When I was teleported (on multiple occasions, each time my anger and drugging mind control "got the best of me" but I was reacting out of being tortured and the sense of betrayal). //He suggested with a sincere look into my eyes that I should "work for government". I was so incensed (putting it mildly) about him and everybody else rushing to join into this contract to exploit me using sex trafficking 2.666 techno-tyranny and the hate crime of Antisemitism underlying the entire gamut of actors (in all sense, not just celebrities) but the "actors" in this drama (as in the World is a Stage, and for this organization, because they all follow scripts, it truly is). I come from a family of activists on my mother's side who conversely "sold-out" to the extreme. The schism between these polar opposites I feel must be rectified and that others must also play a role with one foot in the other "camp" in order to try to appease the death squad terrorism of the predominant organization which I have termed the 4th Reich, but when trying to perform an act of actual humanism towards a target, they also must play both aggressor and also secret "helper"--if anything, because part of themselves is trapped and "has to" be a part of the 4th Reich in order to play any role outside of the prevailing Old World of ---you know, do I have to say it out loud? At this point, any reference to it is discerned as being too "woke" so I leave it to your well-indoctrinated understanding of what you all are increasingly being literally "forced" into following point-black (at the end of a barrel of a set of various types of modern weapons and the most insidious are these mind control weapons which allow for "legality" for the 4th Reich but absolute murderous discriminatory violence against the targets while the "legal rights of citizens" has the appearance of sustainability and compliance.

"The Atlantic writer says Trump, Musk wants to RE-SEGREGATE AMERICA". Roland S. Martin. February 26, 2025.

 Unfortunately, I cannot find a single "Jewish" commentator who analyzes race amongst the Jewish population. The white supremacy aspect of Jews is so embedded but kept a "secret" which, like all that the 4th Reich does, is met with threats and violence if even mentioned or referred to (in a whisper). That whiter-skinned Jews are instructed to discriminate against darker-skinned Jews is not openly discussed in America. I know it is extremely pronounced amongst Israelis that I have met in Miami (and Florida) and their behavior is nothing short of biased racism. That has been my LIFE-LONG experience (in New York it is absolutely open and expressed but without reference to skin or coloring it is just open hostility from "lighter-skinned" Jews). As a general, I do not know if that is true for the diaspora in Florida, New York or around the world. I see it in the way that the Knesset is comprised mostly of blondish-appearance Israelis. Otherwise, I find no analysis of race which comes close to what American Black commentators make in such clips on this page. Jews have turned to the Republican Party they claim that the Repubs love Israel and are defending it (for Jews? they believe so I always tell them they are living with their heads in the sand, almost literally symbolically, but they rely on the $ and support--it's such a long topic and I am a mere commentator outsider not having studied more than having written one --grad school--research paper which was so confounding in how all the treaties have been continuously broken). But to continue, I must rely on the black community for any real analysis of the mechanisms of racism. If the Jews were even willing to admit that they have conformed to policies of white superiority and collusion with the 4th Reich, but "they"--those I have tried to have any discussion on this subject with, including my own perpetrating family members--only say "huh?" and "ohhhh" and then  refuse brush off the subject, change the subject and then subject me to their instructions to attack me without provocation. They also have worked to shut down all my opportunities and have participated fully in having me poisoned to death and then denied health care. They are under instruction by the 4th Reich "Jewish" community. It's a long story. But to continue---please count the below-commentary to my situation and to many others not of the "black".

"CNN's Ashley Allison talks systemic racism and white men LOSE THEIR MINDS". Ibid. February 9, 2025.

I'm listening to a discussion which is absolutely and increasingly depressing in that the REALITY of the attacks upon me in the teleportation "behavior modification" mind control trauma-based hate which is endlessly inflicted upon me, daily--that I have responses to quips insults and questions that are capable, competent or at least not dumbly acquiescent to appearing without any mind whatsoever. And let me remind the "readers" that I am drugged and under a "truth serum" effect while these interrogatory abuse inflictions of mind control abuse and to be "trained to accept abuse without resistance" which I believe has been the standard for Jews for centuries, if not millennia, by the entity of the Europigapeland cartel of Imperialism Religious and ethnic persecution pogroms witch hunts burning at the stake the Inquisition and the rest is just the same but under different banners.

How else could you get Jews to be deported from their stolen houses put into cattle cars believing that their insulting and slightly or openly abusive neighbors would really get their backs if there was any neighborhood chaos such as gestapo pounding on the doors of Jews in the middle of the night to plunder their possessions and have them cast into the streets, only for people to throw horse manure at them as they were shuffled into the waiting prison cells of the local police before being shoved and if resisting, beaten to death before quietly going into the cattle cars. Believing that they were going to "work in the East". But the origin of the passivity and putting the collective "head in the sand" by the leaders (Many of whom, I suggest, coordinated with Nazis so they could survive or get the coveted Visas to move to places like America so they could also instill the Jewish equivalent of "search and destroy" in America, posing as Jews but really Nazi agents (please note I grew-up around this system and my family was inflicted by it endlessly by immigrants of Nazi persecution and I do know the modus operandi).

I am being abused in order to fulfill the precursor to genocide by training the victims to accept abuse humiliation and discrimination. Passively, as usual, with a few "token" being allowed to rise up as "symbols" that the society is not all the hate division that people sense and know lies under the surface, as the actual reality.

As "DEI" is being stripped, the open and expressed demolition of the outward appearance is a conversation piece.

I am exposed to endless questions about concepts and then instantly abused and told it's "stupid" I'm a b-word and etc. The ideas are then LITERALLY VERBATIM STOLEN and sometimes put into Oscar-winning movies or the much flaunted and highly publicized funded top production costs funded top wardrobe artists top artisans making the glossy final product so whatever is lacking from the script or meaning is bedazzled by the outward display. "They" always have to rely on the outward display, this organization--and undermine any introspective analysis which is why I never find any great deconstruction of meaning or societal context of most of the films that endlessly are commented upon. The discrimination aimed at me by the All-Seeing-eye blocks any paid subscriptions to any artistic magazines which may furnish such types of analysis. They are never put in the mainstream for the "masses" to ponder or consider.


Yes, I would like to "work for government" to try to rescind the horrid open reversion of human rights for the potential for the human spirit of dignity to rise rather than endless entrenched mental subjugation and the programming that "you are intrinsically" not as "superior" as those who are endlessly striving to rescind any efforts to make competition and opportunities fair and balanced (much less access to information).

I was granted what I now see as a unique chance in the world to learn and study which formerly or hitherto has been restricted or completely blocked from many people, of any race or gender and handed exclusively to one specific group (gender, in particular).

However, I would not be able to do much more than the basics unless this mind control apparatus aimed at my brain function and nervous system, the drugging which keeps me endlessly exhausted because it is literally slowing murdering me, if only due to endless toxicity to liver and kidneys and etc.

Could "they" ever stop the mind control so that the chance to have equity and equality of opportunity? #44 has participated in this system and he and his family have obtained media exposure and promotions as a result. Everyone rushes at me to obtain what they see as what the "others" have been handed (and for their children as well).

No more having to study and no more 'meritocracy" in this regard, you only have to learn the basics, get plastic surgery learn posture and modeling and then how to appear like you care, and then you just abuse me using this system and VOILA you are a media personality given access to public appearance while the others, perhaps even more qualified, remain struggling to get in line to have access to abusing me--or whomever else is forced into this predicament.

Likewise, Quentin Tarantino somehow posted or it was posted him fuming into a camera microphone stating that "movies are dead" but wasn't he the one who pushed to exploit me over a decade ago? Obtaining ideas for his Oscar win and then his next Kill Bill Pt.4 idea came exclusively out of abusing me and then GIVING NOTHING BACK. As they have all done, the same usurpation of the concept that I am a "slave" to be raped fucked tortured poisoned and my ideas stolen as they are paid in millions given every chance and then, they have this teleportation technology so their CHILDREN abuse me and when I react in rage they can have me tortured using microwave energy to create heart palpitations, tears streaming out of my eyes, my throat constricted so I am choking when I eat or drink with tears pouring out of my eyes (all due to microchip implant technology embedded along my spine and also my brain and also my throat)

and etc


yes, I was given opportunity to study. My parents were instructed by the hateful 88 4th Reich to crush me (the word "crush" was just used at me by a recent MAGA addition to the hate crime that the Democrats shared with Repubs now it's solely Repubs at this point)j


my parents were told under the  Hippie movement, while they were helping white males to not have to register for the draft, as the voices of resistance--so their children (me) could appear like it was not a racist imperialist country after all. But once "they" got what they wanted, and the draft rescinded, it was fangs bared dripping with venom racism which turned into all my black friends turning against me and all the whites doing the same, a few Jews rushed to become the "handlers" who then participated but there were some benefits. The half-foot in one side was still palatable but only for a short while. The people who sort of "helped' me were torn apart by mind control and the workings of the hate groups. This was in the mid-70's--and by now the "system" has been fully integrated into all layers of society.


But #44 is of my "generation" more or less and he and his wife and people of my "generation" (I do not consider myself a Baby Boomer) but, they remember when there was protest how people changed society and they recognize the backlash.

I want to help restore the opportunity for people to study and have the intelligence that "God" gave them in the first place, undermined by so many who do not grasp the "God-given" rights of "Man" that the U.S. Constitution endeavored to protect. Unalienable Rights means that these are "God-given" rights of every human being as part of their nature. That people are not all "equal" in capabilities does not apply as a general to an entire swath of a skin color or continent or country or gender or anything else. If given the chance and not programmed into self-hate and abnegation to being abused and not daring to show the true potential of intellect and capability.


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