Terrorist 4th Reich global group blocked my access to bank account 32 days: Epiphany on the fragility of the global financial/economic system "grid" for "most" people who must live on the fringe of financial security and have no resources to plan for future calamities... (while those attacking me have already planned, no doubt or, more likely, it's been planned out for them). //Grade of skill-sets if critical infrastructure was, indeed, wiped-out whether temporarily or permanently (on a a scale A-F)=D (for me, personal assessment. I may be only slightly more aware of preparedness than many others.

"The Doors--Ship of Fools/Live New York City (1970)". Flying Dutchman. April 2, 2021.

Song #3 on album SEVEN ELEVEN SPACE CHOIR (vol 7. 1994)--EGO TRIPPIN' (@ 8:56 into album)--"Sell out! And we ain't down with that...you gotta get the HELL OUT....We're in the Land of Milk n' Honey, all the people worship Money..."--Tony's lyrics, 711 Space Choir (if you keep watching the video the back side of the album cover with artists, Tony in the back row, arm outstretched--the thin one Calvin is in the front more and a larger man--Tony was my roommate in Stuttgart along with other people).

"Prince & The New Power Generation--7 (Official Music Video)". Prince. October 6, 2017.

"All 7, and we'll watch them fall. They stand in the way of Love and we will smoke them all...."

Because I had watched some "survival" "Bushcraft" videos, and listened to various lectures (mostly by William Cooper on the Hour of the Time) about being prepared for an economic collapse, which he and many others state is "inevitable", one must have a stockpile of certain invaluable items to survive even the first 78-hours of a total wipe-out of either financial or critical infrastructure. 

One must have imperishable foods stockpiled which can last years.

I had done that, with the very intention many years ago. I had not touched the food tucked away in the multiple-times sprayed with stinking fluids bag, at the very bottom but in a tough plastic bag exterior from the very astute Chinese manufacturer, who understood that some Chinese prefer very strong plastic over semi-perishable goods. This one bag of rice noodles has lasted for over 3 years or longer, and was almost as fresh as any of the new bags I have bought over the years. Along with powder soup and spices packets, also in very strong plastic-type protective, manufactured security (very popular in Asia for the multitudes of spices that can be bought in various stores everywhere--a type of spice paradise for those who like more than a tiny variety as is offered in the West, for the basic cooking gear--coming from America, I mean from the not-culinary professional set as I come from--that means "curry" is probably the most exotic spice I have ever used before coming to Asia)

but not to digress...

With that bag of noodles, I fed myself for three days, but I split it in half (each portion is very large) so that equaled six days of food.

I also had kept a stock in my freezer, which lasted literally a month along with the noodles and the half 1 kg bag of rice and of course, I have peanuts and chocolate which also constituted my meals for a few days. I had no problem with this as I was sick from detox and could hardly eat anyway. Good thing I was not required to chop wood for fire, build a shelter, try to dampen up cracks where wind and rain/snow etc might come through if all electricity were off and the cold and wet seeped through not fully-insulated windows, doors, etc or whatever. I was just being tortured non-stop by the teams of haters who are busy obtaining more land to "develop" from their participation in this hate crime and the endless ravaging of the planet for their personal ego-needs of identification with "the elite". 


I recalled the lecture by William Cooper about the Rodney King riots in L.A. back in the 90's, and how in the neighborhood of the riots, all stores were looted, so that there was extreme scarcity of food.

He stated that within 3 days people had become livid and rampaged and violent theft and procurement ensued where the food had been pilfered and stockpiled by the most violently disposed to having the might to obtain as much as possible instantly for themselves and their group(s).

I thought of such a scenario, thinking of my years of seeing how so much land is being gobbled up for the only purpose of having a 4th Reich bigot have plantations with little brown slaves servicing and obeying with love the gratification "needs" of the predisposed Nazi thuggery and Mafia criminal groups which have plundered but appear like wealthy "aristocrats" and "power brokers". Their greed, I have learned through over 15 years of exposure to the "elite" of Congress and Wh-wood, is insatiable and nothing ever satisfied their grasping greedy destruction of anything "in their way" to getting more through a non-stop series of practiced lies and deceptions as to their egalitarian motives. The sheer "performative" nature of their ascension to power belies the destruction of the environment and the economy so that many have postulated, with a certainty, that a collapse of the very pillars of life on Earth will fail due to the unsurpassable weight of the very genocidally-structured need to suck the life and resources out of anything deemed vulnerable to suck all out of. I am deemed to be one of those resources and their sucking apparatus is now so fully technologized that they all believe it is their very entitlement to drain abuse and fuck to death anything like me who they never want to see have a chance to have a bit of joyous awareness of my own strength and beauty and quality (aka racist oppression) and then the control over resources, with the bolstering purely of technological tyrannical overtake of the brain/body/spirit dynamic is all they are about. Draining the life force out of the planet, their economic plans are not far behind absolute total collapse. 

Most of "them" out of America are fully controlled, besides by greed and the need to "prove" their "worth" by criminally exploiting and lying constantly about what they "represent", is from genocidal fascist brutal Nazi Mafia exploiters who view "them" their American partners as the food source which THEY are going to devour likewise with falsities about their intentions. The same mechanism that the Americans are using to promote their false images pertaining to "American exceptionalism" is a very similar ruse that the fascist foreigners use to beguile them into letting their pants and their minds, their security measures and just sheer "common sense" into lowering to the point of the fangs coming out of the crocodile smiles to devour, but so lovingly, with such "warmth" emitting from their dialated pupils and warmth in their voices. They are trained in the mechanisms of fascist pretensions at false piety and friendly overture from infancy onward. One learns at home how to appear like honestly open and warm, exuding warmth in order to ensnare the victim.


3 days before total pandemonium sets in when a collapse of the financial or critical infrastructure takes-over the very easy collapsed society which I left because it had already collapsed for me, due to the covert nature of the death squad operations. They operate with all services being offered but not rendered, while still charging various financial institutions for the "services". In particular I think of the government health care service I was offered after 16 months of waiting for approval while being totally physically "disabled" and still having to wait for that health care. Once on it, I was lied to at the point that a sheer diagnosis of easily detectable thyroid condition required a few weeks of problematic repeats and offered such advice as, "you just need to drink more water and eat more vegetables" until they finally took another, yet another blood sample and say that, oh, thyroid condition....". But also with various other agencies and other businesses where discrimination was so rampant (housing, every situation was death squads of vicious bigots of all races, genders identities and countries constantly surrounded me with absolutely brutal deadly violence, with absolute determination to murder me quietly with poisoning and abuse, harassment, etc). It makes no difference if those places were or are "Blue or Red" they are all similar in behavior and absolutely the same in death squad operation.


The violent murderous groups are already established. People understand that in order to survive whether the infrastructure is functioning or not, one must "belong" in order to survive just the sheer dire but under-reported form of discrimination that the 4th Reich imposes through such seemingly "innocuous" mechanisms such as denials of service accidentally rife with apologies and then, the poorer the target becomes, the more vicious the rejoinder is from the operational agency that you should be grateful to even have a chance to be discriminated against from their wonderful agency--the attitude is. Beyond condescending but controlling and murderous, oppressive to the extreme but waiting for the chance to come out of hiding.

It is no wonder that many want a "Civil War" so that may happen.


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