Cyber Terrorism Report: A horrible virus or malware hacked into my hard drive, requiring over 2 days of struggle to clear and clean out. All was inserted by terrorists who rush into my room to wreak a Milton/Helene-type destruction (I equate an equivalency between the hate of the 4th Reich and the fury of the environmental destruction as analogous to the spiritual vibe of hate which is afflicting the planet). //My lament that I know that technology "in the know" far exceeds what is available on the market. If only the tech hoarding set would release technologies---computer and laptop, and all that the masses use for their everyday interconnectivity needs--that are malleable so as to fold into a small and compact size to be put into a tiny purse or backpack. I know that research is being done so that the hard encasement of laptops and phones and computer systems is being integrated into viable polymers or plastics so they can be molded, folded and still transmit all necessary. The market needs to ever-so-slowly first increase price for every "new" development, which by the time it comes out, is from the dino age of tech innovation, relatively speaking. When the foldable laptops come out so people don't have to leave their computers exposed so any terrorist can come and hack, personally, into their system---would be a boon for people experiencing date theft by all kinds of knowledgeable hackers and even children, spouses or personnel of a staff. //Perhaps the controllers who create such "new" innovations are still working out how exactly they can still incorporate grandiose surveillance structures and still allow for data theft, privacy invasion in it's most sinister form (i.e. the virus or worm or trojan on my system had already been installed and all the terrorists had to do was to activate it. The hack began after I had done a reset function, in the early morning. Either the mechanical arms could manipulate the computer while I slept or the trojan or virus had already been installed only awaiting "order 69" or whatever that Clone Wars command is from Star Wars franchise. They know already that commands are set in computers and for the zombie cells to murderously attack after years of prepping the target with false displays of loving devotion and servitude. It is the same. //To have autonomy from such invasion would be, I think, unthinkable to the controllers of the tech controllers who instruct them exactly how far to go in "releasing new advances in computing" so that the integration of hate groups to infiltrate, decoy, deceive and surveil remain in full operation. Thusly I cannot take my laptop and protect it from the stains, marks, blemishes that accompany any new object I buy and have to leave in my room (everything I carry, unless it is damaged from mechanical arms when I have opened my backpack and must go into another room suddenly, as happens and instantly from wherever the portals in t he walls are, the destruction begins on these objects) but otherwise what remains buried in my backpack for safe-keeping, as I must trudge it along with me everywhere I go to protect such items--they remain pristine and in new condition. Everything else has at least one rip, stain or tear and is stinking--that I must leave behind and cannot take with me. Inevitably any mechanical or tech instrument is literally hacked to implode and destruct after a very short time. Functions stop working, etc and everything is marred, shredded, stained, broken down, lopsided, and stinking with spray that never comes off. //I am waiting for a kind of polymer laptop system so I can take my laptop with me and it's protected, light-weight perhaps only a few ounces, and it cannot be ravaged, hacked and corrupted as all my laptops have been (on a sub-sub-poverty income as this group of millionaires and billionaires orders destruction of my laptops, a series of laptops broken in the past decade for me writing to reach anybody on the planet to stop this tyrannical destruction hate group which is directly equivalent in hate force of death to the hurricanes to the climate death and destruction on the planet. The spiritual energy is the same hate force, only rebounded back by Nature. //But as for technology, it is a benefit to humanity if used correctly and I suggest that people try to urge the "only following orders" media and tech giants to make these advancements for the actual safety and privacy of people, experiencing targeting, which is far more than "people" understand and/or want to understand. //You can bet that any advancement on that level, for actual free speech, is not forthcoming from the Elon Musk group and I know this from his reactions to asking me questions in teleportation state, whereby I am put into "truth serum" effect and thusly I answer correctly trying to mitigate my responses to be as "face-saving" as possible until after more and more and more abuse and violence I begin to scream with hate--(meaning a few YEARS of attacks by Musk). Anytime I just said NO to him, politely or forcefully after the repeated question, I was met with attacks in my home and while out and about. It was the usual fascist rape culture white supremacy Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich response. There is no "Free Speech" available from that direction and certainly no advanced computing where people can protect their instruments of communication from the ravages of tech experts that Musk and his ilk all hoard and then unleash in frenzies of hate upon people they don't like who they can't stand to see as any competitive threat. That is the gist of the entire structure aimed at me. All I am doing is writing my opinions and conveying the FACTS about their terrorism and trying to dismantle the elaborate lying fake egalitarian aspect of these liars and deceivers. They are then put in "charge" of the tech 4th Reich zone so only "they" control information and claim they are working assiduously to "protect the First Amendment".//**As usual, my internet WiFi connection was turned off remotely by the terrorist hackers, who will also be rewriting this post if and when I get the internet up again. I have just spent 2 days fighting to use my laptop and now have to once more fight again. I was able to use my laptop for about 20 minutes until they inevitably turned the laptop off because I am writing about reality which no one will defend because the lies enable their careers and sense of security and stability from within the cozy confines of the 4th Reich fascist oppression regime, where by only "they" get to "represent" and the followers believe or need to believe, of course they don't believe they want the lies to continue that there is freedom and security (but only for "them", everyone else gets surveillance and censorship and poisoning and death squad interference most don't have any idea they are being mind controlled, perhaps drugged and poisoned as I have been--the system is so stealth I suggest that many have died never having a single clue that they were being poisoned by their dear spouses, children and neighbors, friends and wonderfully loving waitress at their wonderful restaurant and even at their friendly supermarket and by whatever else--the system is so entrenched as to be completely seamless; universally).

This "foldable" Lenovo just "came out" in 2019. It has probably been "in the closet" for over 40 years (maybe 30 or 20...?). 

"Lenovo's Foldable PC preview at Tech World 2019". Lenovo. November 16, 2019.


Still probably a long-ago creation, sold as "new" to the public which will pay and pay for each "upgrade" put into the pool slowly, requiring  years and years of constant "upgrades" $$$$$$ in and out.

The laptop which provided me with the greatest security is no longer available. It was broken, physically smashed by the hate teams after I called the "men" so-called "pigs" who were poisoning and raping me to death---who handed the contract to the Whorewood group who have since broken two more laptops--3 within the last decade broken because I wrote the reality of their hate crimes and perturbed mental dysfunctional award-winning theft of my ideas because they are programmed haters. The freedom of speech was turned into them stealing my ideas and regurgitating them into the "acceptable" normative values of the hate 4th Reich. 

So, for now, a foldable laptop with a heavy base, perhaps a malleable "Hinge" of polymer as the Lenovo above shows---is the most the 4th Reich will provide for any computing ease on a light and easily portable computer system (and secure from hackers and terrorists coming to install viruses and data breach your life out of you when they can access your location and hack into your laptop with ease. Etc etc for the schemes available for a hard and heavy laptop and computer system that must remain in one spot, for the most part and can so easily be damaged and hacked by anything from  your co-workers to your boss to your family to people breaking into your home for constant covert terror, which is the favorite game of the 4th Reich the gleeful and sinister creeple who have black-eyed delighted schadenfreude because they are being paid and promoted to behave like this kind of sick terrorist glorified....

"Double X1 Fold" ..."New top-of-the-line PC"--


Written 20 min. later: I "forgot" to let readers know as I write of this often, or used to, that my backpack and my shoes and all that I need to carry my most necessary items I can't allow to be spoiled poisoned or tainted or stolen. All is stored in multiple plastic bags, huge bags, then surrounded by different layers of plastic all with multiple seals and ties and rubber bands; all I hope, too heavy for the mechanical arms to lift out and then open and also the ties I used must be undone by hands, or evidence is obvious. For now, terrorists are careful to leave as little evidence of their breaches and crimes as possible. IF this 4th Reich assumes more power through all the lying mechanisms that are currently in place, i.e. entertainment always so loving kind but brutal fascist racist hateful rapist murdering bigots in the privacy of their mutual hate cartel attacks upon me (and anyone else they can get away with, I assume). This is a direct repeat of the millions of "civilians" who are just as ready to pounce with murder in the streets if they can get away with it (Roman Empire style of Patrician Class versus the Plebeans, where anyone not offering instant servitude who was of a slave or lower class could be "punished" in the streets with a limb chopped off, on the whim of a Patrician (so I have heard, I doubt this was used frequently as that would ensure too much chaos in the population but it was "allowed" and this group is trying to recreate another Roman Reich after the 3rd Reich was dissolved--but not really).

So, the only reason my items remain pristine in my backpack, which gets ripped and stained from behind while I am standing in lines trying to pay as I am there people come up and spray and rip the backpage on the outside--sometimes they open the zippers and I have to carry my backpack in front of me when I am in line, etc)

I then put my backpack and other sealed in multiple bags, tied in relatively complex ways, into a large bag which is very hard for me to lift anything out as the space is very compact and the zip (laundry bag) has a square shape so the items have to be maneuvered out to get them out of the bag.. All is extremely large and heavy. I carry all of this downstairs to receive delivery items on a large cart plus a backpack with the items I can't have poisoned such as cooking oil, shampoo, etc

they will poison anything I ingest and use for my body**


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