Cest nes pas "Chic" Le Freak Out (need to dance the freaky fear away--do it with soft persuasion but grind nevertheless the rip-roaring monster back down into the abyss): //What is only being brought up, from my scant review of news (mostly MSNBC I am referring to) but this reference is almost meaningless because I am not watching any particular show much, but Glenn Kirschner (legal analyst MSNBC, one contributor) has stated, to remind "us" that TRUMP WILL BE SENTENCED in the NY "Hush money case" in November, end of month, end of campaign end of waiting for delays at least in that case. Even if he is President Elect, he will be sentenced. Any actions on his part leading to another attempt to seize power illegally or through violence or criminal acts will weigh heavily on the case he cannot dismiss even if he orders Executive for a State Case (I am presuming based on what I have heard). Nevertheless the sense of dread, anticipation for the election to have a final outcome and the waiting on day #6 (my time) for this "nail-biting" exercise in patience is really more scary than any Halloween event I have ever experienced (maybe one was worse in a "haunted house" scenario I saw at age 9).

"Chic--Le Freak (Official Music Video)". RHINO. April 12, 2019.


Listening to the former Aryan Nation(s) publicist, high-ranking official, recruiter and member discuss his "conversion" from believing in genocide and the tactics and methodology employed by the Aryan nations in this (circa) 1992 interview truly echoes the exact strategies and methods being currently employed by the entire MAGA spectrum.

What is lacking in the modern iteration is the direct brutal honesty that Floyd Cochran details to Terry Gross and in how the "bodies will be put back into the ovens or the genocidal participant can 'Delegate someone else to do it' (Paraphrase). The literal mass extinction plan is on schedule, more or less, but cloaked in such "patriotic and Christian" morality play verbiage and theatrical (pretense) at being concerned citizens fighting for (The good ole days).

Terming the planning of mass deportations and death as being Christian is one of the nails in the coffin to the pretense of a "Democratic Republic" or Constitutional Republic, if you will.

They won't.

Feeling something like demonic ghosts are hovering around waiting to be unleashed by the election in just a few days. Like ghosts of Hitler and all the genocides of racism and the pogroms are waiting for the final green light.

I am glad that some people are finally recognizing that this is a threat not only to myself but also to "them". There are many in the media I know will profit off the 4th Reich who nevertheless are "representatives" of the "opposite" and it is also scary that so many are constantly retained in their positions and awarded for participating in attacking me. I appear to be a prototype for a horrendous form of covert assassination which I dare say has been in full effect but not at this technological level of programming with direct input into the brain as is happening with the microchip implantation and other drugging and most offensive are the mass numbers of people in a frenzy to participate for various reasons.

Although I have made my prediction that the surge of violence will not be elected into power,, it retains it's absolute grip on much of all society around the planet, playing "both sides" in a false controversy and then playing each side and all sides against one another at the same time.(It's sometimes called "making people chase their tails")


what I thought of this morning as I listened to Vice President Kamala Harris's speech at the place Trump had issued his warnings to "fight like Hell or you won't have a country"--and to "march on the Capitol" and etc all the jargon (When he made that speech, I was, in fact, listening to a GERMAN YouTube podcaster whose videos were later, literally deleted from my YouTube page--I mean, the Germans (with English subtitles) announced that while Trump was speaking, the Germans commented that the "love" was everywhere--"Love" is a term often used by the Trump campaign and that the insurrection was a "day of Love". The two are not disconnected and the intentional use of the word "love" by the Germans before Trump had made that statement, showed to me that there is an absolute connection to German and Euro Nazi groups and fascist organizations but when I had thought of the concept and wanted to write about it, the entire page was deleted and ALL videos from the German page were literally gone. To disguise the intention I had of making a connection. I have no idea where to find this very flashy and expensive-looking studio that the Germans had while they analyzed the live speech on January 6 as I watched late at night and was in the usual drugged-up daze not understanding the extent of the massive crowd (the camera only focused on Trump at the Podium so I had no way of gauging how extensive the rally truly had been)


The connections were in firm place long before Trump went down the Trump Tower escalator, and what I truly hope is that from my fight and the now ever-increasing alarm that is ringing out now by the potential victims of a 4th Reich ascendency, should it come to pass (it already has)

and I hope that this will be stopped, this group and it's death wishes for another holocaust and elimination.

I can only attest that personally my family and myself have been targets of massive death squad activity and I have been fighting against murder for well over 15 years. The people slowly murdering me on a daily basis have been injecting horrific poisons into my body and have laughed about the results and this is their "running joke" to mock how deteriorated my body has become after they get people to physically pound the poison in and abuse and hit and torture me so my nervous system and immune system are in dying mode just from the stress, in itself.

That this has never been connected to the visible and open rise of fascism in America through the MAGA movement still should be somewhat alarming. 

I know that the "people in power" who do not want a death culture to replace the frail and in so many ways, Failed State of Democracy in America, should find a way to "save face" but still REMOVE THIS THREAT which they have hitherto been supporting because they have been put in possession of death technology and have been dispersing it out to any and all who will join into their own techno-terror insurrection of the power structure of all the influencing possible.

The scary part is how little people are willing to do more than make a meek semblance of protest and then nothing more

and nothing comes of nothing as Shakespeare would say has said and it was a warning from the King Lear school of the fool to not ignore warnings and to do something when the time is right for stopping a death trend rather than waiting inevitably until the point of no return, or almost.

Not sure if the King Lear example is fitting but the line remains the same, nothing comes of nothing. Do something rather than nothing to stop the rise of abuse of power especially if you are handed a dream promotion if you just go along. In the future you are either enforcing that people must make a similar choice but for survival and not just a promotion. The rebounding effect upon yourself could also be very drastic due to the global nature of the technological grasp and environmental alteration that the death-mongering cult group forces upon the world with callous contempt for restraint of their every "I want now" mentality.

It is, as usual, nearly impossible to pound this out. The hackers have blocked completely my keyboard and I am pounding on the keyboard of the laptop--they also have blocked the speakers as well. They all work perfectly after the usual 2-hour + restore function and eventually, after one day of using the internet, all is blocked completely (as it is now from 3 days of not doing a restore function).



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