It's the 2nd idea stolen from my writings on Facebook that ugly, disgusting prostitute pig pitt's wife has STOLEN from me and been awarded for in the last 4 months. This month or last month, the ugly, dirty prostitute was awarded a Tony for a Broadway play based on the State that I grew up in, Illinois. I have written non-stop and spoken to the ignoramus skankwood creeps about the culture of Illinois and how shit like them used to be a rarity but now that the 4th Reich has invaded due to tech expansion, it's a runed down place. That ugly dirty skank made her play about this topic, as well as my posts also on Facebook, years ago (i.e. 2014) about Maria Callas. Like my other posts on Facebook years ago about Barbie as a feminist man-abuser in jest (because my friend down the street from me in Champaign, Illinois played feminist barbie attacking the ken dolls which I wrote of as a sort of joke, and it was turned into a billion dollar franchise and I was raped repeatedly while ugly dirty maggot robber ordered mostly English filth actors to beat and rape and abuse me, doing the exact same things that Obama and ugly prostitutalina have just recently ordered this Nazi-slogan spewing bigot from Germany is now doing (under the exact same control and protocol system). Obama is probably more responsible becasue I didn't grovel in awe for the decade + of his inclusion in having me beaten poisoned hit by cars and raped and tortured every SINGLE day for the entire time of his and his family ascending to power and then continuing in a never-ending benevolent dictatorship that has arisen due to the tyrannical aspects of this tech and murder system being inflicted upon me. So for the 2nd time in almost as many weeks (because I only learned about the Illinois usurpation from ugly prostitutalina, after she has had countless ugly sick men beat, rape and call me ugly as she sits while they compliment her. I yell at the filthy pig rapist men who I react to as if I am deeply "in love" due to torture without end, poisning that has paralyzed my body, and the pigs are extremely sexually excited to perform porno hate rape acts in front of ugly prostitutalina also for their promotions into Whorewood--mostly from Europigapeland countries. //I only learned of her Broadway play two weeks ago by chance skimming around online magazines, with that ugly skank hacking her filthy porno plastic appearnce for the award on every page I looked to for the news so I could not avoid seeing her ugly disgusting plastic coated pig ape whore face. Now I see that the idea that I knew she was making about my post regarding Maria Callas has been front-lined for magazines regarding the Venice film festival (mafia, and not to exaggerate but MAFIA along with the filthy rotten crap from the Mafia which has endlessly also been "awarded") and so the awards are non-stop while I am being threatened with more murder, more rape, more abuse and I am still fighting to shit out the poison they ordered put in my body for over a decade (and countless others before them). //Rant about the ugly prostitute wife of dirty filthy pig shit pitt the pair of Nazi scum who have orchestrated the rise of both Trump and Harris so their movies, much of the concepts STOLEN from me, including the Manson story which I have been pursuing lately--and today the 30th piece of trash Europigape Nazi filth is raping me for the audience of the pig ape scum of whorewood with ugly filthy shitalina instructing dirty filth Nazi German pig ape to stick his filthy penis in my mouth, as he slaps my face and does disgusting things while ugly dirty prostitutalina is gently swiping his stupid ugly pig ape face with love and instructing him to beat abuse and insult me--every day I am sick from hard poison this ugly prostituted piece of shit has ordered be put in my body from the mechanical arms and the filth apes breaking into my room while I sleep--fighting for YEARS to try to figure out how to stop them from just raping me in my sleep while being teleported to beatings and rapes by trash from Whorewood as ugly prostitutalina has STOLEN MY IDEAS WHICH i HAVE BEEN WRITING OF (BUT HAVE STOPPED BUT STILL PEOPLE ARE STEALING MY IDEAS) AND NOW SHE IS BEING FEATURED IN AMOVIE ABOUT MARIA CALLAS WHICH i WROTE OF YEARS AGO ON FACEBOOK--because my every property was being broken and destroyed so I wrote on Facebook to try to save my ideas--stolen EVERY SINGLE YEAR BY BOTH PIG SHIT THE APE AND UGLY PROSTITUTALINA. A series of filthy ugly sick "men" so-called have rushed to violently rape me in front of this dirty ugly sick prostituted parasite shitalina and pig pitt since 2012--every single year that ugly stupid parasite shitalina has been using my ideas as if she represents these concepts. I have been screamed at violently and insulted by the white trash shit conneted to the filth of Biden and his team of rapist white and black Nazis--the latest being rotten OBAMA who brought this German piece of sick shit into raping me violently as an audience sits watching gaping like the drooling scum that they are (famous "actors" mostly from Europigapeland--ugly prostitutalina instructs them all to yell at me that she is more beautiful than me as I shit out the poison she ordered put in my body which I have never been able to get out and am still reeling from sickness. Mutilation and blemishes from toxins smeared on my skin, injected into my scalp, my intestines, broken toes jutting out at odd angles, my teeth nearly knocked out and my gum tissue cut out to the root of the tooth due to ugly prostitutallin and shit pig pitt. Year after year they either use my concepts which I have not been able to even write of and have stopped mostly, and they also sell off my ideas to other Nazi bigots until I have only begun to write tiny sentences which are then stolen verbatim in the exact words I use in creative language by rotten shit pop stars who then join the circle and go off laughing to awards and festivals and etc. //This year she is featured for the idea about Maria Callas which I had written of. I only saw this out of a type of interest in film but it appears that if I so much as click on any festival information there is always, without doubt, some sick fuck who has participated in teleporting me starring in a film either from a concept they tortured out of me or they stole verbatim from my writings which are deleted, and I have never been able to get anything out without the hacking interruptions and drugging and exhaustion and non-stop hours and hours of abuse and torture from this contarct. Every single politician that is in power now, almost has participated in this so the awards for filthalina are non-stop and the Europigapes are lavishing non-stop awards to this ugly dirty sick psycho parasite because of her inclusion of countless Europigape rapist Nazis into endless promotion and access to Whorewood through this prositute zone endlessly trying to be as Nazi Europigape as possible. The Nazi fucker who I can't push off me, his sexual energy is extremely high because of his excitement about rape, abuse and being promoted because his career is in decline or something like that--and abusing me according to Nazi rape fantasies is very high on his list of porno rape fantasies about Nazi concentration camp porn. I am sick, and have been only tortured for YEARS OVER A DECADE by this same sick piece of shit prostitutalina who has focused on destroying my body and health so the pig men who are abusing and raping me can shout at me that she is more beautiful. They all get instant promotions as a result. I get homelessness as the main threat in addition to non-stop death threats. I can't afford to pay for food much less have any financial security. I spend my life shitting out the poison this group has ordered to be put in my body so they can endlessly exploit and torture and extract ideas out of me so ugly stupid sick shitalina can be promoted as being intelligent and the posturing as being "glamorous" has been a huge investment that the years of torturing me has been augmented by the Nazi 4th Reich out of Euroopigapeland.
It appears that the disgusting trash of Trump and his group of white Nazi supremacists and black bigot scum, including sick and rotten foul Cornell West, but NOT Aperah the filthy Oprah who has endlessly been championed and awarded and participated in rape and torture of me for becoming outraged over 6 years ago or longer for the already many years she has participated in this--with full applause by Nazi-dominated Whorewood, which also controls the sleazy and lying filth of Congress who are like slaves to media promotion.
Every year one of this group is featured with an idea which I wrote of during the years that I had no idea everything was being stolen for a bigot white trash whore skank to steal. Last year it was Barbie and for years ugly filthy shitalina has been stealing, every year, ideas from me or one of the other pig apes like the Mafia Scorsese group and etc etc.
They pay me NOTHING but destroy and steal so the less than $1000 I have to fight to survive off every month, and every month they break a list of items that I need for basic survival--the poison my food so badly if I don't wrap everything up hermetically including my body parts that I spend all my money and time replacing and fighting to try to heal my body from endless incisions and blemishes caused by chemicals slathered on my hair, skin and the hard poison which has kept me paralyzed for over 14 years so this group can endlessly keep me in a prison of torture and rape without any way of even going outside except for 2-4 times per month (usually two) endlessly fighting to break the internal poison out while this group is CONSTANTLY torturing me and abusing raping and extracting information so they can make more movies and ideas.
More than 14 years of this every single day and they are at festivals laughing about the wonderful "elite' opera performance as if stupid ugly skank shitalina is a wonderful and beautiful glamorous "artist" with classical concepts of art or anything else. This ugly stupid thing has been glorified by every president, every administration but in excess along with yearly Oscar "awards" for pig ape shit pig pitt for his years of stealing my ideas but mostly for just non-stop torture and rape and mutilation and poisoning and destruction of my life.
And they will won't fucking stop to this moment. The German pig ape I have been calling a pig, screaming to get off me, fighting him physically and he is huge and I am deformed, paralyzed with my spine fractured and horrific damage to my body. The hovering homelessness they are constantly threatening me with is augmented with inability to even use the internet, much less earn a single penny as all is blocked.
The shit of the United States government, the Jewish Nazi filth like Ratskin, a most foul and disgusting lying piece of dirty Jewish nazi shit along with all the minorities who have rushed to join in with the white supremacy media and political promotional abuse torture contract out on me--it's astounding how disgusting it all is and yet no one still will even stop them or help me, not even when Trump is obviously a deranged sick psycho fuck, with half of the country going along with death squads and brutal murder as a part of their actual fucking POLITICAL PLATFORM and all because rotten ugly stupid prostitutalina needs to appear like she has a classical background, is a "feminist" and some kind of original thinker, which I am as they are pummeling me with repetition sleazy dirty ugly pig men raping me brutally in front of this ugly dirty piece of sick shit--who is now being glorified and has been endlessly pumped up by the torture and rape and the ideas this ugly stupid parasite has sucked out of me by repetition torture and me being blocked from any and all aspects of life.
I literally cannot move most of the time from the years of them having me poisoned and continuing the poisoning.
One of the rotten pieces of Mafia shit, a most mediocre thug who has latched onto attacking me for YEARS has told me that this behavior signifies elitism and entitlement and superiority as if that is the highest possible quality of human society instead of the lowest.
Rotten Krapola is yet another shit politician put into power by this same exact group. As usual, my years of writing about this has only encouraged rotten shit like Ben Shapiro, whose yapping lectures about Jewish solidarity I watched when Israel was first attacked. He yapped about how being Jewish meant that all must protect one another in this harrowing time of antisemitism. I watched his fucking bullshit--which I still watch because of his sardonic humor and to see him occasionally lambast sick shit like maggot robber who stole my Barbie idea also almost verbatim, and then when I lost my temper because that ugly Australian piece of glorified Nazi s hit has been working with pig pitt for years to assault me along with Tarantino (I wrote of manson and mind programming and the murders in H-wood and tarantino teleported me after he obtained his award and so did pig filth pig, asking me for MORE ideas which I began to scream to get off me as he made Nazi concentration camp references at me and went off to his Jewish Nazi wife (obviously) . Ben Shapiro, only because I had clicked on his channel more than once, teleported me next to ugly prostitutalina mocking, insulting and laughing at me in front of her and shit pig pitt and his movie production company has since come out with movies accepted into the Whorewood mediocrity zone.
And it goes on and on. I can't get this filthy German fucking pig ape off me because of the pain and agony my body has been forced into because ugly prostitutalina who is endlessly hormone-addicted to violence, torture and having ugly Europigape trash rape me and Americans aspiring to be as Nazi Europigape as possible (rotten Depp and his filth shit spawn with their French connection--then the rotten Jews of Whorewood with their blonde Nazi wives who are from France or whatever and it never ends with the numbers of minorities abusing and attacking me for becoming outraged at non-stop theft ot my ideas, obtained by torturing me, blocking my every ability to even type (this is always fraught with hacking and rewrites, this post is endlessly a test of my finger ability to pound every key out--all I write is stolen so they copy my original and then rewrite and hack my published posts so they can steal but they can't label what I had written as my idea but only as theirs>
Since shit dirty Krapala has been accepted by the filth of Obama, a most detestable sick psychopath absolute partner with white supremacist Hillary, and the rest of the Nazi Mafia team and lynch mob KKK southern Senators who are very, very violently racist and murderous. They long for outright "civil war" with lynchings and these private rape and mutilation and murder sessions for the women they detest like me. I have never done a fucking single thing to any of these pigs except to fight for my human rights after seeing they have stolen my ideas and because of the absolute Nazi 4th Reich push for a serious Nazi take-over of the United States, there is not a single person in power anywhere who will do anything.
So this is only a "rant". Can't someone at least get this fucking German goddamn sick fuck off me from sticking his greasy pig penis in my mouth and slapping my face while my body is put under some kind of drug/tech interface so I am literally unable to stop feeling a paralysis and absolute desire. This is a life-force life-fuck parasite exercise in power by a white supremacist bunch of rape Nazi murdering bigots--including ugly dirty prostitutalina, Ben Shapiro and Netanyahu all working for acceptance by white supremacy but claiming, like Cornell West, and Kamala, that they are victims of racism, as well as most violent and vile Jewish men like Ratskin and that yapping disgusting creep Michael Cohen--and the list is endless the blacks are disgusting and Jews are rotten the white trash are smug and gloating and the politicians are threatening my life for fighting back. They are called "the best" of all time, i.e. shit Pig-lousy the former Speaker on the Dem side for her fake posturing what a great "leader" who has put in rotten failing Biden, fully supports Trump and has hugged Krapola and instructed her that is she wants the lead Aunt Jemima role in Congress, along with dirty filthy Aunt Jemima Oprah in Whorewood, then she had better hug and love the white bigots, help to beat and rape and poison and slowly murder me so ugly prostitutalina will obtain more Europigape festival lead movie appearances for the ideas that she stole from me, along with the entire huge group of dumb scum out of Whorewood.
Meanwhile, the hateful ugly nasty pair of white supremacy k-rap from Morning Shit Show supplement ugly prostitutalina, who has sat while they scream fascistically at me, that classical music is too "elevated and good" for me, but ugly prostitutalina they embrace for having stolen my ideas, probably she had never heard of Maria Callas before I wrote of her, nor had the Morning White Trash Shit show formerly of the Congress implementing murder inc teleportation and gang stalking death squads comprised of black and brown dumb idiot scum like cornell west who has been elevated for his lying bs blathering with a few ornate verbal usages and mostly lies and concealed murder of Jews concealed as being pro palestinian.
When will this fucking shit ever be stopped by anyone not a sick fucking slime parasitic liar put into lead political and media position?
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