Death energy eminating from the H-wood Inquisition/Witch Hunt entitlement 4th Reich celebrity/politician hate cesspool for yet another day, unabated albeit slightly less violent than the real frenzy they can't wait to inflict upon me every day. Odious and sinister, the same Trump supporters, many who are famous for endless diatribes against Trump in media, and also partnering with Biden, are insulting with the most vile and stupid hate remarks, sexual abuse statements that are so immature and ugly, and endless questioning until, after a bit too much Kratom (an opioid which is potentially lethal) I feel the hate and murder energy emanating and my body recoils like death energy suffusion and the negative life-sucking draining of them every day, sitting blank and filled with stupid insults, endless questions because they are blank and always rely on preconstructed scripts in order to appear novel and interesting---well-rehearsed giggly and laughable statements but inwardly vicious "demonic" life-destroyers. So ugly and foul I feel death coming at me, my body feels absolutely sick in the vulnerable state of a pain-killing herb which negates my usual barriers, which are thin and broken with huge holes from non-stop daily and nightly torture under non-stop drugging and poisoning and non-stop abuse and hate. But while I am cleaning every morning the endless piles of sprayed stinking filthy items that they order their filthy stinking minions to inflict upon me, every day without end, not even for a holiday are there any breaks--as the unleash the gang terrorism that "Modern society" has tried to make illegal so they are bursting at the seams, their lack of education and awareness is the prime bottom line of their every word and action.

It is amazing to me how many people are "against" Trump and yet my life under non-stop threat for fighting to not allow this insidious group (a compliment compared to the slew of hate phrases I normally use, which are so repetitive on my part and make me look crazed enraged "hysterical"). If I were not so hacked with non-stop brain attacks as well, for every single communications I attempt which are always hacked, rewritten, and the keyboards and modes of relaying any information are disrupted continuously.

I would write some kind of artistically-themed representation but for over a decade and longer, every attempt I make to do this has been STOLEN LITERALLY VERBATIM and used by this group to make them appear like they are introspective and capable of owning any critical review of the over-arching system of oppression and control that they claim, in their media presentation (MSNBC, other news anchors, celebrities and politicians) all claim they are "fighting" everything from the 'opposite,/evil" side.

They steal my words, my phrases and my ideas and concepts when I use any creative approach or write in any less enraged style. It has happened so routinely for over 14 years that I know of that I have stopped any and all creative endeavors. I find that the creeps who assault me are bereft of all extraordinary personality traits capable and they can only reconstruct the dominant paradigm of oppression interwoven throughout the seeming criticism of it rendered in "artistic" form.


So they sit with death emanating at me, it is palpable and the death and subliminal death statements are continuous. There are the black and Jewish Nazis who make these statements the most visibly while the white bigots sit back allowing their pent-up with oppressed hate victimization goons (i.e. Cohen is endlessly there, as is Mike Tyson, but just shadow puppets unleashing their hate and suppressed racial rage at me, the blacks, all who participate, have decided that calling me a racist and having no other justification that I called Oprah, who has participated in white Nazi supremacy and has stolen my  ideas as well --I said she is an Aunt Jemima and that means that she works as a hate force multiplier for white bigot supremacists and this is so close and is the actual reality of almost all the blacks put into power, mostly who claim they have "fought" "all my life" and had to surmount so much racism--only to pour it out on me the hate and the counter-racism that they claim they are victims of.

Cohen, like all the Jews who rush to join in, is most ugly and sinister they are never stopped, they come back day after day because otherwise THEY HAVE NO REAL CAREER PROSPECTS THEY ARE JUST minor characters so attacking me endlessly has been a stepping stone in which an endless number of not great people in any real apex of talent have been artificially constructed as such by the fascist Nazi enterprise controlling the media in H-wood and partnering with Congress. The Dark Money that controls Congress and other entities (Supreme Court) also controls H-wood.

That so many people are openly against Trump but fully in line with me being a witch hunt gang stalking death squad sex trafficking torture rape mutilation poisoning object of hate for any and all to pour their rage and suppressed misery out on, day after day they go on. And no one even begins to contemplate that this is injustice and that I should not have to suffer because Trump wants me to submit to being tortured without fighting back. If I had submitted it appears that the scales would have tipped even further in imbalance of Justice towards Trump. Coming at me with "bitch" constantly and hate and just sleazy most sinister vile statements from Cohen, who is like a drugged-up on power and desperation to be relevant and have "celebrity" which is why he clung to Nazi blonde Trump in the first place--now the ticket to ride is endlessly abusing me with derision and hate that is unbelievable and sickening. 

that no one can ever consider that if I had submitted Trump would be in a more powerful position, because two days after the conviction of the NY trial, Trump and then Cohen (Cohen following one day after, which means working with Trump and not what he claims in his interviews that he "hates" Trump--instead trying to gain favoritism and perhaps fearful for his life, Cohen is violently assaulting me) but if I had submitted perhaps the situation for Trump would not have resulted in a conviction. That is a surmise but Trump came at me with violence as if I had been partially responsible for the guilty verdict. 

And if I had submitted to being raped, poisoned and abused all my life under no resistance and acceptance on my part, then Trump and his endless concentric circles of "liberal" and "anti-Trump" media personalities would have a much better deal. 

But that not a single one of these will do anything but allow them to go on indefinitely every day.

I must include mary trump in this group as she came with "The Mooch" whatever his name is, don't want to know it a truly lying sinister deceiver he and they all are.

I keep fighting against this organization. Death threats and death energy and every kind of truly sadistic torture subliminal sentence for any sharp object I hold--they instruct me into self-mutilation and make the most disgusting violent remarks--this coming from the "poor black victim" Tyson who, like all the Blacks, have been promised that if they violently hate Jews they will be accepted by the 4th Reich. Thusly the Progressives of Jews and blacks and whatever else are actually an accepted rank like MAGA on the other "side" who all espouse almost semi-religious concepts of their righteous "fight" against the "evils" of the other "side" but are all pompous and self-indulgent lying hateful parasitic money and power grabbers looking for the quickest and easiest way for a power cartel grab.

There is such actual and real compassionate intellectual component to each and every single one of these terrorists, all 200 from H-wood and the millions who have attacked me otherwise.

I decided that the energy of death and murder which is constantly being foisted upon me with the subliminal technology and the nervous system attacks to lower my vibrational energy (meaning literally brainwave alterations in the low frequency ranges to force me into various extremely negative mental and emotional states, corresponding with various Hertz frequencies; all remotely forced, all artificially constructed).


It would seem that someone might be at least a little appreciative of me for standing up for my rights, for human rights, for the endless hate and degradation of Jews that this group relies upon, for standing up to fascist Nazism, for fighting for creative independence for saying no to being raped by all the expletives who stole my ideas I wrote of in creative phases on my internet in various platforms about women's rights, domestic violence and empowerment of women and the cliche-ridden hate culture aimed at dominating and controlling women who are not obeying and following the most hateful rape culture male domination paradigm. The women who most fully comply with that latter paradigm have stolen my concepts, made millions of dollars of them, and turn around and further the rape culture but the brunt of all hate is turned against me directed by these blonde Nazi women and all their Black and minority adherents who yearn to be white supremacy-authenticated.


there is not a shred of thanks aimed at me, not for the ideas they stole and used, not for my fight to not allow this group to dominate and thus push all fights for freedom and independence from mental slavery back into the most oppressive regimes, which this technology is enabling but it's being touted as some wonderful progression of humanity leading to a brighter Illuminati Future.


I wrote a post yesterday about Outside-In Clinic in Portland. I wrote that every city should have such a clinic. I am tired and have spent a long time fighting hacking (of course, after I publish this it will have been rewritten and partially deleted by terrorists)

Once the major funding from the Gates' Foundation put the former small and extremely loving, friendly and welcoming house structure of this Non-profit into a huge building with grant structures and limitations and board meetings combined with multi-billion dollar donors (of the 4th Reich) the place was transformed when I had returned in 2004 (or around that time, maybe 2003?) I had first gone there back in 1997 or so, I recall that Lady Diana had (been exterminated) accidentally killed in the Summer of the time I was going to Outside-In--as my internet is so completely corrupted I won't risk losing this page or everything timing out if I go to another tab to look up exact dates).

The place was moved around the corner on a busy street, not the little quiet street with the sort of victorian-era house it had been in, wooden floors, little rooms for consultation that had wooden walls and had a warm and cozy feel--into a cement structure that was run by a woman I saw yesterday being, as the Nazis always are, touted as this incredible personality who worked for 38 years to help the community. The people who created Outside In were "Hippies' and a Jewish influence of the "liberal" sort and that is why I obtained absolutely loving and kind treatment before the 4th Reich expanded it.

Kathy Oliver her name is--short cropped blondish hair, butch-dyke looking and under her influence, I was yelled at on the first day when I walked in so thrilled to be back and to see that the place had been expanded with so many more people being helped. I had been fighting for over half a year to get from Florida to Oregon (to have the money to leave) just to get acupuncture as I realized I was dying but had no idea why--and I could not get any health care on Medicaid I was mistreated in dirty nasty clinics for poor people, abused and not diagnosed for simple things like thyroid problems, and I had no option and knew I had to do something as the murder operation of poisoning began in earnest in Florida--

it continued in Portland but I got the treatment due to the fact that the original founders were still partners with the Gates Foundation aspect of the grant and funding. 

Kathy Oliver, who absolutely was not there the 4-5 years prior to me returning to Portland (to save my life but I had no knowledge of the gang stalking and death squad situation and I thought I was being stalked by some pervert out of Miami--another long story)

I was so happy to be getting health care, and Outside In had been so warm, so protective, so helpful, it was such a wonderful and life-affirming place years prior to it's huge funding expansion and expansion of services (so it is a very good thing) but walking in "high" on joy to be saving my life, I approached the front desk to the sort of "grunge/hippie" white woman who I just enthusiastically said hello to and how great Outside In was (I had also phoned them all the months before just to make sure that I could go and get treatment--and the people who had run the acupuncture clinic and the founders all knew who I was and had been extremely friendly to me).

The "new" 4th Reich administration then began to abuse me with abrupt yelling to SIT DOWN with hate and derision. I then was shocked and had no idea what they were doing--and it was more and more abuse. I saw the former acupuncture clinic therapist who had helped me years before (David) who, was very friendly on day 1, but when I complained to the management about being yelled at for no reason, as this was not the atmosphere of Outside In that had created it's very ambience, and I was literally accosted by this "manager/director" for the Gates money pouring in--she yelled at me with vicious hate, yelling that I should be entirely grateful for any help I could receive and with absolute fascist yelling hate asked me what the problem was---it was something out of Oliver Twist, oppression and this violent hate that I did not deserve respect or treatment if I didn't accept abuse and being mistreated by the bigot at the front desk. This happens to me in these health clinics where I am desperately fighting to save my life; no one has ever informed me that I am a victim of poisoning, by the way, all my life and everyone around me knew.

I then was attacked by the acupuncture crew, not all, but it was a crew nevertheless--all of whom were under the much higher monetary funding of the 4th Reich grant for mostly white supremacists to enjoy. 

Whenever I went to the front desk, not the acupuncture clinic on the lower level so I only had to walk into the building and take the elevator in the foyer down to the level and not have to go into the main front desk area, waiting area with the little rooms for health care. I always saw, sitting in the waiting area, extremely clean and white 20-something people with affluent clothing, looking like students who were being served. Prior to the Gates funding, the clinic had obviously poorer people, some punks and alternatives (a lot of people like that, actually) and the clinic was intended to help lower-income and not low-income yuppies attending the University nearby who came from wealth but could obtain much lower-priced health care, thus substituting the desperate and needy for the white entitlement greedy. This was under Kathy Oliver who is touted as being this wonderful kind administrator of such generous compassionate help for the Portland homeless youth. I was denied all access as they once more yappidly (sic) asserted with cold hate--not yelling because I came to them at  random times--that they could not treat me and only these wealthy-looking whites-only. 

At the acupuncture clinic itself, I was converged-upon by 4th Reich students of acupuncture, some were gentle and professional but with the actual licensed acupuncturists who ran the student clinic (it was a training situation for field practice for students in the varied acupuncture schools around Portland).

I learned a lot listening to the acupuncturists describing the meridians and the various aspects of how to treat various symptoms, because the acupuncture room was tiny and there were just slide curtains separating the people being treated. 

I cannot denounce the operation but it was nothing resembling what it had been before what people call the corrupt nature of the Gates Foundation and their various dubious actions in the field of outsourcing of deadly viruses into various "banana republic" countries. 

I know that the emphasis was on white supremacy and a general paradigm of denying health care, and thusly covertly murdering, anyone not following orders, submitting to being, for example, a Jewish abused and used brainwashed Nazi wanna be adherent like Cohen et al

if they are "good" and submit, they can then be sacrificed and sent to prison when the time comes to blame the usual scapegoat. You had better surrender or they will threaten you until you pass the blame onto me-for example as cohen is doing now. Not even trying to make a single statement about how this system works, instead I am silenced, my fight to stop this group goes unthanked, I remain with people like Tyson making horrific murder statements at me subliminally to kill myself or that he would take whatever knife I am holding or whateve I am doing and brutally kill me with it or in some way--this is constant from him, including disgusting comments while I am in the shower.

And they sit in their rows every morning with hate and putrid death energy and abuse coming at me for hours.

I write about it to relief the disgusting bad energy

of course, no one can even begin to defend me, as usual.

If I had submitted to Trump perhaps he would be in a much higher position than he is now.

Not a shred of thanks coming to me, no recognition, instead the MSNBC anchors who have also come to steal some phrases I write as they repeat the special vocabulary I have just written to be outside the normative media style--my own style, they repeat it.

They then take credit for the ideas or concepts or phraseology as their own, just as the celebrities have done for years and years and years every year non-stop

and not a single thank you even. one rotten personality said "thank you' after insulting me after Kidman and Cruise came to violently abuse me giggling as psychopath ugly sick plastic-coated Kidman has been doing for over a decade, with ultra violence as her tool for her self-promotion--embraced every year for the trite and awful acting that she is and always put into front and lead role--endlessly glowing with hormones of violence and the utter lack of restraint by anyone

as I remain being abused with death coming at me that is so sinister that under the influence of pain-killer Kratom I feel the death energy into my body and it feels like I am going to faint from the smothering hate energy.

Not a shred of thanks to me, Netanyahu threatened and abused me to read tarot for him. He has at his disposal VERY POWERFUL mind control technology totally shifting energy and emotions and under the stress of his noxious and sickening energy I read for him, he said "thank you" once and then white supremacist extremely violently threatening Douglass Murray of England, who absolutely controls Jews and is a conduit of English Monarchy control over Netanyahu and Israel, as they are with the celebrities and  politicians

and because I had said to Murray that he is a British Imperialist racist Israelist--meaning that this group believes that they are the "real" "chosen people" of God and Jews have lost that status. They want to wrest control over Israel and that region with various quasi-religious claims of blood lineage to the House of David. Killing Jews is part of their entitlement to ownership of Israel. They are using people like Netanyahu for a "gentrification" process of mass extermination of "brown" people. Blacks in America are openly antisemitic and blaming all of this on Jews. That there is a connection to English historical Imperialistic expansion in that region is completely bypassed in all the programmed hate for Jews that Blacks embrace.

So Netanyahu then began sexually abusing me, with Douglass behind him. I had screamed at Douglass after his violence hate and torture because I said I didn't believe a single word he said about how much he is aligned with "Jews" and "cares" and his only goal is total domination and to take-over Israel as a proxy agent for The Crown. This was met by a non-stop rotation of violent Jews from Congress who all tout how much they are against Trump--all coming literally alongside Netanyahu, with the English Murray the bigot murdering hateful antisemite--with his controlled and easily manipulated Jews who are all "friends" with Cohen who is now the most disgusting and obnoxious and sinister but R-skin is very close behind as Netanyahu is filthy and nasty and truly an evil and brainwashed victim of racism, turning it onto me. 

All violently abusing me with white supremacists literally standing behind them pushing their dirty sick puppets to do their work for them and the Jews are under so much racist attack because of sleazy Jewish Nazis like they, who help to tear apart any semblance of strength against racism that is constantly being asserted against Jews.


No thanks to me from anybody for fighting for human rights, for minority rights, for Jewish rights, instead they are violently threatening my life for blocking what they consider their instant gratification award system for having complied to the 4th Reich genocide hate policies for their greasy and undeserved promotions.


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