Seeing differently without my glasses. The contours of faces shifts to a deeper penetration of various other aspects of their personalities due to a shift in vision focus.
I find in these teleportation sequences that my vision, while I am able to identify famous personalities and perhaps they inform me of who they are while I am first "unconscious" in the initial teleportation hypnosis stage. These people teleport me while I am in a deep Theta sleep state. I only "awaken" in that teleported state; first note that my body is "split" in Twain from one prime body in my actual physical location, and my body is in an ethereal "other" location where they teleport me. Apparently some people involved can't tell the difference as I appear whole in that other state. However, parts of my body's core remain in the prime state. Visual acuity is lacking in the alternative state, but that may be induced by the terrorists who have a score of observers and they don't want me to know who is watching from the sidelines or in the back layers of the rows of chairs as they endlessly harangue and abuse me constantly for this sick contract which they all gravitate to like dysfunctional addicts on a vacation from the pretense of their daily stifling of their more violent urges. They can go crazy and let down their hair and become the monsters they are penning-up in the interior of their corroded and compressed psyches, collectively it's a lynch mob and there is no doubt about it.
I can see the expressions of their faces in a way that is more pronounced than a person may see others in the "normal" vision state in "normal" life. I don't see the fine lines of the faces, I see the change in their interior emotional processes or lack of it. Behind the psychopath is a tiny pinpoint pupil as they glare in hate wishing they weren't restrained from their deep desires for murder and torture. In public life, they are, as psychopaths are fully competent in doing, fully smiling and disguising all their hate and violence under a cloak of moral superiority in their charitable actions and public displays of warm smiling ferocity to prove everything that they truly are not.
So, my glasses were broken by the mechanical arms breaking into my room two days ago (see my other blog posts about mechanical arms breaking into a living space through portals of planks and tiles and cupboards and under sink soggy miniscule thin particle board panels). My other new glasses, as I always have to have them in reserve tucked away and safe so they also can't be sprayed with permanently sticky goo so the lens is always filmy and thus the glasses are greatly reduced (this is the most common attack, when I leave the glasses in the plastic container the mechanical arms with precision open the container or rip it so it's just not closing, and they spray this sticky permanent goo on the lens while I am in the bathroom, endlessly sick from poison I can never get out because the terrorists, using likewise mechanical arms, have kept inserting poison into my body or my food (although I wrap and tie all my food constantly they are poisoning it in the stores in the "sale" promotional pieces of food, because I cannot afford to pay for food at normal cost any longer.)
So, a medium level of eyesight distortion--and the eyesight and vision reduction is also due to at least a decade, literally no exaggeration, of tears being forced out of my eyes constantly due to the microchip implant in my throat and brain with this interface of drugging and tech and the implants and everthing else, whatever technologies are utilized for this purpose of absolute torture on the skin and eyes.
My other glasses are packed into my backpack which is wrapped in layers of plastic bags, rubber bands and strings so the mechanical arms can't open without using fingers because I layer the strings around the rubber bands and then double the bags and then put other larger bags on top of that, stow my essentials under something in a huge, heavy backpack so the mechanical arms that can break into my room are probably not sturdy enough to lift this backpack.
Too sick and tired from the exertion of shopping and the undo harassment and abuse and sexual groping and the endless smirking black-eyed minions completely attacking me when I tried to lodge a complaint as a series of white Europ-a's surrounded me at the last complaint center (the others were closed, I was sent to different floors for over a half hour of going through this huge shopping mall complex as everyone I asked and every counter and everywhere I was greeted with happy warm smiles as they lied or glaring looks of hate. None of them could barely undersnd English, they claimed.
Returning I am too tired and in pain due to the hard poisons in my back they also kept pouring into my food to bloat and then compress in all the layers from all the decades
and so, I sit in pain after cleaning up the stinking filth they are constantly spraying on my sleep clothing and everything else. Toxic poisons are coming out every day that have been stuck in my body in all these compressed layers of poison for so many decades.
Watching a downloaded tv series that is entertaining yet horrific in some of it's little labyrinth complexities, what I had seen of the characters when viewing this tv show through the lens of my reading glasses has completely changed after not having glasses. I see the faces differently and the expressions are far different without being able to see all the fine lines and details.
I am not disparaging the actors, but I can somehow detect that they are acting when I see the fine lines. Without glasses, I can become much more submerged into the characters and plot because I can't see so clearly the actor playing a role and I see what the actors had intended to convey.
Thusly, in teleportation I see the actual interior of the person because much more of the fine lines are murky and I can see the hate, the ugliness, the despair, the cold psychopathy of these people most and all of whom portray the most cheery, benevolent and positive of human beings in their public celebrity roles.
I surmise that t his is "why" some animals "sense" a dangerous person more than a human being can. We are trained to view how well someone is dressed, how warm their (fake) smile is when they are coming at you for any reason. Some people are actually genuine in their approach and that is beautiful. The majority of this hate organization with all it's various skin colors and races and nationalities, as this is a global entity, interconnected by a thread of hate and usurpation and a death urge they can't "wait" to unleash. You can see some of it. However, when you are teleported to a famous personality and are in the midst of a murder contract, you want to believe that there is someone out there who is not a murdering rapist bigot out there in the public sphere, and this self-deception and lack of the ugliness of the reality of how this group operates, and how society, our modern society which forces people to display a happy smiling face and the appearance of wealth display as the one and only "not loser" label; otherwise, you will be shouted at forever if you are exempted from financial success if you are legitimately honest. The problem is that you believe their facades adn their faces and the myths of their personality constructs, and that is why you can't "see" the potentiality for murder and hate and abuse and sickness on their happy smiling faces while they are selling you snake oil which you so desperately want to buy because they have taken all the healing legitimacy away and have absolutely created a sick and dysfunctional society.
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