The DNC SCHADENFREUDE tour---(Schaden=damage/freude=joy) the joy of destroying someone else---gleeful at sadism, human sacrifice. I have been attacked viciously by almost every single speaker I have only been vaguely aware of from the few clips I sort of watched, wincing in disgust as the most "positive" emotion I could muster watching "them" the Nazi protegees of the 4th Reich using "Joy" as a slogan to conceal the stupid hysterical cackling giggling stupid psychopathy of you-know-who.
"The sinister meaning behind Kamala's campaign of 'joy'/Pensive Politics. Christian Watson. August 26, 2024.
Their actual lack of joy is astonishing, and the "joy" that they claim they embody is the "joy" of obtaining a promise of more $$ and power. It is joyful for them all. How much hate and violence literally almost every speaker at that filth convention spewed upon me--ugly parasitic devoid of light energy to gain permission from the white supremacy Nazi/Mafia league to "represent" a faux alternative but truly the fascists have ordained every putridity posing as "joy" for having dumped the most miserable ugliness and hate upon me--some for years (15 for at least two of them, 6 for another, the major players who should have been cast out in the dino pasture long ago but they remain active due to their activity in fascist hate maneuvers aimed at me, which results in the enclosure of a techno-tyrannical global "fence" of death squads and fascist Totalitarian techno-tyrannical rule through mind control, death squads, drugging poisoning and torture through "silent weapons" aimed at "bad" people through walls and from external and remote sources. A global discrimination cartel also accompanies what the DNC is labelling as their "joy" but behind it all is schadenfreude. Aimed at me, aimed at society for those they want to eliminate (they want to eliminate only so they can accumulate more on the deaths and impoverishment of the many).
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