It really proves how inept and mediocre the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich Takeover brand REALLY is: Total censorship and Monopoly: "The Oscar Brand is Dead (meaning Whorewood)"--John Nolte/Breitbart Article below/


Whorewood a Hazbin ghost demon-possessed cartoon false reality (my title)

This only scratches the surface of the problem. There needs to be actual, real investigation into the process of the election of the governors for all these rigged contests and how movies are decided for production and promotion as well as the endless rotation of the SAME ACTORS for DECADES.
But since there is very little true and real journalism that will risk losing the benefit of RIGGED promotion for their K-rap fodder, there is NO INVESTIGATION into this effete "entertainment" programming entity out of Whorewood.
As I am silenced, but I have been writing of this for so many years---.......I at least would like to have what I write not censored and redacted and blocked by the state-sponsored rigged monopoly aka Government and all it's mind programming tentacles and entities---
I only hope when "they" make a movie out of my situation, which "they" are accruing information on every day so "they" can profit off more exploitation of my life and situation and ideas, I can only hope that whomever is supposed to "represent" is not a fascio Nazi or "Minority" Nazi who has no concept and doesn't care. They always incorporate Nazi programming into everything. If I could have at least my own fanzine or blog that isn'tt blocked from the internet and censored and rewritten and hacked while my laptop and brain are also under non-stop attack so I could get some kind of creative input into the narrative.
"For movie lovers like myself, the Oscars were the Super Bowl.
Not anymore.
The Oscars are meaningless to normal people. The reasons for this are legion: Nomadland (2020), Parasite (2019), The Shape of Water (2017), Moonlight (2016), Birdman (2014), The Artist (2011), Slumdog Millionaire (2008), Crash (2004), Everything Everywhere All at Once (2022), and CODA (2021).
Nobody watches that shit (okay, I did enjoy Nomadland).
The populist Motion Picture Academy has become the Independent Spirit Awards by way of the Berkeley faculty lounge.
In my house, the Oscars have become a warning to avoid dull movies full of gay sex, self-regard, preening pretension, and political talking points.
The Oscar brand is dead. A movie receiving an Oscar nomination is like a Republican receiving Mitt Romney’s endorsement — a sign to shop elsewhere. Sure, I may eventually catch a few of 2024’s nominees — like The Holdovers, Oppenheimer, and American Fiction — but the days of needing to see them are long over. My time is valuable, and there are too many great movies I want to see again and again. And in those movies, men don’t kiss one another, no one shames me, and I’m not told what to think.
Burn, Hollywood, burn."


"Hell is Forever Sing-Along/Hazbin Hotel/Prime Video". Prime Video. January 21, 2024.

The 4th Reich, Nazi programming, mostly foreign-influenced fascist-programming Monopoly and the hate contract out on me in the realm of the Hell of Whorewood, is a forever rotation of demonic expletives (celebrity so-called artists/actors) vying to be top executives in the subterranean Oscar-sick Blues cavernous regions of one of the lower circles of Hell. Literally, in teleportation, I can see the "evil" forces writhing in glee and hate underneath the plastic coating and false pretenses. The media is always adulating these scum hate creeps, and are no better and often join in to get their own monopolistic promotions. Therefore, there is no reasonable criticism of the movies, nor the corruption of this "scene" and of course never any transparency in investigation on the collusion betwixt Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood (from Hell).

"Eagles--Hotel California (now a Hazbin Hotel) (live 1977) (Official Video) (HD)". Eagles. December 7, 2022.


"Party of the First Part, The Devil and Daniel Mouhaus". Darkshadow Productions. March 4, 2001.

"Cat caught in the act". Darkshadow Productions.

Bauhaus--Silent Hedges lyrics:

Following the silent hedges
Needing some other kind of madness
Looking into purple eyes
Sadness at the corners
Works of art with a minimum of steel

Pure sensation

A beautiful downgrade
Going to hell again
Going to hell again

Self confidence leaks from a thousand wounds
Faults of civilizations
Burning the private paradise of dreams
Minus hands of the electric
Clock (x4)

What happens when the intoxication of success has evaporated?
Following the silent hedges
Following the silent hedges
Going to hell again

Pure sensation
The beautiful downgrade
Going to hell again
Going to hell again
Again (x5)

"Bauhaus--Silent Hedges". Moon Parade. December 7, 2012.


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