I am so far-away from the eternal patience of the enduring victim meditative calm that is recommended by gurus on the internet. The hacking of my computer while I am trying to obtain financial information, get anything done is unbelievable also my nervous system is attacked. The words I write in emails and in chat are rewritten by terrorists so my grammar is akin to being a non-English speaker after they rewrite/delete. Pages I am working on are blocked and the tab just disappears while I am working on it. The keyboard stops working. The people in chat keep me waiting for over 10 minutes to answer a few simple very basic questions. To have any reasonable thing done in any chat requires over one hour of the agents (terrorist working for the agency, bank, firm, etc) make me wait for at least, a minimum, 10 minutes per question asked which are extremely simple for the operation). Told conflicting information constantly. Was told one thing and today told another. Lied to constantly. I LOSE MY TEMPER AFTER A WHILE. It is more life-sucking drain from my life which is being worn down every day. Teleportation is a non-stop rotation of famous personalities and political leaders who make it clear that no one is responsible to the United States any longer and the systems of attack are only a part of that general dysfunction.

 Today it was another very famous person, on a global scale, demanding with absolute hate after more than 14 years of him and his wife participating in this rape torture theft of ideas and poisoning contract to obtain unbelievable promotions--perhaps even that highest level he attained but that is a long story I won't go into how he/they used this triggering media hacking/enforcement of me seeing the personalities who are trying to latch onto this contract--it's one of those weird "delusional" stories but it's a ubiquitous stalking/latching contractual entrapment scheme the famous terrorists teleporting me all use.

Demanding my life for the years of being poisoned mutilated raped and now they expect me to submit to them exploiting me more because with all the years of their  unbelievable fortune in using this contract, they have somehow not been able to retain all the high standing and attacking me is the one sure bet in them retaining the high positions.

Unbelievable hate aimed at me and pure disgusting racism. This person is "black" and touts the victim line at times but it's just another horrid racist attack upon me which is based on the most ugly rabid KKK Nazi styles of attack. Emulation is the key to promotion in this example.

I discover that there is no legitimate leadership as far as I can tell all are following orders and appearing to fulfill the functions--in these political roles. It's no wonder the system is just a total joke by now and it's obvious worldwide what a joke this is. They continue regardless the rewards and prizes are so high that incompetence is the least of their concerns. It's just obtaining these positions by attacking me for years and years and years and years and years and years as the sure and fastest way of top promotion so they don't care what happens to the country, the Constitution, the People--they will have this organization to "protect" them so if the rest are killed off or screwed over or lose the country or anything else they truly could give a goddamn not.


so by the end of the day, when I am trying to finally relax after the mandatory 6 hours of abuse from teleportation that goes on and on until I lose control, every day fighting people off me raging and screaming after they go on with death threats, calling me names like bitch and loser endlessly repeating it over and over using sublliminals and hate and ugliness and sick stupid comments that have nothing in common with the public appearnces they all make as responsible, mature, "intelligent" and responsible leaders of society--no, nothing similar in teleportation immature stupid sick ugly violent vile disgusting sleazy putrid, etc etc

then just trying to contact my bank the internet stops working although I had cleared it today--they install hacking instantly now no matter what I do to the computer.

Lied to constantly, left waiting for over 12 minutes per question as they just sit not answering finally I lose my temper after the computer freezes, the tab I am working on disappears. What I type in the chat sessions for serious banking situations is rewritten so the grammar is like a non-|English speaker after the hackers get through--the grammar is wrong, typos abound but I look at every word I type it's written correctly. Then given various answers and after bieng kept waiting I finally ask them to answer a question without 10 minutes instead of keepin me waiting for 10 minutes per simple question. They then transfer me to someone else who begins the session anew making the same mistakes or comments and asking the same questions repeatedly. Then the tabs also disappearing them not answering questions the hacking making typing impossible the page timing out and me beginning to scream at the computer in rage that this fucking shit is still going on. The person attacking me today with this look of hate and ugliness, who always makes theatrical joking commentary for his performances for the public for which he is beloved and which is one of the biggest reasons he has been put into his high position as America needs entertainment for everything in order to follow it.

In teleportation because after over 10 years and longer of this person having ;my ideas stolen so his black friends can have 'original" ideas, which they claim as their own of course, and when I have written of this theft they hack photos of them glaring with violent hate into the camera--

people who have attacked me with death threats now have new tv shows in which they are starring. One who made violent remarks has made a movie, and etc. The awards for just spitting in violent hate at me is endless top and lead roles, movie lead roles, tv anchor interviews media lead tv shows and presidential and Congressional nominations and being elected--literally. Promotions into the top tiers of government are also being awarded to those who torture make death threats and laugh about my mutilated body and abuse and hit sexually assault insult and threaten my life. It goes on and on and on and on. The government now is a huge global joke around the world. I listen to reports and commentary about American politics and hear people laughing about hos sick and incompetent America has become.

I lose my temper it's now just a non-stop barrage of people who are so hateful only because they are being put into lead roles. People are laughing about how sick and stupid |America is by now. THey don't care. They keep coming at me and in attacking me they become the joke of the world where people scratch their collective heads and wonder how this country is functioning at all and what is keeping it up at this point.

FAscism is rising of course also because America is just following orders from the 4th Reich and it's not Euro-land imitating America it's the other way around.

All under control from fascist Nazis and Mafia from other countries (Euro-land, mostly).

I lose my temper just in terms of trying to get a debit card situation worked out. I was sent the wrong card years ago and told it was valid     but it was actually cancelled. I was sent another card months ago and I was never informed by my mail service. I had ordered a virtual mailbox and they never sent a scan except two times and lied and said I had no mail when I phoned in. They just told me that I had no virtual mail service and had to phone in for information although I had arranged for 2-3 years for mail to be scanned as I had paid for that service and upon agreement.

I lose my temper but I should be some passive relaxed person understanding that it is not me who is the problem. But they all rush at me as if I am the problem. I am merely saying NO to filthy dirty disgusting pig ape "man" raping and abusing me with their shit skank Nazi/Mafia wives, mommies and little wifey daughters (all pedos, by the way).


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