarm went off in my head from the malicious way he and a "Jewish" creep woman whno both partnered with Nazis --not using the term lightly--
oh, yes, skipping now to Miami Beach--South Beach and the influx of Nazism into taking over that place with the 3rd World Latinos absolutely worshipping all things white supremacy out of Europpigapeland.
she was in the 90's a top model globally. He was a construction worker and had a Bob Marley mural in his living room in a place we used to call "the yard" where there were barbecues, musicians, painters, creative people, production companies and models and I was invited so they could ALL profit off attacking me for their next promotion.
This was in around 7th Avenue, just right in the heart of South Beach. It was an open rectangular set of apartment buildings with a large open grassy space. There were parties, drumming, and all kinds of food, beer, pot, and all kinds of people going in and out constantly. It was a deadly assault upon me after the months of grooming me with plying me with all kinds of food and pot and the food and everything completely drugged as I was just in a daze. This was long before I realized or understood that every day my food was being poisoned with government-sponsored mind control "gravy" which literally makes a person completely susceptible to suggestion while s plethora of scumbags surround like parasites to suck whatever they can get out, and power trips galore for being able to so easily exploit someone and get paid for it.
When This model, I won't write her name for fear that this piece of shit will be promoted because that is the aim of all the sick creeps violently assaulting me in a non-stop murder situation, and they get promoted instantly but the rewards are even greater if I write t heir names and how violent and sick they are.
But it was enslavement of the most eager and willing coming from I think he was half Venezuelan and half Dutch---longing for white supremacist inclusion. His "best friend" was a German male (white, blue eyes, etc) named Steven/Stefan ? he never gave me his real last name. He was constantly there to arrange every kind of assault upon me in a most deadly manner, always with cocaine and people surrounding him trying to get approval from the 4th Reich. There were a ton of "Italian-American" and Italians along with French who were extremely violent towards me when the endless waves of different people from what had been there in the 90's when I first arrived were replaced by outright Nazis, as Florida has by now turned out to demonstrate with Enrico Tario (The Proud Boys, so proud to be part of white supremacy, the brown-skinned in particular).
I see this same banana republic going on in America to a degree that even the usual do-nothing giggling and complacent "liberals" of America who have known about my situation for years; some have just endlessly poured their videos onto my Youtube pages in a way that only suggests hacking and inclusion in the 4th Reich hate assault technology for destroying the minds and bodies, spirits and souls of the targeted masses and then eliminating them (I think that is the ultimate aim of so many, even when they comply). And even these people express shock when they see the laxity with which "justice" is being (not) administered while the opposite side claims that the system is unjustly rigged against them and that they are victims of an elaborate lying witch hunt.
Here in an outright Banana Republic, the "news" just prints a little blurb and the Nazi appears to "rescue" his brownie minority minion (daughter) who is another sleazy programmer of pornographic identity in order to more further progress the mind programming "allure" into Nazi iconography (as for Thailand being half "white" makes you "superior" and selling her sexuality with her mother raising her in a sex trafficking sleazy zone has been part of the Nazification programming for the minions and in particular the minorities).
So this "liberal" creep, name I think I wrote above, he has no media connection to this skank white supremacist Nazi from Belgium but they had a child---who is in modeling as well, at a very high level. The creep who pretended to be my friend actually was probably raping me while I was unconscious, and then was operating with this model to create the time lapse of drugging me and grooming until I felt completely comfortable, although I tried my best to have nothing to do with him, feeling the hairs raise on my arms when he was around because of his utter malevolent energy that was bursting beneath his black and really sinister eyes glaring at me. But he groomed me and I was forced into poverty, but was handed a very precious deal by a now-deceased Jewish woman who also ran a modeling agency--and this was a Jewish woman and the same model worked for that agency as well. They had been kicked out--the Jews from New York, and typically they got openly antisemitic virulently racist whites to surround me operating for them. Because the Nazis had kicked them out and usurped the business that they had created--or I should say the contracts. They were "allowed" to exist in other cities but NOT in Miami any longer. To consolidate their new deal they put me in their house alongside the extremely antisemitic Southern white Nazi male--from Georgia, with his little browning gay lover from Puerto Rico--who attacked me like the pawn that he is and then became a pawn for a Polish very white blonde male who made really nasty Nazi comments at me as this brown man/Latino lavished love like a slavish devotee--for both of the men.
They ensnared me on all levels, but I got to live in a little house three blocks from the ocean before a horrendously ugly huge condo complex was built across the street. I used to be able to watch the cruise ships as they headed out of the Port of Miami into Fisherman Island--which was just across from this little house I had paid my own money to renovate and make beautiful so they allowed me to live there for an unheard of rental price--I went to the beach, but I was so drugged and unable to move, as I am now partially paralyzed from the poisoning.
But....trying not to ramble too much here--the same people then worked on "construction" of a condo unit just next door on a floor that overlooked my house. For 2 years that little three-room condo was under construction by the German male I mentioned above, who threatened to throw me off a roof when I fought to get the next French bigot attacker from stalking me after a date-rape drugging incident as they tried to enslave me.
The French creep, who Trump brought into the teleportation as he sexually assaulted me while Trump watched on smiling (as usual) is himself half Jewish and half Italian but raised in Paris (they claim, with all the lies who knows?) and his heritage actually is part Hungarian (his Jewish father married this Nazi bigot "Italian" woman who had moved to Paris, where she worked in fashion) The children of this couple--oh, the father went into hiding as one of the children whose parents sent the Jewish children to live in Catholic Parishes disguised as little Catholic orphans --where the father was fully programmed into Nazi culture indoctrination until his children vehemently and violently assaulted ME to get their green card their huge promotion by attacking me, as ALL the Jews have done especially in America who are put into highest position (as well as every other minority)
It is exceedingly almost impossible to type any longer. They are blocking keys, and my fingers are now damaged from pounding so hard (my right pinky is now something like cut from typing and pounding so hard constantly)
my hands won't move to keys I want to press; my brain is under assault while I"m struggling constantly to get this out and I can't keep a linear thought process.
So finis.
The model who had a child with this complete fascist Nazi brown "progressive liberal" who has his Bob Marley poster and his |"liberal" every single political mention but fully attacks me and fully worships white supremacy. It is a deception that is sickening but from alll I have ever seen of anything connected to the modeling and entertainment industry (which is now as or more important to Americans than any of the politicians who strive to have entertainment value and exposure)\but in essence, the programming of the 4th Reich is being done through entertainment and the media as the banana republic is and has spread so far and wide.
The lack of utter concern from people at the truly essential level necessary to even begin to thwart everything turning into a banana republic is just amiss and lacking. What is much more important is the next movie and how many new contracts the expletives assaulting me can obtain by attacking me. There is no division in politics or identity in this respect. I would call that the politics of an absolute banana republic.
But in Thailand the skin color is so easily discerned but the same type of censorship prevails: obsession with weallth accumulation for the desperate and the wealthy alike and the materialism of endless consumer expansion into new and new coffee shops and now marijuana shops near the sex trafficking paradise beach resorts
This is a very meandering post, and undoubtedly the hackers will have already deleted half of this post. My brain cannot function, the keyboard is almost impossible to type on, and I have literally injured my right pinky in endlessly pounding down so hard that my finger is sliced from the keys (a very tiny little cut but I can't keep pounding on it any longer).
I have just deleted something that hackers included just 2 minutes ago, I closed this post and re-opened it because they are severely attacking my brain so I cannot think. I am so burdened by the hacking obstruction and inability to type without having to constantly backspace and retype every word--almost.
They just hacked and wrote half a short sentence I had not written. so this post will be just destroyed, it's already but I have not gone over it as this is so impossible to pound out.
This blonde Nazi model had the white male who claimed he was "white trash" who was "best frien;ds" with this brown Latino half Dutch creep--they threateaned me with violence and assaulted me with this blonde Nazi model trashy creep who is so idolized because her features resemble very Nazi features and her mentality is absolutely fascist; coming from Belgium and speaking French, her imperialism and murderous genocidal Nazism came out when attacking me in conjunction with the good partner of Sylvestor Stallone--the Italian Mafia partnering with the French sick creeps who I worked for who assaulted me--non-stop for over a decade and loner (they are all still there, in particular Stallone who has opererated with people poisoning me to death while he profited off it for almost THIRTY YEARS and he's stilll there in Whorewood behind all the rows of shit in the chairs who teleport me.
She--this fascist model--organized a circle of violence around me all pretending to be "friends " (many grown -up in America) and this happened when I was feeding a cat---at night, she had just begun her assault upon me after her boyfriend "groomed" me to believe that we were friends; I had never seen her, but she was there with the Stallone Italian and French MAFIA partners who had been his managers when I sold cigars at his Bar None club on Washington Avenue (and they are alll still behind the torture, rape and poisoning of me. I had and have NEVER done a single thing to any of them, by the way this is 1 million percent rabid fascist Nazism)
The whole story is so intertwined and typing is so impossible and they are literally adding words, deleting and I fcan't get this out--I can't even write what happened. But the comparison between what I see in Phuket, which is just outright open racist Nazism and the Thai people used to sell Swastika clothing emblems in the open air markets in Rawai up until the "Nazi chic" fashion trend in Thailand became more public due to former media exposure (now never done, it's all silenced).
But I had been feeding a cat which would not come close to this group, It was late night, we were in |"The Yard" and this cat came and I told it to come near, it would not, so I threw it food. The blonde skank piece of garbage model began "tsk tsk-ing" me and shaking her head "no". I ignored her and kept throwing the food to the grateful cat which ate the food I was throwing just in front of it so I was not throwing food at it just in front of it--it was about three feet away and would not come close to this "evil" group of shit I had been so drugged and unable to get away from. I am talking about such disgusting drugging mind control that I knew they were "bad" and I could not stop--like compelled. No one can understand this because no one wants to and no one cares. They don't care if it's happening to them, and it's so stealth you can't understand how malicious and dangerous it truly is and the types of people who have huge crocodile smiles who lure you into lethal traps.
Because I kept throwing the food at the cat, and ignoring her, she got a wave of brown and black and other Jewish and other slaves to assault me and by the end, the people who had "befriended" me threatened my life and went off insulting me and laughing about it--I had spent at least one year being groomed by them and all the while the Nazis were urging them to continue until I was--against my "real" self telling me at first no as they literally stalked me--and I was not able to resist the mind control and had no idea I was being drugged, because I have been drugged my entire life so I could not begin to fathom the difference.
And here in the banana republic that will not even begin to acknowledge this but the slavery is so obvious and open. The Europigapes who come here become tyrannical Nazis when they attack me as the Thais gladly smile huge black-eyed smiles and assist, all promised a house that is not the corrugated tin shack or trashy nasty 3rd world hovel situation they are all trying desperately to get out of.
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