The 3rd Reich (pan-Euro) Nazi fascists were PAGAN not "Christian. They obliterated Christianity and the most devout religious of the Jews to usurp politico-religious "authority". //I wrote a comment to a Youtube video stating that the Pagan influence of Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare was omitted from the authoritarian "discussion" by the white supremacist actors who played these roles; all of the only-speaking "actors" have been part of attacking me. The Nazi mentality of PAGAN mass murder, produced by American MAGa Steve Bannon was described as being "Christian" in them, or the "lesson" to be derived. I commented that the pagan worship of Saturn (aka Lucifer/Satan) and a Babylonian Goddess were the real religious influences mentioned in this "bloody" play. They have to skirt around the central theme of human mass murder sacrifice along the lines of ancient Roman (First Reich) power grab philosophy put into action--by the 3rd Reich and they want to instill this and have done it through the 4th Reich=mMAGA and all it's international partners. You could also call it Communist to supplement the Socialist flavor but American style it is Europigapeland aristocracy of wealth grab Iimperialism. Any critical analysis or questioning of their modus operandi is met with death threats--does that sound familiar in the modern context of today's "America" which, at the very mind programming level of Whorewood is saturated and controlled thoroughly completely by Europigape fascist Nazi control-over the Americans yearning to become monopolist "aristocracy" pushing and killing to usurp power. All aligned and brainwashing and programming the public for years. Titus Andronicus was produced by Steve Bannon and put out in 2011. Ever since, the take-over of Whorewood and the U.S. Government with lying corrupted fake political "heroes' littering (literally_ the landscape of politics and absolutely supporting death-threatening white rapist pig dumb scum out of EUropigapeland to inflict old school murder for any talent displayed from people "like me" which is why they all cant that they "hate America"; and indeed, they get the American to "hate" America and feel inferior with their endless "I recite Shakespeare you are just a stupid America" mind programming mantra that is repeated endlessly://The future of white supremacy==not a possible outcome of the "system" of tech torture and blacklisting discrimination--but the reality that is unfolding as you all do nothing to stop it. Welcome to dirty old men using torture teleportation to thwart anyone making a simple comment on a YouTube channel concerning the interpretation of a Shakespeare play. If you are not white, and in p articular English, you have no right to live if you make any comment that is outside of worshipping the standard of not having insight or any range of vision extending beyond what they dictate as the only interpretation. Only the white English men who are infiltrating Whorewood through the "I"m half English part German" fascist Nazis murdering bigots racist beyond belief with throngs of black jewish asian latino and the major "minority" demographic of Whorewood and of America at their backand-call to inflict filth hate torture and murder upon anyone they don't like who is not going to play the same "worship master" game. /

"PIG DESTROYER--'The Diplomat' (Official Music Video)". RelapseRecords. October 30, 2012.


"Guns n' Roses (Huns & Roses)--Welcome To The Jungle". Guns N' Roses. Guns N' Roses. October 25, 2009.

I wrote one comment on a YouTube channel, I posted this a few days ago. It was concerning an interpretation of Shakespeare. I included concepts that I believed they were ignoring. The concepts reveal their own standard of "secret society" a la Nazi and fascist mind control so the concepts were completely bypassed

Having ZERO people to talk to, literally I am surrounded by dirty ugly sick stupid people both from Whorewood, from  Congress and in the "real life" of paralysis social isolation and the "stupidity" I refer to is the actual real-life personality basis that "they" operate on when they are not posturing as intellectual and artistic grandiose supreme and serene pontificators of synchronized bullshit as their public personas for the cameras and the public yearning for a quasi-religious experience because, for those who pray in public (and private) the most fervently, from this group of stinking dirty demonic hate, any semblance of purity or concern or love offsetting the hate and lies that they truly and real live by as their code--the way to power--the callous loveless greedy sleazy pornographic slime that they truly are if you break down the plastic surgery, the years of coaching and the billions poured into a pantheon of scum littering the public imagination quoting lines from either Shakespeare but having no semblance of any artistic sense--

only white supremacy is their main focus. I wrote one single paragraph about 4 sentences long about how Titus Andronicus is not referencing Christianity, nor is that the "lesson" the play is imparting. I wrote that it is revealing various ways to power that the Romans use and the 4th Reich uses today and is being put into focus now by the MAGA hate operation which includes the major players of the Democrat Party down to the last farthing of the donors who want hegemony and white supremacy too but just don't want to admit it publicly.


Vicious death threats and the old white English hate "good ole boy" is going at me with death threats, violence and while I was exercising this ugly sick dirty old man rushed to grab at my breasts while I was stretching concentrating 100%.

The other "men" who sit watching have all raped me taking turns and have beaten abused tortured poisoned drugged and gotten themselves and their children into the Oscars from YEARS of torturing and abusing me. They sit complacently watching as I have to physically fight the dirty ugly sick mediocrity back down so I can try to save my life from the poisoning all the dirty and stupid sick shit, filth and scum sitting on those chairs ordered to be put into my body every day, for years, so they could also extract torture, reactions of rage because the drugs keep me traumatized--they arre still gouging  my cuticles every day in order to inject drugs into my blood stream--my fingers are mutilated beyond compare and I fight to block the mechanical arms from injecting and cutting into my fingers it is done every night with layers and layers of rubber bands and layers of compression socks covering my hands they go on.

Last night a dirty dream of human sacrifice of a man being kept in a cage to die and then they had the worms eating the man also stuck into the ossified body of the corpse so even the worms had horrible deaths. That is the mentality of the ugly sick white trash fuck from England who rushed to get his deal to get promoted his dirty shit spawn and wives and friends in tow like the trash washing up on the shore to attack me, tsunamis of pigs whores shit scum trash filth rushing to attack me. The Europigapes who are rushing to use dirty stupid incompetent shitpigapaalina pitt are just mediocrities who can recite shakespeare due to centuries of their culture studying that playwright and having nothing modern to rely on, that is their cue that they are beyond the pale beyond comparison for reciting Shakes so they viciously attack me for having original ideas, anything outside of just agreeing with the banlity of their white-male (female whore) centered boring ape filth shit that they are endlessly promulgating into the celluloid mind programming sphere by these dirty stupid movies that they star ini. 

This dirty and really stupid hateful white grey old man has made a movie, which was hacked into my cable channel back in around 2014 or so-he was a tourist travelling throughout the American landscape in his mobile home or huge camper driving around. It was extremely boring and had, like he always has as far as I can tell, nothing to day but boring trite crap, and then he mimicked with the spittle-driven hate t he American accent mocking with derision how "stupid" the Americans are. This has been so often repeated by white male and female Europigape trash who are replicas of one another in their post-Nazi (current Nazi I must correct) conformity-to-authority Socialized countries, even if they claim they are "democratic" they are still socialists working to infiltrate the already-infiltrated USA through, mostly, the half-europigapeland spawn scum of actors who are rushing to assault me now. 

Hacking is very bad, I have been drugged.

This ugly old man is now a loathsome pretentious dirt nothing mediocrity to me and he's on the warpath to endlessly grab at my breasts while I am exercising, as a means of "Humiliation" for me, and only the abuser male is supposed to be glorified because he is attacking the not-Nazi in appearance skank that these dirty ugly men rely on to bolster their white male entitlement--the women are supposed to play second in fascist Nazi brutality--and the minority minions get to play their lower roles.

All I did was try to have a conversation on the YouTube chat because none of these dirty stupid apes who are constantly asking me for ideas stealing jmy idea making millions off them because they are original drugging me into comatose states torturing me into mutilation laughing about how mutilated I look and having ugly sh it pig men rape me for watching movies or youtube and clicking on their videos.

And so, the sexual assault is to imply that I am to be denigrated, the "intellectual" lack of response because this boring dirty ugly sick creep parasite cannot respond to my comment which was just using HISTORICAL CONTEXT of the paganism that th y were ignoring. That i display equal but I consider it to be superior intellect on my part is a response of MURDER BY THEM but they are instructed to not kill me outright just poison and abuse me to death slowly as everyone watches on laughing and appluading the filth at the next round of Oscars but always they are granted the highest at the Europigape-controlled Golden Globes.

Not having ANYONE to share my ideas with. 

But they are connected to the MAGA this is the MAGA mentality that was put as frontline faces for the Kamala, Obama Oprah line of clown show fascist black Nazis

who are doing 'nothing" under instruction from the white male who was the political advisor to Clinton decades ago, instructing them all to "do nothing" while the fascists are stealing my money from my bank account.

this group of filth and shit orcheestrated a theft of all my saved money in my bank account by social security so I face either prison or all my money gone and having to pay what I had saved from stimulus and student loans in my bank account. Not having received a message from social security telling me that I had to spend the stimulus and not keep it in my bank account--

and they forced this attack on me by hacking and blocking access to the new log-in system being used by social security (hacking is so intense I can barely use the capital letter key)

they forced me to  have to phone a local office because my internet was hacked and I was lied to by all the social security main number operatives my calls were diverted to--lied to constantly, my system hacked so I could not use the new system--I was led in a drugged maze into phoning my local branch they began yelling  at me that I had to have a review of my case. Yelling and yelling at me. 

After that, I was so hacked and under 8-12 hours of English shit and filth, t he same system of a white male English Shakespeare "icon" out of England rushing to abuse me for having watched his gay movie about having sex with an American---mocking the Americans of course, only he intelligent, the usual theme of the infiltrators with the stupid dirty Americans welcoming them in because all of them can't stand to see women  l ike me have more ideas be more creative and be more capable or competent. Poisons drugs mind control blocking critical thinking capabilities is the system that is so embraced by the shit and filth of Congress on all "sides" that I am besieged by this trashy political mess who laugh and pat the dirty celebrity stupid mediocrities as they are "burning the country" so they can get more tax breaks and just create a Europigapeland of rich and poor slavery and prostituion for women like me=so they sexually ab use me taking turns in the teleportation as they ask me for ideas and if I write anything that resembles the lack of their actual lack of real talent--they can quote skakespeare--who in England doesn't spend it's childhood being inflicted with Shakespeare for years?

And thusly, I write agian to the incompetent void that is America and the rest of the world. They are trying to either put me in prison, make me homeless or taek all the stimulus money I saved, the years of saving money from the meager sub-poverty I am forced to fight to survive on so they claim I had more than $2000 in my account, so all the years of saving money and not buying anything is going to also be taken away.

Hacking is so endless it is impossible to write more. 

The English trash filth who is sexually abusing me thretaening me with murder viciously attacking me for writing a comment, not with antagonism but with a different perspective than what dirty ugly Nazi filth in the youtube video for the actors reading of the Shakespeare play and their boring analysis which the lessor character actors had to sit through silently only making bored faces because it was such trite crap and supposedly only the "stars" had a "right" to make any analysis

I wrote a comment in addition to the 500 othe rcomments for this fucking video I am now sexually abused threatened with death teleported to murder grabbed sexually in waking teleportation while exericing by a dirty boring ugly old man from England whose movie about traveling across America had the anti-American hate that so many Europigapes exhibit (my YEARS of living in England, Germany have exposed me to this repetition constantly they make this in front of me--they lavish praise to the truly stupid apes shitalina and pig ape pitt so they can use these insecure mediocrity movie stars to plant their parasite leeching apparatus into the United States, which is how Trump came to power through this very group because they y earn to have a violent death squad cartel to be put into the top leadership position for monopoly for their crap stupid dirty spawn to be put into lead positions with no opposition or talented competition outside of the endless rotation of these dirty, stupid and rotten mediocrities

Anthony Hopkins epitomizes the sexist and racist mentality that has existed behind every Imperialism push for centuries to crush thwart and take over every country the English Empire used to have--now they have taken control over the United States through the white filth ape MAGA group of incompetent grabbing imperialist Nazis.


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I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.