Theory about Joker 2 (a Deux), a tiny comparison to Misery//The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison//... and also the worst Joker Joke that possibly could be

The Rich Get Richer & the Poor Get Prison, 11th ed (2017) 

"The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison. Ideology, Class, and Criminal Justice PART 1 Jeffrey H". Christie Malry. June 1, 2023.


Primer (copied from a review of the Reiman book above) to read b4 reading my further analysis below:

a concise summation of Reiman's book (above) as applied to both Joker films (the latter "hated" by the eager public for more bloodshed, more theatrics, more exoneration for psychopathic release of powerlessness experienced by the increasing majority of inhabitants on earth as money and wealth are accruing towards a fixed, smaller percent of an "entitled" population".

The main point is that this bears direct correlation to MY TELEPORTATION AND MK ULTRA torture, rape and mutilation and endless attempted murder situation (plus the ensuing demand for a "baby" for further experimentation of 2nd and 3rd generation mind control subjects).

That dirty, nasty sleazy and mostly mentally sick and emotionally perverted "wealthy" out of Whorewood and Congress are being paid out in MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of dollars for instituting a new techno-terror industry of instant gratification of all psychopathic rape and sexual abuse and mutilation deformity and racist class-based violence upon me, as a "prototype" of this victim paradigm that had been asserted upon a happless and helpless population around the mostly Euro-p-a-land population for centuries, so bleak in nature a millennium was termed, "The Dark Ages" and for good reason.

Inquisitions, rape entitlement by blood-thirsty baron landlords, and colonialism where the impoverished were WORKED TO DEATH (*read the actual book Heart of Darkness where the Black inhabitants of The Congo were, indeed, worked to death for the Ivory and other "valuables" trade. Their hands chopped off by the Europigapeland pre-Nazis--the Belgium and the French, if they did not produce enough daily on slave food rations and I think almost nothing else--their villages ransacked their women raped. This was considered the "elite" structure of a wealthy nation, and it's paradigm is being re-introduced by this tech forced upon me as an initial investment in returning the world to a violent ultra wealthy and destitute impoverished divide. 

Joker deals with this, and the result is sheer disappointment by the viewers. The utter lack of concern or help from any single body on the planet to help me is also indicative of how willing the masses are willing to bring "back" utter entitlement. They are all lied to endlessly and promised instant gratification and promotion. Little do they understand that this has, historically, always been the segue for utter devastation once the fascist imperialists obtain "power" over the land and population they had initially "seduced" with all the gold-plated carrot incentives which I see being endlessly handed out to the mostly stupid sick and violent aspiring aristocrat Nazis of Whorewood and congress.

Joker takes this into a complete societal affirmation of the utter sickness of modern contemporary society. It shields the viewer by placing it not in the context of the 80's but, in my "opinion" the Reagan Era of "Trickle-Down" economics and entitlement-based wealth aspiration of endless wealth and relaxation of laws and laxity towards wealth entitlement to commit endless crime and get away with it. The obverse side was the huge spike in incarceration, which was brought on by the next "Democrat" wave of the Clinton and also Biden extreme seeming opposite, which was just complimentary to the current near collapse of society. In the wake of the collapse they anticipate-the creators of this filth and muck regime--that a 4th Reich Nazi and Mafia entitlement psychopathic leadership will emerge, and "they" plan on being put into this league of super-heroes truly are just saving themselves as super-duper while in actuality, it is a sham it is a delusion on the part of the mind-programmed enslaved masses. They can't even anticipate that a false hero pretending to have the same entitlement as the wealthy abusive rich powerful father can "get away" with the same crimes done in covert protected secrecy as the "entitled" who truly are despicable parasitic users, rapists murdering liars and reprehensible scum.

13th Edition The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison Thinking Critically About Class and Criminal Justice By Jeffrey Reiman, Paul Leighton Copyright 2023   

"For 40 years, this classic text has taken the issue of economic inequality seriously and asked: Why are our prisons filled with the poor? Why aren’t the tools of the criminal justice system being used to protect Americans from predatory business practices and to punish well-off people who cause widespread harm?

This new edition continues to engage readers in important exercises of critical thinking: Why has the U.S. relied so heavily on tough crime policies despite evidence of their limited effectiveness, and how much of the decline in crime rates can be attributed to them? Why does the U.S. have such a high crime rate compared to other developed nations, and what could we do about it? Are the morally blameworthy harms of the rich and poor equally translated into criminal laws that protect the public from harms on the streets and harms from the suites? How much class bias is present in the criminal justice system—both when the rich and poor engage in the same act, and when the rich use their leadership of corporations to perpetrate mass victimization?

The Rich Get Richer, the Poor Get Prison shows readers that much of what goes on in the criminal justice system violates citizens’ sense of basic fairness. It presents extensive evidence from mainstream data that the criminal justice system does not function in the way it says it does nor in the way that readers believe it should. The authors develop a theoretical perspective from which readers might understand these failures and evaluate them morally—and they do it in a short text written in plain language.

Readers who are not convinced about the larger theoretical perspective will still have engaged in extensive critical thinking to identify their own taken-for-granted assumptions about crime and criminal justice, as well as uncover the effects of power on social practices. This engagement helps readers develop their own worldview.

New to this edition:

  • Presents recent data comparing the harms due to criminal activity with the harms of dangerous—but not criminal—corporate actions
  • Updates research on class discrimination at every stage of the criminal justice system
  • Updates statistics on crime, victimization, incarceration, and wealth
  • Increased material for thinking critically about criminal justice and criminology
  • New material on global warming and why Black Lives Matter protests did not cause increases in crime in 2020
  • Expanded discussion of marijuana and drug legalization
  • Stronger chapter overviews, clearer chapter structure and expanded review questions
  • Streamlined and condensed prose for greater clarity


Theory: Joker 2 was intentionally so oblique in scattered fragmental mental states which annoyed the viewership so badly that scorn has been heaped. It befits the almost hateful reviews on YouTube coinciding with the ending of the film: the audience was expecting the Joker to play his accustomed theatrical "heroic" psychopath role. It is similar in tone to the film (and Book, do not forget it was first a book!) but the disappointment in the fanbase expecting to have the same titillation heroic ending, romanticizing the evil villain overcoming law and justice because, for some reason, having a misery upbringing and white male rage resulting in a charming, sad but oh-so-relieving of release of violence, embedded in the collective spirit

they demand the ending to accommodate their fantasy projection onto the object. The rage-ful and vengeful response was not just the "end" of a "fairy-tale" fantasy romance (which I believe, as in the first Joker, was a sheer creation of the Joker to ease his tormented fractured personality--in fact, most of the movie glorifying Joker in #2 regarding his "love affair" was a fantasy as it had been in the first film. The L. Gag female who is supposed to be "Harley Quinn", a character I only know as being another psychopath luring in crowds of fans drooling for a substitute criminal they long to become in the "real world" and reshaping their fantasies projected onto a screen character, and if possible playing copycat to that criminal release wherever and whenever possible if they can "get away" with it.

The horrid singing which meandered (for far too long) throughout the film was the total immersion in "insanity" double personality that Joker had slipped into, with his fake romance with his neighbor, shortly before going on his infamous/famous murder spree, resulting in his incarceration.


In short, the "girlfriend" episode, which lasted for most of the film, was a total fabrication as Joker's mind had slipped irrevocably into a fantasy world. He never had this "girlfriend" to begin with. 

All it took was for her to give him one look as he passed by for a side venture into a fantasy escapist world in order for this "romance" to dominate the rest of the movie.

In fact, I believe that the court sequence also was a fantasy concocted in the Joker's mind and the entire film was based on the fantasies of Joker while drugged in his dreary cage, in a "lunatic asylum". 


The escapism of movies, as depicted in this movie but done so deftly with such "realism" was intentionally performed as a 3rd rate showpiece by the awful singing of both  partners. A fantasy life and fantasy love affair and a fantasy courtroom appearance, replete with killing the judge (Jewish, as usual for a NY courtroom, huh? What would that imply from the Jewish director, I wonder--more fantasies of hate on the part of the Joker, as represented by the violent longings of his fanbase as well, a commentary on antisemitism. As usual, no one critic comments on this aspect. Instead they just rant on how badly the cohesion of the film went, or didn't go and that it lacked any kind of theatrical direction or movement).

It was intended, I theorize, to be a projection fantasy of a deeply split mind, and thusly it was as symbolic and lacking in cohesion as the split mind of the "protagonist".


However, in the "end", the Joker becomes despondent because he has no more audience to perform for, whether in his mind or in his own domain. The guards are constantly mocking and hitting and beating him, for one reason or another (the scene where Joker is being seriously beaten by guards coincides with the fantasy the Joker has of being a "star" self-appointed legal counsel giving his "all" to the tv monitors and to the crowd. His theatrics perhaps given, instead, in the stark reality he cannot face, to the other prisoners was met with a severe beating by the guards who wanted him to be "normal" abysmal and a "nothing" in chains. Like the rest, with the guards of course, then "superior" because they have beaten and isolated the grandiosity of the spectacular psychopath into the dark shadows of the dank cells which they are stuffed and then compressed into.

The entire Joker series is about social conditioning and how "the system" beats individuality out of the human spirit and mind.

When the Joker can't fantasize any longer, is beaten so much by the guards, he can't pretend he is in his clown attire in front of a packed courtroom (never happened, it was his fantasy portrayed in the film, just as the Joker 1 "romance" also had never happened, but was likewise portrayed realistically in the film until the human man settled into his "real" self, the oppressed and tortured victim of domestic violence and societal hate for anyone weak---or despised due to race, or income status (and all the other "isms" and categories by which people are compressed or allowed to vent all their hate upon others. In normal society the utter wealthy are the only ones allowed to be verified after they commit grievous harm (i.e. the father of The Joker--and please excuse me but mind control is preventing me from remembering all the exact names of these characters--Arthur, the main character)

The social context of which are allowed to beat their illicit mistresses former slave maids and then the children of the maids, abandon them afterwards to poverty and filth and lack and wont

that is the domain of the "entitled" mostly male, and then in our feminist times to those who learn, by example, to play the same roles but also play the split schism of feigning that they are victims fighting against injustice.


When the spark of Arthur, the formerly "Happy" psychopath clown is reduced to being just "normal" nothing, nobody and depressed once more completely crushed by "the system" is when the outrage of those who had put his character on a pedestal were ready to murder him and completely denounce him as being just another "loser" who could not make it, which means he could not fake it any longer.


THE REASON WHY Joker 2 is so hated is that the issues of societal repression are so suppressed and so embraced by "society", in particular the "established" media "critics" who lack all critical analysis which is not safely within the boundaries of acceptable sexism racism and all the theories about crime and income disparity that The Joker series has touched on. These are issues I studied in my classes in Criminal Justice so this is not just a "woke" angry "b-word" looking for a vengeful response to the injustice endlessly thrust into my every orifice and brain stem cell situation place and condition by a world of people absolutely enthralled with being able to play "joker" hate skits upon me. No, this is from STUDYING CRIMINAL JU8TICE at the graduate level. There is one book in particular which touches upon these themes, and the author is, of course, somehow dead and died along with a throng of other societal commentarists during the beginnings of the 2000's epoch of so many dying who had formerly been actual "REAL" social commentary critics of the "established order". To put this in colloquial terms, what I hear now in terms of movie and criminal justice reform and activists rights speeches is "lame" in comparison.

The book is titled, "The Rich Get Richer and The Poor Get Prison". Within the book are a series of peer-reviewed references to criminal justice issues related to socio-economic injustice and racial animus veering towards absolute incarceration aimed at minorities, in particular Black Males. Studies and statistics and analyses are provided. The website, now reaching archived status and being relegated to older and "outdated" information is packed with studies and commentaries that The Joker 1 &2 deal with. Also studying a class in Mental Disorders and Criminal Justice also is in direct line with what Joker delves into, artistically but the mention of how money is being taken away from social services is a dominant theme in the 2 films. No one touches on this as any cause of mental disorder they instead touch on the more sensational aspects of how someone was f**ed and abused, which is extremely titillating a topic let me tell you as it is the main theme of what the f-ers attacking me are constantly enthralled with engaging in, viciously and constantly, for over 15 years from Whorewood and Congress-Whorewood (and beyond, of course).

The disappointment with Joker is that it touches reality of how oppressive all the "systematic" levers of power structuring really are. They want a hero able to transcend the crushing autonomy of a regulated poor v. rich society, where a city leader is "allowed" to sexually exploit and beat women and children who are his "vassal slaves" but the children and women had better "stay in their allotted place" which is to serve, bow and take whatever abuse the white male bigot wants to inflict. It is his "entitlement" and the women of his stature (of course, always on a lower level) giddily and in my case, giggly engage with ferocious glee because it has to be ME (and not them, as substitute for what actual real "b-words" they truly are, which is not me--which is why "they" have to steal my ideas so often because being a rich b-word is the epitome and pretending to be "feminist" and fighting against "domestic violence" while still ferociously supporting white male rape entitlement is all they are about.)

Joker had transcended this role as a white male in drag costume but as a clown, it was acceptable (so it was also for John Wayne Gacy).

Once the make-up was removed, the crushing blows came from the white male entitlement regime against the poor and defenseless victim, the people who had looked for a "savior" just had to kill him, brutally. It is the same theme as Misery but just without Cathy Bates. Society is Cathy Bates (is that Kathy Bates? sorry memory again is blocked--yes it's with a K--my brain is so smothered by mind control memory loss while I am writing).


As to the joke the The Joker would make today, here goes?

What would The Joker, were he a real psychopath clown today, this day, dress-up as for Halloween?


ha ha ha ha

maybe he would have effigies of dead bodies tied to his coattails to complete the costume.


"Misery--You killed my Misery--Her spirit--Dirty bird--Pretty special guy--Respect--Horror". JohnnyFrickinRico. March 12, 2021.


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