Another Bloody-Hell-Christmas/X-Mass prediction: before searching through papers like USA Today and NY Post, I predict that there will have been a mass shooting somewhere within the United States by some disgruntled MK ULTRA killing mind programmed bot enraged about not getting a toy it wants for X-mass. //I use the term "Bloody-hell" because I am now under attack by an English/London "aristocrat" (just to use the term loosely, wealthy white male, well-educated in the "posh" style of relaxed authoritative intellectualism that goes with a smug conviction that soon the underhanded pogrom will put them into lead hegemony once more with the US crushed by it's internal divide-and-conquer mind programming strategies; Muslim terrorism being one of the prongs of the pitchfork plot (of the "white devils" as Farrakhan is sitting there absolutely supporting the endless racist hate aimed at me, along with the Brit, and of course along with Pitt & terror crew + Nediro the terrorist criminal endlessly glamorized who is a most foul white supremacist demon with his "minority" female companions it does not preclude absolute racist mentality. The anti-Muslim mutterings into cameras from the English double-agent are just cues to the Muslims to pack-up their violence that was inculcated so cleverly by the aristocrat white supremacist organization of The Crown and Co (expanding into mind programming of America via the H-wood puppetry of hate and division and crime and racism internal divisions).
Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘Christmas is canceled’ while carrying blood-red mock Nativity scene through NYC — scuffles break out, arrests made (NY Post, December 25, 2023)
What Ridley Scott omitted from this scene between the forces of the Templars (Europ-a older version of The Illuminati/Freemasons): Essentially what this scene below shows only in fragmented blips is the force of the Templars and the Hospitallers, already in possession of Jerusalem after the initial mass slaughter of the locals--the usual Europigapeland infiltration genocidal Imperialist genocidal pogram inflicted for millennia upon various countries around the world, in particular the Middle East and also through their agents who are working for the Crown and for the ancient orders in a collaboration.
The scene, which I cannot recall if the betrayal of Saladin by the French King of Jerusalem had been shown in the movie, but there was a mass killing of the Arab forces or of a team of noble or prominent Arabs associated with Saladin. The "noble" exchange shown in this scene omits what deal was cut. The deal was that the culprit would be handed over to Saladin to be butchered as retaliation, or something of a blood revenge sport.
Ultimately the betrayals kept coming, however as Saladin routed the Europigapes out of The Holy Land. That was the 2nd Crusade. The 3rd Crusade actually never quite got off the ground for various religious and political reasons between the royalty of France (perhaps in retaliation for the French King of Jerusalem having been handed over--I must watch this movie again as I am now trying to remember what I watched a long time ago) but in the 12 Century the French and the Pope in Italy collaborated and tried a mass extermination of The Illuminati in their 3rd Attempt to wrest control over Jerusalem and The Holy Land. The money that was stolen from the Templars was then used for European power/war conquest and investment and to get rid of the extremely wealthy Templars who held more power than the Church or the State after all the looting of the gold and precious gems and properties of The Holy Land. None of this is depicted in any sense but it leads up to the current 4th Reich/4th Crusade which is ongoing right now. Teaming up with the Arab and Muslim populations the English British Imperialist Israel forces have stoked a firestorm of antisemitism and hate so the land of Israel will be once more in their control, with their partners the MAGA crusaders of hate against Jews but dealing with AIPAC teams, the blacks aligned with Islam waiting to push Jews down so they will be considered as allies of white Nazi supremacists and etc etc. The Muslims that the English abuser who threatened my life after he forced me under truth serum and drugging to finally yell in hate my opinion about him in a hate dialogue that I tried to stop endlessly telling him to go away to shut up to go away--he kept on and kept on attacking me as I could not turn away and stop talking the mind control tech and drugging FORCES me to respond in my isolation and endless sickness they have kept me in endlessly.
So they want to send the now inflamed and ready for genocide Muslims BACK to "wherever" and get out of England--like a swarm of killing bees, to get through all the borders into America to have money and funding, arms and weapons of all and any kind tunneled by their "brothers" back in England with connections that seem to breach all security measures for highly lethal modern technologies and weapons. If they are slated to "go back to where you came from" in the Middle East, through some trafficking corridor connecting English old trade routes into the Middle East, all kinds of weapons, biological weapons and etc will be funneled by the "brothers" back in England who are surreptitiously aligned with military forces originated from the Crown, Incorporated GmbH Internationale.
So his hate for me and his racism along with the rest of that hate group the rat pack of Whorewood was exhibited for his promotion and for the further mind programming of the Whorewood hate group, which has thoroughly been imprinted with incentive-based promotional aspirations so that nothing can get in the way of their power-grasping--nothing like ethics national interest any introspection, no concern for America and the ramifications of this alignment with their Big Daddy Promoters out of London & England The Crown and their partners out of the 4th Reich INTERNATIONALE (the name for Communist Party back in the old days--The Internationale--adding that French ending, the suffix makes it sound somehow romantic, doesn't it?)
By the way, I think I am getting some of the "facts" wrong, the King of Jerusalem I think was English but it was a French noble of power and influence who had Saladin's friends/family/group assaulted--I am hazy about the details I would have to do research and it's very hard to type, think and study as the internet is constantly being turned off; just know that it was a French/English collaboration and any order to attack was probably not a fluke or "mistaken" power grab by a miscreant leader within the group. So it really doesn't matter whether it was the English or French who ordered the betrayal of Saladin, ultimate the forces were "one" and united due to their oaths of allegiance to the Templars/Freemasons.
"The Jerusalem Has Come 4K Cinematic". Krezmick. December 19, 2020.
Bloody Hell. I will be surprised if there was not a mass shooting somewhere, at least in one city. What statistic can now be added to the endless barrage of automatic weapon assaults for one bigoted or hateful reason or another by a "mentally ill" person who was antisocial or if not, seemed to be "okey-docky" but then "suddenly" went berserk and no one can understand why...?
I will have to look, to check if the wonderful merry world of expectations for gifts, love and brotherly charity has brought about such pent-up rage from the citizen population, who for the most part, has been slaughtered with triple-digit rent prices, mortgage prices, food prices, gas prices (it is claimed the prices have lowered for gas, for example and that inflation is slowing and the Fed is not going to hike interest rates, but for X-mass, who cares when you still can't afford a turkey and instead it's YOU who is the turkey on the platter but the rest of the table is empty, if you have a table left).
I will check to see what disaster has plagued the country with people endlessly programmed by murder Inc. mafia movies by neDiro and the rest of the criminal crew, endlessly being glorified for their psychopathic roles in movies about criminal organizations, glamorously and seductively shooting with smug snide commentary while shooting in a rampage to the brains of the viewers to emulate this behavior--perhaps a few subliminals of "do this" included in the movies to induce such behavior, perhaps by the spin doctors programming America (i.e. the English mind screw operators like the man who has just poured his bloody hate upon me---the conversation, which began with me telling him to stop and to go away--because I can't control the "truth serum" effect, it's one sleazy and filthy abuser disgusting creep after the next, day after day, while I am putting away endless things I cover my body with while sleeping to stop the slicing into my fingers, toes, destroying my hair and scalp, and I can't protect myself from their endless nightly drugging but they are spraying stinking filth on my clothing while I sleep and then inserting or injecting poison --I believe--plus drugs, or it's endlessly put in my food)'
so I begin, every day, telling them to go away, finally screaming to go away in this silent suffocation of mental abuse and sexual/physical and every other kind of torture that is inflicted upon me every day. The rotten bot parasites endlessly ask me for ideas and then endlessly tell me I am a loser and nothing afterwards while poisojning mutilating and then insulting how my body looks, how much more money they have then me as they block my internet non-stop--it's almost unusable the internet is turned off an average of once every 5 minutes.
X-mass is the term for the Satanic Mass that Satanists celebrate at this time of year, so I have heard. I read this, I have seen a video a long time ago about this.
Screaming finally in response to another death threat by this "I Stand for Israel" bigot white supremacist Nazi/Mafia English "aristocrat" "Intellectual"--who lectures on how the muslims should be kicked out of England with all their "Intifada" screams with the hundreds of thousands of protestors calling for Death to the Jews. The English at near the very tippy-top of the food chain is calling for these types to be kicked out of England and sent wherever--to America perhaps? Or back to the Middle East. Fully inculcated in genocide and antisemitism by the program that people like he and his ilk have been fomenting for decades into the minds and spirit of all the population, including America through the criminal celebrity thuggery that I am forced to be teleported to daily--the programming is of elimination of Jews it's for BRITISH ISRAELISM it has been adopted and adapted by the American version by the Evangelicals who care so much about Israel as well--but genocide of the Jews means that they can so much more easily take control over the Holy Land for the 4TH REICH/4TH CRUSADE of takeover of the World. The desire for a Christian Jerusalem has been in existence as a brutal war-faring force at least since 1000 C.E. when the First Crusade began and the Europ-a death squad of bigotry en masse --Germans, English, French--in particular the last group but regardless it was a Western Europ-a-push for total domination of the Middle East. Then Hitler tried and the English tried and now they are still trying and this is evidenced by all the false rhetoric of "we stand by Israel" but here I am being threatened with DEATH by this English mind fuck operator with his "posh" accent and composed serenity while discussing the genocide his group at the "top" of the "food chain" along with Farrakhan and the rest of the shit-bucket group in Whorewood have been dishing out in the form of their narratives in Whorewood and in politics as well--
I am looking through the front page of USA Today and I see first homage to the expletives who have attacked me being honored for their K-rap music--(I really don't like their music and before I was aware of their stalking of me I didn't like their music)
But unbearably there is also reference to the "Royals" as if they own America, and are mentioned even moreso than the US President and his family holiday merrymaking--
Looking for a mass killing, I think I will have to look at the pulp street paper NY Post--because I just think that carnage around the holidays is inevitable due to how sick America really has become (or always was but now it's coming out--probably due to mass mind programming, remote tech or mass tech making citizens "crazy" and if you think that's a wacked-out conspiracy theory, just want for a few years to see if this technology will somehow be exposed, perhaps by the Satellites that are cruising everywhere around the plant, by the high-frequency technologies that alter the layers of atmosphere at extremely high altitudes but at brainwave Hertz at Extremely Low Frequencies (ELF's) to alter brainwave behavior in large groups of people; or this can be specialized and focused upon an individual by more ground-level technologies which are inflicted upon me endlessly, while I write my posts most notably).
I have to add a slight correction: I am using a Tor Browser so I think the connection is coming out of the EU as the IP Address (when I looked at the URL I then realized it said USA, when I clicked on USA I got the same information but slightly different when I went on a search engine for the American version USA (no EU).
There was information about the U.S. Presidential scene from Biden, Trump to the Obama but nothing more. The same article on the front page about the English Royal family, as if they are cousins of MY country family tree, was listed on both sites. Like the skank pop stars who have attacked me with Europigape applause--directly using Nazi concentration camp references (the "black" blondedyed hair bigot with her "Black" activists "against racism" also making these pronouncements of genocide aimed at me, now revered endlessly in front position ever since--by the Obamas no less)
and then, the other one whose rotten face and her posturing facial expressions so sicken me as she's been hacked into my internet every day for well over a decade
but the same Royal Family photo page is there, and I really could not care about the Royals and feel disgusted that they are included in prominent junk journalism papers and sites like People and USA Today endlessly, like every day as if we are united like a colony with it's founding Family--just a brainwashing propaganda tool for more inclusion with England and to turn Americans into a colonized plantation system with the English in control, as they are absolutely in Whorewood to a sickening degree.
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