Treason of the United States Government, in partnership with the treasonous stupidity of the Whorewood sleaze and rape and filth dehumanizing Whorewood contagion you all cheer for (and vote for): "TREASON DOCUMENTED/WILLIAM COOPER/HOUR OF THE TIME"
"Treason Documented Series Revisited--Bill Cooper/Broadcast #1592 (HOTT on Bitchute)". Milton William Bill Cooper. December 25, 2022.
Documents from the United States Code, presented by J.F. Kennedy and Truman, abdicating U.S. Sovereignty to the United Nations for a "Ole World" system of governance. Rescinding ALL arms within the United States, thus bypassing the 2nd Amendment and The Bill of Rights in favor of total control by the United Nations. Documents and laws passed are cited directly from United States Code (from 1961, and to the Truman Era --seems like the dinosaur age but back in the 50's, just post WWII when the 4th Reich was being established--my addition to the theme in this parenthetical statement). J.K. Kennedy brokered something called (I have tried to look up the direct title but not available on a Google Search): Blueprint for a Peaceful World. This LAW, which was passed by the U.S. Congress, called for SOVIET control over arms reduction. Within the United Nations, the SOVIET delegation has been placed into arms control as a mandate ever since the inception of the United Nations in 1945. The end result, as Cooper claims, is a "One World Communist Order". That means massive extermination and mind control and abdication of individual rights (my amalgamation of Cooper's assessment of this burgeoning system that you "sheeple" are feverishly working to install with all your fasco Nazi Europigape counterparts and your infiltrator American (half Europigape apawn plastic surgery modifications of Nazi imagery and all their partners who are viciously looking to kil off Jews. Jews willing comply as they are duped as usual and beguiled and paid off. Minorities around the world follow suit, absolutely bind to the motivation and uncaring, they only see the dangling fake fool's gold carrot that is endlessly placed in front of their dehumanized snouts).
Listen to this please, it is a huge citation of laws passed by the United States lack of governance throughout the decades and this same system is fully in effect on both sides of the proverbial "aisle". What Cooper calls them is "traitors" and I can not even begin to question that any longer.
NOT conspiracy theory but documented and cited
please listen and open your mind(s) (if you care). Cooper would call you "sheeple".
Ugly and sick skank prostitutalina at the United Nations. THis is a most rabid racist who has adopted multiple brown and black skinned children who are thoroughly vetted as minority minions, programmed to serve the white supremacy 4th Reich as symbol of global overtake and how minorities will aid the Nazi Mafia in establishing a system of total obedience to white supremacist fascism. It has overtaken the United States entirely. I can't write her ugly awful sick name, but this stupid and ugly prostituted skank has been at the forefront of absolute rape, torture and violence towards me for not saying she is "beautiful" and after years of her stealing my ideas and having me raped and mutilated and poisoned and giggling and laughing about it, with an endless series of brown and black men coming to bow down like the slaves that they are, who represent any facet of 'minority" culture, I know my writing here is not a hyperbolic rant. I write it only because of the endless collusion in the layers of American society who fully endorse all of this while I am being endlessly slowly murdered and tortured and raped to death while you all cheer this shit on. THey are agents betraying the United States and all you can see is the facsimile of a blow-job plastic doll with facial reconstruction and gastric bypass surgery as your icon (of filth) you all worship. Selling you out. Attacked Weinstein most visibly for the cameras as a "me too" and now has her production company, with the rest of this bullshit filth group, which has supplanted the Weinstein former empire. That is all the Me too movement was about. The rest is also complete bullshit and especially for the ruling entity which is funding all this murderous violence and the eventual overtake of the United States, enveloped into the global fascist/Communist system which goes by any other name but smells as rank and putrid. This piece of filthy and ugly shit below has been stealing my ideas for so many years along with her husband and her friends. Absolutely handed murder poisons, weapons, technology for this endless fascist white supremacy overtake of the United States as you all cheer this filthy ugly piece of plastic-coated shit on and on along with pig pitt a most vile and violent bigot. Don't be deceived by their host of brown and black children, they are only props to sell the "one world" system of total control over the minority minions who have proven to be fully genocidal towards Jews. The "inclusion" of this skank ugly filth creep, stupid as hell but conniving and lying, has helped to establish absolute antisemitism in America and racism, the destruction of abortion and equal opportunity (Affirmative Action). Oprah has gone 100% along. So has Farrakhan. They are scum. They have attacked me viciously with all and every kind of lie forcing lies upon me and all acting in concert to viciously attack me.
America needs to break the U.N. Apart and stop putting shit and sick celebrities into positions of power, i.e. in the President's Office. Sheeple try to think about what you are actually doing and listen to the documented source of the lecture by Cooper above and hear what presidents and leaders have passed but have not completely put into action because it is so antithetical to the American mentality for many people obsessed with the 2nd Amendment. These people, though, are fully ready for a genocidal resurgence of Nazi murder for their wealth and attainment. That includes MANY JEWS who believe they will "WEATHER THE STORM" as Spielberg used in his film, played by fascist Nazi actors, who have fully raped and tortured me in partnership with...
her disgusting ugly rotten face is so putrid to look at. I can't write her name. The lies. The insult to the word "pretty". Pretty much a piece of shit.
All of these terrorist rapists, terrorists, Nazi infiltrators into Whorewood, have violently assaulted me, especially the white supremacist "feminist" who all coagulated together to kick Weinstein out, only to replace h im with white Nazi male rape and blonde whore rape cheerleader society fully worse than Weinstein ever was, far more racist in the privacy of their open blatant hate system has ever been exposed by the lack of transparency and the utter lack of actual real journalism or societal commentary due to the absolute adherence of all participants therein fully conforming to a code of silence to this egress and violation of all U.S. sanctity. All of the pig apes below have fully, some absolutely murderously as i have been fighting for my life non-stop against torture and poisoning, the latter the most openly murderous, for well over a decade non-stop from this group of shit. There the pig apes are, fully violent Nazis and rape cheerleaders. You "sheeple" pig apes fully cheer them on. Biden welcomes them into the White House they are always at the Oscars. Figure it out for yourselves if any of you give a damn about anything other than your endless pretenses and orgiastic revelries in luxury abandonment of your own country to pretend you are aristocrats out of a feudal absolutely tyrannical Europigape culture--your real aspirations. I don't really write this for any of the f-ing scumbags who are endlessly hacking into my posts and ordering attacks upon me and pretending they are "fighting" for "freedom" in all your orgiastic frenzy of costumes and acting performances to the contrary. I write this to try to implant a seed of questioning as to the sanity of following such a system that will completely destroy America and turn it into a vassal State under the harsh dictatorship of England, France, Germany and RUSSIA and a numerous host of other antisemitic and racist entities. Their modus operandi has always been mass extermination. That was the main financial backing of Communism (mass murder in the hundreds of millions to fund their "Socialist" enterprises). Despotism combined with Nepotism, monopoly and tyranny for a less-than-one-percent entitlement pig ape lack of leadership in an iron-clad system of oppression and slow death of the mind and spirit of a population. The only thing that will remain is violent corruption and an entrenched hierarchy and FEAR-BAASED control. This ugly sleazy dirty prostitute has been at the forefront of kicking Weinstein out and creating her and her nasty hateful husband pit with top "production" companies, the ideas for most of their movies have been stolen by my writings, which are redacted, mostly deleted and/or deleted after they steal the ideas. AS everything I have physically in my living space is either stolen or destroyed, I have put all online, where it is stolen and then deleted and blocked from the actual int4ernet readership. This ugly skank you all bow down to a stupid dirty foul absolutely murderously bigoted piece of shit from half England and half KKK America, you have put into this position and keep her there. YOu are worse than sheeple and dumber than scum to have put such a violent and stupid skank into such a position of power. That goes for the entire crew of this filth. Listed are onlky a few who are operating with the antisemitic and fascist 4th Reich entity known as the United Nations . Please listen to the actual laws passed to abdicate U.S. self-controol over to the United Nations by your coveted leader Kennedy and not-so-miuch Truman. Maybe Kennedy was assassinated becasue he was trying to absolutely weaken or destroy American independence and power and strength and the military would not abide by it. Listen to the actual documents read that are laws that have been passed and are in the U.S. Code to completely take away all Arms and weapons, overseen by Soviet agents of the U.N. and with military bases established under the U.N. with English and German military stationed within the US.s in their own training facilities. I have never head about this ever, but it's cited as fact and sourced.
Another giggly, stupid rape cheerleader Nazi you all "love" who has endlessly been favored, as these pigs have all be, I mean pieces of shit--all working for the Nazi 4th Reich--this one is a stupid and dirty rape Nazi cheerleader and most offensively stupid--put into a huge position of power
Rotten, Nazi-Mafia "frat/brat BOY" type yelling like his fasc8ist counterparts have trained him, at me for defending myself against attempted murder and rape that has been an ongoing gang rape situation out of Whoirewood, heightened after WEINSTAINE was put in prison for sexual harassment of Nazi bigot pig ape women---this ccreep has been at the Oscars ever since he joined in with this crowd of scum an filth, incompetence and stupidity out of Whorewoo. Two listed above. The UN. welcomes them and probably has a great hand in placing them into the Oscars and lead role positions year-after-year. The Golden Globes of the Foreign Press is most likely absolutely an adjunct to the U.N. fascist Nazi league.
.and the list goes on and on with the scum-studded list of fascist Nazis, bigots, deception agents operating as mind programming unit bots for the United Nations and their fascist genocidal take-over of the United States
"A Celebrity-Studded September at The United Nations". United Nations 0. October 19, 2015.
Treasonous politicians
Marjorie T. Green, whose every public move is about freedom of the 2nd Amendment. In teleportation terrorism, I told her I wanted her to teach me how to shoot guns. She told me that she would not because "you could shoot me". Immediately afterwards she stuck her filthy, nasty fingers/claws into my vagina in front of prostitutalina to prove her absolute alliance with the disarmament, the destruction of people like me. Which includes Jews, and even for those who comply I must add.
As I have never been a part of the global Jewish diaspora, and indeed, absolutely rejected and assaulted and exploited and viciously raped, threatened for the promotion by the Nazis and Mafia who then promoted them and their families and their partners. It has been ongoing. But MTG truly demonstrated that if guns are "allowed" it will be many who will be exempted from self-defense and the guns will be put into the claws of lying and sleazy Nazi filth like the MAGA genocidal contingent.
They made sure to poison me to the point of disability and semi-paralysis. When I went to doctors for x-rays and evaluation, I was forced into a personal diagnosis by a mental health practitioner for some reason, and he determined that I was anti-social and had some mental problem. This has been the endless label placed upon me by my mother, by my family, and by this system. In that sense, I am probably exempted from purchasing a gun legally or registering it, simply from the one diagnosis of a government shrink who was extremely friendly and kindly towards me. I suggest the determination was later written in and that this doctor did not write that evaluation about me, as I am not mentally ill. My hysterical posts are due to actual brain-altering tech combined with non-stop torture with all the technologies and murder attempts by prostitutalina, as representative of the English-Crown mother side of her shit family, and her nasty foul KKK bigot white trash father side--a nasty combination in terms of white and fascist Nazi supremacy, as she absolutely is. Surrounded by black, jewish and every other kind of minority, as all the most feverish white supremacists usually are. Even Emmett Till was brutalized by BLACK MEN who partnered with the lynch mob. Undoubtedly they GOT PROMOTIONS FOR PROVING THEIR AFFILIATION WITH NAZIS AND BIGOTS AND LYNCH MOB KKK. That is the system, it is NEVER EVER NEVER exposed in the media in any form in any sense. It is always put into victim=good and perpetrator=bad. The person who so often exposes this false dichotomy has himself joined in with abuse and attacks upon me for his production company to make films extoling great white hope for the sake of Jewish Nazis who are going to "wait the storm out" as Spielberg advertised what he and the rest of the Jewish Nazis have done to me, as sacrifice for their self-preservation while bowing down to white Nazi supremacy, claiming that these creeple really "care" about Jews and Israel. AIPAC is what I am referring to. My family was also highly connected with Jewish organizations in NYC and I know that they all attacked me viciously for the sake of handing over a sacrifice.
So MTG was immediately afterwards interviewed by the "liberal" likes of PBS, which claimed that because MTG was a public figure of note, they were obliged to "report the news" and interview people whom the public were interested in.
Ironically, this happened within two weeks of her assault upon me. She was featured in a number of media interviews and tv/video displays of her "I am for freedom of speech and guns" etc.
As well as Elon Musk, who is absolutely behind all the torture and violence of me, who claims he is paying billions of $$ for the sake of freedom of speech. When he tries to force this contract upon me, and I just say NO without any criticism or reason why (usually I just say he's too immature) I am tortured by his minions of this filth situation where I am forced to live).
The list of these types also goes on and on infinitely from the decade of this going on.
I was so ill yesterday from doing exercises I am learning from Martial Arts that at 4 p.m. I knew I was going to literally pass out from the release of poisons and toxins from the stretches i can barely perform, but which slightly crack upon the huge bulges of hardened chunks of hardening poison mixed with mind control drugs; all fermented, congealed into hard pieces that literally have formed huge ridges along my back and spine (legs, feet, arms, fingers, skull, neck) plus a myriad of spinal fractures, scoliosis and immobility from all this poisoning violence.
I fell into a most deep and sickly healing sleep--waking up at 3:30 a.m. not able to sleep any longer.
During that time, I had not wrapped my head with the multiple layers of material to stop the destruction of my scalp and hair --that i have been forced to do for over 2 years, most of my hair gone, 30% of my hair is left. They poured so much fungus, mold and destructive chemicals on my scalp while I was sleeping (just with mechanical arms spraying this filth on my body, cutting into my skin, inserting silicone under my skin, there are multiple little bumps in awkward places all over my body now, very tiny but from these injections. Slices into my skin that never heal and are red scars but were just scratches. I can't protect all of my body so they pour permanently scarring chemicals on my skin after slicing.
Half of my fingernail was cut from the cuticle up to the tip of the nail--an elongated, perfectly sliced from a laser slice into my fingernail.
I was teleported to the shit, filth and crap of prostitutalina, pig shit pit, now it's another Jewish Nazi looking to promote his white supremacy-oriented podcasts and MAGA-supporting bs and support for Trump, all of whom have come to brutalize and rape and poison and have me hit by cars, alongside the insulting, threatening and dirty nasty Democrats who are all the most virally noted "liberals" who express the most saccharine concern for human welfare in all aspects possible.
somehow the list of people being made homeless and dying in the streets of America seems to coincide with the excessive millions and millions and millions of dollars all of these filth bucket scumbags all obtain for the work they are doing to help foment a destroyed country, for the same of prostitutalina the dumb sleazy ugly sick parasite to be put into a leadership position, although all she has done for over a decade is torture ideas out of me, including her sick and stupid speeches for the UN concerning women's rights. Absolutely violent and deadly abusive, with the English Nazi aristocracy fully backing her and shit pit, the list of mansions they have obtained all over Europ9igapeland and Nazi America is astounding. the years of awards is non-stop for their production companies and movies. ASking me for ideas perpetually lbecause they are essentially basically educated with very low intelligence quotas..
I don't know what other slices, mutilations or what destruction they did to my body while I was in deep healing sleep, unable to feel the slicing of my cuticle and nail (and whatever else they were doing) because I was being teleported to a line-up of the shit and filth who have had me poisoned in the first place for over 10 years and have obtained tv shows, lead roles, awards without end, money without end, Hillary was there as well with her hate contagion group assaulting me, as was English dumb Whorren Mirrage another participant in the Klaus Barbie movie who spoke the intro dialogue stealing Kubrick's scene for 2001: A Space Odyssey and turning it into an Illuminati feminist tirade against pregnancy and the enforced enslavement of being forced to spawn and remain at home. This filthy Nazi piece of crap is endlessly part of movies and this group which have been STEALING my ideas and then profiting off the movies turned into Nazi iconography and blonde "feminist" worship; a most violently racist piece of sick shit, mostly conniving and lying, and adept at attacking people and with this tech that blasts the brain, this parasite goes full on bs attack mode and gloating and smirking about it. She has made murderous physical movements at me with her rotten ugly Irish boyfriend/boy toy scum creep who hasn't stopped being paraded for his violent thug roles in movie after movie for so long after his rape of me and her plastic surgery renovation and then full awards and red carpet display. Non-stop. Her violence is now so entrenched into her mindset that violence and abuse of me is almost peremptory and her filth and ugliness is non-stop towards me. Freshly coated blonde hair dye and plastic surgery have been handed to her by the best that the 4th Reich can provide. As with prostitutalina, who fully advocates for my death along with this ugly sick filth that Steven Spielberg is always hugging and joining with, as well as Oprah. THey are all part of a genocidal push, spearheaded by entities like the United Nations and the English Crown, what is now the ever-increasing Nazi Party in Germany and of course, open calls for genocide of Jews is now covering the United States. How did America get to that point? Just suddenly?
It was the Jewish participant who was attacking me as well.
So I woke up and saw that Netanyahu is going to not bow to the United Nations and it's American counterparts.
I suggest people try to think carefully about what you ingest for your sense of security and political awareness and to stop believing all the saccharine lectures endlessly professed by all the leadership advocating for each facet of freedom and equality and for human rights.
I was in such a flurry trying to get past all the hacking disruptions, my brain being blanked out perpetually with subliminals probably pounding into my subconscious through the "voice-to-skull" tech, plus just not being able to type on this hacked keyboard
but my mother had used this label of "mentally ill" on me to protect herself, as an attorney and judge in Arizona, shielding her from any reference to having participated in MK ULTRA non-consensual microchip implantation, mind control experimentation and torture of me. I suggest she had also been extremely tortured and poisoned, drugged (to death) and perhaps microchip implanted herself. Unconcerned and fully wiling to sacrifice me, as her Jewish community in affluent Great Neck, NY had urged her and my family to do--connected to Israel, connected to AIPAC, connected to Nazis, intermarrying to blonde bigots who insult, poison and kill and then steal the money from my father(s) and or their property and influence. My mother was told to say this by her Nazi 4th Reich "handlers" which she absolutely did. She kept getting a lot of money as her body and spirit degenerated until she looked absolutely "possessed" and rotten. My family goes along and they look and act like the same. They have conformed to "Jews" being deformed, broken down and thus the image is deteriorated. This image of dehumanization is what the Nazis in Europigapeland under the 3rd Reich used as visual imagery to persuade people that these were subhuman and rats and to exterminate them. The appearance was from centuries of insults, humiliation, lower standards and hate from Europigape shit. America is now emulating this. My family had been extremely attractive. I was a top athlete and strong and at the top of my class and this group had my family poison and attack me after a certain period in time (formerly very tight-knit, beautiful, health and loving as a family). This is the formula for slow Nazification of America.
The Jewish man who has just joined into this terror Nazi a-list celebrity bs group has his own production company he wants to promote his white supremacy "Jewish" fodder for his own promotion, along with his Black Nazi female and Jewish Nazi hateful comedia and the rest. He claims that the UN is "trash" and I suggest he actually learn that the pig apes he is supporting and praising for his own promotion are actually working for his own elimination and to listen to this lecture in entirety and to look up the citations as they are in the public domain.
"Pig Destroyer--The Diplomat". Noisey. October 26, 2012.
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