
Showing posts from January, 2024

Brain Implant technology in the wrong claws/paws slipping through fingers of humanity and it's evolution for a higher standard than base lowest common denominator thuggery, disguised by flowery rhetoric and celebrity endorsement.//Assaulted by a new pair of programmed "evil" bots from Whorewood, following the exact same protocols and attack skits as the last group, obviously interwoven in this coven of articulate idiot savant territory leading the populace over a ravine under the guise of humanity's posturing as elitism and higher profundity.

  As the new technological "advance" is being universally advertised by the media, the brain-computer interface brain implant. Oh, to "HELP" humanity and especially the poor paralyzed of the planet. That is the main "goal" as expressed for the advertising push of this platform of the next wave of techno-terror which I know is not a boon to the evolution of society, or science or for invalids (unless they can pay and otherwise those who are not wealthy will get the same homelessness and dehumanization wheelchair-bound, crawling through the muck f-u from medical Medicare Disability society). The real, unstated goal, is to manipulate and exploit human nature. Those who are "entitled" will obtain a sexual revelry of orgiastic enhancement of sensation when they copulate, using the technology that will eventually be sold off as another beneficial innovation "just developed"--which is teleportation. That technology may require at least another...

It really proves how inept and mediocre the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich Takeover brand REALLY is: Total censorship and Monopoly: "The Oscar Brand is Dead (meaning Whorewood)"--John Nolte/Breitbart Article below/

  Whorewood a Hazbin ghost demon-possessed cartoon false reality (my title) This only scratches the surface of the problem. There needs to be actual, real investigation into the process of the election of the governors for all these rigged contests and how movies are decided for production and promotion as well as the endless rotation of the SAME ACTORS for DECADES. But since there is very little true and real journalism that will risk losing the benefit of RIGGED promotion for their K-rap fodder, there is NO INVESTIGATION into this effete "entertainment" programming entity out of Whorewood. --------- As I am silenced, but I have been writing of this for so many years---.......I at least would like to have what I write not censored and redacted and blocked by the state-sponsored rigged monopoly aka Government and all it's mind programming tentacles and entities--- ------------------ I only hope when "they" make a movie out of my situation, which "they"...

Treason of the United States Government, in partnership with the treasonous stupidity of the Whorewood sleaze and rape and filth dehumanizing Whorewood contagion you all cheer for (and vote for): "TREASON DOCUMENTED/WILLIAM COOPER/HOUR OF THE TIME"

  "Treason Documented Series Revisited--Bill Cooper/Broadcast #1592 (HOTT on Bitchute)". Milton William Bill Cooper. December 25, 2022. Documents from the United States Code, presented by J.F. Kennedy and Truman, abdicating U.S. Sovereignty to the United Nations for a "Ole World" system of governance. Rescinding ALL arms within the United States, thus bypassing the 2nd Amendment and The Bill of Rights in favor of total control by the United Nations. Documents and laws passed are cited directly from United States Code (from 1961, and to the Truman Era --seems like the dinosaur age but back in the 50's, just post WWII when the 4th Reich was being established--my addition to the theme in this parenthetical statement). J.K. Kennedy brokered something called (I have tried to look up the direct title but not available on a Google Search): Blueprint for a Peaceful World. This LAW, which was passed by the U.S. Congress, called for SOVIET control over arms reduction. Wi...