Worse than the Oscars "slap" from the poor victim of racism black nazi a few years ago---this year's antisemitism was a joke displayed as everyone laughing and applauding the subtleties of programming hate. I only saw a few clips, I thought I might try to calculate how many of the featured people have assaulted me in teleportation or participated in the cyberstalking, any click I make means they get some promotion. (This morning, they turned my WiFi off as I was preparing food--meat so my hands were in oil and marinating seasonings--as they turned the WiFi off, I kept doing what I was doing as it slowly turned back on, and there appeared a group which has hacked many times in the past. Something i consider to be a most insidious Democrat "fake opposition" pundit for "The Left" but I have deemed them absolutely a diversion fraudulent side-car of the MAGA overtake of the election (I still believe it was rigged and some slight "evidence" has popped-up with little mention or nonein mainstream). //They appeared, I had unsubscribed and block them out. So they with all their surveillance hacked their "stuff" while my hands were in oil and meat inside a bowl, and when I finally dried my hands and tried to click them off, suddenly the video froze but the voices continued--so the faces were frozen, the sound track continuing indefinitely. I tried to lower the sound but nothing worked all was frozen and blocked. I had to keep trying to click and wait. After 3 minutes of losing my temper because knowing that they are hacking and forcing their video on me, somehow that means that if it is registered that their stuff is on my history they have allowance and permission to join into torturing me (which is murder). This happened many times this morning as the internet was turned off, I am extremely ILL from detox and I need to divert my attention from the death threats and violence of the teleporting MAGA HATERS who have been assaulting me since they were put in high positions by the current most infamous promoted terrorist who has obtained an empire out of torturing me--years ago, back in 2016 and his influence of abuse and Nazi torture and rape has not dwindled since then, under Biden it was just a load of top-ranking Dems who joined in, nothing more than a feeding frenzy on my life via torture and teleportation sex trafficking hate crime syndicated torture, mafia et al.
"Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. June 23, 2007.
"Crass--Big A Little A". Ibid (band)
The Oscars--that was the point but I had decided not to watch it, but being so ill, the poisons at this stage of detox are extremely deadly. I literally feel death at this point and the awful stench made me wonder if it was cancer that is at the bottom of this endless pile of black hard poisons interlaced into my back and intestines skull into my spine which has been crushed on all critical junctions ---intentionally so, all done while I was in a deep comatose sleep state teleported with my consciousness teleported out of my "prime" body sleep state (drugged as usual into a near delirium, every day, most of my life).
I saw the most insulting anti-Semitic "humor" comedy skit with Sandler which was his most obnoxious Brooklyn "Jewish" accent. Always playing the clown fool being laughed at, it's supposed to be funny but it's a statement about Jews. Sandler has participated in this hate crime against me but I was aware of his presence over a decade ago. Since then he has not been an acute player in this endless line-up but absolutely he could be on the "checklist" of terror 4th Reich celebrities who have been featured at the next year of Oscar "wins".
Then Conan O'Brien had participated with the hate team and thusly obtained his host gig for the not-funny show but everyone was a-hootin' with huge silly smiles and what sounded like canned laughter from the crowd
Then the antisemitic "win" for the movie about the Holocaust survivor also a person who may have joined into the receding back rows of the endless chairs of attackers in the endless years of teleportation daily celebrities throng to join in. I can only see a few people but there are rows of chairs with people. My eyesight is highly diminished I believe this is done through their technology. My eyesight in my "prime" body in "this dimension" has become very seriously damaged and that may also be due to hours of abuse per day, making me strain to only look ahead screaming in hate and rage for hours per day-==the effect of course destroying my body, aging, grey hair, death is their intention.
So then, the best actor award handed to him, who has hacked his movie stuff and probably has been in the back rows beyond my very limited eyesight. The best actress with her Russian counterpart joined in about 2 months ago, smiling and delighted.
The best supporting actress joined in the same week as the anora cast but with her crew on board. They were insulting (Saldana was not, she was polite only asking a question. I think she was one who deserved the award through her real skill and am glad for her, probably the one and only person I am glad for in that group)
I have not been able to look through all the "winners". There are movies I did not watch on the list. Almost any movie or tv show or anything I watch on youtube could mean a murdering rapist bigot rushing to attack me. It always means a murdering rapist bigot rushing to attack me. The severity of the abuse is what differentiates them from one another and nothing else.
The "slap" by the black Nazi who smiled and laughed as his nasty wife was screeching at me after I had been viciously raped by their good "friend" as all the terrorists call one another, with sneering contempt at me (this means their little clique or huge "secret society" organization and they are all "friend" members of the same 4th Reich group cartel Mafia goon squad)\
But that was much more interesting than what I saw of this Oscars. It was not funny it was really kind of stupid as hell. People were bellowing in laughter at what were supposed to be "jokes" which were dopey and stupid. The antisemitism of the event was not only the expletives who "won" after having attacked me (the anora star has been doing it since once upon a time in whorewood--the concept of that film was stolen from my writing by tarantino, the violence from pitt was murderous for years and the year preceding his win was non-stop extreme violence and mutilation of my body in order for him to constantly "win" the top awards. Finally the awards are being passed to other people instead of the same haters who have been praised at top level year after year. Soon there will be little room left for all the abusers to "win" top prize but the rotation and endless new supply of haters is beyond belief to me at this point.
My solution to the demise of Whorewood and the quality of humanity in regard to the absolute mutual dehumanization of the 4th Reich installation into power, is that people must not rely on a central committee Nazi organization running their entertainment syndicated Mafia dumbing-down mind programming any longer.
People must begin to actualize their own creative potential and form local cinemas where people can have their own competitions for their own movies and their own independent art. Not reliant upon "accepted" secret society goons to run the "festival" circuits which are just the lower echelons of the same old mind fodder that may reach the "heights" of the 4th Reich top awards but usually do not. They are all part of one-dimensional reality and theme--I am making a huge generalization I realize but i believe that the exclusion of independent artists and the endless block to independent thought (outside of Nazi indoctrination and Mafia thuggery) is not "allowed". This goes hand-in-hand with the now evident fascist uprising from the very people who have been handed these technologies that are so embraced by Whroewood and Congress.
But not only the two almost most powerful entities in the world in terms of human visibility--the entire society of the United States all my life has completely embraced this structure of death squads and an at-home concentration camp emulation of torture, rape mutilation and murder (poisoning is their favorite method of covert murdering). But now with teleportation combined with endless waves of sick and sleazy disgusting creeps all yearning to dump their viciousness and hate upon anyone else, and then the technotyranny that is now becoming more visible the concentration of one group controlling all using technology
the information about mind control and the terrorism of teleporation remains a state secret but this is a heinous breach of nature and all human life for the entirety of human civilization.
The Oscars is a reflection of antisemitism in that only non-Jews were awarded highest praise for playing strong Jews. The actual "Jewish" men who were turned into silly clowns, Stiller and Sandler--in particular Sandler's degradation of the racist stereotypes of Jewish men in particular, his endless movie roles worshipping blondish types of seriously portrayed people he fawns over--and the really stupid dumb skit that O'Brian played with him--his basketball clothing and O'brien and he made a show of Sandler yelling in the most obnoxious Jewish Brooklyn accent as the crowd smiled upon cue--it was a direct racist smear against Jews and Jewish identity. If done in comedy, how, the abuser Nazis posing as Whorewood open-minded celebrities, how could this be antisemitic if all are smiling and laughing about it?
My WiFi has been as usual turned off. This is at least the 30th time in 2 hours the internet has been turned off. Probably more, I lost count.
The supporting male actor is as usual a non-Jew playing a strong role as a Jew confronting the Holocaust. The actual Jew acting alongside him won nothing, and anything but Jews can be portrayed as strong and capable. Otherwise, the Sandler and Stiller comedy acts were intended through reverse psychology to make the actual real-life Jews appear in degraded positions--in a broken down stunt about production but it implied his character in a round-about subconscious style of imprinting defunct to the joke clown.
The anora movie also had the worst stereotype of Jewish males being on puppet strings by their mommies, jerk-off scumbags immature and not men but stupid and rich and sleazy and etc.
That was the male that the obviously Nazi actress (in the movie she does not make any reference to Jews, nor do any characters in the film but the implication of the last name of the character, and the actual actor with a Jewish last name, leaves very little to the imagination as to what they are really implying, what "message" is being sent out to the immature and jerky character weak and incapable boy but Jewish wealthy and a mama's boy not a man and despicable--a true Nazi theme if ever there was one, at this point at the Oscars post the Weinstein Nazi obliteration of Jewish power in Whorewood by the skank prostituted scum who have rushed to have me raped by Nazi trash men--in real life, and then taking over as much as possible the vacuum left by ousting Weinstein who is currently being poisoned to death in his cell--by the 4th Reich).
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