Rock n' HELL Hall of Flame Award winners for this year: Cher & Ozzy Osbourne both have attacked me for years using the bollocks internet hacking and (for Osbourne with his nasty fake "liberal" wife and spawn "celebrity" gastric bypass plastic surgery 2nd generation "punk"ster watered down version of a yuppified "valley girl") and now AWARDED by the Nazi regime controlling Whorewood, and then thusly the news media, and through them all, the political schemata.

"David Bowie--Fame 90 (Official Video)". David Bowie. June 15, 2018.


"David Bowie--I'm Afraid of Americans (Official Music Video) (4K Upgrade)". David Bowie. October 28, 2021.

"Nine Inch Nails--Head Like a Hole". Nine Inch Nails. December 25, 2009.

"Nine Inch Nails--Closer (Director's Cut)". Nine Inch Nails. June 17, 2009.

"Einsturzende Neubauten--

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$88  88

The Osbournes (sp? as they would say, could give a f*** how the filth is spelled--sorry, but at this point, the terrorists are just filth and they behave like it eagerly in teleportation with all their hate and dirty trashy abuse and the outpouring of filth their dirty minions pour onto my home my body and my life as dumping their psychic filth onto me)

dirty Cher, likewise, hacked a ton of her "brown girl" songs from the  70's which gained her "fame" because at the time Civil Rights were more "vogue" than now (now she makes no reference to "brown girls" having to sell snake oil and serve the lines of men in the caravans)

it was just 2 days ago, I had written something about my personal history and my mother and a ton of her nasty songs came on, and in nostalgia for the 70's and in a drugged and usually tortured state from abuse and abuse and abuse from the Nazi and the American Nazi league of Whorewood with this filthy technology and "system" of murder and abuse and theft for dumb mediocrities to steal ideas so they have something to day that is original instead of what they always say in private--give me give me but all I can say is "why" You are not deserving your posturing lying repertoire of well-aged platitudinous themes and repeat stolen motifs and your plastic surgery make-overs and gastric bypass surgeries and fake "kindness" personalities to sell more snake oils in the caravans of the line-up of men waiting to screw every Nazi and wanna be Nazi female and their boyfriend(s) too in ole Whorewood along with ole uncle scam funding the carnival circus of hate rape and boring mediocrity pretense at being egalitarian.


Cher also, many years ago, had influence with a NEO NAZI who had used the drugging and all the "bells and whistles" of blowing my brain's analytic capability so I was a docile lamb being lead into a Nazi enclave--in GERMANY of all places. Yes, dirty "brown girl" cher through her international German and Nazi contacts was trying to influence me back in 1993 (or so, 1993-1994 ..?) HE was one of my students at Berlitz, I was drugged and hung at this little Nazi town in SW Germany called Neuffen. 

He had albums of Cher and he kept stating admiration for Cher, constantly. I can swear he never once listened to that crap Cher cranked out in the 80's and 90's, which I never, ever listened to and never liked her after her 70's tv show ended with Sonny, and then I only liked them as a pair and not their acrimonious stupid silly comedy hate skits which was fomenting the divorce "me" generation of the 70's divorce generation, preceding the selfish yuppie sleaze generation and then the Reagan era of a generation of grifting stock market consumer money-grabbing destroyers of the fabric of society. All sold off as "normal" wealth attainment and leading to the current financial crises, absolute debt crisis that Reagan began and Trump has followed suit, each one leading the U .S into massive debt implosion and near crisis quarter-after-quarter and Congress can barely not default year-after-quarter any longer due to that generation and greed acquisition and selfishness.

And so, the 70's "brown girl" who was so popular because of John Lennon and his "foreign brown girl" wife who displayed for all peace-loving beatniks and hippies that multiracial sex is okay.

Now, not so much. Having to rely on the 4th Reich to remain "relevant" and nothing remains of the 70's Whoerwood maven Cher except yet another minion bigot participating in rape and torture racism and genocidal Nazism because it helps her to get more deals and awards. The nazi I was with not one single time listened to f-ing Cher.

As for Ozzie, the ugliness and violent hate, alongside dirty nasty Roger Waters, a team of hateful yapping yelling fascist English antisemitic bigots violently yelling at me in a chorus row of the shit whores who used to represent the "subculture' singing angst against totalitarian control and being oppressed by what they have now become: wealthy white pig ape men grasping for power and pushing anyone down possible and being awarded for the deception of being "alternative".

All inducted into the Rock n' bs roll of "fame" which is a joke leaving out other artists and the monopolist fakes who have undoubtedly been brainwashed into conformity to authority, with incentives dangled in front of their snouts snorting in all the millions of dollars and reality tv shows depicting fashionable open-minded foreign influence "helping" America to become more like "open-minded" English (bigot fascist Nazis who are fully enamored with German fascist Nazism, and I have lived around a lot of English both in Thailand and in England itself). As with the U.S., the trend towards embracing Nazism in all forms has been fully inculcated and indoctrinated into the fabric of society. The false position of their former "alternative" guises they were paid handsomely to perform and with one it was being a sexualized "independent" woman and for the other it was representing that dark urge towards internal retrospection confounded by the flames of the pressure of a dark threat to their own freedom and sagging despondency to forces and powers beyond their control wailing in despair. The War Pigs are the investments and the partners they now embrace in a mutual piggery in ole Whorewood and those who control them.

As for Blige, her videos have appeared many years ago on my YouTube channel but not recently. 

They have all participated in this terror operation forced upon me.

Awarded and displayed as social influencers, representing the "false" opposition to fascism and white male supremacy genocidal war-mongering sexist domination.

They have been fully incorporated into the very system which they were put on pedestals as representing the slight opposition to--their black attire their fashionable and tv and movie deals

now fully addicted to the $$$ and image.

I can only suspect that they have been drugged by mind control drugs, perhaps microchipped as so many of the celebrities and I dare suggest even the politicians as well.


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