A personal appeal to Michael Bloomberg: I wish one of the terrorist teleporting politico/celebrities would have just given me a free subscription to his newspaper. A sad lament about having to read free news sources which is like The National Enquirer on steroids but focusing on politics. Gossip, only focusing on the celebrity-politicians. I can't get any other news besides about them, and they have teleported me (meaning one in particular I have been writing of for the past few daze, since she was shoved from behind the OZ curtain to the pre-arranged mini-coup "leadership" position. //es, looking at Bloomberg online, there is only ONE single story in the main headline section on the top page and the rest is actual NEWS about global events and important China trading, the Parisian sabotage of some bridge (?) and OTHER SUBJECTS that are of more interest to me than the endless monopoly of the tabloid appearances of this awful fake now artificially trained to sound like a Civil Rights activist. What, people wonder, has she been doing lurking in the background not doing "much of anything" apparently, as some note on YouTube (I am referring to what "they" have said, not my own commentary because I only read free news sources and thusly get extremely narrow corridors oof information based on celebrity-politician pop culture mainstream without any real "meat" news about other interests such as highlighting which financial groups do hold sway on the global and American stage in reality.//I suspect that K-ola has been in-training for the past 4 years of the Biden experience so as to sound like 60's Civil Rights activists out of her Whorweood contacts the training has produced a B- level of Civil Rights podium yelling speeches for the cheering audiences who love Disney, Fantasy projections of fake heroes because they can't stand the actual gritty reality of the actual people who suffer, sacrifice and don't have plastic surgery coating and acting training to sound like polished fake fruit on stage repeating antiracist platitudes endlessly. Every vocal intonation has been carefully coached and I suspect she's been in-training for these performances for the end-goal of establishing an Obama Proxy in the White House--the Whorewood establishment absolutely in favor of this CALIFORNICATION posturing B- actor put into politics, formerly a corrupt Prosecutor dedicated to proving that "brown" people can also be punitive white racist bigots put making all the expected lectures about "fighting" for equality and justice. The Scam has been ongoing for a very long time. As other podcasters have noted, the thunderous applause for Obama during his initial run for president all but dried up after the many years of the failure to actually actualize his campaign slogans, instead they (the Obamas) focused on performative lectures, JOKES as all the Clinton legacy and Reagan legacy proved that ALLL YOU NEED TO BEGUILE THE media zombies of America into voting for every pretense performer (rather than a competent and authentically caring politician) is to make jokes, appear vibrant, repeat the slogans of the assassinated leaders who had died/been killed actually fighting. all you have to do, as the pig ape cartel from Whorewood has proven to me at least, no one else seems convinced that this is actually their modus operandi, but they STEAL alll the rhetorical devices of the actual nitty gritty people who are downtrodden, fighting from the crushed oppression ranks of the outraged. With huge plastic smiles on their polished, beautician plastic surgery manufacturers, they yap out, after months or years of acting training, the same slogans of the less polished dead who fought and marched in the streets.
Only able to peruse the headlines of the Bloomberg content, as usual, I can only try to obtain the information from other sources but unlike most of the journalism of other newspapers, the stories it appears to me (the actual journalism) has independent research or actual journalism behind it. I assume, not sure. I worked for The Arizona Republic in the Editor area as a copy clerk for a very short time and saw only that t "byline" was replicated throughout the country from the same two sources: AP and Reuters.
It is sickening, absolutely disgusting for me to see Harris endlessly in article-after-article
then looking down I see the scumbag celebrities who have assaulted me likewise endlessly adulated by Huffpost--which is a very easy format to read there is always a sensational headline and it's easy to peruse the ongoings of Congress, featured at the top, and then to hope and see what has befallen Celebrities, hoping and hoping my prayers will come true.
I was teleported to Bloomberg who performed his vicious hate attack upon me with deadly intimations of brutal murder upon me, in front of his pig ape Nazi cartel celebrities & co (politicians on "the Left" but ALSO on the "Right"). Keeping it all "safe" he just attacked me for what I had told him, which at the time, NO ONE was remarking on publicly at least in my extremely narrow hacked constricted availability of any and all news sources.
My predictions have come true, but Bloomberg of course keeps it 'safe" still and although when I said, just trying to get another Nazi bigot off me, that I really wanted a "jewish" man as this torturing bigot daddy-baby abuser instead of just plain, outright white supremacist Nazis of all the countries around the world, Bloomberg showed up and offered his services. I reminded him that he has threatened to kill me, had me hanging off a harness underneath a helicopter over the Manhattan skyline, not a very tourist view at all but it was immense.
He remained silent as his real "voice" is his half blonde Nazi daughter screaming like screaming hysterical Hillary "Loser loser loser " (Hillary didn't scream "loser" at me she just ordered mutilation of my body and was handed a tv reality show about how she defends brown and black "women" against sexism. She was handed some award on the same stage that at least two or three of the skanks, blonde and Nazi, who have viciously poisoned and tortured me also were on receiving awards one of which, as usual, stole her ideas from my writrings, as usual every single year (this year, for the past half year, two of my ideas she has claimed as her own).
Bloomberg stared at me when I told him many things about his wonderful New Yorker ensemble who made open Nazi statements at me, as he stared dumbfounded. \
I told him that AT LEAST he could have given me a free subscription to his goddamn newspaper if he was so keen on exploiting me as if his death threats were just his entitlement and offering me this wonderful bonus to the abuse and hate from countless others was supposed to mean something beautifully significant to me.
However, I just cringe and feel nauseated seeing Krapola's face endlessly in a total montage of her giggly disgusting face plastered on every part of all the newspapers that are free.
Please Bloomberg, for what you and your nasty daughter have obtained by viciously attacking me, can't you please just GIVE ME A FREE SUBSCRIPTION TO YOUR PAPER SO I CAN NOT BE STUCK WITH THE MIND CONTROL FODDER of the representatives of the 4th Reich bs factory?
Your good "friends" and partners, the Nazis, Jew-hating and Jew-baiting bigots you lavish your praise towards while you sneer in hate and threaten to kill me, grabbing at my breasts and making a foul ugly face that would suit some cartoon character just to prove how much you detest me because I am criticizing and saying NO Hell NO to this group and their genocidal murder antisemitism--=which no one could give a damn about. The Jews are so complacent about all this racism happening to me, based on a Nazi antisemitism that is impossible to deny. These are the "Jewish" men who wear the beaning on their heads, go to the Synagogues, hold their religious services at the appropriate time, and then allow fascist Nazis to commit every crime against me out of this attack on anyone "daring" enough to say no to an absolute Nazi overtake, which Obama-of-the-plantation and Krapola really truly encompass.
I would love to just be able to read real news and the Wall Street Journal, which used to be fantabulous has pittered out due to the overtake by absolutely corrupt Rupert Murdoch. The reporting after the 9/11 attack that I read, by reading someone else's WSJ daily paper was so outstanding and I believe that journalism won a Pulitzer Prize. The connection between Hamburg and Florida, which the reporters exposed (also they went to Munich area, in the sort of Schwabisch Alp area where I had also been taken, by Neo-Nazis who had been my students but I only learned of that later on in the drugged up situation I was forced into--and the total German Nazi circuit of anti-Americans, using their usual minority minions to do the dirty work, had begun to be exposed by the former WSJ so the Nazis had Rupert Murdoch take over the enterprise and all the nuisance reporting getting close to the actual reality and truth had to be snuffled out--as usual this group becomes violent when I mention reality and truth to any of them, especially the minority minions when I tell them the obvious fact that they are really working to support white supremacy and fascism and the death of Jews and other minorities, including their own "communities" which they rush at me violently (lying) stating that its' me who is a "bitch" I am "lying" and a "bitch" and that's about all they aver say. They constantly deflect and try to mirror the accusations to boomerang back to me, as if I am the "real problem".
I really want a free subscription dear Michael Bloomberg can't ya just at least do that? I really want to get off the gravy mind control train the Trump news train and actually read about OTHER SUBJECTS that perhaps have been actually investigated and this is hopefully REAL JOURNALISM
please, I implore I just want to read an excellent news source and also your wonderful antisemites have blocked my ability to earn money so I can't afford to pay for food much less your very expensive subscription rates.
I did inform you years ago of what has unfolded in the meantime, is that not worth at least some kind of reward on my part from anybody? I tried to warn people but they/you all only read my re-written and hacked posts, which I wrote endlessly was being used as a discrediting device and furthermore, my brain is under attack. The murderous assaults on me that are pummeled into my life every single day every moment possible with drugging and poisoning while I am dying from poisoning and stress and torture but all "touchless" and invisible, just means that people sink to the witch hunt woman-hating antisemitic stance and love to beat and kick someone when they are down. An easy punching bag opportunity for people to lavish all their pent-up sadism needs upon someone else.
Either way, I do not participate in all the accepted "Jewish" rituals and instead I am called a "witch" for making prayers but not of the male-dominated "acceptable' branches of the blood sacrificial rites of the various mainstream religions. II can't "fit into" any group or even a cult as my status is to be thrust out no matter what group I venture to enter into. The terrorist celebrities who operate by mass-mind controlling the masses into a pseudo-religious mesmerization are endlessly accusing me of being all these female dog and witch classifications but they don't understand that just like them, I am excluded from all and what they truly cannot understand is that their fake offers of "friendship" after they believe I have "succumbed" is in no way enticing to me but as disgusting as seeing Krapola, Hilter-hillary and Obama-of-the-plantation being displayed as "heroes" when I KNOW that all have been strenuously ACTING COACHED to imitate the real, the nitty gritty true reactionaries, the outcasts of mainstream approval who fought for actual human rights. I don't mean those who sat at diner chairs in "whites only" sections as large groups, but those who had the nerve to stand up despite saying the original things that outraged both their supplicant groups to which they belonged but were kicked out of for being too threatening to the status quo (I am thinking of fighters I admire like Malcolm X and Andrea Dworkin--she was accepted by many feminists and made her mark, but due to the bloating and hardening poison that I believe undoubtedly was forced upon her, unbeknownst to her but she was aware that her health was mysteriously in decline and fought on anyway).
this video and this song is one of the few I truly ever liked from Madonna---and I wrote that my prayers are rarely, if ever answered but I thought of this video and so I include it as a vague corollary to my post today.
"Madonna--Like A Prayer (Official Video)". Madonna. October 27, 2009.
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