15 minutes and counting of fighting to post a comment to a film review on YouTube. This has happened throughout the YEARS of this open hacking, which began once I realized I was a universal "target" which is completely about the discrediting process. The hacking had been severe with endless DOS attacks and rewrites, but I had no idea what was really happening as I was not "paranoid" at the time as I am now threatened with being labeled as for trying unsuccessfully to report this state-sponsored crime. However, I tried to comment, it was a good and erudite opinion and had some merit (a lot in my opinion) and so the discrediting Nazi (males mostly white pig ape Europigapes here in this condo who just rediverted swage water into my every water supply in bathroom and kitchen, yesterday while I was out being attacked by other dumb sick creeps everywhere, all at once, non-stop). But not getting to the point, an esoteric explanation that is too intelligent for the dumb white trash pig apes all with loot from holocausts and genocides and banking fraud backing their assaults upon me. What they do, in addition to blocking the keyboard function, turning the wifi off and off and off and off as i fight to reestablish the connection, then they reword to discredit me. In the comment section they put "lines" through the words in the center of the letters as if it's been deleted and will not show-up in the final "post'. I am thusly posting the comment here, I don't believe they will put the lines through the 80% of the post in this blog template.
My comment post on the YouTube page, for which it was mutilated by the hackers who can't stand to see me have ideas they don't have (so they get their skank rape cheerleaders to steal all ideas about women's rights in not being raped, sex trafficked and abused but cheer it on when it happens to me, thusly they are exempt but let the pig apes have their sleazy dirty violent "way" by dumping the hate they have imbibed from this hate and death "system" that Kubrick often depicts in almost all of his movies, trashing the system but no one can get the kernel of the attack on white male supremacy so they have to block me out, silence and use tech to mutilate what I write, and mutilate my body, mutilate my voice and etc.
My comment was thus:
"William Cooper's Hour of the Time, Mystery Babylon series begins with an analysis of the film (2001)-there is the "obelisk" (the "slab") although rectangular in shape, it's supposed to represent the ancient symbol, esoteric of secret societies upon which the Washington Monument is based. It is the gnostic "knowledge" that was imparted through physical contact of only the most brave and daring of the apes--the one who touched the obelisk first was the one who "invented" using a large gone to kill both prey (food) and rivals. The gnostic "knowing" was then reintroduced on the "Dark Side of the Moon" which the more "highly" evolved then discovered, leading to exploration into the depths of space (Jupiter). Upon the death of the only astronaut who survived the rivalry with the defunct modern technology (HAL 9000) he, as rep of humanity, is confronted at the moment of his death by the obelisk only to be "reborn" as Kubrick said, into a "superman"--which would be one of the te4rms Nietzsche used for his "superman" Nazi ideology in Thus Spake Zarathustra, which is the theme of the music played in part of the film 2001 in one clip. The rebirth of the astronaut who died in empty space, as a Zero and then rebirth into the cosmic egg (another esoteric symbol of new generation of a new cycle/revolution in humanity which the film really is about) these cycles of "evolution" based on primordial struggle and "knowledge" (Gnosticism) rebirthing into a "new superman". The episode of Cooper's analysis is called "The Dawn of Man" and the clip (on YouTube I believe) has a photo of the "slab" scene with the primordial apes of 2001-"
Here is the relevant clip:
My listening to William Coopers archived podcasts (mp3) are so threatening to the "power structure" that one of the Congressional House reps said to the group of teleporting idea-thieves that I "should not be listening to that" (meaning Cooper's analyses of the power structure, esoteric symbolism of the U .S. Freemason symbolism embedded in the Washington D.C. building structure, et al so many topics (over 1800 podcasts in total). This is a person who most advocates publicly for "The First Amendment", by the way.
But to continue, just throwing out how threatening Cooper was and still is to the "power structure" which is why he focused on this film, 2001: A Space Odyssey for the intro piece to his Mystery Babylon series which details the rise of ancient Egyptian Magick and worship of forces, onto secret societies, the building of an American empire based on these same "Empire" themes (and yes, Star Wars is also briefly mentioned as well in an interview with Jordan Maxwell) but, besides all "that", this podcast I have only recapped, for the most part. I did add a few of my own analysis and conclusions intermixed with what Cooper had detailed as the intro to why there is the Eye of Horus on the dollar bill on top of the pyramid, etc etc etc. The Washington Monument is an homage to the Obelisk representing the Penis of Osiris, which is a force that Nazis also praised (Isis and Osiris, and this is mentioned in Mozart pieces and in The Magic Flute, etc).
"William Cooper Mystery Babylon #1: Dawn of Man". Mystery Babylon. July 15, 2015.
"Also Sprach Zarathustra" is the German title of Nietzsche's book "Thus Spake Zarathustra", turned into the monumental piece of the opening scene in 2001 by Strauss. The "superman" theme is the main objective that is being so stealthily portrayed throughout the entire film. The "superman" was the Nazi term equating Master Race with white supremacy, in other words (this was adapted from Helena Blavatsky's books on "root races" upon which the term "Aryan" race was turned from the Indian culture which had been using the Swastika for centuries, into the Nazi movement's main symbol (changing the "brown" skin of the Indians to the "pure white" of Germans, somehow...?
"Stanley Kubrick on the meaning of the end of 2001 in a rare 1980 interview". Eyes on Cinema. June 30, 2018.
**terrorists blocked uploading the above video for over 5 minutes by blocking access to my account. I could "update" but not get into the video section to put the video on this page. I had to close the tab, get into blogger, then reestablish the blog page I had done nothing to change the page and only diverted to YouTube for less than 10 minutes. The hacking is awful and I can't get anything done on this laptop or any laptop. Will Harris change this? She appears truly to love the ultra wealthy and has literally snubber her nose at me with her finger smiling into the face of the violent German who had been violently raping me and drugging and yelling breaking things when I kept saying no as Obama Harris and Senators Cruz, Kennedy and Hawley told me that I really "liked it' because I was so drugged (thanks to their oversight and financial backing) and then celebrities rushed to tell me I "have no choice" but to be abused beaten raped tortured and threatened with death constantly by some German who promised me I could receive German State benefits if I just gave him the Bear treatment in the Shining for him, his endless rotation of friends and father, indeed, as well. That was his incentive for me, but for the celebrities and Harris/Obama it was undoubtedly much, much more like the backing of the 4th Reich German fascist Nazi contagion which he represents as go-between to hand out prizes deals for everyone (I get the least, of course, the 'State health care system" which means, as I know firsthand from experience, means the most basic being lied to continuously poisoned with doctors knowing and going along) and that was it for me. But regardless, I did not intend to cast accusations but it's coming out when I am under this kind of stress of the injustice that this hacking and block to health care finances mail any kind of decent living condition (my home has been made ugly stinking broken down and each and every single day there are a multitude of attacks on everything in my room and while sleeping my body is endlessly sliced poisoned and etc.
The theme really is related to Kubrick movies. My analyses of some of Kubrick's movies are likewise influenced by Cooper's Mystery Babylon information about how the "Illuminati" and their associated groups of many countries, seemingly disparate political affiliations but the trends and indoctrination and levels remain the same throughout history and throughout the planet.
Every Kubrick movie I analyze is fraught with esoterica and concepts that Cooper does elaborate upon, very much in the Mystery Babylon series but also in other podcasts which no mention of Kubrick is ever mentioned but the information coincides with some of the themes--such as a financial bust which occurred on t he same year that the labyrinth garden depicted in The Shining mentions this same specific year of a collapse in the U.S. economy--circa 1909. It lead eventually to the formation of the Federal Reserve, the shift of gold and silver-backed currently to inflationary fractional reserve banking and the unconstitutionality of using paper currency that is not backed by gold and silver but ostensibly was "sold" as if it were in the beginning and could, in fact, be traded at banks but now the gold reserves have been depleted (by the greedy and destroying the needy).
It lead to the formation of a master-slave wealth divide that is now entrenched in society, and in the 80's when Kubrick made this film, the Reagan era of Trickle Down Economy was the trend and heralded as "genius" by the "ruling class". The theme of Kubrick films is always about a power differential and 2001 and The Shining have "at the core" these same themes.
I could go on to more, but I will copy and paste what I had written which was mostly either "deleted" but the post remained "intact" in wording, which I could barely make out, but with a line going through most of the entire paragraph in the center of all the words, making it almost impossible to read.
I am not going to re-read it, I just suggest you to watch the clip upon which I base my comment which is so "scary" to the pig ape white trash ho's here in this building and their slave minority minions who are nasty and foul and do whatever they are told and are hateful as hell. But still, nothing as vicious and murderous as in America (and they inherited it from Europigapeland and other fascist countries i.e. Russia, et al).
The theme that no one talks about is the "elite" class and it's darkness, it's murder and actual black magick propensities for power assumption. Instead the mostly white male commentators focus on the seeming "evil" nature of the "hotel" but the "hotel" is a metaphor just as many and most other objects, people and places in Kubtick's films always are.
that I am silenced endlessly and my "theories' are vastly different from the "normal" white male analyses of Kubrick is also very telling, to me at least.
To try to explain how many times the hackers blocked the copying of the video links, which I had to pound out 4-6 times in a row because Ice Cube's videos appeared instead of what I had just clicked on (before I could press "apply" the endless Ice Cube NWA video f** the police just pops up instead--ha ha )
but, also in trying to do anything, the system is slowed down at least 200 times the normal operating speed. When there are times when the terrorists in adjoining rooms are eating or having their terrorist pow wows at night, or at random times I use the internet in the middle of the night, the system is almost perfect for a few minutes, maybe 2 or 3 at most and then one of the pig ape whore skank creeps gets on and begins hacking as usual. The highlighting almost doesn't work at all for copying links, etc I have to fight, literally to get a single thing done.
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