What I feel, personally, about both Trump & Harris after my "illicit" teleportation experiences. //The musings of a brainwashed and torture victim with a variety of Stockholm Syndrome. Any humanizing of these dehumanizing genocidal bigos, anyone participating, is a by-product of trauma-based mind control. Read on to the delusion that any of "them" have any iota of decency or likability. I realize that I am drugged and how pernicious the drugging mind control effect does have. Additionally I am constantly, constantly being attacked by this German sick leech creep who is a checklist of all "evils" of racism and sexism and exploitation combined. Thoroughly embraced by the A$$-list of whoreowod filth and the political escort service providing them all with people to rape and beat and torture and have orgies with, many non-consensual but also covert operations that they plan on using into infinity with permutations that never end. Every morning I am assaulted after having been injected in deep sleep with drugs, and then abuse, yelling and absolutely hate from dirty filthy disgusting rape pig apes this one from Germany, the endless annual pig ape shit prostitutalin pig pitt team of sauntering smug shit whores who have been handed Oscars along with their filthy foul "friends' and the usual list of Oscar nominee potentials for this f-ng next year of non-stop torture upon me is as usual featuring the English Crown pawns/whores and infiltrators who have been foisted upon the American scene yearly such as pig shit pitt the smug piee of sick shit with ugly sick trashalina and this German guy who is violently punching hitting threatening to kill me raping beating atacking every single day as I scream get the fuck off me day after day after day--it's now 4 months of DAILY screaming to get the fuck off me as he is welcomed hugged handed I can tell deals that worthless Nazi pig ape is not deserving of by all the top politicians--and the smug shit whores of Whorewood who are just taking turns assaulting raping having pig ape shit whore men raping me taking turns and going to the Oscars. Year after year additionally are ugly sick old men directors who are in line for top director award--ranging from Spielberg to Scorsese to dirty foul rotten that English creep ole man who viciously abused me verbally with a host of famous English rotten old men who have "won" awards the Hall of Flame $400 million dollar deals and on and on and on adn on and on adn on--day after day they inflict this Nazi sick fuck creep Jonas Nay onto me to punch into my face (reminding me of Tom Hardy with his blonde "wife' punching into my face over one year ago and now his stupid movie is being praised--it's a dumb sick movie absolutely violent and so is he--I did nothing to any of these whore pig apes, they just keep getting top awards because I fought to get English and Italian and German pig shit men who drugged poisoned and teleported me raping brutally and ahving poison poured into my body as they stole ideas and after YEARS of it I finally only figured out what was happening and called them "pigs" in rage from years of asking thejm to please stop please fucking stop please stop teleporting me.Now the rape is non-stop with every sick sleaze sick fucking pig piece of shit being awarded as they latch on forever. Every morning ugly dirty trashalina the prostituted sick crap parasite has this German rotten dirty ugly fucking pig beat abuse punch slap rape and abuse me as this group of shit sits smirking laughing and the pig goes on and on and on and on and on as I scream that I wish him death and all the rest of them. It is never stopped not by Harris not by Obama who pushed this greasy filthy creep on me months ago and they ahve been handed millions ever since --when the fuck will there every be anything but dirty sick Nazi shit promoted endlessly in the United STates coming to beat abuse me endlessly beating rape poisoning my home filthy my finances destroyed my at stolen my pets killed off everyone participating no one evet stopping this--the country is "releling" from racist comments that the fucking Trump campaign made and this group of SHIT from whorewood who are constantly in line for the next Oscar and award have put that fucking filth into power. I wrote this morning as if Trump were some kind of decent half human just surrounded by evil sick shit. I was drugged and had just been abused in the daily screaming hate rage attack of this German ugly sik dirty fucking whore ape as the rest of the shit sics this filthy fucking pig ape upon me every day, day after day after day I'm screaming I can't stand him screaming into his ugly sick face hitting him trying to kill him wishing him death saying I can't stand you over an dover and over and over and over day after day this sick fucking pig is put on me by ugly trashalina who is endlessly atatcking me so the ideas she stole from me can oncem more put that stupid worthless ugly cheap trashy whore into another Oscar position as with the ideas she stole for the past 15 years along with stupid dirty sick shit piga= ape pitt-endleslsy they go off after they beat rape and torture me laughing at their parties their ugly dirty shit faces in huge grins of elight as they are promoted--you can see them glowing with joy after dumping filth hate and shit on me and they arej awarded awarded awardede as the shit fro Congress pour in to participate and get more and more andmore andmore andmore andmore andmore andmore deals and deals.Its' been fifteen years of Obama going on and on with his fucking family years of Harris doing the same years of shit ugly pit pigalina going on and on poisoning me to death while stealing my dieas as I sit here fighting day after day to clean the endless stinking filth they order their shit to pour into my body and hoem and clothing and property and destroy and breakand it's never stopped. The hackinng is so bad I can't type any longer. WILL THIS FUCKING ELECTION EVER STOP THESE PIGS OR WILL THIS FUCKING GOVENMENT EVER STOP THIS INM MY LIFETIME? hOW MANY MORE FUCKING DEALS MUST THSEE SHIT WRHOES OBTAIN OUT OF TORTURING ME BEFORE ANYONE IS CONCERNE D ABOUT HUMAN RIGHST ABOUT THE US STATE OF POLITICS WHEN THEY PUT TRUMP INTO POWER AND NOW FASCISM AND NAISM IS OUT AND IN THE OPEN THANKS TO THE FUCKING OBAMAS AND OPRAH WHO ARE NOW "SAVIORS" FIGHTING TO "STOP TRUM" WHEN THEY PROFITED OFF PUTTING HIM NTO POWER YEARS AND YEARSAGO AND HAVE NOT STOPPED THIS FUCKING SHIT UPON ME BUT ISNTEAD PUT A VIOLENT MURDEROUS SICK GREASY GERMAN NAZI-SPEING DIRTY FILTH CREEP TO ENDLESSLY BEAT ABUSE RAPE THREATEN TO KILLME PUNCHING INTO MY FACE SLAPPING HITTING AND ALL BECAUSE iAM DEFENDING MY HUMAN BASIC RIGHTS THEY AHVE ALL PROFITED OFF DESTROYING AND THEN BEING PROMOTED BY THE 4TH REICH FOR. Iwrote of Trump as being somewhat a decent human being he's just another psychopath part of this group, I was drugged I was under mind control I am now fighting to get the endless violence to stop even iffor just one fucking day as it is never stopped.
THe hacking is atrocious, as everything else is. I am writing this hours after having been through the endless daily routine of another rapist pig scum who has obtained a huge promotion for having beaten raped and tortured me. Every day this rotten stupid mediocrity violent ugly dirty pig ape is asking me for ideas which his team of mediocrity is taking down as notes so more Nazis can steal original ideas out of. I am screaming at him with rage and murderous desire to see him fucking dead to get the fuck off me every day this teleportation shit is forced upon me with this filthy dirty creep and his goon group with ugly trashalina trying to win an oscar after years of poisoning me to death and laughig about it as more and more ugly goon pig ape whore men rush to rape and punch me in the face clalling me bitch and sticking their filthy greasy pig penises in my mouth slapping and forcing this no me as dirty trashalina and pig filthy ape pitt are handed oscars and Trump is put endlessly in...