Brain Implant technology in the wrong claws/paws slipping through fingers of humanity and it's evolution for a higher standard than base lowest common denominator thuggery, disguised by flowery rhetoric and celebrity endorsement.//Assaulted by a new pair of programmed "evil" bots from Whorewood, following the exact same protocols and attack skits as the last group, obviously interwoven in this coven of articulate idiot savant territory leading the populace over a ravine under the guise of humanity's posturing as elitism and higher profundity.

 As the new technological "advance" is being universally advertised by the media, the brain-computer interface brain implant.

Oh, to "HELP" humanity and especially the poor paralyzed of the planet. That is the main "goal" as expressed for the advertising push of this platform of the next wave of techno-terror which I know is not a boon to the evolution of society, or science or for invalids (unless they can pay and otherwise those who are not wealthy will get the same homelessness and dehumanization wheelchair-bound, crawling through the muck f-u from medical Medicare Disability society).

The real, unstated goal, is to manipulate and exploit human nature. Those who are "entitled" will obtain a sexual revelry of orgiastic enhancement of sensation when they copulate, using the technology that will eventually be sold off as another beneficial innovation "just developed"--which is teleportation. That technology may require at least another decade to begin to be exposed as a "new" scientific invention.


I don't know who the "first" brain-computer interface actually was or is, but I doubt I am the first. I am the first probable functioning person who is cognizant enough to function with all the murderous violence constantly being forced upon me to comply with a form of techno-slavery that is so abhorrent to humanity that through the mere fact of moral grounding I cannot accept nor "submit" to the endless demands for compliance to being exploited to the maximum, almost, by any scumbag who wants a free promotion and power trip and rape and abuse object to pound the life out of, with their wives and the women glorified that someone is bearing the brunt of the ugliness and hate that they truly imbibe, but their equally abhorrent men-folk need someone "else" to take their mutual hate, hate for women, pornographic abuse and sexploitation out on leaving the wife to feel refreshed and "superior".


Attacked once more by a cohort of the prostitutaline shitpig pitt group, exactly the same as the last dino group which I have been fighting off me for ONE DECADE. They are merely replaced by the same bot programming from similar scumbags, only a generation older so more decrepit and crusty in their grasping need for entrenching themselves forever, if they could, into mainstream media endorsement. One of them has been one of the crusty dino supporters in the background, with plastic surgery enhancement and endless applause along with her blonde Nazi film media mogul partner, formerly an A-lister but now promotes a seemingly benign Nazi film festival, named after the Sun (the Nazi/Illuminati symbol so ubiquitously used, in which the Swastika is, in part, based upon and former worship of Sun cultures--cannibals, human sacrificial cults, pagan and Satanic/Luciferian worship--to name a few of the types of real underlying "gods" that they truly worhsip and continue to do so to this moment in time).


Because I am so under stress from the teleportation torture that lasts approximately 8 hours per day, non-stop hate, abuse and voices pumped directly into my brain bypassing any ability to turn away, shut them out, and my thoughts are answered by them as if in a conversation. It is normal in humanity to think ideas as you are going about your life. These filthy parasites respond to my every thought to gain access to their inevitable and retractable goal (as they only have one single purpose in doing this) to instill hate, loathing, abuse, self-hate, demands to nearly worship their worthless lying sleazy dirty fake posturing selves and to hate myself, to show deference and near worship for celebrity scumbags who are foul and stupid when I have to deal with them--without a single deviation from this trait of stupid sick evil and sleazy and rotten--the children as well.

The brain implant forces me to sit there not able to breathe. I am trying to use meditation techniques which work for approximately 30 seconds and the insults and yelling and threats are so nasty and it's such a threat to my image in some way I respond yelling back to defend myself. They probably are recording all my responses for their dialogues that they steal and use for their media presentations as if they have anything other than absolute programming. These are the expletives who require no further brainwashing or programming or microchip implants they are completely operational bots filled with hate, greed and selfishness and a Nazi program of kill, search and destroy and of innate "elite superiority".

This next blonde ugly bigot hacked her workout videos onto my youtube. I am so nearly paralyzed by the very same S**bucket of lies and deception whose brain implant company has just been globally touted as trying to aid paralyzed and brain-damaged persons to use a computer interface for their wheelchairs (which, I seriously doubt, if anyone can assess this, that millions of dollars poured into this research and global advertising for this technology is undoubtedly not the main selling point, as mostly people don't truly give much of a damn about the disabled and of course, all following all the bread crumbs of the lies to the gingerbread house where cannibalism and enslavement are the real candy coated dungeon in which the actual spiritual and mental entity actually resides--which I am forced to be confronted with DAILY AND NIGHTLY in this teleportation, microchip implanted brain torture simulation of torture and brainwashing using trauma-based protocols developed by your wonderful blonde Nazis who have absolutely absorbed this mentality into the Whorewood A$$-list puppetry who are inter-connected to theWhorewood-Congress A$$-list celebrities and "leaders" (lack thereof, in the current degradation of that political body politic).


She hacked her 1980's stuff onto my youtube channel. I used to take aerobics twice daily (mostly due to the endless amount of methamphetamine surreptitiously poured into my body/food so I was hyped up on "speed" while the hardening poisons were slowly hardening into my joints--the double duality of this slow poisoning and murder situation left me so hyped up on meth but slowly dying from internal hardening poisons which slowed me down. I had to exercise but after the sun went down, and this is still ongoing, the barometric pressure somehow affects this expanding and shrinking poison that remains hard, but does swell and shrink with humidity and temperature. 

But I never watched her shows and instinctively thought of her as another media Klaus Barbie type of Nazi indoctrination. I did not have those exact terms when I saw her show, I only subconsciously understood this. I had no one to talk to about racist theory although it was all around me, in Minneapolis. I was in a sludge of mind control and was trying to just "fit in" but I understood implicitly what "Ms. Fondu" really was, and now I am experiencing a type of violence that surely has escalated into the usual me trying to rush at the next pair of abusers with violence to get them to shut up and go away. It happens every day now, after hours and hours and hours and hours of them abusing me with this tech blasting into my ear, blocking my ability to breathe deeply, unable to meditate them away.

What has happened, and this is related to the absolute dehumanization and misuse of this technology theme of this post, is that in the drugged up, impressionable state that I am always forced into, as I am being drugged and poisoned every single day (to death) and destruction of my kidneys and liver, lymphatic system and then endless gangs of dinosaurs of all ages sucking my life out of me is making me old and worn out--their intention--as they become pumped up on power and dopamine/seratonin/adrenaline daily and torture and violence hormones and a power trip that is unbelievable, as part of their "beauty" regime. Plus stealing my ideas that they torture out of me so they can present themselves as being authentically "caring and intelligent" decent and good-hearted people (as I am).


In the drugged-up state, I compliment the worthless pig apes, as they all turn out to be, by writing some comment on the youtube. I need to learn exercises of all sorts, and the "help" that most of these pig ape scumbags provide by their workout videos are of absolutely no use to me. It is amazing how complicated the human body is. In their vain egoistic assumption of "superiority" they then teleport me after I compliment their stuff (this is a recurring situation so this is a pattern and a protocol)

They come with insults, abuse and demands that I literally almost worship them, denigrate myself, and tell them that every single thing they are and do is the most fantastic or they torture me for fighting to get them to shut up. They begin instantly to insult me after their absolutely protocol segue of hacking into my thoughts with pleasant conversation and questions about most light subjects--mostly to suck ideas out, and to ask me about my life because some f-er in Whorewood and many of them are stealing my idea, my life story to use as their next Nazi progaganda movie plot and movie storyline--of course, exempting me from anything but enforced poverty, sickness, endless deadly poisoning every single day whereby my brain portals for defense are absolutely shattered by the liquid death they pour into my body and insert into my bladder while I am sleeping.

So this filthy dirty woman, who made a popular tv show over a decade ago, hacking her crusty nasty face onto my internet very often, and I knew she was heavily involved and obtained, as so many have, plastic surgery and then her own tv show which is a simulation of a "master-slave" white supremacy oppressing in a most "loving" friendly way a dark-haired women obviously not very light white skin, who is a throwback too the Hippie era and made to appear absolutely discredited, dumb and needing control. The control comes from the blonde Nazi white supremacist and the show soared in ratings, applauded by the 4rh Reich viewers who have been thoroughly programmed into gang stalking death squad terrorism and of a system of entitlement and enslavement.

Proving her ability to finally throw off her former "hippie" years of protest against "the establishment" with her fist raised up in the air--fighting so white male Nazis could not have to fight in war and remain obtaining all the white collar positions with all the white collar crime, which she obviously has pursued and been a part of. I forgot to mention she has been associated heavily with CNN--of course--

So these creeple say that I am"dangerous" but this woman with all her background and Nazi contacts is "dangerous' for anyone actually not wanting a Nazi regime to take over the United States, as is happening now and has really happened in the undercurrents of programming for decades (or centuries).


She then got to the meat of her program, which was to push me down and then push herself up with insults and abuse to me, and demanding that I tell her she is more beautiful than me and better and superior as I finally began yelling that she's an ugly old hag and tried my best to physically get her nasty dirty hole to be stopped from yapping at me any longer. Along with her was another throwback to the 60's and 70's of the pop music genre--representing the white males who were fighting against 'The establishment" to not have to fight in war by decree, one mini-skirt dancing gyrating girly at a time for their empire of sexual "freedom" which accompanied the other "freedoms" from fighting in war that became the mass explosion of the "hippie" and alternative movement culture. 

In this case, this male has called me the "b-word" for writing about the hypocrisy. He's had his black minion physically assault me, and of course, it is a black American male who rode his freedom train to stardom by pushing a black woman in drag espousing Christian values by going off on gun-toting sprees using righteous Christian-based rocking chair philsophy for the younger generation of grifters that she was correcting with "tough love", usually "whipping their a$$es" as her main power dynamic.

He came to whoop me under the dog whistle of this white, Euglish-based American who has been seduced into the Dark Force of English Imperialistic take-over of the United States one topless mini-skirt dancing English gyrating agent lavishly welcoming him into their parlors of opulence, in which he was so beguiled by the glitter splendor that he is a firm fascist advocate of complete English Imperialistic control over America, of course with him being handed more tv and movie producer and film and executive slots due to his decades of being involved in this industry. Yelling now, sans his black minion lacky, to physically assault me (which he eventually ltried to do as I had to fight both of them from my front and back at the same time, and that was after hours, maybe 5 hours of them endlessly insulting and threatening me with most offensive verbal abuse and nasty stupidity--always the pig apes refer to how bad my body looks comparing me to their multi-million dollar botox and plastic surgery and exercise platforms after they and their organization poured hardening poison and then mutilated and tortured me, non-stop now, for 13 years with this teleportation technology and brain implant interface and drugging that is non-stop and poisoning that never stops so I am always semi-paralyzed, sick and dying from abuse and stress while they insult how much more 'beautiful" they are--that is the constant theme as I yell at them how sick and disgusting they are.

The injustice, of course, is amply paid in more millions for the sick and disgusting pieces of crap who flock to engage and use the exact same tactics and verbal abuses and etc as the last group which I have fought to get off me (for years).


Again I had another rotten ugly dirty person in the form of this "helpful" former exercise skank, who did her videos extremely well and I told her she looked very beautiful and the videos were a positive affirmation of body positive--which she was trying to destroy in me with endless body insults and how she is so beautiful and much more than me and in this power differential, after she would not stop and would not stop I just got enraged finally to shut her up.

constantly I was in my 100% exercise effort to concentrate as yet another rotten dino scum was forcing their unwanted "help" into my inner ear telling me what to do. Under this influence, I did some of the recommendations but constantly telling her to stop. First I was polite, and finally I tried to rush at her and kill her to shut this filthy ugly creep up along with the ugly dirty old man calling me a bitch while I kept screaming that it is he and she who are the bitches for forcing their ugliness and insults and hate into my brain into my inner ear endlessly, along with the years of their partners doing the same every single day on and on and on and on.

The stress this ugly dirty skank parasite forced upon me while I was exercising literally, they put my nervous system into a state of rage and panic, also naturally induced by the same shit whore insulting me and threatening me along with this violent womanizing Nazi bigot so endlessly intertwined with English tv shows and life--and for decades and in the 60's of course he was an easy and sleazy target for the English to penetrate with mind programming to shift U.S. dominance and power over to the English--which he does in his tv shows in England using cultural "judging" capabilities for home-spun repeats and imitation of American Black singing effort. I am fighting and struggling to type as hacking is constantly a complete obstacle so I can't write my point clearly.

Anyways---let me make it clear that the brain implant technology will be and is being used only as a tool for unscrupulous fakes to render abuse and destruction upon people of different races whom they want to NEVER be able to really compete against white supremacy.

It is tragic that so many of the older Black celebrities in the Civil Rights movement and in media are absolutely aligned with this group, as are so many Jews and other races. The true goal of the implant technology is to re-establish a complete global white supremacy take-over of the planet, but with so many other races working as version of Clarence Thomas--please look up his collusion for money and influence working with fervent billionaire white Nazi supremacists at highest level of American leadership as the Supreme Court reigns supposedly equally with the President and Legislative Bodies. 

They are now fully aligned with this international league of Nazis in Whorewood who also heavily influence decision-making, programming their their "seductive" allure of plastic surgery renovation into 4th Reich iconography imagery, ideas stolen from people like me (so many that blonde fascist Nazi rape cheerleader murderous wanna be white male supremacist women, including Oprah in this category) have stolen through torture out of me in this hate and torture situatoin.

That includes this rotten dino Fondu the meat-cooking carnivore disguised as an empathetic and open-minded activist advocate for all the goodies of human benevolence of the "liberal" platform.

The other one "represents' the old "freedom" movement of the 60's, but has turned into a rancid white Nazi English-programmed absolute Nazi bigot using his black and minority minions, as all the Nazis always have so many brown and black and Jewish terrorists to do the dirty work for them--all trained by the Europigapes, all completely influenced by them.

THAT IS ALL I HAVE EVER SEEN of how the brain implant technology will be further misused by the completely incompetent "elite" who obtained their position by heralding American independence against tyranny for their crap platforms, obliterating the actual real activists whose works are much more excellent but relegated to the bin of dust because of the cultural misappropriation hegemony of their monopoly which this campaign against me is helping to further solidify.


It i s pure and simple a power grab and cultural diminishment of all the advances of human culture up to this point in history. It is one giant step for Nazism and the 4th Reich and one huge leap backwards in human civilization and human evolvement into being better and more decent human beings.


The hacking and multipronged attack on my brain and motor skills (unable to move my hands and typing quickly is impossible and constantrly retypingg of words) 

but I "forgot" to write that this ugly unwanted creep parasite, former aerobics instructor on VCR--from the 80's--who was abusing me and the ugly nasty pop singer yelling "bitch" at me after hours and hours of me telling them to get off me while I was putting clothing away (which they later sprayed with stinking substances using their brown minion enslaved not-brain implanted minions)

but as I was using 100% concentration, telling her to shut up, to stop, to go away, as she kept on after they called me bitch and insulted me for hours--first they began by commenting like light little mosquitos into my thought patterns at 4:30 am. when I got up from the teleportation terrorism and having to use the bathroom, removing the poison they had just inserted into my bladder while I was in a deep sleep and teleported so my consciousness literally was out of my prime body state.

They begin as the parasites that they are (all of them, every day but some of them just begin with utter yelling violence, especially the younger white trash Nazi men who are so emboldened by this tech and have been trained for much longer than their nasty false pretense parents to pose as if they are Democratic) but they begin with pleasantries, asking me about my life (to suck my life story out and to use any ideas possible they can steal). ONce I begin with my normal friendly and nice authentic conversational mode, putting all the freshly sprained stinking clothing I was sleeping in to air dry, spraying all with bleach and fabric softener and usually having to wash everything, every day--it requires hours to put it all away. The entire time as I am walking around and getting upset at the stinking filth they have just sprayed on my clothing while I was under brain micorchip implant unconsciousness

they lightly inject their blood-sucking mental apparatus of commenting on my every thought to begin a "pleasant" conversation. Once my barriers are down, and I try to ignore them, I can't breathe deeply no matter how hard I try. I can't ignore their incessant blathering into my brain directly non-stop and the conversation begins to sour, they insult and abuse me and denigrate everything about me. They ask me for ideas and after the hours of insults, I begin to yell at these worthless and mindless scumbags, your celebrities endlessly in monopolistic positions of "power" handed them by the Nazi theft and murder machine (which is only how they got their "power")

after a few hours of that, I try to exercise and the rotten pigs comment on my body, what I am doing and telling me "corrections' which I can do myself because of the year of a few hints by Baryshnikov, who was mostly just poisoning and abusing me and telling me the wrong things to do for healing so I would confuse this "help" with actual help. But I learned a few tips, enough but they keep on trying to "control" me by forcing their "Help" while I am fighting to move and saying "stop" constantly but needing to concentrate on what I am doing--for my life, which they want to drain and then destroy anyway.

I was so stressed and exhausted and so much sleep deprivation that I pushed myself too hard. I made food and then collapsed once more into a drugged up sick sleep from poisoning, hate and my energy and life force drained out once more by more hate violent murderous bigot Nazi white supremacists and all their brown and Jewish and Black minions on all sides of me operating for Big Nazi Daddy.

I collapsed and fell into a deep sleep (probably my food was drugged) and in this deep sleep, they then sliced vertically part of another fingernail from deep underneath the cuticle to the apex of the nail--a gouge with precision from laser technology cut out of another fingernail, leaving two fingers next to each other on my right hand cut in this way--unable to use the fingernails for anything as they are half gone cut below the cuticle and all the way to the top .

Teleported to more of the sick and stupid shit creeps who perform the hate skits for these equally sick and stupid pieces of shit who make such ado at posturing as regal and elegant agents of social justice and change for the betterment of all the victims and perpetrators of the planet.


and they will come back tonight and tomorrow. I am fighting literally the same stupid ignoramus scumbag but only in different skin and gender appearance. THEY are all programmed exactly alike. I wonder how much microchip influence all of them actually have.

I have read about methods of transmission for delivery of nanotechnologies which can inject microchips into the body through tiny shots, such as what you receive at a medical facility. 

Trust me in that these operations are done in "normal" medical facilities by the seemingly benign medical practitioners. The poisoning of food is done by people at restaurants and in stores everywhere around the world.

They all operate as if they are under central command and are just merely bodies performing a matrix of a hate and murder system.

Without just the mere universality of brain implants, the situation already now is so dire and threatening and sick and the people involved are such low and degenerate fakes and crap as human beings

imagine what they will do with more brain implants. Can any of you? Are you all so blank and dumb and ignorant to just believe that a new technology touted as being "help" for disabled by those who want to eliminate the "unessential" of the world truly care about people in wheelchairs more than they do about having slaves unable to mentally or in any way defend themselves as they insert hate and sexual orgiastic revelry for themselves-- and creating a system of their incompetence but glorified as being elite while in essence, they are just low and base and mean-spirited abusers and life-f** manipulators? 

The qualification for leadership should be something more than a gyrating titillation of body parts and a fake pretense at being an egalitarian with humanitarian purposes. That is all the celebrity Whorewood is selling, underneath is a massive cesspool of death and hate and massive graft and corruption and lies and deception.

The brain implants will be for the "elite" to use to control and abuse and destroy people of any race that they want destroyed. Jews are the first group so no one is fighting for me. That has already been thoroughly implanted by the endless array of Blonde Klaus Barbie bigots who are now more and more frequently out of the English Commonwealth or out of Europigapeland in Whorewood domain. Otherwise, the programming for antisemitism is so universal by now, and I am the target and symbol of this push for the 4th Reich next death wave upon Jews. So many prominent Jews have come to giggle, laugh and join in with attacking me as they believe that they are fully accepted into the 4th Reich and fully protected--the terror they have barely visible but blatantly visible in the teleportation disguised as gleeful participation and violence aimed at me

and that is really one of the planks of this brain implant tech and all it's future ramifications that I can barely think of with this implant blocking my brain functioning, and the hacking blocking keyboard functioning.

This post is so badly hacked that it is doubtless that most of this post will be partially deleted and rewritten by terrorist hackers (or those involved in this next wave of the same bot hate Nazi filth attacking me out of Whorewood).


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