
Showing posts from October, 2024

What I feel, personally, about both Trump & Harris after my "illicit" teleportation experiences. //The musings of a brainwashed and torture victim with a variety of Stockholm Syndrome. Any humanizing of these dehumanizing genocidal bigos, anyone participating, is a by-product of trauma-based mind control. Read on to the delusion that any of "them" have any iota of decency or likability. I realize that I am drugged and how pernicious the drugging mind control effect does have. Additionally I am constantly, constantly being attacked by this German sick leech creep who is a checklist of all "evils" of racism and sexism and exploitation combined. Thoroughly embraced by the A$$-list of whoreowod filth and the political escort service providing them all with people to rape and beat and torture and have orgies with, many non-consensual but also covert operations that they plan on using into infinity with permutations that never end. Every morning I am assaulted after having been injected in deep sleep with drugs, and then abuse, yelling and absolutely hate from dirty filthy disgusting rape pig apes this one from Germany, the endless annual pig ape shit prostitutalin pig pitt team of sauntering smug shit whores who have been handed Oscars along with their filthy foul "friends' and the usual list of Oscar nominee potentials for this f-ng next year of non-stop torture upon me is as usual featuring the English Crown pawns/whores and infiltrators who have been foisted upon the American scene yearly such as pig shit pitt the smug piee of sick shit with ugly sick trashalina and this German guy who is violently punching hitting threatening to kill me raping beating atacking every single day as I scream get the fuck off me day after day after day--it's now 4 months of DAILY screaming to get the fuck off me as he is welcomed hugged handed I can tell deals that worthless Nazi pig ape is not deserving of by all the top politicians--and the smug shit whores of Whorewood who are just taking turns assaulting raping having pig ape shit whore men raping me taking turns and going to the Oscars. Year after year additionally are ugly sick old men directors who are in line for top director award--ranging from Spielberg to Scorsese to dirty foul rotten that English creep ole man who viciously abused me verbally with a host of famous English rotten old men who have "won" awards the Hall of Flame $400 million dollar deals and on and on and on adn on and on adn on--day after day they inflict this Nazi sick fuck creep Jonas Nay onto me to punch into my face (reminding me of Tom Hardy with his blonde "wife' punching into my face over one year ago and now his stupid movie is being praised--it's a dumb sick movie absolutely violent and so is he--I did nothing to any of these whore pig apes, they just keep getting top awards because I fought to get English and Italian and German pig shit men who drugged poisoned and teleported me raping brutally and ahving poison poured into my body as they stole ideas and after YEARS of it I finally only figured out what was happening and called them "pigs" in rage from years of asking thejm to please stop please fucking stop please stop teleporting me.Now the rape is non-stop with every sick sleaze sick fucking pig piece of shit being awarded as they latch on forever. Every morning ugly dirty trashalina the prostituted sick crap parasite has this German rotten dirty ugly fucking pig beat abuse punch slap rape and abuse me as this group of shit sits smirking laughing and the pig goes on and on and on and on and on as I scream that I wish him death and all the rest of them. It is never stopped not by Harris not by Obama who pushed this greasy filthy creep on me months ago and they ahve been handed millions ever since --when the fuck will there every be anything but dirty sick Nazi shit promoted endlessly in the United STates coming to beat abuse me endlessly beating rape poisoning my home filthy my finances destroyed my at stolen my pets killed off everyone participating no one evet stopping this--the country is "releling" from racist comments that the fucking Trump campaign made and this group of SHIT from whorewood who are constantly in line for the next Oscar and award have put that fucking filth into power. I wrote this morning as if Trump were some kind of decent half human just surrounded by evil sick shit. I was drugged and had just been abused in the daily screaming hate rage attack of this German ugly sik dirty fucking whore ape as the rest of the shit sics this filthy fucking pig ape upon me every day, day after day after day I'm screaming I can't stand him screaming into his ugly sick face hitting him trying to kill him wishing him death saying I can't stand you over an dover and over and over and over day after day this sick fucking pig is put on me by ugly trashalina who is endlessly atatcking me so the ideas she stole from me can oncem more put that stupid worthless ugly cheap trashy whore into another Oscar position as with the ideas she stole for the past 15 years along with stupid dirty sick shit piga= ape pitt-endleslsy they go off after they beat rape and torture me laughing at their parties their ugly dirty shit faces in huge grins of elight as they are promoted--you can see them glowing with joy after dumping filth hate and shit on me and they arej awarded awarded awardede as the shit fro Congress pour in to participate and get more and more andmore andmore andmore andmore andmore andmore deals and deals.Its' been fifteen years of Obama going on and on with his fucking family years of Harris doing the same years of shit ugly pit pigalina going on and on poisoning me to death while stealing my dieas as I sit here fighting day after day to clean the endless stinking filth they order their shit to pour into my body and hoem and clothing and property and destroy and breakand it's never stopped. The hackinng is so bad I can't type any longer. WILL THIS FUCKING ELECTION EVER STOP THESE PIGS OR WILL THIS FUCKING GOVENMENT EVER STOP THIS INM MY LIFETIME? hOW MANY MORE FUCKING DEALS MUST THSEE SHIT WRHOES OBTAIN OUT OF TORTURING ME BEFORE ANYONE IS CONCERNE D ABOUT HUMAN RIGHST ABOUT THE US STATE OF POLITICS WHEN THEY PUT TRUMP INTO POWER AND NOW FASCISM AND NAISM IS OUT AND IN THE OPEN THANKS TO THE FUCKING OBAMAS AND OPRAH WHO ARE NOW "SAVIORS" FIGHTING TO "STOP TRUM" WHEN THEY PROFITED OFF PUTTING HIM NTO POWER YEARS AND YEARSAGO AND HAVE NOT STOPPED THIS FUCKING SHIT UPON ME BUT ISNTEAD PUT A VIOLENT MURDEROUS SICK GREASY GERMAN NAZI-SPEING DIRTY FILTH CREEP TO ENDLESSLY BEAT ABUSE RAPE THREATEN TO KILLME PUNCHING INTO MY FACE SLAPPING HITTING AND ALL BECAUSE iAM DEFENDING MY HUMAN BASIC RIGHTS THEY AHVE ALL PROFITED OFF DESTROYING AND THEN BEING PROMOTED BY THE 4TH REICH FOR. Iwrote of Trump as being somewhat a decent human being he's just another psychopath part of this group, I was drugged I was under mind control I am now fighting to get the endless violence to stop even iffor just one fucking day as it is never stopped.

THe hacking is atrocious, as everything else is. I am writing this hours after having been through the endless daily routine of another rapist pig scum who has obtained a huge promotion for having beaten raped and tortured me. Every day this rotten stupid mediocrity violent ugly dirty pig ape is asking me for ideas which his team of mediocrity is taking down as notes so more Nazis can steal original ideas out of. I am screaming at him with rage and murderous desire to see him fucking dead to get the fuck off me every day this teleportation shit is forced upon me with this filthy dirty creep and his goon group with ugly trashalina trying to win an oscar after years of poisoning me to death and laughig about it as more and more ugly goon pig ape whore men rush to rape and punch me in the face clalling me bitch and sticking their filthy greasy pig penises in my mouth slapping and forcing this no me as dirty trashalina and pig filthy ape pitt are handed oscars and Trump is put endlessly in...

Cest nes pas "Chic" Le Freak Out (need to dance the freaky fear away--do it with soft persuasion but grind nevertheless the rip-roaring monster back down into the abyss): //What is only being brought up, from my scant review of news (mostly MSNBC I am referring to) but this reference is almost meaningless because I am not watching any particular show much, but Glenn Kirschner (legal analyst MSNBC, one contributor) has stated, to remind "us" that TRUMP WILL BE SENTENCED in the NY "Hush money case" in November, end of month, end of campaign end of waiting for delays at least in that case. Even if he is President Elect, he will be sentenced. Any actions on his part leading to another attempt to seize power illegally or through violence or criminal acts will weigh heavily on the case he cannot dismiss even if he orders Executive for a State Case (I am presuming based on what I have heard). Nevertheless the sense of dread, anticipation for the election to have a final outcome and the waiting on day #6 (my time) for this "nail-biting" exercise in patience is really more scary than any Halloween event I have ever experienced (maybe one was worse in a "haunted house" scenario I saw at age 9).

"Chic--Le Freak (Official Music Video)". RHINO. April 12, 2019.   Listening to the former Aryan Nation(s) publicist, high-ranking official, recruiter and member discuss his "conversion" from believing in genocide and the tactics and methodology employed by the Aryan nations in this (circa) 1992 interview truly echoes the exact strategies and methods being currently employed by the entire MAGA spectrum. What is lacking in the modern iteration is the direct brutal honesty that Floyd Cochran details to Terry Gross and in how the "bodies will be put back into the ovens or the genocidal participant can 'Delegate someone else to do it' (Paraphrase). The literal mass extinction plan is on schedule, more or less, but cloaked in such "patriotic and Christian" morality play verbiage and theatrical (pretense) at being concerned citizens fighting for (The good ole days). Terming the planning of mass deportations and death as being Christian is one of the ...

"Racism sells (media coverage)"--Floyd Cochran, former Aryan Nations member/leader/recruiter/propagandist in interview with NPR's Terry Gross (source, Hour of the Time #706). The shock of openly stating racism makes headlines. It is a big-seller. This is the last-pitch diversion of the Trump campaign (I assume it's the last pitch but there could be more similar highly visible shock statements; all intended to receive the coverage now on almost all headlines around the country and perhaps around the world). More than a "promise" of "redemption" and the backlash communities, it is a sales pitch for attention. It has been part of the Aryan Nation sales platform and propaganda attention-getting pitch for many decades and "they" know the power of making such statements.

**Correction (written one day later): The episode of Hour of the Time is #760 not #706 . I am extremely drugged and the Whorewood hate group is constantly drugging and abusing and torturing me, as usual they are allowed to go on and on and on and on so politicians and celebrities can go out and be "permitted" to feign being against racism for public appearances and media coverage. They love fervently the most nasty bigots of America who bring in a continuous stream of extreme anti-American enemies posing as "sophsticated" Europigapeland "elite" but they are blank and just repeat what they are told to push out to pretend that they are not racist. It goes on and on. I was mutilated by being "told" in deep sleep that I was going to get up, while in my drugged extremely ill deep sleep state (they never stop drugging me--to death) so I took off the 7 layers of protection around my mutilated hands, always horrid skin-destroying poison is also slathered...

Tarot reading extrapolation: why it appears that the sustained readings that Kamala Harris will win shows up in the cards. This was an indirect question but the outcome shows a complete change in terms of the obstruction of my finances which has been a constant threat to my life under all the years of Trump and his partnership with orchestrated attacks using weaponized governmental agencies.

I cannot be explicit at this point as to which agency, but take it as a general umbrella term that what is happening to me on the micro is a trend towards what will occur, and has been occuring, at the more macro State-level and international as well. I am not focusing on Trump in particular only that the "gates" he has opened will remain open unless the targeting community is at least exposed to a degree that concealed violence towards people on any sort of targeting list are not blocked via "strange mistakes" via certain agencies, lies and dis/misinformation leading the target to go on wild goose chases only to be lead into a trap. Okay, the card reading for today was about the endless blocks to my mail and finances that Trump, personally, endorsing has orchestrated against me. It could also be his influence, or the influence of his genocidal partners in the American political sphere, who are implementing a massive deconstruction policy of breaking down the abilit...

15 minutes and counting of fighting to post a comment to a film review on YouTube. This has happened throughout the YEARS of this open hacking, which began once I realized I was a universal "target" which is completely about the discrediting process. The hacking had been severe with endless DOS attacks and rewrites, but I had no idea what was really happening as I was not "paranoid" at the time as I am now threatened with being labeled as for trying unsuccessfully to report this state-sponsored crime. However, I tried to comment, it was a good and erudite opinion and had some merit (a lot in my opinion) and so the discrediting Nazi (males mostly white pig ape Europigapes here in this condo who just rediverted swage water into my every water supply in bathroom and kitchen, yesterday while I was out being attacked by other dumb sick creeps everywhere, all at once, non-stop). But not getting to the point, an esoteric explanation that is too intelligent for the dumb white trash pig apes all with loot from holocausts and genocides and banking fraud backing their assaults upon me. What they do, in addition to blocking the keyboard function, turning the wifi off and off and off and off as i fight to reestablish the connection, then they reword to discredit me. In the comment section they put "lines" through the words in the center of the letters as if it's been deleted and will not show-up in the final "post'. I am thusly posting the comment here, I don't believe they will put the lines through the 80% of the post in this blog template.

My comment post on the YouTube page, for which it was mutilated by the hackers who can't stand to see me have ideas they don't have (so they get their skank rape cheerleaders to steal all ideas about women's rights in not being raped, sex trafficked and abused but cheer it on when it happens to me, thusly they are exempt but let the pig apes have their sleazy dirty violent "way" by dumping the hate they have imbibed from this hate and death "system" that Kubrick often depicts in almost all of his movies, trashing the system but no one can get the kernel of the attack on white male supremacy so they have to block me out, silence and use tech to mutilate what I write, and mutilate my body, mutilate my voice and etc. My comment was thus: "William Cooper's Hour of the Time, Mystery Babylon series begins with an analysis of the film (2001)-there is the "obelisk" (the "slab") although rectangular in shape, it's supposed to repr...

Oh, I have so many wonderful satire political jokes I could write about, now that I have years of experience worth of being tortured by state-sponsored political leaders and celluloid one-dimensional mind programming bots. But I am a "good girl" so I won't write anything like this.....(!)

"Faith No More--We Care a Lot (Official Music Video) (4K)". UPROXX indi Mixtape. February 22, 2014. Such as... Oh how wonderful and free Americkkka is, the politicians are dusting off the ole chestnuts buried deep inside their dusty ole' usual pandering "bag o' trix" which they blow-off for every upcoming major election cycle. The tricks are something like, "We care a lot about you People" and the red fish, blue fish, the purple fish and the odd black horse fish, the fishes swimming in the big blue sea, there for you and me! (also a quote from 3 Dog Night's Joy to the World or Jeremiah was a BullFrog song, so popular in the hip-pie days. Once the Freedom Caucus wins, the outright death squads will have the "freedom" to go out and kill "those who deserve it to be enslaved" and the death squads will roam the streets in search of "radical liberals".. They will have absolute "freedom" to peruse what is now a ...

Rock n' HELL Hall of Flame Award winners for this year: Cher & Ozzy Osbourne both have attacked me for years using the bollocks internet hacking and (for Osbourne with his nasty fake "liberal" wife and spawn "celebrity" gastric bypass plastic surgery 2nd generation "punk"ster watered down version of a yuppified "valley girl") and now AWARDED by the Nazi regime controlling Whorewood, and then thusly the news media, and through them all, the political schemata.

"David Bowie--Fame 90 (Official Video)". David Bowie. June 15, 2018.   "David Bowie--I'm Afraid of Americans (Official Music Video) (4K Upgrade)". David Bowie. October 28, 2021. "Nine Inch Nails--Head Like a Hole". Nine Inch Nails. December 25, 2009. "Nine Inch Nails--Closer (Director's Cut)". Nine Inch Nails. June 17, 2009. "Einsturzende Neubauten-- $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$88  88 T he Osbournes (sp? as they would say, could give a f*** how the filth is spelled--sorry, but at this point, the terrorists are just filth and they behave like it eagerly in teleportation with all their hate and dirty trashy abuse and the outpouring of filth their dirty minions pour onto my home my body and my life as dumping their psychic filth onto me) dirty Cher, likewise, hacked a ton of her "brown girl" songs from the  70's which gained her "fame" because at the time Civil Rights were more "vogue" than now ...

Trump played "Ave Maria" for his last-gasp tour prior to election Night on Bald Mountain---all a Disney theatrical release far superior to many of the Oscar contenders. The music was great, it was actually comprised of some songs I really like. Schubert's Ave Maria not being my favorite of his collection, but nevertheless profound. I thought of the Disney sequence of Night on Bald Mountain, met in the morning dew kissed by the first rays of the "sun" (all very symbolic) of the devil's grasp on the souls of the damned, on Bald Mountain, met by the redemption of the carriers of the "light of truth" and of innocence and rebirth the day after. How Trump could not have thought of this connection, yet I think of the sequence and so I am posting it. Connect the dots if you will.

"Disney 'Fantasia'--A Night on Bald Mountain/Ave Maria, Op 52, No. 6". DisneyMusics. September 7, 2013. This one is dedicated to the plague of the Mike Johnson Holy Roller Sinful contagion---which we hope will be taken down from the Papal pulpit of pulp fiction once the election has come and gone--With the Wind and the South Shall Rise No More. Nie Wieder, never again (bigot locust contagion plague). And that whole death squad, Nazi 4th Reich "Christianity" smog alert that needs to be vacuumed up by fresh air. "King Plague--Ave Plague". Christian Ciprian. August 8, 2018.  "Lili Marleen (Fassbinder) 1981". Meloclips00. April 16, 2013. I heard that a few people had fainted in the rally due to excessive heat. Trump was cooling down the stress level and it would appear that no one else fainted after Trump began to play his musical selection. Prince's "No One Compares 2U" was also a welcome sign not of Trump's mental decline ...

Let the Year of the "revolution" Dragon begin.//The reign of the Dragon, 2024: Not exactly "science" evidence-based predictive model....but, still fun to mentally peruse for a few seconds. The Year of the Dragon, so it is this year, 2024. The year of the Dragon is of vital leadership and bold enterprises. Bold ferocious hurricanes and grandiose plans for the future lead by undaunted, sometimes lacking in circumspection leadership and a new era--as Dragon leads the parade of all the Chinese year animals in every parade. It is the "new dawn" of the Chinese --solar/lunar cycle? I guess solar, not looking any of it up.//1964 is the year of the Dragon (was, still is) and both Kamala and Walz are born in that year. It's nothing to base any prediction upon, but a mirth musing on the topic of astrological influence and probability determination...? ha ha? Could it mean that it was "in the stars" for them to ascend to power this year?

"Enter The Dragon (Bruce lee Vs Han) No Interruptions (HD)". June 2, 2018. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The Lair of the White Worm 1988 Crucifix Dream  Sequence". Dean Cofie Cook. January 22, 2023.  "Once Upon a Time in China III opening". Dreamfast 1968. January 18, 2012. Otherwise, I could write more on this and other topics but I am going to think about the Revolution that must be performed in America, the United States: a health revolution towards natural herbal treatment and using Asian principles of health and rejuvenation.  I am undergoing a profound effect of using herbs at this time, I find it so much power life-sustaining than most of the (even) health care shop regime that is pushed with highly expensive prices for tiny bottles of little doses put into much larger cellulose or whatever capsule containers. A re-alignment of ...

Cyber Terrorism Report: A horrible virus or malware hacked into my hard drive, requiring over 2 days of struggle to clear and clean out. All was inserted by terrorists who rush into my room to wreak a Milton/Helene-type destruction (I equate an equivalency between the hate of the 4th Reich and the fury of the environmental destruction as analogous to the spiritual vibe of hate which is afflicting the planet). //My lament that I know that technology "in the know" far exceeds what is available on the market. If only the tech hoarding set would release technologies---computer and laptop, and all that the masses use for their everyday interconnectivity needs--that are malleable so as to fold into a small and compact size to be put into a tiny purse or backpack. I know that research is being done so that the hard encasement of laptops and phones and computer systems is being integrated into viable polymers or plastics so they can be molded, folded and still transmit all necessary. The market needs to ever-so-slowly first increase price for every "new" development, which by the time it comes out, is from the dino age of tech innovation, relatively speaking. When the foldable laptops come out so people don't have to leave their computers exposed so any terrorist can come and hack, personally, into their system---would be a boon for people experiencing date theft by all kinds of knowledgeable hackers and even children, spouses or personnel of a staff. //Perhaps the controllers who create such "new" innovations are still working out how exactly they can still incorporate grandiose surveillance structures and still allow for data theft, privacy invasion in it's most sinister form (i.e. the virus or worm or trojan on my system had already been installed and all the terrorists had to do was to activate it. The hack began after I had done a reset function, in the early morning. Either the mechanical arms could manipulate the computer while I slept or the trojan or virus had already been installed only awaiting "order 69" or whatever that Clone Wars command is from Star Wars franchise. They know already that commands are set in computers and for the zombie cells to murderously attack after years of prepping the target with false displays of loving devotion and servitude. It is the same. //To have autonomy from such invasion would be, I think, unthinkable to the controllers of the tech controllers who instruct them exactly how far to go in "releasing new advances in computing" so that the integration of hate groups to infiltrate, decoy, deceive and surveil remain in full operation. Thusly I cannot take my laptop and protect it from the stains, marks, blemishes that accompany any new object I buy and have to leave in my room (everything I carry, unless it is damaged from mechanical arms when I have opened my backpack and must go into another room suddenly, as happens and instantly from wherever the portals in t he walls are, the destruction begins on these objects) but otherwise what remains buried in my backpack for safe-keeping, as I must trudge it along with me everywhere I go to protect such items--they remain pristine and in new condition. Everything else has at least one rip, stain or tear and is stinking--that I must leave behind and cannot take with me. Inevitably any mechanical or tech instrument is literally hacked to implode and destruct after a very short time. Functions stop working, etc and everything is marred, shredded, stained, broken down, lopsided, and stinking with spray that never comes off. //I am waiting for a kind of polymer laptop system so I can take my laptop with me and it's protected, light-weight perhaps only a few ounces, and it cannot be ravaged, hacked and corrupted as all my laptops have been (on a sub-sub-poverty income as this group of millionaires and billionaires orders destruction of my laptops, a series of laptops broken in the past decade for me writing to reach anybody on the planet to stop this tyrannical destruction hate group which is directly equivalent in hate force of death to the hurricanes to the climate death and destruction on the planet. The spiritual energy is the same hate force, only rebounded back by Nature. //But as for technology, it is a benefit to humanity if used correctly and I suggest that people try to urge the "only following orders" media and tech giants to make these advancements for the actual safety and privacy of people, experiencing targeting, which is far more than "people" understand and/or want to understand. //You can bet that any advancement on that level, for actual free speech, is not forthcoming from the Elon Musk group and I know this from his reactions to asking me questions in teleportation state, whereby I am put into "truth serum" effect and thusly I answer correctly trying to mitigate my responses to be as "face-saving" as possible until after more and more and more abuse and violence I begin to scream with hate--(meaning a few YEARS of attacks by Musk). Anytime I just said NO to him, politely or forcefully after the repeated question, I was met with attacks in my home and while out and about. It was the usual fascist rape culture white supremacy Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich response. There is no "Free Speech" available from that direction and certainly no advanced computing where people can protect their instruments of communication from the ravages of tech experts that Musk and his ilk all hoard and then unleash in frenzies of hate upon people they don't like who they can't stand to see as any competitive threat. That is the gist of the entire structure aimed at me. All I am doing is writing my opinions and conveying the FACTS about their terrorism and trying to dismantle the elaborate lying fake egalitarian aspect of these liars and deceivers. They are then put in "charge" of the tech 4th Reich zone so only "they" control information and claim they are working assiduously to "protect the First Amendment".//**As usual, my internet WiFi connection was turned off remotely by the terrorist hackers, who will also be rewriting this post if and when I get the internet up again. I have just spent 2 days fighting to use my laptop and now have to once more fight again. I was able to use my laptop for about 20 minutes until they inevitably turned the laptop off because I am writing about reality which no one will defend because the lies enable their careers and sense of security and stability from within the cozy confines of the 4th Reich fascist oppression regime, where by only "they" get to "represent" and the followers believe or need to believe, of course they don't believe they want the lies to continue that there is freedom and security (but only for "them", everyone else gets surveillance and censorship and poisoning and death squad interference most don't have any idea they are being mind controlled, perhaps drugged and poisoned as I have been--the system is so stealth I suggest that many have died never having a single clue that they were being poisoned by their dear spouses, children and neighbors, friends and wonderfully loving waitress at their wonderful restaurant and even at their friendly supermarket and by whatever else--the system is so entrenched as to be completely seamless; universally).

This "foldable" Lenovo just "came out" in 2019. It has probably been "in the closet" for over 40 years (maybe 30 or 20...?).   "Lenovo's Foldable PC preview at Tech World 2019". Lenovo. November 16, 2019. -------------------- Still probably a long-ago creation, sold as "new" to the public which will pay and pay for each "upgrade" put into the pool slowly, requiring  years and years of constant "upgrades" $$$$$$ in and out. The laptop which provided me with the greatest security is no longer available. It was broken, physically smashed by the hate teams after I called the "men" so-called "pigs" who were poisoning and raping me to death---who handed the contract to the Whorewood group who have since broken two more laptops--3 within the last decade broken because I wrote the reality of their hate crimes and perturbed mental dysfunctional award-winning theft of my ideas because they are programme...