Piggies running rampant, tramping over the Constitution and Law: Ugly, sick Prostitutalina's movie, derived 1000% from my writing about Maria Callas, and the every concept I had written about on Facebook was stolen by this ugly filth trash parasitic whore, the exact duplicate of what I had written was turned into her movie role in which also the ENERGY she sucked out of my energy "aura" (if you will) by the parasitic torture, attempted murder and non-stop rape with her pricking up her pig ape ears every time I ranted about women's rights, and the passion I have which she stole to use as her cause because she has been otherwise a blank skank from Whorewood until she began stealing my ideas. Malificent was just one almost a decade ago, not only no payment not a thank you but murder--torture and slow poisoning to death with me fighting as that filthy piece of stupid shit had me mutilated and my body disfigured every single day and abused and raped and beaten--non-stop for 13 years--or how long now? Since 2013--every day, literally day after day with only a few days off for her skank sucking out of the ideas from me via torture to present herself as having any fucking concept other than prostituted bs lying filth--and I want that fucking whore to be forced to PAY ME for the YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS of this not only theft of my ideas, and the concept about Maria Callas which I had written on Facebook circa 2016, or 2017-so drugged, my body and home ransacked every day as this filth shit whore stole and stole my ideas, year after fucking year with her husband, and her children coming to physically assault me, and at least 300 Whorewood scumbag celebrities and at least the top tier of American political Congress coming alongside this filthy, sick and stupid crap parasitic whore. tHis is not "sour grapes" it is the grapes of wrath because I am nearly homeless, they have poisoned me, my food, my hair my vagina my home my clothing every single day for at least a decade--with that stupid filth and the crew torturing me morning after morning to ask me for ideas by torturing me under drugging and mind control so I ranted about the injustice, the ideas about domestic violence--I also wrote about the Barbie concept this group of shit also stole, but turned it into blonde Nazi ideology glorification instead of what I had written. The passion that ugly stupid blank shitalina portrays is only derived from the murderous near-death of poisoning and torture that stupid ape inflicted upon me, every day and it continues to this very moment. And I want that fucking whore to be thrown in prison hopefully dead but make that fucking whore pay me finally goddamn this is such shit from congress to allow this to go on and on. Even my attempt with 6 years of grad school have been blocked by this group of fucking sick shit from Whorewood so I remain fighting to shit poison out as I am raped beaten now by a German fucking whore parasite who is longing to be included in the Whorewood monopoly--brining a host of his lovers friends an family into America through stupid rotten prostitutalina--they have made my body completely huge, disfigured, severed out part of my uterus while I was drugged and unconscious--it came out in the shower---sliced off, something like a tiny kidney organ that had been cut into the "tube"--they have mutilated my fingers and toes, made my hair nearly bald I can't get it to grow back after the YEARS OF THIS ugly shit whore ordering destruction chemicals and fungus and mold slathered into my hair, into my vagina while being raped and my spine and hips put out of alignment by a host of Russian men who were living on this hallway who harassed and followed me every time I walked out the door. It took me 3 years to figure out how to block my door from being opened from inside with mechanical arms as this filthy whore kept coming out year after year with movies I had written the ideas of, in drugged up stupors from dying from internal paralysis poisoning. Shitting it out constantly for years as this dirty whore has all the people who need a promotion scream at me with hate after they beat rape and abuse me that this piece of stupid empty meaningless psychopatchi shit is "more beautiful" as my body is so damaged my face was forced to have tears pour down for hours every day for over 4 years from the microchip implant in my throat while this filth whore was having me beaten poisoned and raped and asking me endlessly for ideas. Stealing this one from my Facebook page, and I know that rotten pig-lousy (pelosi) has a stake in Facebook so they probably deleted that post. It is disgusting, but I am writing this hoping that there will be justice. Can't anyone ever get this fucking parasitic ugly sick whore and this entourage of sick sleazy rapist naziis off me? They have been stealing my ideas (oh yes, the movie Blonde also was derived from posts I had written about Marilyn Monroe as well) I forgot under mind control ranting to include that I could not and cannot ever produce anything--I have only been able to figure out how to protect, nominally, my possessions in the last 3 years but when I wrote these posts--every single thing was stolen, broken and any USB port, all technical items were broken routinely. I can't type without the hacking blocking my brain and body have been pummeled with poison that is like a thick black stinking liquid hanging off my body but hardening at the core of my body in successive layers. I begged for help for over 13 years for someone to stop the poisoning. MAKE THAT FUCKING WHORE PAY ME THE CORRECT PERCENT FOR HAVING STOLEN NOT ONLY THIS IDEA, BUT MALIFICENT, AND FOR YEARS OF ATTEMPTED MURDER, DESTSRUCTION OF MY HEALTH, HAVING SHIT WHORE MEN RAPE AND TORTURE ME WITH HER LAUGJHING AND WATCHING ON THEN STEALING THE RANTING RAGE POSTS I HAD WRITTEN ABOUT WOMEN'S RIGHTS AS HER CONCEPTS. Can anything be more parasitic and sick than this? It is straight Nazi shit from that prostituted sick filth who never had a meaningful movie concept until she began leeching off me to death. Get that ugly sick fucking whore off me and let me LIVE goddamn.

BOYCOTT Miss Piggy and her frog partners for all awards. It's rigged. That's why Trump always claims that elections are rigged because piggy sandwich years of layers of watching awards being rigged and he knows...how fake news the awards are. A carry-over to the big ham sandwich of the Oval Office, a clam bake guaranteed to entertain November 2024. But as for the upcoming awards, do not allow piggies to be able to get away with crimes against humanity, as that is exactly what this teleportation truly is. State-sponsored terrorism piggery, endorsed by every side of the pig trough, the "people" are the feeding fodder for the piggies to lie to and devour. It's all rigged, boycott this. Try to get authentic human beings into power and into your mind programming carnival Animal Farm Orwellian tube alternative universe black hole live(s)--boycott the pigs and the apes---put real people into power stop following junk and K-rap and then wondering why everything stinks like a pig sty and you-don't-know-why...? Yes you do, and it's because of you championing pigs in the space of tube life you allow to devour your mind like a parasitic envelopment to thwart your actual intellectual development and spiritual, but not like fake as there are so many in that gamut of the Hell-scape zone of the imposter media zone throne worshipping sleazy pig apes is just an escape from having to face the necessity to fight for your own behalf . Believing all lies, you have put piggies into power and you keep them there because you truly do not care. You actually do not dare to embrace the true concepts that are required...

"Muppets: Kermit & Miss Piggy Disappointed Over Oscars Snub". Sky News. January 28, 2012.


"Piggies--The Beatles"...

"Rob Zombie & Marilyn Manson--Helter Skelter (Official Track)". Nuclear Blast Records. July 22, 2018.

I am the Divine White Virgin purified in the dreams of black violence from whence came the prostitutalina in the form of a vampire life-sucking rape fucking whore to show me how beautiful and pure I truly am. That I worked at the feminist, women's sexuality-empowering establishment, which is famous and was cancelled by the WHITE MALE supremacy not by "woke" culture but by the sick joke jock culture--which the rape "demonically-possessed filthy whore whom you all adore for the posturing lies and plastic-surgery sighs years practiced so you can "believe" that reality is untrue and that lies are all that will suffice "you". Sacrifice the beauty of the soul of this country to the whores you all give banquets and cheers to and cherish the blossom blood of shriveled sleazy sick filth. They truly are the crucifix and purity prostituted thieves of actual purified truth and beauty. What you consider to be beauty is a whore carved out of plastic surgery Whorewood creation intending to sell rape culture for white supremacy 4th Reich culture--at the near base are the blacks vying to become like their white masters and they are pushing any "Jews" down to the slots that they claim they are victims of. Oh, this is not depicted in this scene but it's behind all the cream of the bottom of the barrel that has been put as the "top" to a country that has yet to learn so much about Freedom, Love and Truth in a real life-affirming sense. If America had this, it would not sanctify whores as their icons for plastic celluloid products that are past life-shelf value who use torture to obtain ideas they have no inkling of, to mass-produce a mind control theocracy of anti-Democracy aristocracy imitating the Feudal system of outright murderous genocidal mass slaughter and "evil" in almost pure form, that is the only purity out of the Piggy cartel to which I only make mention of the main piggy who has been stealing my ideas going on for a decade and a half, every single year. I only mention a few of the concepts it has been literally every single year. So read below if you venture into ranting hacked discrediting but...imagine, if you will, the cause and not being deceived any longer by this trash piggy sty I refer to---. And by the way, these are ordained practitioners of whatever type of necormancy and blackest of "magick" that they are capable of paying others to do on their behalf (lots of it in Whorewood t hey even teleported me to a Voodun priestess who was very willing to curse me, so they are deflecting every single thing they are doing onto me, every day and everything they say is a lie--about me especially--in their attacks upon me. They literally call me what they are, and they claim I am doing what they are doing, and etc). The working of the Left-Hand Path (and yes, the Nazis had great interest in the Left Hand Path of Tibet High Magick, which was written of by an occult writer whose books Hitler had beside his bedside --i.e. The Secret Doctrine, and other books by Blavatsky from whence the term "Aryian" is derived and the "master race" was adapted to Nazi Occultism. It is still being used to this day but not openly expressed. They are black magick practitioners and this video is very apt. They literally are life-force energy field life-sucking leeches and parasites. American loves them so much. America is falling apart. America is being programmed by them, especially the "Christians" who come to rape and attack me in front of them, out of Congress...they are participating in another killing of Jesus, they are participating in the Roman Orgy of Pre-Christian Pagan "satanism" worship. The reference to Tibet is Mr. Piggy Pitt's flick about Nazis 7 years in tibet--really a programming into Nazi theology and occultism, but disguised as a "hero" "pacifist" learning experience for a smug Nazi pig ape prick tutoring the Dalai Lama--so much left unsaid in that flick. But it coincides with the author of The Secret Doctrine who traveled to Tibet and gained insider knowledge into the occult symbolism, the Swastika being the main symbol she brought back to Europigapeland. It was the actual beginning of the Holocaust but it required maybe 40 years of programming through literature and movies and artistic rendering and the sales of Swastikas for the Nazi pig apes to become fully indoctrinated, leaving all concepts of Christian tolerance, love and compassion far, far behind. America is being trained by Europigapes in that progression leading from false piety into pure genodical fascism.

"The Lair of the White Worm 1988 (Crucifixion Dream Sequence)". Dean Kofie Cook. January 22, 2023.

i have been constantly, literally fighting for my life since 2013 when this group began it's leeching on me. They attacked me before even Depp began his most foul and violent attacks upon me, culminating in a murder attempt, then more murder attempts by filthy pig pitt and shitalina has had me poisoned for over 15 years and has been paid and trained to pose as being "aristocrat" for all these years of that rotten white trash kkk nazi skank being trained by the Europigape cartel to pose as their conduit for infiltration into america through her filthy vaginal hole of allowing every single dirty filthy nazi come through her skank self to rape me to gain access to whorewood. right now i am fighting for my life against an extremely abusive, violent german bigot making nazi references constantly and death threats and raping and hitting me under that ugly sick whore's urging to become more and more violent becuase that ugly skank has to get everything possible out of me.

dirty rotten obama and trump within one month and for the past 15 years have been behind this push for a nazification of america through this contract--but all these inept lying creeps know is that through this filthy ugly whore they have access to the Crown out of England and it's approval for their onset into the president position--that includes completely sick and disgusting krapola who is probably going to win, unless something happens to stop her--hopefully it will. another black nazi spurred into power by ugly sick shitalina.

now they are applauding this filthy skank as she is foisting the rapist upon me and watching as he calls me bitch slaps and rapes and abuses me as she lavishes caresses upon him

i truly hope somehow she has a horrible end and that justice will prevail. I am referring to awful horrible slow poisoning to death that she has laughed about, more sinister in the sick laughter than Kamala Harris laughing about the men she put in jail and kept in jail so california could save money by forcing slave labor on them--and more and more it's the same psychopathic californication bs and also Pelosi is even more violent than all of them almost combined--all with full approval of the fascist Nazi cartel of both the Repug and Demo-rat scumbag cartel gangs

they are just thugs, not even decent in any way, the senators I have met, the republicans are repulsive lynch mob fascist ignoramus bigots

the demo-rats are repulsively fake, so sinister and so into fascist Nazism with such fake exterior posturing performances about Democracy. 


Literally she has been feeding off my energy like some energy-sucking vampire--can't anyone understand this can't anyone in congress every fuckibng stop this sick situation finally?


I also wrote about The Handmaiden's Tale, which then became a tv series about 9 months after I had written the post on Facebook because I could not save anything using a USB or any save program. I could not function I could barely write more than a few paragraphs about my ideas as my laptops have been hacked for over 20 years without me being able to type clearly --they stiffen the keyboard so badly that it's painful to write more than half a page at a time and backspacing constantly, then they half-delete what I write, reword it, and then they steal it in it's original form that only they obtain.


NO payment from the English skank who starred in that tv series, only a series of hacked videos about her shit movies which I watched one of, and then realized that t his was another hateful Nazi looking for a promotion so I ignored her.

for over 15 years ugly stupid blank and meaningless prostitutalina has been reading my posts about the abuse of women, women's rights, about Maria Callas, about the feminist interpretation of Sleeping Beauty which she stole all from, while murdering and disfiguring and having my body slashed poisoned raped put out of alignment then poisoned with hardening chemicals which seep into every fracture, injury to put my spine into a labyrinth shape completely crooked while drugging me so badly I literally could not move. In so much pain I could not get out of bed and they injected sewage water into my vagina with drugs to make me have to rush to the bathroom in the middle of the night with stinking liquids pouring out of my body--that was after I had finally learned to block my front door but the mechanical arms were injecting the poison into my bladder through my vagina, making my hair fall out, inserting metal objects under my cuticles until at least 5 fingers no longer have cuticles and the nail roots are gone, completely cut out of my finger from about 10 years of that. They broke my left large toe so it's completely out of alignement as well. they cut into my gum tissue so deeply that the teeth are loose. And there is more and more--all of that is for me fighting against this sick filth group because if they force a "baby" out of me from some abusive piece of shit who is lavishing compliments upon ugly stupid shitalina while calling me bitch slapping raping and insulting and threatening me with violence constantly, as this fucking German pig ape has been doing for 2 months lavishing love upon u gly shitalina with telling me I have no choice but to have a baby with this fucker and etc etc so this group, including fuck Obama and even Trump will also gain from this contract--

so they plan on never paying me or even saying thank you for the ideas that have landed this worthless, overpaid group of shit for ideas that they took to the Oscars and won awards for--they jsut keep on having me slowly poisoned, drugged, beaten and raped to death with abuse and hate and never having even the ability to type much less use the internet to earn a single penny--

and they keep on and on. I see this filthy ugly stupid meaningless whorew pice of shit being awarded for her "ACTING' but I swear that she also has been sucking out my life force energy and the passion I have screamed about the injustice the rights I should have the racism the sexism the violence towards women the feminist concepts that this filthy parasite has stolen as well to present herself as being some kind of "abused" woman like all the abused "victims" i.e. the black Nazis who play victim constantly in their public lectures but are some of the most active abusers in front of ugly sick shitalina because the Europigape 4th Reich has been training her to posture as if she is elegant and sophisticated with the millions and billions of dollars poured into her as the conduit for Nazi and fascist overtake of Whorewood, they are assured top critical reviews they are assured a straight path to the crooked Oscars and Golden Globes and the fascist Italian festivals controlled by the mafia which is the partners the Gottis and DeNiro and Pesce et al

etc etc etc.

No one appears worried about this whatsoerver. My ideas have garnered millions and millions and billions of dollars--including Barbie which  ugly maggot robber had me repeatedly and brutally raped by English sick fucks when I wrote in rage about her using my concept--as usual, written long ago  because I     STOPPED WRITING MY CREATIVE CONCEPTS, for the most part, at least a decade ago because SO MUCH WAS BEING STOLEN BY BLONDE NAZI FILTH PROSTITUTED DUMB SKANKS to present them as having feminist ideology when they are the worst rape enablers and cheerleaders next to the black nazi "victims" of all persecution--one of whom just "won" another "women's "award that would be ape-rah, who also stole an idea from me and had a gang of black "righteous' activists rush to claim and  hit and spit at me that I am racist, with endless "you are racist' threats and acts of violence after calling that rotten piece of sick crap an Aunt Jemima and that was after years of her participating.

They are all plastic surgery coated, endlessly awarded, as the Nazi fascist cartel has taken over completely the media and the United States government. 

But someone make that  ugly sick piece of rotten TRULY STUPID whore pay me in millions for the crimes and the ideas which have pushed her formerly blank and stupid b-movies way into Oscar-winning and original concepts I WROTE but was so drugged m y property my internet my body and brain so blasted with drugs poisons and torture and interference and hacking


when the fuck will they be pried off me and justice restored in some semblance for all they have done to me and obtained with sneering hate, poisoning mutilation and endlessly shouting that this ugly sick parasite is so "beautiufl" I have never liked her or thought she was beautiful. That is why she must steal my ideas because her soul is as ugly as a cesspool which is all I have ever seen of her, a prostitute a stupid blank skank plastic surgery and blow-job doll looking pig ape. She forces these ugly filthy pig men to stick their filthy pig "members' into me just as she appears to be a blow-up doll for men to prick and that is their fascination with that ugly stupid shit--but posturing wealthy and having a woman to abuse every day she is elated, my ideas have provided her with the concept that she is intelligent, sophisticated while they are shouting at me that I am not "good" enough to listen to classical music, to Mozart and of course, the stupid cesspool skank because of a Nazi posturing appearance is supposedly.

It is over a decade of her training for this role, stealing my energy torturing me to obtain this kind of passion as she sucks it out for her passion to portray herself as being a beautiful spirit, which I am and she is a filthy cesspool of lies and fake posturing.

But I am endlessly under attack so all I can do is rant in rage as people continue to praise this filth shit whore and if they are black, they rush to hit me for being "racist" because Ape-rah is going to help anyone who deflects her and their own antisemitism back onto me as if I am the racist, not them or Ape-rah, then come to join in with the Nazi-promoting rape cheerleader filthalina and pig shit pitt

it is so foul. Why do you all continue to allow this? Do you so desperately want Nazis to endlessly control the United States.

Apparently so, as at least half of America is fully in line with fascist Nazism and the black Nazi inductees and the Latinos and Asians and Jews who are fully aligned is even more disgusting and sickening.

Make these fucking shit whores pay me and get them the fuck off me 


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So I wrote, "who do you think you are interfering in American politics or business go back to your cesspool in England) and to which DeNiro having to fully support the old Nazi network came to me abusing me, in teleportation of course, accusing me of being a witch responsible for his family member's death because I screamed after about 5 years of non-stop poisoning and torture and sexual assault and the theft of my ideas from this expletive--yelling I hoped he and his family died because of the violence this group of NYC mafia have inflicted upon me family and upon me. 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Now you will see that the gang stalkers are going to invent lies about you and then will repeat it until masses of scumbags are going to attack you all following the same central command structure you have been following, and they will levy at you lies and falsities and no matter what you say or do, they will repeat the lies until it becomes a chorus of insects yelling insults at you and stalking you in stores and stalking you in the street and blocking your finances and poisoning your food and maybe killing your pets and killing family members and you will reach out to your "friends" and many of them will avoid you like the plague. So I was not defending you when I wrote to Murray who is a sleazy scumbag just like you are, the same rape nazi pig ape men who create every lie in order to have a despotic hate system implanted--through Europigapes through people like you--addicted TO DEATH to your infantile selfish pursuits and drugs and money and power. Murray is the type of pig ape who WILL send out gang stalkers to attack you, btw and you and your "friends" in Whorewood have allowed shit like him to come in and take over. So I do not support you, I was attacking that piece of shit for making some statement that you have some kind of "nerve" to comment and criticize your president as he has been handed SO MUCH POWER by the shit "friends" you have tortured me with in Whorewood that he may turn around and it won't be me having any association with "defending you" that will make that utterly sinister parasite order gang stalking upon me. But you allowed that pig ape to go on and on you have helped shit like that to enter the country. Now you see the gang stalking network operating against you immediately. I am fighting against that system. Perhaps you can see that understanding what I have been saying and then acting upon it, likewise, is not having anything to do with me but with the country and with what you actually lectured about. But duh...they don't listen, the pig apes just want everything to go back to their endless allowance to fuck rape torture steal kill rob with full back-patting by the filthy greasy greedy incompetence of the crap from Congress-Whorewood and you just want everything to go back to the time that actually re-inforced the current gang stalking mobs just dying to mob you and stalk you and hack into your phone and block your finances and poison you literally to death. Dumb as hell. What can I expect from any of these creeps? You all worship addicts high on power and corruption.

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