Mind control operated by presidents and celebrities trickling down to the cesspool of desperation below--welcome to The modernized, Orwellian-Democracy-coated plastic surgery Dorian Gray reversion to death camp plantation feudal overtake death spiral society (global): Welcome! To the Jungle! Hope & Change along with their guns, carrying fermented Blue Roses-- are hiding in the bush, waiting to pounce. You confuse the Bush as a sexually titillating sensation, tingling and warm, but it's a vicious underbrush death trap with snarling gaping jaws waiting for the soft and tender believers to follow (off a cliff into a death pitt shitalina guiding you with brown and black minions and loving stolen concepts about freedom, feminism and supporting the gaping jaws of the Claws of the carnivore carnival...://!: //Every moral principle of the Rights of "Man" bereft of all politicians involved in this hate crime they are sponsoring from the Oval Office--which is not the ruling power in the United States. The trickle-down effect is staggering. Perhaps it is the "lower" levels such as pig-lousy cartels and the Hillary not-hilarious screeching laughing grasping sleazy sinister but blonde, so "clean and pure" according to the dictates of American racist visuals so exempt from scrutiny beyond being called a mere "criminal". Only two examples, but their international Mafia and criminal ties perhaps make them more of the "players" involved in the destruction of the very essence of The United States than the mere "President" position. //Bill Clinton having studied under a Rhodes Scholarship in England at Oxford, absolutely they are the minion puppets of the English Crown, intimately involved in the English over-take of the United States for a brutal and fascist vicious Imperialistic conquest, albeit done with sleight-of-hand using such well-worn "chestnut" cliches about equality and freedom for the "Underdog" cartel of thugs, and thug-a-lug post-cocaine 80's pop music sensational celebrity politicians. During that time, when more "radical" analysis of politics was still possible, while these same foul and dirty types were busy using their left-hand path criminal partners to covertly poison and drug and assassinate and mind control any of those "types" now labelled as "radical woke' which the very same murder cartel have stolen the ideas from to flaunt a false sympathy for the underdog label (similar to the record label so ironically called "Sympathy for the Record Industry"). Broken records of platitudes about victimization and these are some of the most brutal of the aggressors using the buried subliminated hate they have experienced from the "white male" oppression machine, which operates like layers of fungus and mold, on the top the black and brown flecks of the devoured life, working to infect the atmosphere with their cries of victimization but insidious poisoning and infecting and killing wherever possible. //Oh, what I never hear in any of the "stolen" diatribes against Krapolal on the tube: that the Democrat Party for the past 4 years has been a secondary paper-machete one-dimensional teetering on total incontinence and incompetence operation, controlled by the vile evil crust below the superficially trained exterior--the corrupt machine of Obama and Clinton, but it's the whites of course who train the brown and black to viciously attack as their proxies. It's the same around the world as every country has been infested and infiltrated. America is now a colony with incompetent and incontinent dino crust with a plethora of concentric circles of black and brown minions performing acts of hate upon the targets the white filth demand they perform the violence upon as their proxies. //The more lovingly the minions embrace the long-sought-for redress of the victims, the more they "believe" and cling to the "hope and change" that is small change compared to the billions and millions of dollars in investments and luxury mansions that sleazy slime are handed for their performances of greed and lies and hate---Antisemitism is now the new black and it's a frenzy of hate that the Jews are anxiously joining in, to behave like the perpetrator they are fully in line with the 4th Reich.//Trust none of the most cherished hopes and change motifs of the parasitic leeches which have been coached and trained to pontificate like lecherous pedophile alcoholic priests at the pulpit of a mediocre lying media phallic structure with women fully joining in. The microphones are the replacements for the "balls" that the well-monopolized media performers use as replacements for what they have sold out long ago.//The only "men" who have any real sexuality left are the most destroyed and sickly fascist Nazis who have no love or soul and are filthy and pornographic and lying scum with their mommies fully dedicated to giving them all their love because the daddies are out screwing around with porn stars if possible (mostly disguised as "actors" in Whorewood).//and that is what has taken over America, from my "inside" perspective and TRUST NONE OF THEIR HOPEFUL lyrics to a broken record a song sung authentically centuries ago and now it's a refrain that has as much meaning as "hope and change" coming from repeat offenders with millions and millions of dollars pouring forth the same cliched platitudes they promised over a decade ago which has never materialized. Instead they are entrenched in Whorewood and Broadway making movies, tv shows and they go on book tours, obtain mansions in liberal elite areas of utter wealth and do t heir best to have the Nazis from Europigapeland invite them to opera so they can bask in the pretentions of how "elite classy" they are. They smile and laugh and glare in hate at me for fighting for my rights as a human being which they have abrogated non-stop for their promotions for decades. This is what they are plotting to do with many other people, it's not just '"me" because as the dumb stupid minions tell me, "you must have done something to deserve it (while still in the womb)" and "You deserve it" (because I am fighting them and their sick stupidity which I can reveal very easily, so their only recourse if violence and oppression--that is the ubiquitous response from them all who participate and it's a long, long list of the most influential creeple in the United States in the media and in politics--not a compliment to me in any semblance but only writing about the utter corrupt filth they are all embracing because their benefactors in the Dark Money universe are so vile and so well-trained in the Divide and Conquer strategies which they use amply upon the dumb scum they put into "power".//If anything, I urge people to fight to have Citizens United removed and financial transparency of the shit and filth that have been put into office and also the celebrity sick shit fuckers who are as vile and dirty as any cesspool Portable potty barn animal enclave. They should not be worshipped for the lies they disseminate, they should be scrutinized but Americans don't have time for all of that--they want instant hope and change to come from someone else as they wait for the arrival of someone who will rescue them from the last sick fuck who turned out to be a criminal lying parasite. Most of the majority not silent any longer truly want this destruction. America is very, very sick and dying.
"Guns N' Roses--Welcome To The Jungle". Guns N' Roses. December 5, 2009.
On November 5, 2024, you will walk down the aisle with a cadaver corpse to your repose and respite from the turmoil of your fighting for your a$$ to be wiped clean with the money printed out of the deficit so the bride or groom can wipe you out with debt and war and lies and their multi-billion dollar heist of the economy with their "friends" on all sides growling for redemption as they suck and drain yell scream and order death squads to destroy your marriage with threat of a national divorce (they can rake in more out of the chaos, control with Martial Law, order the military and then take full control with the fascist Nazi dictatorship Mafia cartel they already have in place, waiting to rush from the bushes and pounce on the tender prey who will feed them indefinitely--Nazi style--plantation style). Think this is hyperbolic? Just wait....and see. Keep believing in the Whorewood productions of false idealism and civil rights platitudes expressed by monopolistic millionaires and billionaires....and ranting billionaires with estates they want to expand into luxury global plantation systems without having to pay taxes. Yes, your bride or groom to be, coming to a theater (of war) near you in November...5. The insurrection is already planned-out so the fun and games will last much longer, potentially. When the dust settles, the losers will be "The American People" to be sure....(as always, the ever-encroaching fascist fist of insolvency and dissolution combined with sleazy debauchery and criminal and violent psychopathy accompany the exploits of the exploiters in the Whorewood-Congress-Whorewood continuum/vacuum sucking all out of everything possible. Think this is ranting hyperbolic melancholy from the perpetual victim, the actual real victim which no one could give a goddamn about but they pay millions to cheer on the false victims who profit to lose their soul, as they participate most viciously in the victimization process to get approval to appear as the icons of suffering to the willing society longing to resume plantations witch burnings death concentration camps just like they saw in all those movies....and those movies were derived from the centuries of parents teaching their children at the dinner table that we only need more pogroms to keep the aspiring out and down....thusly, the Orwellian dystopian new age version of the same is the double-speak paradigm we are currently within. Subliminal mind control and brainwashing effect.
**When I wrote of "Blue Roses" above, I mean the below--Blue Meanies (Yellow Submarine) the fascist fist of authoritarianism crushing individuality and freedom of expression and movement. Also, Tennessee Williams used "blue roses" as a symbol in The Glass Managerie which was identified with a lung disease--lack of oxygen, lack of love, so I used the term only in that definition spectrum, not the "spiritual" meanings that some on YouTube ascribe to what Blue Roses means---it's a death and suppression of oxygen symbol in this post of course (and I never created the symbol, but also the White Rose is a symbol of Socialism, just by the way, and the Red Rose is a symbol of the Brotherhood of The Illuminati, which was used in his official seal upon the Protestant Revolution by The German (precursor to Nazism) Martin Luther (the first revolution against official Christianity and the Roman Catholic See power grip). Martin Luther used The Rose and Cross as his official seal, which is Rosicrucian and also Freemason and Illuminati. These all devolved into Nazism in occult and duplicity integration to formulate the Orwellian rationale behind the "master race" concept and then genocide and brutality and lies as the main form of power control, which has been adapted fully into the modern "victim" religion which is constantly being utilized by all the sides involved in the unified power grab disguised by all kinds of wonderful rhetoric. Orwellian Double-speak 2.666.
"every blue meanie laugh--yellow submarine". Julia. August 17, 2022.
"Guns N' Roses--November Rain". Guns N' Roses. December 25, 2009.
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