An indictment: The horrible destitution of being "disabled" in Florida--meaning officially diagnosed as such and truly physically or mentally incapacitated. I can attest that services I was subjected to were so inadequate under Medicaid that I got almost the most basic medicine (for thyroid) and almost nothing more. I was not able to get dental (now I see that has perhaps changed) I was forced to live on subsistence level (and still am) which is not sustainable in any economy, much less the ever-increasing economy of Florida, now packed with "snow birds" who made their destination Florida for permanency. //People facing this hurricane who are not able to AFFORD a ticket to nowhere--for where can you go even if you can afford a ticket, which most can't and the homeless--what will befall them? And then there are the animals which will perish horrible deaths in the entire region. //All this because the norm has been to ignore nature and to want only material image and luxury--and racism is so rampant and normative racism exists despite all the trappings of "progress" made in that development.//Many are forced to have very life-threatening resources to even flee much less survive anything that is coming should they be able to flee to some other region. To go into detail would mean just recounting what I have seen or heard in newspapers about people not being able to claim the $750 promised to Helene survivors who have no computers or places to claim as their lost residence--the ironies that I experienced endlessly in Florida and it seemed a deliberate mass extinction policy on the part of the "system", and that was before the economic crises before the homeless crises and now before the hurricane crises. The main philosophical bent that has been a part of this process has been a blind-sided focus on obtaining and exploiting---and not caring about cementing over nature, bulldozing over people, and consolidating a selfish and truly myopic "wealth" attainment society which I have to deal with every day in teleportation. The "leaders" of the influencing travesty that has truly brought about so many of these crises through their utter lack of humanity--despite their many claims to the opposite in their public and media appearances. //I am not exactly "throwing blame" but it sure as hell feels like a paradigm that has lead to the current "revenge of nature" spewing up the filth and exhaust and destruction of nature so more of the "few" can have Euro-land mansions and build empires of excess and wealth overseas, and in all the policies that have just sold-out the ethics of concern about nature and other human beings. //I will not elaborate upon how many of the people who are now in the disenfranchised states who are left without vehicles or ways to escape florida with their few possessions, and how many have also participated in this hate contract even when they are "homeless" but particularly when they are "selling" a socio-political-artistic slant of being "open-minded" "liberal" or "caring" "anti-racist" and most awfully, "feminist against rape culture" (as long as it's me being the victim and not "Them"). I realize this sounds like I am tying people who participate in this global pandemic of "gang stalking" terrorism as an equation of the people stranded with no resources who are facing death due to the lack of concern that those they believed were "superior" (as the programming is endlessly being foisted upon me, these idiot savant perpetual liars, thieves, rapists and racist haters of the most deadly purport are trying to force the mind program upon me that they are somehow 'superior" and the more contact i have with them, and the longer the backlash of NATURE is whipping a frenzy of the inevitable conclusion of so much of nature being raped and plundered endlessly with the artificial construct of a wealth-attainment society of "winners and losers" now making so many on the brink of extinction--(the worst case being animals)--and so, I can NEVER equate these sleazy and stupid lying most violently hateful expletives as being anything but..."superior". And now, a superior force is wiping so much off the planet because of the lack of actual superior intelligence to equate endless sucking dry of all that is possible that seems vulnerable to rape and plunder---

 "Crass--What The Fuck? (1981)". fmcrass. November 11, 2011. 

Crass--lyrics to 

What The Fuck?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat.

Your fire is melting both soil and soul,
In plan maybe, is that not enough?
Your war and raving of it is so total,
You're consumed by it as you'd consumed us.
Would you see the fire from your sanctuary of death?
What terrible pain you need to hide,
In your hatred you'd seek to destroy the earth,
What is it that you have been denied?
Your mind and its rantings are so barren,
What the fuck are you thinking? What the fuck?
Your eyes and their vision, empty, staring,
What the fuck are you seeing? What the fuck?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat.

So singular your motives, yet impossible to define,
How finely lined my destiny in the cobwebs of your crime.
So insular your future, so alien your plan,
Take all of this if you will and I'll take what I can.

A town that is no more,
"My god", you say, "what have I done?"
But you won't heed what's gone before,
"What pity?", you say, "There is none."
And so you drive the world to war,
But this war will not be lost or won,
The desolation that you've seen but never saw
Is the lesson that you teach, but never learn.
But would you see the fire in the world where you exist?
Will your hard eyes register the pain?
Are you so cold that there is no distress?
Where there's death would you give death again?
No flowers in your landscape, some withered rose
Kicked amongst the corpses where they lay,
Halted where all hope died, froze,
By the horror of your acts compelled to stay.

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat.

Unnoticed all this in your lusting after death,
How determined that your darkness should be shared.
Unnoticed in your blindness this miracle of breath,
What element of beauty attracts your cruel desire?
Would you see the burning? Is that your delight?
Would you have me see it in your stead?
Would you feel my yearning? Peace, life light,
Body, breath. Would you take all this?

What now? Now you would destroy the earth,
Dry the river beds.
What now? Now in your control, birth and death,
Dry the bodies, incadescent in the heat.

What is it that you're seeking, so cold & so deprived?
What is it that you dream of in your empty eyeless head?
Why must I share your lust of death? Can you not die alone?
Why must I share your fear of breath, light, life, PEACE?


***Warning*** for the hateful murdering rapist bigots of the 4th Reich who would disparage in harshest terms this next statement on my part, I would urge you to return to your "Humanitarian" speeches of glorifying yourselves as being the "warmest, kindest" individuals as a collective on Earth--now dying because you are some of the most heinous haters on the planet glorified by a death cult system (sometimes referred to as the 4th Reich but it's branches reach many other "heads" of the monster global system):

Well, Florida---you wanted so dearly to kill off your poor and disabled and homeless and now you will have so much done!  People are being kicked off disability in Florida due to policies of ---well, the 4th Reich extermination policy, to put it bluntly. They operate with nice slick slogans like, "The poor only want FREE HANDOUTS AND us Christians are only living in the Grace of Gawd damn and they ain't getting nothin' from us". 

DIE YOU DISABLED, AND HOMELESS that is the real sentiment. Now they are getting what they preyed upon and disenfranchised into extermination.

In the process, they have enough money stored up to rebuild their lost mansions--don't they?

The economy will be bolstered only for the wealthy by the endless policies which have always "bailed" out the wealthy when the rest lose their home and land and property and savings--that is "The American Dream Way". 

The history goes back decades.

I just had a screaming yelling (one-sided, the smug hater on the other side sat next to the perpetrator of rape and exploitation upon me, as she, this 'feminist' was happily enjoying me becoming enraged, as her promotion was due to follow. I explained that the Reagan Era brought on so much allowance of such death policies and aggregation of wealth into a narrowing few, with lack of oversight, transparency and concern about "fellow human beings"). She scoffed and glared at me in hate with a sneering side-long glance of disdain. It infuriated me even more as she dug into her well-established stance of "superiority and entitlement" (especially coming from the Blonde white supremacy league)

and thusly, I want to reiterate in this blog that I consider that the Reagan Era was extremely instrumental in making this utter lack of regard for law, humanity and for any kind of salvageable and sustainable economy for the majority into a lost and desolate wasteland of rape culture--raping the land, elimination of land preservation policies, drilling and building and consolidation of wealth and a debt-riddled economy with bailouts always going for those most responsible for the dire emergencies so they can swoop up, vulture style, all the savings and houses that were lost.

And now, they have unintentionally created a mass extinction of the poor in Florida--Health and Human services and the Social Security administration will be unburdened by what has been and what is now---the coffers will not be as depleted for the sub-poverty standards that the disabled and the elderly and whatever else is thrust into the "loser" camp slated for extinction.

Congratulations, your death policies are working. The outcome is perhaps that you will rebuild more mansions along the coast of Florida, outright slave-era plantations this time instead of condominiums--because "climate change" is a hoax, and also because the Democrats are creating the hurricanes to stop Red-wave voting in Florida.

Jesus-f-ing Christ#####

Pls note, of course, accusatory idiots, that this is a sardonic mockery and not a true sentiment on my part--just have to write this out is should be clear but the haters accuse me of everything using the slightest pretext. They would claim that this is my real hate mentality. I am only reflecting the actual unspoken death cult that exists in that area, and the rest of the country as well. The pretenses are so rampant to the opposite and especially in the information-influencing sphere of celluloid ephemeral unreality influencing.


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