HAARP - Mind Control & Weather Manipulation I don't know if it's "global warming" environmental crisis, but the "High Season" of endless searing heat has turned into what feels like what should be happening in Late May, in early April.

 Major Storm Threatens Much of US (The Hill)

**(not) wow, half of what I had just written was deleted and every time I click on the tab for any video I am trying to copy, the entire page is deleted from the browser--the tab is gone. They deleted at least 3 paragraphs of ideas and information just now.

I must start again, fighting to get past endless hacking and deletions and pages I am trying to quote being clicked off by hackers remotely assaulting my attempt to get this out (to whom? I wonder as only terrorists are reading my posts every day--maybe in the future people may discover my writings, doubtful but here goes, attempting to write into the void of space-and-time to anyone willing to read. The terrorists attacking me have no qualms about what they are committing as a crime against humanity. All they ever see is the dangling money handed to them--promotions, studios, lead roles, they are like lab rats being put through elaborate money-promotional labyrinths and the end-result they could care less about. As most of them are past middle age, they expect to live their lives out in luxury and orgiastic revelry with endless monopoly in politics and media. They have no foresight, so any revelation about the disaster of technology they are embracing is mute but they will use my screaming ranting in teleportation to get off me, screaming why they are so evil, sick and ignorant and incompetent, the ideas of which they turn into white supremacist glorification--encompassing all the "minorities" who also play these roles as well (for white supremacy overtake).

To repeat:

This first video is taken from a reputable source, supposedly, it is called "The History Channel". In this episode on Weather Manipulation research as a form of weaponizing weather--ordained by the OSS, which was the precursor to the CIA, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services was formed during WWII to counter Nazi intelligence and Axis Powers). The OSS in this special research division was then instructed to research various (Nazi/Project Paperclip) technologies such as weather manipulation and mind control. I am a product of that research*** (and so are many of you reading this now, whether you realize it or not). I have just had to rewrite this post and see that many words have already been deleted to cause grammatical misunderstanding.  The keyboard barely operates and I must pound down and rewrite almost every other word. 

I had written earlier, which was completely deleted once I clicked on a tab, half of this post was deleted--so I will try to recall but my brain is under attack as well as the keyboard. The scientists have "debunked" that HAARP has been used as a militarized weapon to alter weather--against the population of the U.S. and even around the world. While HAARP garnered so much attention due to the exposure of it's potentialities for weather and brain alteration (mind control/weather control) by former Alaskan Congressman Begich's son, Nick Begich--(clip below) and the "conspiratorial" pipelines were buzzing with his this High Altitude Research project which can alter the Ionosphere around the Earth's atmosphere can also change weather, to detriment in some cases. Weaponizing of weather to affect disaster, in other words. Mind control, of course, to manipulate and make people "go crazy" because, as I wrote which the terrorists deleted--you cannot trust your "leaders" to pursue egalitarian policies when it comes to the advent of "modern technology"; much of which was developed long ago as I was implanted with brain implants decades ago, and supposedly Musk has just obtained this "recent" research and is building a machine to implant people to "help" those with brain disorders (yeah, right). Let me tell you.... just read my posts and try not to assume that drugged-up hyperbolic ranting is out-of-touch with the utter sheer violence that these seemingly benevolent (aspiring dictators in all fields) celebrities and "Democracy-blathering" politicians really believe and embrace. They are put--all--into these positions ONLY TO PERFORM the roles and they are put there especially because they disdain these concepts in reality.

Do not underestimate the deadly proclivities of people arranged by couch-casting demonstrations of murder aptitude as opposed to anything other than power-grabbing aspiration with bloodlust at the very core of their organizing lack of principles. 

The research on High Altitude ionosphere manipulation can ALSO be used to change Extremely Low Frequency emissions of radio waves (or perhaps other forms of spectrum emissions, I am not a "scientist")--Extremely Low Frequencies are the spectrum by which the brain--of animals, of human beings et al--operate upon. 

The Hertz range of human brain function is around a 6-10 Hertz range (I am only quoting by memory as I can't use this computer while I fight to type out these posts, the hackers are deleting anything I click on and delete all I have written --of course I must save so I will do that now!). I know that in teleportation my emotions are absolutely altererd into a rage state after HOURS of abuse and interrogation while I can't get rid of the parasites attacking me. I can't block them out, my brain is entrained into responding and it is impossible for me, at this time, no matter how hard I attempt to use all the Buddhist mantras and music and lectures on my music player how much I breathe how much I try to "ignore" people hitting and raping me while I am split in twain--oh yes, I had written also of quantum entanglement--a subject I think this group does not want me to expound upon. The teleportation I believe operates on a system of quantum entanglement--which is also called "spooky entanglement" and it can literally split information or atoms (and people) into twin entities even in far distant locations around the planet simultaneously. At this point in history, the only internet search I can find on quantum entanglement being studied is in the field of data transmission where researchers claim that through assiduous years of effort, they can quantum teleport encrypted data through the internet somehow---but only tiny bits of bytes of computer data. I can't express how they can absolutely teleport my body to places on the opposite sides of the planet at any time, even while waking or sleeping and I am "pulled" like through a rabbit hole and can't block out the vicious and violent creeple endlessly getting their free promotions for a social engineering contract where they obtain endless DECADES of monopoly over things like the "alternative" rock movement and the "altruistic" charitable Humanitarian Me Too! Feminist movement aka the biggest bowel movement series of modern history. Their viciousness is fully awarded as the social engineering project continues and Nazism and the rescinding of all the hard-fought-for human rights of "minorities" are being stripped away. A few of the corrupt minorities are "allowed" to spew their vile lies about how they love and care. In teleportation they are vile and sleazy operators of murderous bigotry turned onto me.

But the tech that the world sees is "in control environments" for research on tiny bits of bytes from email transmissions. That is the effectiveness of "expert" discussion on the debunking of seriously life-threatening technologies such as the High Altitude Research facility (HAARP) which was closed down by the U.S. Military. The list of nay-saying operating "experts" is long but the son of former Senator to Alaska has given his very professional analysis from research to the contrary (video below, if I can get it in without all being deleted). Thusly, what is told by "experts" now about the capabilities of warfare (against everything from weather control to human control to mind control to even animal control---is kept behind lock and key and the lies are a blizzard of intentional disinformation. The technology of quantum entanglement teleportation (or whatever form of technology is being used) that is being exposed today, only in tiny scientific journals or only a smidgen of info is available on the web only on science sites--is at least 50 years old, out-of-date completely). 

What they also deleted was that I wrote about Nikola Tesla, and how he had invented wireless technology at the beginning of the 20th Century. Imagine 124 years later what can be done with human brains, bodies, the weather, mind control, etc.


"The UnxPlained: Weather Control Weaponized by World's Military (Season 1/History)". HISTORY. April 4, 2020.

"Pt. 1/2 Dr. Nick Begich--HAARP--Mind Control & Weather Manipulation--Spectrum". Spectrum Radio Network. October 10, 2011.

**please note that hackers are constantly deleting words from this post so it reads badly. I would write more but the hackers have stolen at least one hour and longer of me fighting to get the internet on as it's being turned off constantly. They are deleting words they are deleting paragraphs and ideas which I must rewrite. They are deleting youtube pages while I am fighting to copy and write the source information. I had to write this post twice and etc. I can't go on this has taken 2 hours to get this out and once I stop fighting to type and think and rewrite entire sets of paragraphs and fight the hacking to youtube so I can't get the videos and information--they will have rewritten, deleted words, etc. No one is also scared of the potential of this hacking that I write of. No one seems top care whatsoever you all just want to see people screwed over as I have been. You jump to participate. The destruction of society is completely your fault and in the future when you expletives reading this now are scared and threatened due to the chaos you are building and creating, remember that you completely brought it all on (by doing nothing as the most basic line of responsibility).

I see in the news, (The Hill) that an impending storm of great destructive potential is barreling towards the United States, I'm not sure which region but it's supposed to be a very large front with potential hurricanes and hail. I know this is the season, but for the past few years I recall a hurricane of abnormal destruction tearing down houses and buildings for over 100 miles in a pathway maybe--don't remember, a very large distance in diameter as well as the breadth of it's longevity touching down and destroying all in it's path. I grew up in a hurricane corridor in the U.S. and the hurricanes were never this serious or deadly. 

I never heard of entire city streets deluged and flooding as is happening now.

I also know that there is a technology called HAARP which various scientists, or fledgling scientists, have claimed can create atmospheric conditions and actually change weather. In short, weather can be manufactured.

Also, this technology is able to produce massive spectrums at Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF's) in the brain's Hertz spectrum altering biochemistry and mood and brain function. 

It is feasible as a couch-spectator non-"scientist" to easily create a conspiracy theory based on the types of changes to human brain function, the potential to mind control operations, and also in weather and climate change as a form of warfare whether on domestic or international range.

Do not assume the highest ethical standard from ANY of the expletives who have been put, erroneously, into "power" by the 4th Reich as I believe that a lot of societal dysfunction is a deliberate act for the thinning out of the global population. **That is a "conspiracy theory" but also the "facts" of the insanity of the misuse of technology, which is endlessly silenced as to the alarm bells that should be going off but are not... 

The so-called "conspiracy theory" nutcase accusations against those who site various researchers who claim that ELF's can be transmitted by such "experimental facilities" such as HAARP, as well as altering atmospheric conditions in the ionosphere have been debunked by military and scientific community "experts".

I must state that the "experts" in such fields are currently "experimenting" with quantum data "teleportation" using quantum entanglement, which I believe is responsible for how the teleportation is being created to foist me to violent and brainwashed mind-controlled puppets of various extremely violently murderous benefactors who are using mind control on the attackers in order to pursue a "divide and conquer' strategy.

The "experts" in military and media claim that quantum entanglement is only feasible with small sets of bytes in emails, or something extremely misleading like that.

I do not know for sure that quantum entanglement is the actual mechanism by which I am teleported, but I can assure you, as can so many in "high" positions who use the tech to torture, rape and rob and steal ideas which they torture out of me in my endless "truth serum" torture sessions so they can use the ideas they are endlessly asking me to promote themselves as caring about such issues as rape, rape culture, racism, etc which they can only repeat from the activists who have long since been killed off and they need fresh and new ideas. Please note that I grew up in an environment of social activism during the late 60's-70's at a major Top 10 uinverisity and my home was a central meeting place for all kinds of anti-war activists and feminists and pro AFL-CIO labor union meetings. I listend and Iwas exposed. the expletives from H-wood have been torturing me for years to obtain "new" ideas which they turn very craftily, by their expert lying promoters, into fascist Nazi white supremacy advocacy disguised as the altruistic version of rebellion against injustice. They always play the victim in these roles. Who else do you know who came out of H-wood is playing "victim" while openly promoting Nazism and fascist dictatorship who also came out of the Whorewood milleiu?


Either way, there is a lot of techno-tyrannical manipulation of people's thoughts and their environments and much of the tech remains at top secret "need to know" basis and the public only hears about tech research done probably 50 years ago. Remember that wireless technology was invented by Nikola Tesla at the turn of the 20th Century.


*one more very important detail that was deleted when I just clicked on a tab--the entire section I had written was deleted

The technology "Voice-to-skull" is what is being used to "listen" to my thoughts by the terrorist celebrities and politicians and their minions of all ranks in society. They "know" what I plan on buying, they are waiting to poison or take away or destroy or whatever I plan on doing and buying and everywhere I go, they are waiting. This insidious technology used to be listed on Wired Magazine but was taken down by the Army (U.S.). It was a tool used by the U.S. military for fighters in the heat of battle, so that if they were not able to physically speak or loudly enough, their "thoughts" could be projected through this technology to the receiver. In this case, please look at cochlear technology for the deaf, which utilizes this exact sort of technology so deaf, or partially deaf, with implants that amplify what the cochlear reverberates to, (or the approximation of how this is done) can be registered by sensitive listening tech to record the vibrational waves and amplitude of the speech and literally record it on some receiver end. My sister had this done as she was (probably) dropped on  her head by a Nazi (my brother who was a violent antagonist towards the females, as females in the Jewish destroyed race are not supposed to be any threat whatsoever to the 4th Reich blond(ish) pig ape women. So at early ages the girls were exposed to all kinds of covert violence. Sorry to expose my personal drama but it is a FORMULA it is a PROTOCOL that is being used at earliest infant age. My sister has had some correction to this situation from the advent of controlled surgeries, implants for listening devices embedded into her cochlear.

That is all a preamble to how "voice-to-skull" operates, although no one is exposing that this seemingly "helpful" tech can be used to MURDER PEOPLE through these devious and covert means.

As gang stalking terrorism (death squads, in reality) has increased in scope (worldwide) the "experts" need to nullify the adjacent increase in conspiracy theories (now debunked and turned into a joke, just like "woke" concepts about "equality" which the false altruists in the media and politics are used as jokers to portray, turning the ideas into jokes and dismissed).

As the death squads of the 4th Reich and the open and proclaimed Nazism of the leadership is now on the brink of overtake, the technologies being used for social engineering are being denied and taken off former lists of technologies. 

V2K (voice-to-skull) was taken down from the Wired Site and it is one of the most indispensable tools for surveillance and sabotage (and murder) that the terrorist goon squads of death and abuse and destruction have at their disposal. 

The tech is being completely blanketed by "need-to-know" basis of top secret information-sharing. The public is exempt but so many expletives have been handed these portable thought-reading technologies who follow me endlessly (and many others) that the percent of terrorists with absolutely penetrating thought-reading and torture capabilities appears to be rising constantly.

"Army Yanks 'Voice-To-Skull Devices' Site"

Army Yanks 'Voice-To-Skull Devices' Site

The Army’s very strange webpage on "Voice-to-Skull" weapons has been removed. It was strange it was there, and it’s even stranger it’s gone. If you Google it, you’ll see the entry for "Voice-to-Skull device," but, if you click on the website, the link is dead. The entry, still available on the Federation of American Scientists‘ […]

Hypno2s The Army's very strange webpage on "Voice-to-Skull" weapons has been removed. It was strange it was there, and it's even stranger it's gone. If you Google it, you'll see the entry for "Voice-to-Skull device," but, if you click on the website, the link is dead.

The entry, still available on the Federation of American Scientists' website reads:

Nonlethal weapon which includes (1) a neuro-electromagnetic device which uses microwave transmission of sound into the skull of persons or animals by way of pulse-modulated microwave radiation; and (2) a silent sound device which can transmit sound into the skull of person or animals. NOTE: The sound modulation may be voice or audio subliminal messages. One application of V2K is use as an electronic scarecrow to frighten birds in the vicinity of airports.

The U.K.-based group Christians Against Mental Slavery first noted the change (they also have a permanent screenshot of the page). A representative of the group tells me they contacted the Webmaster, who would only tell them the entry was "permanently removed."

The image above is one person's self-styled depiction of how a "voice-to-skull" weapon might work.

[Image: Raven1.net]


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