"ORDO AB CHAO"=Order out of Chaos. It is a strategy of creating a problem so you can find the solution to the crisis you created, and thusly take power. It's also called "The Hegelian Dialectic". //So many crises arising, having been borne by lack of identity. The weight of demand for conformity is awaiting my usual pithy commentary, suffused with ranting expletives about terrorists due to hacking/poisoning/drugging/torture et al. No...I'm just going to say (as a weird joke on the sinister quality of the seriousness of all that I have been writing of culminating now in a cascade of terror and violence), that, I just can't trust anything on the intenet.

"The Hegelian Principle 'Ordo Ab Chao'". yeshuaAlphaOmega 1 3 5. May 21, 2013.

 I have to say, firsthand, that this is intended as a "joke" in my own orbit of frenzied post-traumatized-f-U-response because the s has hit the fan but the fanbase remains in the orbit of the terror dome waiting for further explosions they assume will happen to someone else.


I can't trust this internet. I ordered a ring for my pinky finger and there was a scale mapping out how many centimeters the circumference for a certain size should be. I measured thrice and got the same exact measurement with my floppy pull-out carpenter ruler (stinking, having been sprayed multiple times with permanently staining foul liquids by the terrorist goons who break into my room; having cleaned it more than thrice, the stinking odors remain), Yet, I discovered that the measurements were a complete LIE. What I wanted to put on my pinky now fits perfectly on my index finger. I ordered more rings which should arrive but one size larger, which means they will only fit on my thumbs. I have always wanted thumb rings, but these are all fake glittery blingy rings like fake ornate jewelry--around $2 apiece, rings I can't find in any local store (imported from china, delivery cost $1.50) for my personal at-home bling fantasies after I have to clean half the day the stinking mess the terrorists leave on my clothing and in my living space.

So, that's the joke. You can't trust what you read on the internet. I ordered something to make a sort of pinky ring beautification of my scarred up hands from harsh chemicals constantly slathered on my skin nightly for a few years so the skin is now completely ravaged and looks like I've been doing something like chemical stripping for car paint exterior without gloves. 


Meanwhile, I watch the culmination of years of lies in the public domain which I have been tortured for, now coming to a sort of fruition. While I did not anticipate what would happen in that other country, I knew it would happen anyway. I knew that Nazis wanted the total annihilation of Jews to occur in Israel when so many of the older generation who inflicted great violence against me told me in harsh ugly voices, basically to go to Israel, which I took and understood to mean they were formulating another huge "Aktion of genocide with all their minority minions who have been programmed to kill all Jews and never stop attacking until that mission is completed.


I learned so long ago not to trust what I read on the internet but the extent of the lies is so large it took me so long to realize it's completely universal when it comes to The Big Joke of programming people into their own demise as they work to make it happen.


I am writing in riddles. I am not the Joker but I am "Happy". I got some thumb rings which were supposed to be the ornate equivalent of a partnering with the pinky rings which are now on my index fingers. All was a trick intended to lure me into following the wrong size the wrong path. But I will see that my plans have turned into something interesting I never anticipated.


Down below the seeming rambling inchoate thoughts, I can try to get to the point--

It's odd that the Speaker of the House and also the Ambassador to Israel are both vacant just as this crisis has hit. I wrote a post yesterday about how I believe the attack by Hamas was planned and not thwarted, I believe, by Israeli top officials because they are minority minions following the control of the 4th Reich, in the form of US puppetry, which itself appears to be a mere puppet of other foreign influence--I assume Europ-a-land fascist Nazis and Mafia.

This situation was intended to occur at a precise moment when McCarthy was willing to "step down" because he, too, was instructed what to do. 

What a diversion from the Trump Trials, by the way, with his gratuitous fingers in every pie in as many Middle East countries like Israel where this fragile "peace" pact was made between Israel and a few solidarity countries in the region. Can you connect the dots? I can't write explicitly, I have already written a kind of meandering mess above to try to circumnavigate the terrorists not reading this area below, as anything I write touching on any credible notion of analysis that doesn't go with the instructions is met with torture, not imagined or slight but really sickening disgusting through all these technologies not a single U.S. government official can or will even begin to stop or thwart.


The attacks upon Israeli citizens by Hamas, the rape and violence is what I have been experiencing almost identical from the 4th Reich celebrities and the awards they receive for this are sickeningly similar to the Hamas attacks and the celebrations they are having plus the cheers from the pundits in the streets of America.

One of the models from H-wood who is part of this terror contract out on me wrote that she was in solidarity with Israel and wrote that she received great hate mail and probably threats, so she rescinded her post on Instagram. What the terrorists from Hamas are doing to the women is what the celebrity and politician terrorists have been doing to me for over a DECADE without a single murmur of protest of shock or chagrin from a single Whorewood personality or Congressional authority figure.


How sad they appear when they are interviewed or publicized in "solidarity" with Israel but when they confront me, the Nazi slogans of mass murder and genocide come frothing out of their holes in all directions, spewing out.


The Ordo Ab Chaos will be Trump claiming as he is already doing, that without him the problem would never have come to this point. Claims that the Afghanistan Withdrawal were the real making of Trump before Biden came to power are negated by the proclamations of Trump and his followers, which are negated by MSNBC news anchors and other commentarists.

Likewise, Trump is now saying that he tried to build peace coalition in the Israel target zone and lasting partnerships. These seemingly fell to pieces once he left office. I suggest that the minions of the 4th Reich continue to follow the orders of the 4th Reich and were told instead to look the other way while an invasion from Hamas was imminent. Trump could return to power, ostensibly, claiming that he is the savoir of the Middle East. Ordo Ab Chaos. 

Meanwhile, a total war could be ordered against Gaza and Hamas, also ostensibly to rout that area of the Palestinians "once and for all, forever" which is what Netanyahu is now saying. His former detractors are screaming for the same thing now that brutality has bit them on their "woke liberal" behinds. Only using the terms in mockery.


What Trump, the terrorists out of Whorewood who are still going on and on for hours and hours all morning using voice to skull with teleportation upon me, have followed almost exactly many of the acts of brutality, rape, torture, murder of loved ones (my cats taken, waiting for death for me to return and love them as they sit and rot waiting because they were my most cherished "children"--children kidnapped for ransom which is what I, like the Israelis of the border towns on Gaza, are also undergoing. The exact same modus operandi as the Nazis, as Hamas, which is controlled by the fascist Nazis of the 4th Reich, which control Whorewood, which are in partnership with players like #45.

Ordo Ab Chaos is a very famous quote, it should be more understood in the context of the current consequences of people going along with terrorism within American society, now branching out to other countries for the same effect of a complete takeover by fascists and Mafia Nazis of the 4th Reich. 


The current depopulation and razing of the Gaza Strip and the villages, hamlets and small towns on the border in Israel, will pave the way, once the war is done and won, with a huge influx of money to rebuild and recolonize the area. The plan, according to Netanyahu at this point, is the total annihilation of Hamas. At this point in day #4 of the War in Israel, over 500 missiles have been dropped on the Gaza Strip by the IDF, which is merely a land 7 miles wide by 25 miles long. 


Eventually, the Nazis aka Evangelical or Anglican, will take over what was hoped to be their Holy Land back in the Middle Ages during the Crusades. Creating alliances between Western nations and tearing down leadership in the Middle East for over a decade of non-stop destruction, refugee crises, the conflict in Gaza and Israel is just another of this push for Jerusalem to be the homeland of the Evangelical American zealots, as Trump promised and is holding to that promise. His trials will become less prominent as he promises to create yet more pacts of peace as he and his company had done before the loss of president position and influence. Promising thusly to restore peace, the Ordo Ab Chao, the desperate voters and peoples will flock to call out for a savior, which Trump hopes will be the final culmination of this plot to create more absolute chaos in the Middle East. The first act he did was the Afghanistan withdrawal, the terms of which his administration had rendered but the effect was blamed on Biden--so many state in news and commentary clips. Trump of course blames Biden's foreign affairs incompetence as the culprit. Likewise, the Israeli-Hamas (with also Hezbollah and other terrorist organization surrounding Israel and perhaps also Iran) situation is a replay of the same sort of formula. 

Killing two birds with one stone. A reset of the criminal charges against Trump being trumped by his campaign promises of restoring peace which he "created" before Biden took office (but actually having created the problem and all his minions are in power now, following orders as minority minions always do as puppets and pawns of the Nazis who control them--Jewish Nazis in Israel, yes, it's ubiquitous and I know this 100%). Of course, they don't openly claim anything but the opposite so you can't believe anything that you read or hear from their obstreperous protestations to the contrary and their "liberal" frumpy clothing and political blatherings about how much they hate fascist leadership and leaders like Netanyahu and Trump. Oh my, how deadly and dangerous these types are when they will be promoted and more accepted into the Nazi fold if they violently and murderously attack someone whom they are told to target. Jews in particular the Nazis don't like who don't comply with their orders without question, which I what I wrote about yesterday and all the minions who allowed Intelligence to neglect warnings about deadly invasions coming at Israel during the Yom Kippur Holiday season.

The most guilty culprit who created it all coming to the rescue. Vote for me and you will be free! Ordo Ab Chao. Hegelian Dialectic (problem, resolution, synthesis=total control of all sides and one intended end result).


Oh yes, I "forgot" that my aged hands are due to stress from never-ending torture and Nazi hate actions combined with death threats and real-life murder operations and cars hitting me for years and years and poisoning so my immune system is breaking down

and it's still ongoing. Years of writing about this has produced almost no result. The hateful bigots of Whorewood must go on and on to get more and more and more and more out of all I studied so they can steal it, blocking my attempts to have anything beautiful and decent and using every kind of violence against me without end.

This morning it was yet a repeat of over a decade of the same thing ongoing. The terrorist celebrities begin to comment on my thoughts after I wake up from having been teleported to sexual violence, hate and homeless and murder skits for many hours while in deep sleep. I am drugged by insertions into my bladder I suspect it's still a non-stop protocol system as I wake up not able to turn around and blank them out, they have my alternate state in a position of seeing them as I turn in my prime state and try to meditate and I can't block them out.  I believe the drugging they force upon me, also destroying my liver and my health and killing me in addition to torture and violence that is without end--has made my hands look like I'm about 80 years old along with dousing my skin for years every day with horrific chemicals so it's blotchy and broken out and destroyed--not from a skin condition which I never had until this endless nightly violence and from this celebrity skank Nazi cheerleader squadron of pig apes with their filthy Nazi and Mafia husbands and sons and fathers assaulting me in teleportation. Being endlessly conscientious about their appearance, unlike any other group my entire life, they are dedicated to making my look completely broken and aged as they laugh and giggle endlessly screaming how much more "beautiful" they are after they have endlessly put filthy fungus in my hair and permanently damaging chemicals in my hair, skin and my body so bloated from deadly toxins that harden and remain glued to the skin and bone--which they laugh about as they never stop the violence and abuse.


I can't meditate and stop reacting. I begin to yell at them as the abuse and hate goes on and on. The pig ape parasitic whores have stolen ideas from me for over 13 years and are trying to have a permanent spot on every award festival and circuit forever as long as they are slowly killing me and being awarded for it, their production companies given millions of dollars in free funding. You should see the greed and red-faced piggery on the faces of the scumbags who you all love as your Nazi celebrities because I can't pretend I like them and after years of murder attempts and violence and my ideas stolen my cat stolen and my uterus partially severed out my hair gone my body covered with slashes and mutilations and insertions plus a situation of rotational gang rape from the celebrity shit you all love.

And on and on, the list is so long by now.

Everything the Hamas terrorists, trained by the Europigape Nazis and funded through Iran from German and Swiss and English and French and Italian and et al Nazi Mafia genocidal pig apes who were violently assertive about killing Jews and rounding them up in the 30's-40's, now they can  hide it all behind a lot of duplicity. 

So, I think I can't really heal, but I can't ever get an end to the slow torture to death.

Not a single MSNBC anchor who sighs with sadness at the plight of the Israelis has the slightest of sadness when they see the same configuration of terrorism being inflicted upon me. No, they laugh, they giggle and they participate. It's based in the same Nazi hate for Israeli's by the Nazi 4th Reich-funded Hamas, just like these pig ape celebrities and politicians and media anchors are likewise funded from the same source.

I am working on meditation to block them out. Can anyone just get them the hell off me and stop this violence against me, it is the same exact formula of attack that Hamas is following, the same symbolism, the same modus operandi---the terrorist attacks recounted by witnesses are exactly alike to the basic formula that the celebrity pig apes are using against me, with the funding of Trump, who is being pushed by the Europigape 4th Reich--and I know this, although I don't know who exactly I know he answers to others and they are the same force that promotes the Nazi group from Whorewood, the black Nazis who hate Jews and now are silent in the media, and the blonde Nazi women, and the Jewish celebrities who look away when it's happening to me but are so sad that it's happening to "Jewish" people in Israel, for the same "reason" of racism and Nazism as the Hamas operatives perform the same acts of terror that the death squads of the German death squads also used--the same behavior the same systematic methodology. 

But no one has an antidote for me. No one has a response of order out of chaos. They allow the chaos to increase and persist. The liberals the feminists the Jews the anti-racists--they watch, they see what they can get out of the contract. How they are crying about people they don't know getting the same treatment but in Israel who are "Jews". Who really are Jews. I'm not "really" a "Jew" because I am aligned with no group and have never been aligned with Jews, only born into a family as I considered myself an American. Every cliche of hate is being endlessly superimposed upon me in order to knock me out of thinking I belong to my culture and that my country is my own. Instead it belongs to the Nazis from Europigapeland coming to live on the best properties as the filthy vile pig apes from America the celebrities welcome them in and chant Nazi hate cliches at me and then conduct torture and mutilation until my body is covered with scars and broken down. And then they still won't stop and no one will stop them. What they want is to force me into the stereotype. 


Meanwhile, the "gentrification" process of Gaza has begun. It will be razed, money will come pouring in to create elite expensive real estate with the Palestinians kicked out. I project this will require at least 5 years before implementation. 

I wonder how long it will take for people to actually care about the real situation of antisemitism when it comes to Jews and to Israelis?

Meanwhile, most celebrities in Whorewood remain mute about the situation for fear of being rejected for roles by their Nazi handlers out of Europigapeland who hand them contracts and deals and mind programming in order to be projected as the "woke liberals" they they aren't in reality.



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