Yet another "victim" minority, a casualty of genocide and racism, has come too spit at me for having watched on YouTube the pretense of being a fighter and victim of racism but to get his/her movies and career and tv shows and pop songs and political career promoted by the prostituted league of Whorewood, intimately inter-connected to the English Crown and Europigape fascist Nazism + Mafia/organized crime and enforced mental cognitive dissonance applied as false fodder of concerned citizens defending human rights against overwhelming forces of oppression. Yes, the "Right" also uses this exact same theme as their "victim" narrative also is applied like Vaseline to the general fudge factory they all produce. Today once more dealing with another 'victim" who is spitting at me because I am writing about his former f**-buddy skank out of England, whose prostituted skank daughter, absolutely a viral Nazi dirty, from what I have seen quite unintellectual but if there is anything there in the grey matter it d oesn't matter anyway because the real force driving the skank is a death cartel with her being the pivotal point by getting every single Nazi bigot to rape me as possible while she steals my ideas. gloating endlessly with presidents, all the "liberals' coming to get their media tv shows and awards, rush to abuse, have me mutilated and then they all body shame me after more than 14 years of just this nefarious group of dumb scum from Whorewood ordering DAILY AND NIGHTLY mutilation and poisoning and abuse and torture and hate without end from one sick ugly piece of scum to the next who ae then promoted into their cherished slots as the sluts fighting for monopoly 4th Reich inclusion in this contract. By now, the entire United States has openly turned into an approaching fascist Nazi dictatorship techno-tyrannical power. What genocides and Imperialistic conquest the U .S has openly or covertly operated upon weak "Banana Republics" as the police force Nazi battalion of Nazism and Mafia organized crime out of 4th Reich Europigapeland is now open and expressed. There is not a single person in any component of "power" on any level who will openly challenge this "system" so they divert the opposition to making YouTube videos which are, if the person is honest and accurate, censored and blocked from the algorithms so no one really sees such videos in the first place.//So I am again assaulted by another minority minion "victim"--today, yesterday it was rape from the self-expressed Nazi raping me constantly as the thrill of having a victim to rape beat and torture plus having his career and family and circle of friends catapulted into Whorewood orbit, the longer he manages to get my broken vertebrae, poisoned into a cement poison block jutting out of my back, my hips put out of alignment, my hair mostly gone my body covered with scars and blemishes; all from the skank prostitute who has stolen my ideas literally non-stop for over 14 years plus the pig she has divorced, using my statements about domestic violence to portray her ugly skank self as a victim and using my concepts and ideas, usually verbatim, (then deleting my posts she has stolen the information from) to promote herself, with full congressional approval by the mafia Nazis like Pig-lousy and Schumer, the Jewish Nazi fully supporting the 4th Reich hate antisemitic org so his niece can have endless monopoly in Whorewood and he of course profits from it all, just as Ratskin, Micheal Cohen, and today I got another one of these who literally has been programmed to love his murdering bigot abuser and is spitting at me for my posts, as they all do. The shitalina is gloating, has been so pampered, handed plastic surgery without end, lead roles using my concepts and then automatically being "awarded" for these highly funded projects. Her shit lineup of skank stupid movies before this contract never came slightly CLOSE to any award, as with shit pig pitt as well (that I know of, but the endless sucession of my ideas they both steal always being put into mainstream blockbuster and awards circuits should be telling but no one cares) . You all make your irate commentaries, if you have anything to say, in conveniently safe YouTube videos urging people to vote or trying to convince them of a particular political expression but not encouraging any direct action or how to go about making any change. The pigs continue, my body is aged, broken down as the filth pigs continue to rape, beat and insult me comparing me to ugly prostitutalina who has been handed BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for over and sleazy stupid plastic surgery
FOURTEEN YEARS of having me beaten, raped, poisoned into a huge, shelf-sticking out of my back body shape with scars, cuts, toxins smeared on my skin which h as shriveled from the poisons as they keep slicing mutilating abusing and raping me daily wiithout end, nightly without end. My clothing sprayed every day with stinking substances stinking and foul and filthy after I clean and clean.
The hacking is as usual very bad. For three whole minutes this morning at an unusual early time for me, I got on my laptop and the WiFi and system worked PERFECTLY everything was smooth, rapid and instant with my 5G network (included in rent)
but, three minutes of having, for the first time in about one year, three minutes of my internet working perfectly (the other time was when a technician came to replace my terrorist-broken router and he had my system put into actual real operating function, which lasted perhaps for 20 minutes--oh, that was 3 years ago--time is flying in the non-stop repetition of non-stop torture that goes in rotational rape and abuse and yelling with me screaming "why" they are disgusting and how I hope they are destroyed--more ideas for stupid ugly shitalina to steal as well as this ever-increasing group of "victims' who need ideas because they all cow-tow like rabid bovine to the instructions of Slaughterhouse 88.
I had been writing above and the hackers disrupted the writing so badly that I just began to write in the body of the post section so there is a completely disjointed half sentence above which I just was so tired of being hacked I did not finish. My thoughts are also very disjointed as the endless brain-affliction tech is blasting into my memory and cognitive linearity.
All I see are people yapping into their cameras for "clicks and likes" and "please subscribe" about politics. Not a single hacker terrorist (these videos I see are ALWAYS hacked into my YouTube page, I believe but I could be wrong as this "algorithm" thingy is not anything I am familiar with as all my life energy is focused on the scum who are teleporting me out of Congress and fighting to not have this filth group put into more power after they all join in with slapping raping abusing threatening to kill me.
Every pig who rapes me instantly calls me a bitch and says that ugly prostitutalina is more beautiful as they continue to poison my food, poison my clothing and furniture so I am constantly breathing in fungus, mold and toxins which are sprayed on everything without fail every day, multiple times per day, every time I clean clothing they spray it with foul stinking substances while it's drying outside or in my room (the mechanical arms can get into this room in multiple ways from the rooms on either side, from throughout this tiny cubicle "studio" which is less than 350 sq yards, much less and the panels and cupboards with very thin panels separating my room from the next are everywhere (on one side of the room) from floor-to-ceiling.
so I sit here perusing the internet news sources that are "free" and the endless ugly prostitute who all the rotten men who abuse me sexually--who are then lifted into a highest orbit such as running as an "independent" who is a "radical" and claims he is all for "love and peace" and "cares" about the poor blacks and is against white supremacy and blah blah\using, abusing and I call this filthy skank a prostitute constantly for her being paid to watch on laughing and glaring in hate as one filthy dirty Europigape after the next violently beats and rapes me with his filthy penis in my mouth slapping my face and abusing and insulting me while I am in agony from poisons she and they all had poured into my food and injedted through my vagina into my bladder, constantly shitting black stinking piles of poison out since 2011 (and much earlier, this has been ongoing for over 20 years but all these filthy celebrities like Rambo have been behind these attacks upon me since at least 1997, some of them even much earlier back into the 80's). The pig ape English sick f** who is behind ugly dirty prostitutalina, who has been showered with every single possible multi-billion dollar deal, has become the fulcrum of this terror operation due to a rotten ugly dirty creep from London who I met in 1987--connected to English Royalty--his name is Danny Moynihan. His father was the Royal portrait painter for the Queen and family. The scion has been attacking me, he also stole ideas from me and has passed this on to the half English Nazi spawn of English Imperialistic genocidal overtake, and the KKK Nazi bigot white trash father who was made famous for a movie that the author of, James Dickey, was friends with my step-father (the English Lit professor at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana) and my step-father attended a seminar in Georgia exactly when Deliverance was the biggest sensation movie--and thusly my life is connected to this filthy group even back to 1974 or 1975.
Dumb and sleazy and the mother-daughter claim to fame is sticking their breasts and genitalia into cameras and having English Royalty use the dirty females to screw the rotten American wanna be aristocrat Nazis who have all kinds of pretentions otherwise for the American version of overtake using all nefarious means of lying disinformation as to their intent--used so successfully by people like Hillary Clinton, Obama and the current push behind Kamala for the continuation of a Nazi overtake and genocidal push for the completion of America turned once more into an English colony, and a fascist German State, and a French overlord overtake, and poverty, homelessness, Banana Republic politics, STUPID AND MEANINGLESS SHIT SUPERMAN NAZI MOVIES without end. Stupid ugly Shitalina endlessly cranking out movies with ideas stolen from me because I am not of the Nazi league and therefore not a dumb programmed meaningless piece of rotten shit; the children of the crap are rotten and trained to be so at a very early age.
All of you had better begin to stop just yapping and begin to encourage people to take direct and indirect action to not just blather about what is wrong, but to actually formulate effective resistance and alternate power groups to challenge this shit Europigapeland cartel of Nazis and fascists trying to weaken the United States through the greed, stupidity and ignorance of the shit from Whorewoood.
rotten ugly dirty prostitutalina has been showered endlessly by all the presidents for all these years of this performance of duplicity by stealing my ideas, but putting all fascist Nazis including Germans now making open Nazi statements about concentration camps--one of whom is absolutely sexually turned on by raping and beating and abusing me and in my agonized state of sickness forced upon me by the mehcanical arms, by supermarkets complying with this contract to have my food and water poisoned and put on the shelf as they all know what I buy and that I cannot afford to buy anything but items on sale or at the cheapest level price.
Please boycott shitalina and pig pitt if you care whatsoever about the future of The United States. and the rest of the Whorewood A-list scumbag group and stop worshipping Mafia movies glamorizing scumbag shit violent criminals who are endlessly glorified by one of the most disgusting parasites upon me, Scorsese and his DeNiro and Italian group.
I also know that Italian actor Sophia Loren, who has been making her presence known as claiming that I am going to be a lesbian sucking machine for her (which is what the German is doing to me by using tech to blast my brain in the compartmentalized sexual area plus the non-stop drugging I can never stop) but I fight and fight and have fought and fought and in the last year, literally physically fighting to tget these filthy leeches off me as they cling on forever, as ugly shitalina and pig pitt have done.
She has put ugly prostitualina into the Venice festival, along with the Mafia which has had me hit by cars, poisoned, raped and beaten constantly with their antisemitic remarks and sick filth of DeNiro and Pesce for YEARS while they keep being awarded at the Oscars and every scumbag who participates in this Trump/Biden/Harris/Obama/Cloony/prostitutalina-shit-pigp-pitt et al cartel offers some mansion or regional prize to include in the global 4th Reich power cartel that has been building up around this contract on me for over 14 years without so much as a whimper of resistance from the likes of fully participatory rotten Spielberg, blonde Nazi Streisand, all have participated in this attack upon me. Then the other prominent Jews in Whorewood and Congress have done so as well with violent abuse, spitting at me, calling me bitch raping beating hitting slapping along with rotten filth Oprah and the list goes on and on.
It's disgusting to see Spielberg weakly yap into microphones that he is "saddened" or whatever by the "rise in authoriitarianism" and fascist Nazism. That rotten fuck has participated in his Oscar -awards for his shit movies with this very same group, along with the Trump years, to obtain his West Side Story Oscar and the forgotten movie about the Washington Post, starring the blonde piece of rotten shit who assualted me for years, the female Nazi skank fully racist and fully supporting of Trump, as has been Spielberg and Streisand has gone along for the ride for all these years. Spielberg married to a blonde Nazi creep woman who attacked me in teleportation alongside him, as Streisand has hacked her dumb "romance" movies on my media, as have the rest, and they are all supporting the "antisemitic" bigots who have fully authorized the rise of fascist Nazism and they have been perpetually advertised in the media as a result.
I am dealing with another one of "those' today. Last night it was about the 15th rape by the slapping, beating and pornographic abuser from Germany making Nazi superiority statements and fascistically yelling and threatening me for writing about ugly shitalina who he adores and really wants to fuck but just can't.
How I wish anyone out there who is becoming more and more alarmed by the sickness of American society would stop just blathering into cameras for "clicks and likes and subscriptions" and get fucking organized and actually directed to posing alternative political and media groups who will have some viability.
So, like rotten lying and Obama-partner antisemite Spike Lee (who stole my concept about the play Lysistrada, a Greek Comedy about women refusing to have sex with their soldier husbands until they stopped warring) and that was stolen under the gaze of the Obama malfeasance pretense of "change" and handed to lying white supremacist famous celebrity in Whorewood Spike Lee, who then was awarded for his movie stealing this concept called "Chi-town" (?) and I have not seen it and maybe that' s not exactly the correct nameor spelling
was handed the position of being the lead presenter for the Cannes Awards (as so many of the Blacks who abuse, threaten my life and insult me get to do the same because they are not producing any films at that point that are worthy of the line-up and they are mostly not in the front-running position so they attack me--i.e. Snoop Hogg
and then they get their production companies, their lead roles and etc
it goes on and on.
No one, literally no one is opposing this system but a lot of fuckers, mostly black or female or brown skinned, are hacking their blathering bullshit videos about how they are against Krapola or the Nazi rise but they all can't quite 'Understand" how it's all being brought about.
Spielberg only states weakly, because he's a chump of the Nazis, that Nazism is rising but can't quite locate how or why it's happening only to "not vote for Trump" but voting for the "liberal" fascist Nazi party to which he owes his endless movie deals is of course the one and only source of "fighting" the "rise of fascism and Nazism" that Spielberg, Streisand, and a host of others endlessly "representing" the Jewish opposition to Nazism are all just the usual puppets being handed millions and billions of dollars to divert attention from the real and actual problem, which they are absolutely A PART OF.
The English Imperialist Nazi collaborator with the 4th Reich I mentioned above, Danny Moynihan, is intimately interconnected to the film in which ugly prostitutalina's dirty bigot KKK father white trash had starred in, back in 1975 because Moynihan's wife is the daughter of the director (don't want to look his name up, and I have conveniently placed it into the delete zone of my compartmentalized brain memory system). But this same director also made one of the 1970's Exorcist films This group IS SATANIC but without direct evidence I cannot prove anything.
Except that the way I 'met' Moynihan was that I was placed, by a London housing real estate company, into a tiny room called a "Bedsit" directly across the street from Moynihan, on my student Visa with a Eurail Pass, and I first arrived in English-speaking London because I hoped I could get a job and earn money to continue my Oddysey adventure in Europe--which I thought was a respectable and safe place and my entire life of having been lied to about how Nazis were gone and everyone loves everyone and Democracy is everywhere and the Nazis were thoroughly defeated, with Europigapes I had met tearing up saying that they were so ashamed of Nazis )only later to orchestrate Nazi protocols of poisoning and torture and discrediting upon me to further the Nazi goal of total annihilation of the Jewish diaspora, first discrediting whenever and wherever possible using mind control poisoning and drugging but the politics were still too antifascist at the time of the 80's).
I was deliberately placed on Redcliffe Road, which is where Moynihan had his "bachelor" flat, across the street from the house which was a kind of boarding house. The entire house was rife with terrorist stalkers who all came to "befriend" me so as to rape and poison and drug me and etc. There were two Germans living in the house, as well as two American "hippie" women my age wearing Grateful Dead teeshirts, because many of my friends in Minneapolis were Dead Head fans and went to the open air festivals every summer.
But to continue, I saw an oil painting outside the front of this flat across the street, propped-up against the garbage cans ("bins" they call it there). I thought, in the drugged-up state, that perhaps someone was throwing this painting away. My little flat room, WAY overprice but I had no idea--I had asked the rental agency for a little studio in a place with trees, so they had the "perfect" place which had ONE TREE in the back yard of this house, in Chelsea (affluent which most of you know already). I really had no idea what I was doing, only that it seemed "safe" but was actually a murder nest of bigot Nazis looking for, as all of the wealthy pig apes attacking me now, easy promotions and new ideas to steal from me while poisoning, raping and destroying my chances in any way possible, but still remaining below the fascist Nazi radar and appearing like "liberals" who "care" to the public.
I knocked on the door of this flat asking if the painting was going to be thrown away. The maids told me that it was there for a party and why don't I just come in to join the party. (now in aftertthought I believe that I was being subliminally implanted with this action, to ask if I could have the painting). Shy, I told the maids no and thanked them and walked away to my flat, not directly across the street but within visual range across the street. Two days later, this f-ing dude Moynihan knocked on my house door, someone answered and told me to go to the door--it was this blonde creep Moynihan the Nazi who has been responsible for endless mutilation, torture and poisoning for over 30 years and stealing my ideas non-stop to further the English invasion into all of America through the prostituted portal of prostitutalina and prostitute skank pig shit pitt you all worship them both. Moynihan gave me the painting, which was of a bull skull on a chair in a very dark, dark grey-blue setting in a very forlorn room.
I see that the image of a skull, a bull's skull, is a visual reminder of a black magick sabbath animal sacrifice and the "party" was of Satanic origin and organization, as all of this attacking me is extremely "evil" with all the trappings of "do as you wilt shall be the whole of the Law).
It has gone on and on ever since, but the teleportation technology being used non-stop against me has made all the violent crime and satanic operation very concealed--House Speaker Johnson fully condemning me for reading tarot cards while fully engaging in raping and ttorturing me all the while claiming his devout Christian onslaught of condemnation and political overtake.
Fully supporting ugly prostitutalina and shit pig pitt and maggot robber all the while, as an adjunct of satanic Trump and his evil sinister operation as well. Then add white supremacist Nazi-loving Obama with all his literal worship of Germans into the mix, and Hillary the absolutely violent rapist murdering cocaine former addict skank into the mix with all the Clinton globalization made to look like free market Capitalism. Then Biden the rotten greasy-mop head puppet absolutely welcoming ugly prostitutalina and hading her more awards along with Hillary for their media presentations because they fully hand that incompetent zombie geriatric disaster the money for using him as their puppet for a complete Nazi foreign-controlled overtake of the United States. Now it's Krapola's turn, and don't expect anything but Krap out of her.
More descriptions of what is criminal, vile, evil and disgusting endlessly being championed as a stepping-stone promotion for the rising 4th Reich political lying bigots on all sides of every "aisle" conjoined at the genitals (the hips, forget it some of them have hip replacement surgery no doubt).
the ugly and foul plastic surgery Nazified duo prostitutalina and dirty foul shit pig pitt also ordered that part of my uterus be severed out. They had broken my toilet and had been stealing so much of my money, every month forcing me into a starvation budget already on far below poverty level due to the injuries and poisonings and denial of health care (even on Medicaid) so, I had to literally use my shower for all functions. The tiles of the shower area, in this tiny room next to the kitchen tiny slot of space, was used as a portal of entry for terrorists to either insert mechanical arms or even bodies into my room, to open the front door, locked with multiple locks, and then fracture my spine, poison my foot, pour fungus and mold literally everywhere. They broke my bed frame and everything was stinking. I had sealed all windows in an attempt to stop entry and I could not understand the concept of mechanical arms being used at that time. I spent my life, for years, prior to moving to this current space (which would be very wonderful otherwise) in a non-stop dazed bed-ridden state due to such horrific bloating/hardening poison (which continued for years up to the last few months--and it can always begin again even with all my precautions.
So, after I told pig shit pitt, for the nth time that I did not "like" him or want sex, that I never liked him, his movies (except for one movie, basically) and never thought shitalina was "beautiful" but I know that years of her feeding off torture and the hormonal high has certainly helped her greasy glow on her plastic sleazy dirty blow-job doll face
they had part of my uterus severed out. It came out in the shower because the pig apes had broken my toilet and I had no money to pay for food, much less repairs. The landlord was so abusive (it was a Thai married couple, the woman, very scraggly ugly old woman, would enter my room stinking like putridity as the stalking protocols always go, holding in her clenched hand a fly or insect with some dirt and foul sltuff--she would deposit all into my room after fascistically yelling at me and threatening to kick me out for all the broken items she and her nasty husband had arranged to do in my room, under absolute robot instructional supplicating agreement with the rotation of white trash Europigapes in the room next to mine (i.e. white Ejuropigape males who would have their doors wide open as I walked in or out, with them laying on their beds, legs apart and my doorway was just a few mere feet from theirs in a line-up of little rooms (very expensive as the landlords jacked the rent up double for the endless rotation of white Europigs who rented the rooms to absolutely torture and poison me without end).
they cut out part of my uterus on the first night I arrived. The toilet was not broken at that time but this huge thing came out in the toilet it was flesh and tissue and I could feel it pulling on my uterus.
About two years later they cut out some tiny organ that looked like a one-inch kidney shape. I stopped having my period. I have to add that all the pieces they cut out of me were incised, and they were absolutely cut with a sharp knife or medical instrument. They had obviously expert medical technicians coming to perform these hysterectomies upon me. The Nazi progom to castrate and to destroy pregnancy potentials or to even kill pregnant women (in concentration camps) is still active in the Nazi terror manual of attacks.
I stopped getting my period instantly and my hair began to shrivel up in dryness, the hormonal change is now apparent as my skin has withered and aged. The endless drugging/poisoning and torture is non-stop but the yelling abuse and hate shocking my nervous system as I cannot stop reacting, I cannot do anything but sit in pain and agony with hard poison that they kept pouring into my body to keep me a torture victim, screaming my "liberal" ideas about women's rights for ugly sick rape enabler sick fuck prostitualina to steal, under the contract that English Crown go-between Moynihan had and is still orchestrating from behind the scenes--after he had teleported and raped me for about --how longg? years, beginning in 2006 and up to 2012 he was actively having me drugged, poisoned, raped and I saw my ideas stolen verbatim and made into movies such as what the endless Robert Redford promotes for his Sundance Nazi festival (always supporting this contract and participating in it, using triggering and visual images but to describe it here would be discrediiting on my part and too long).
So they kept stealing my money so I could not afford food. They had my body put into hormonal shock and have stolen so much money that I can't afford to see a doctor. I buy some Chinese hormone herbs but cannot afford to use the required dose. That is all I can do. The shock to my nervous system every single day every night and for hours of one exploitative murderous biigot yelling screaming into my inner ear, endlessly comparing my poisoned for decades's body with ugly filth shitalina, as they had tears streaming out of my eyes for years every day for hours--my lilps and cheeks were being pulled down due to the microchip and microwave technology (or however it's being done, I am referring to some "research" on some of the gang stalking sites I only could access when I had very top internet quality back in Germany, in 2011-now completely blocked and all is hacked, slowed down and impossible to use for any real research. I went to Germany, by the way, because I was taking grad classes online and could not use the internet in the place I was--so easy to hack in countries like America but in Germany they make sure that the system is protected. So I went there, only to discover that the Germans I had known in the 90's who were so "antiNazi" had become hostile and openly antagonistic, immediately after not having seen them for years, but they had always been that way only disguising all under "alternative culture" clothing and hair styles and fake pretenses. It is exactly the same in Whorewood now and in the Democrat side of the fascist Nazi 4th Reich.
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