MK UlLTRA is not about "mind control", it's about parasitic feeding off other human beings. The social engineering of masses has already been accomplished long before the techno-terror onslaught of opportunistic greedy grasping lying professional con artists, who have taken over every decent, humane aspect of American society and have stolen the concepts and turned all into a snake oil cartel of overtake ransom.//The hateful man from England is glowing today like he's shining out of the hormone of sadism and sexual assault that always accompanies those who rape and torture me. The more vicious the more of their former dowdy drab appearance is shed with glowing skin and bright complexions from the hormone release and the power-over feeding frenzy that accompanies all the endless hate directed at me. Undoubtedly the parasite has been handed a huge contract, already years of him participating in murder attempts on me and now he is the one being handed lead roles again--like so many of the rest, his career was in decline until he latched onto this contract. Those who are of his generation or even younger, but who have been handed every kind of promotion possible for all the years they have partaken in drugging and using brain-suffocating technology to lie, abuse and insult me while I am teleported in a drugged and non-stop t ortured state--and he's no exception, Hopkins is as sick as some of his pathological characters in his movies--just waiting to be released from the prison of his constrained fantasies of hate for women like me hate for America and overtake of America to turn it all into a subordination Europigapeland-invasion with "them" put in control. Of course allied with the English Crown. It's not an English propensity it is of the kind of abusers and users and con artists thieves, bigots (of all skin colors) and hateful wanna be's looking for any opportunity. The mentality that has created this schism from life-generating idea-formation into sleazy parasitic feeding abusers has been inculcated by decades of gang stalking poisoning and drugging "accident" and otherwise murderous groups which can't stand to see American have anyone outside of Europigapeland hegemony control--the mandate is to re-create fascist Nazi and dark ages Europigapeland imperialism and America restored as a colony of the Crown, the Nazis and the Mafia. My assessment from being forced into these situations with people I never wanted anything to do with, for t he most part never once liked any of these actors. The older ones, the one I am dealing with now, was a completely different person in the one role I admired of him--decades ago, half a century ago almost. He has been ossified as a hateful spiteful wealth and 3rd Reich imposer of the boxes of conformity pitting his "group" into automatic assumption of elitism without any questions asked about the validity of their claim to instant superiority. Of course, any display on my part of intellect that they deem a threat is met with sexual violence, poisoning drugging and attempted murder and blockage discrimination. It is lynch mob mentality like Jim Crow revisited, but international and universally enforced, reinforced by the "minorities" who claim they are targeted--the U.S. version of psy-ops engineering for consent to trick people into believing that opposition in the U.S> is real to the fascist dictates of the white male supremacy and female complicity to rape torture and violence to block all and any thing or one capable of being actually superior. His nasty ugliness towards me has been met, obviously as with them all, with instant cheers. When Oprah stole my concept for A Wrinkle in Time and then jumped into the team after a few years of the filth white pair endlessly extracting ideas (which they have been using for over a decade--I stopped writing my creative ideas long ago but they are still coming out with the ideas I wrote for a few years on facebook as all was being stolen from my room, my laptop broken all destroyed all discs destroyed all saving devices broken. I h ad no way to understand how I could protect myself so I wrote my ideas on Facebook hoping I could at least "save" the record. It appears that my ideas, stolen, have been deleted to hide their crimes. I have written so many thousands of posts for years begging for help and writing ideas I have no idea where these ideas are now, if they remain or are stolen and deleted. Probably deleted. All the attackers after they torture me are cheered like Oprah has been . She was then chosen to be a Dem candidate for the 2020 election cycle and then i2024 to head the entertainment display which turned a lot of black voters off, so I heard. But she was applauded furiously in H-wood after attacking m e. Her ego grew, she lost weight, she has been paid in more billions of dollars and is a pompous a$$ with all the money and applause. they are all glowing with joy and the delight they did not have before they djmp their hate on me as viciously as possible--this nasty old man has dumped poison toxic hate upon me for having written a few sentences regarding an analysis that they were discussing about Shakespeare. His uncooth sleazy dirty low behavior in coparison to his demand that he is the superior intellect that I have no right to live much less make any comment that I am just a non-white supremacy nothing loser bitch whore they can grab beat abuse and exploit--but oh, t hey don't mention how they torture me to obtain original ideas for years and decades whilte blocking my internet blocking keyboard function blocking all telecommunications blocking my finances and now--they are tryin to have all my money stolen after blocking health care poisoning me and then asking me for idaas and forcing rape to pound more poison into my body and when I say no it's more torture death squads and Europigape scum sexually abusing me for having written anything contrary to almost worship of scum and shit that I now consider them to be. Nothing t hey have ever done, any of them, has demonstrated anything but the lowest common denominator of stupid dirty filth their supposed denigration of me I see only as a reflection of what they are, how they are terrified to be exposed as the trashy filth that they are. They glow after they dump and pour their toxic shit filth wste energy on me, THis rotten ugly old man is glowing today with joy. I have never seen him so happy. Obviously he has been promised a huge deal plus he hates with murderous rage "minorities" out of America who can demonstrate that he, his ilk and Europigapeland is not the supreme. The expletives of Whorewod who are American only live by t he creed of white supremacy regardless of which skin color they are born with---in order to achieve their endlessly unjustified highest status and go to the Oscars and star in movies for decades to the utter boredom of me--at least--the public seems to love the same k-rap endlessly year after year---This mind control is not about behavior modification it is about lower-level energy parasites feeding off other human beings. That a low-level of "authority" has taken power over and needs to remain in power is the key essence to this technology and how it is really being used. It is the disguise of criminal smug psychopathy undeserved merit ideas these dirty foul creeps could never begin to fathom they are stealing and reformulating as their "image" which is undeserved in all respects. Because of the lack of real competition the transfixed nature of media and the imagery that absorbs the exhausted population and the people who need to be engrossed in a fantasy world of entertainment politics--they will eat anything they will devour junk food they will devour K-rap movies and call it great. The lack of critical commentary adjoins this effort. I wrote a little paragraph only writing using clear and exact references that they were ignoring the central point of the play--as just one commentary--and this is death threats sexual violence, me having to once more use physical force to get him from abusing me physically in the teleportation--all he does is under order to follow the protocols so he and his group can obtain endless promotions and deals. I can't even take it personally but on the other hand, the white males of his group which I see on a regular bsis everywhere in the world have created a murder system to stop people like me or control the rest. The "rest" who are not drugged and poisoned without microchips are so conditioned and programmed through incentives and through sheer economic despair which is being inflicted upon America at this time to consolidate the 4th Reich--people may not be microchipped and drugged but the desperation to make {ends meet" is creating a new wave of terrorist operatives who will do anything to not become homeless. At the wealth level of this man, whose one film performance over 40 years ago or longer I admired, and then saw him only playing murderous psychopaths and hateful anti-American pretending to be "open-minded" but the sneering contempt comes through at key moments in his elucidation and verbal intonation---an exact replica of the hissing hate I have heard countless times in places dominated by Europ-a-land fascist exploiters--their minions in tow, doing exactly as they are told, just like the rich "minorities" of H-wood and in Congress--


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So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. 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So okay, I wish that the Nazis will burst your goddamn image and that you are shunned and then become a target as you have done to me. I hope your food is poisoned as you have done to me, I hope you are gang stalked to forever as you ordered upon me by the MAGA filth crowds you PUT INTO POWER through your greasy greed and hate and addiction and selfishness. I hope that your addiction to cocaine, which was fueled by your obvious addiction to whatever (alcohol, sex, working, controlling, etc) becomes your imprisonment of failure as you have been laughing about what you and your ilk have done to me for so many years. Your addiction will be turned into whatever you are addicted to being poisoned by the gang stalking groups which you helped to expand through all the years of your Oscars and deals with rotten Scorsese who sent you and Pesce and many others to violently assault me as he and you both went to the Oscars and on and on and on. I hope this for Scorsese as well, but he has never said anything about politics as the Whorewood celebrities are like the sleazy rotten whores who will be paid for any and all administrations, which are almost identical anyway in fascist Nazism. That is why you assumed that what was happening to me was because I must be all the negative stereotypes that you affixed to me to justify your violence. Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

O.J. did identify with Black activism when he played a role about violent resistance being preferable to peaceful demonstration to KKK activity. Richard Burton as the lead star of the film. He made activist statements (O.J. I am referring to) and "fought the Man" in the film as a rep for Black Rights. The film was made in the 70's. O.J. was married at that time to a Black woman (contentedly, as she claimed there was little friction in the marriage even thought they divorced). This clip from the movie shows O.J. playing a violent extremist/terrorist for Black activism rather than quiet and peaceful protests and lectures. The advocacy of violence as a weapon against racism preferable to any equal justice movement where debate is futile and the system is forever rigged. That is the gist of the clip and the movie is about racism. Like so many, O.J. got brainwashed into trying to live the wealthy elite lifestyle of Brentwood and LA but the violence was sublimated nevertheless and it came out eventually due to the falsity of the stress of appearing like he enjoyed playing the inter-racial good guy role.