Krapola is a tyrannical skank rape and criminal enforcer--so antithetical to criminal justice or any such notion. I write this from my experience being teleported to her, years of Obama as her promoter in this contract putting in his nasty and foul presence after the mind control technology was exerted upon Biden during the debate; the mini-coup has worked out perfectly in the Dem Party. I wrote years ago what a rotten and violent creep Pig-lousy (pelosi) was and is, absolutely has only been empowered by this fascist tyranny organization parceling out the terror drugs, poisons and technologies. However...Such a sense of relief now that Biden's not endlessly being featured as a flesh failure for all the world to see (thusly the Democrat Party, and the United States as a failed State). Also that the obvious doomed election is now not necessarily a complete failure for Democrats (at President level).
Harris, like ALMOST EVERYONE ELSE ON THE PLANET not culled/killed off by the 4th Reich for having a soul, compassion or the foresight to not allow for a complete dictatorial fascist techno-tyrannical State to just kill people by the whims of a few sleazy and foul mindless and soulless wealthy psychopaths with the "masses" following suit. That system has already emerged, but I refer to it's open manifestation like an infestation.
Harris joined in with the endless non-stop line-up of hateful and bigot desperate group of people despairing at the decline in their careers, for the children's careers, and for any other reason.
Like Trump, joining in. But there is a weird trick of the brain whereby I have literally almost a 2-3 foot sight parameter when one of the hateful 88 stuck their hateful faces into mine yelling, abusing and asking for ideas to steal and etc every moment, for hours and hours, day after day. If I say anything or mention "them" because I am under hypnosis, they ask me to reveal my honest opinion about "them" while they are sitting in the rows of chairs facing me in the front of this nefarious insidious "audience". Once I make any statement about them that they are not going to try to destroy me for my honest perspective, under "truth serum" effect--they then suddenly "appear" because my "vision" is restored to a larger depth-of-field. This is how badly the brain-eye-micorchip implant system has been compartmentalized into the nervous and optic system with remote "control" over function. My eyes literally lower when white Nazi men come to confront me, and my vision blacks out for less than 0.05 of a second whereby my eyes literally drop as if I am looking down--Nazi concentration camp bs that is being "forced" by this manipulation of the optic nerves. They also have forced tears out of my eyes for hours upon hours per day, every single day, for at least 6 years (once I had to keep writing about it, to save my eyes and my life, it was diminished. It continues every day but at much lower ferocity upon the eyes--but tears welling up in my eyes is an absolute if I begin to laugh--as a kind of deterrent to feeling happy and laughing. Etc. Of course, this is "fun" for everyone reading this and the line-up of psychos waiting to inflict non-stop abuse, rape and torture is without end).
So, back to the point---
Harris was there, sitting like a judge perched in her chair but with a Stately composure. It was someone attacking me who is desperately seeking a reinstatement of absolute fame in H-wood.
I began to talk about how the Criminal Justice system is extremely punitive for the poor and that this contract is promoting with millions of dollars celebrities and the wealthy for committing every act of violence upon an individual almost possible without any single repercussion and that this should be stopped.
That is when Harris "appeared" almost 4 feet in front of me--my vision reduced to almost a two-foot range before referring to the Criminal Justice inequity system of absolute injustice rendered to minorities and the poor in sentencing and exaction of The Law.
She appeared, with a frown on her face. It was the exact same look that Harris had when Tulsi Gabbard made her, by now famous reproach to the Prosecutorial record that Harris had amassed by discriminate sentencing for marijuana possession and also other topics relating to the Biden and Clinton Omnibus Crime Bill that really cemented "cement slave ships" for many minorities for small possession of drugs and also the Mandatory Minimums and Determinate Sentencing and the power of judicial ruling almost practically passed-on to the Prosecutor, who was made almost more powerful than the role of the traditional judge in any courtroom.
This is what I had studied when I took classes in Criminal Justice from FIU.
In the Primary Debate (2020) between Gabbard and Harris, the frown on Harris' face was almost the opposite of the usual laughing that people have been displaying constantly on her record as VP.
But the frown that had been obvious on the exposing of a biased approach to sentencing and towards "minorities" returned.
I was in the midst of fighting, for the millionth time in the last 14 years, with yet another hateful and nasty person just endlessly attacking me using any pretext or no pretext ("GIVE ME THIS CONTRACT") is what most of them demand but many of them use "bitch" and "prostitute" at me and then proceed to sexually attack me as if their bitch prostitute behavior somehow is a reflection of the discrediting they are attempting to achieve. All get promoted into running for political office or lead roles in movies and to be welcomed into the Hall of Infamy for helping to social engineer fascist Nazi/Mafia organized fascist control techno-tyranny over not just the United States but around the world as well (it's already been established but it's only waiting for the final tearing down of all pretense at a Democracy or Republican Constitution or whatever terms people are using, and now the word "great" has been an established all-around word to denote "superiority").
I wonder if my argument about this huge injustice system that she has used to bolster herself with the aid of Oprah and the Obamas into her VP position, as this is the crux of promotions now at highest office and lead roles for a never-ceasing number of "influential" "people" who are rushing now in lemming formation to beat rape abuse insult threaten to kill me order their nasty filth brigades and rotten ugly white trash rape culture Nazis to order their devoted brown and black and poor "slaves" to inflict endless hate upon me.
Was Harris even beginning to consider, with that same frown when the cognitive dissonance of what she has been lecturing on about her wonderful criminal justice "reform" and what that truly entails?
While I was being raped in a frenzy of porno passion from a German man who I am giving the best of my love to, and I don't know his name, and I don't love him and he certainly doesn't love me. There is no love here it's a CONTRACT in which he and his lover/wife and other partners will obtain instant promotion for raping and abusing me and forcing some horrid sex slavery upon me using drugs, poisons and a world of gang stalking torture. Alongside them are the years of the other bigots who have gone to the Oscars every single year, taking turns raping and abusing me.
I have been writing of them endlessly and they are still being awarded and praised, and politicians flock to them in order to get the financial backing from the Dark Money Europigapeland empire, notably the English Crown, connected to ugly prostitutalina who, for the 2nd time in less than half a year, has taken ideas that she and shit pig and the rest have tortured and stolen out of me in order to project that these are HER concepts. They then have people yell fascistically at me with violent hate that the concepts are far too "superior" for me and the ideas belong to the shit dumb scum who stole the ideas because they have no original concepts, whatsoever.
Meanwhile, I fell into a sickness sleep it felt like my spine was being ripped apart and indeed, that was happening on a micro level as the poisons are always being ripped out of my spine or blocking movement and all are attached to vertebrae in every direction, pulling simutaneously.
They created internet block so I had to spend 3 hours fighting to get online and check on something and then they made me have to drive 40 miles back and forth to my motorbike rental shop, so by the time I got that paid (on time, otherwise they could call the police on me regardless of fake smiles and "ok" if I wanted to pay on another day) so, making sure I was within safe confines of the law, I had to still go shopping for my 2x monthly shopping spree at all the dollar stores, and the many stores to get the best deals so it's a lot of driving and carrying heavy loads. I was so late that by the time I got home it was 10:30 pm--beginning at 2 pm. Sleeping I was assaulted but the bathroom door had been tied shut with the ropes tied around the hooks I installed on the bathroom door. But the door was open as I fell into a very painful healing sleep as they got the mechanical arms to dig into the mostly gone cuticle area around my fingernails--dug into every day for years before I learned how to protect my body only in a few areas--with the door being blocked to being opened by mechanical arms from the inside, with creeps rushing to rape and put my spine and hips out of alignment, steal my money so I was living on poverty almost starvation diet allowance and all the food I did have was tainted with fungus and mold repeatedly and poisoned and drugged (as it still is).
While in sleep, the German man I have been fighting to stop teleportting and raping me got his reaction of sexual passion out of me by slapping me as I tried, very weakly, to get him off me. Pinned down with the tech (which I do believe they are using to exponentially increase the sexual arousal due to brain implant stimulation and remote tech plus drug interface)
and, while in deep sleep mode, being raped and promising this man the world just to be sexually used by him, brining his lovers, friends, wife (probably he is married) and etc tohelp in the rape scene, as always he includes his friends. I am not an "orgy group sex" person nor am I bisexual and this is also being forced upon me They amp up the sexual passion in addition to doing other things that make me like a limp helpless subject to all control person because this man undoubtedly has a lot of sex-perience with prostitution and brothels. Germany has a lot of very open brothels in most major areas in downtown areas that are barely disguised and they are in use frequently. The men are trained that major sex and prostitution is part of their entitlement. I think it is a by-product of Nazi culture because that type of culture is rarely mentioned in books and novels from the 19th Century but in full view in the modern era, post Nazi. And the theme is domination and power and control put into sex pornographic display.
I am just a torture victim with hate and torture poisoning mutilation and abuse going on every single day for over 10 hours per day, or more eveyr single day.
I truly do not want to help Krapola this byproduct of English Colonialization out of Canada, her formative years and her Indian mother also a byproduct of the English Empire.
Because Americans have been trained that any mention of Colonialism as a factor in racist indoctrination makes them "woke" and this has been turned into a very nasty symbol of "stupid and dumb" minorities who are just playing "victim narrative" it's hard to convey that no one, literally not a single one of the blase YouTube and media personalities come even close to understanding the actual imput of English colonialism on people from India, and from Africa where Obama's father was from--as that place has been a hotbed of Apartheid and racism that no one can deny (not just in S. Africa, btw).
Mental slaves of Imperialistic Colonialism. That is what both Obama and Krapola truly encompass. The dirty bs about Krapola being some "black/brown" female the "first" of her kind is a huge lie and distraction. SHe is like one of millions or billions of indoctrinated minority minions fully servicing white supremacy. I saw so much of this exact phenomenon in Miami, you can see it in Enrico Tarrio of the Proud Boys--and it's fully entrenched into Obama's psyche. It was Obama who handed white trash supremacist T-rump the torture technology so they could all "share" the awards and prizes the English Crown is offering both sides of the seeming divide, in order to divide and conquer the United States through these filthy minions, as Trump is absolutely a mind-controlled minion of Europigapeland and his only identification in his private life is to appear as Italian or French as possible--I know this from the experience of his wives and his absolute support of every Europigape into attacking me along with dirty Prostitutalina and dirty pig shit pitt--both tied intimately to foreigners that the white supremacists are handing the country over to, in order to fully implement a total fascist Nazi/Mafia dictatorship as a colony controlled by Europigapes.
The German is one of those that the brown Krapola is bowing to with awe, sitting in a grandiose posture because of the presence of all the California celebrities who put her into the VP position and will help to put her into the Oval Office if this bullshit of the teleportation and the contract out on me continues.
Continues, it undoubtedly will as NOTHING can persuade anyone with access to my post to take this fucking seriously and begin to consider to ACT to stop it. No, not Trump trying to take over the government in an insurrection. No, that's not enough. YOu fuckers really "deserve" the shit you have put into office but I DON'T I have been fighting this overtake of bullshit operators for over 14 years without a single bit of open support.
I do not support Krapola, nor any of these fuckers out of Whorewood but they persist. I do not succumb to this German man but he's sitting on top of me raping and beating me and my body is in agony from them forcing a few hundred people to attack me, while poison is pulling in every direction against all my vertebrae, while they construct sabotage attacks so I have to physically maneuver like an athlete to stop people from sliding up behind me to spray stains on my clothing, rip my clothing from behind--I have to watch every angle every moment, while driving and in every public space as people block my path literally every minute in huge, swaying gruops which meander into me while I am walking fighting to get past them. This happens constantly. They rush in a huge group just in front of me from a side angle and then slow down and spread out, pretending they can't hear a loud shopping cart very heavy with all my items I carry around as they walk in front of me slowing down--constantly it goes on every few minutes without fail and people walk into me, hitting me from side angles, etc that happened all day as well.
Only to come to this room that reeks like shit, fungus, mold and all clothing is sprayed constantly (even while I am wearing it while sleeping)
and the German man is forcing me to behave like a "sex slave" but IF ONLY SOMEONE WOULD JUST SUPPORT ME at all in any way I would not be this vulnerable. But you all just keep this terror group going on and on. You all want to have a fascist colonized country with Europigape fascists coming to take and tear apart as you all assume you will share in all the genocidal and murder profit alongside them.
All the people who had been friendly at stores are now completely ignoring me and not even looking at me. The pre-Covid hate level has returned. During Covid many people were very friendly to me. They are all fired now in the stores and vicious and nasty people remain.
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