My every (single) post since the day of Biden's inauguration, when the great symbol of the Sun rising over the Capital with the slogan, "Today is a new Day" was that this was the continuation of the Old Way. Every day since then has lead to this point of ceding power to an ancient regime, whether in name only or in the Trump rescinding of the Constitution for favor of being a "Dictator on Day One". I mean to say that the years of being attacked by Pelosi, Biden's Dem leaders in House, the J-6 Committee, Republicans who are "friends" with Biden (obviously), both Republican Speakers, and a host of onlookers I can't name from Congress, plus various Democrat Senators and in total, the summation is that many are now questioning the ethics of the Democrat push for power. I would argue that they were colluding with putting Trump back in power, or having a similar system installed but veiled in the usual "hope and change" rhetoric. It would appear that the Dems allowed for a systematic failure by not allowing debate for the Primaries, and I wrote on the day of the infamous Biden-Trump debate that I got The Devil card and it has turned out that a Shakespearian Power coup is ta work. Today the refrain on the Tube is that the Dems are violating Democracy in a big way and in essence perhaps handing power over to Trump? My years of having been brutalized, and I use the term lightly compared to the reality, by Democrats who appear to operate as pawns of a highly fascist social engineering project, which is acted upon much more viciously by the Repugs who are welcomed to join in with rape and rape threats which they rush to inflict without any prior cause on my part of resistance. They begin immediately upon one single nuance of resistance to insults, threats and my endless fight for justice and even an iota of decency. None exists from any "side" but outright vicious deadly murderous violence has been the instant knee-jerk response from Republicans as Democrats rush to emulate and imitate. //I have been writing that almost all of the Democrats who have joined in with the torture of me are really working alongside and even in favor of Trump and that "side". The commentary (below) by Cuomo echoes that theme, but no one states it as directly as I do. Person-after-person on YouTube, perhaps all videos are hacked onto my page, state the same resentment about the lack of preparation for the inevitable: there was no Democratic process in the Primaries (no debates, only a closed-circuit of automatic endorsement of Biden with his hand-picked Delegates). What all the liars club of the fake opposition truly will be showered with is monopoly, endless automatic limitless power if in the media (with the usual constraints of upsetting to openly and avidly the racist or antisocial political commentary upsetting the "woke" brigades of "cancel culture". I have been writing with ever-more clarity that the political State-sponsored terrorists from the House and Senate really want an autocratic monopoly on all commercial "success" for the unlimited time that such a system can last. The fake "opposition" will continue to ensure a false sense of stability and equilibrium in an otherwise unbalanced fascist Nazi death cult genocidal murder dictatorship complete with censorship that I endure daily which is fully smiled upon by the many top media and political personalities, with full applause from "society". As I have also written for so many years, the real opposition has literally been either killed off in covert murders/assassinations or they have been mind controlled/brainwashed and incentivized into absolute 100% sheer selfish greed paradigm and no resistance exists whatsoever against the Trump and/or total control dictatorship that exists covertly but the fascists are trying to make it open with the Trump campaign.
"BREAKING: Biden Exits 2024 Race--Chris Cuomo's 5 Key Questions". The Chris Cuomo Project. July 27, 2024.
As I have also been writing, it is feasible and I believe probable that mind control technology was used against Biden for the debate which rendered him nearly incoherent at times. Perhaps a serious mind control project to disarm Biden has been mounting and in operation for the past few years as people have noted that the formerly much more coherent Biden is now stumbling, fumbling and rambling much more than ever before in the 4 years since having taken office.
I know that Obama has come in teleportation glaring in hate at me because I am fighting for my basic human rights which he, and all of the Congress members have not only ignored, but openly declared to be an "open season" for any and all (especially) fascist Nazi-leaning men to rape, torture, mutilate and for the white trashy Nazi bunch of Americans out of Whorewood to endlessly non-stop with the NYC mafia and all their Italian and French and English and German buddies to inflict non-stop mutilation torture poisoning torture rape as they watch on in rows of chairs like it's a recital with me screaming in a "reality video-show" for the Dark Web--I'm sure there are circulations of me being raped in the web circuits.
I believe that this late scheme to either install the intended replacement at the "crisis" stage at last minute, when all chance of any Primary was gone, and to have this "coup" usher in the perhaps unwanted candidate, who has accepted all the torture apparatus (of me, and all future victims of mind control teleportation rape and MURDER which this group absolutely mentions constantly at me--death threats are now daily against me for not accepting violent hateful abusive rape--which goes on and on and on and on
Kamala has openly in the private orgy hate sessions fully giggled like a dumb ape scumbag for all the brutality that has been endlessly meted upon me. For simply saying no to racist exploitation rape and destruction of my career path that they want extinguished. for my reaction to having been a target with fighting back rather than having bowed in awed shock at a "celebrity" abusing and raping me as if it's a glorious compliment and I must "love" them therefore because of the celluloid products that they crank out are cranked out as holographic representations of nothingness but lies and distortions.
The "new day" motif is from The Illuminati, which in it's many latter iterations became The Nazi Party, worshipping the Sun.
It's not a New Day. Now the fascist tyranny of the terrorists I have been writing of for years, i.e. Pelosi, it's becoming apparent in this coup of power ongoing in the Dem Party. I wrote last week every day of Obama coming like a fascist and then taking a German with Nazi motifs coming at me with violent rape every single day while my body is drugged, my nervous system over-amped into heightened sexual excitement while I am sick from years of non-stop poisoning with murder poisons I am continuously fighting to shit out--so ill every day from the poison that was constantly re-injected into my food and body by the pig shitalina team--who are endlessly championed by the Democrats so they are put into worship mode by the Repugs.
All working for a huge empire monopoly based on forcing a system of technotyrannical slavery upon me--yes me, apparently this contract is so vital for this anticipated empire out of forcing a microchip implanted system of nervous system overtake--thusly the pedophiles formerly seen on Epstein Island can now teleport their little nubiles to the privacy of their torture chamber pornographic homes and mansions and then just abuse, and/or mutilate kill or make "love' too them, but mostly sucking whatever possible out of the person and discarding them afterwards. Information and ideas form independent artists who are too independent in thought to fit into the conformist hate and meaningless cartel that expects an empire of their nepospawn and themselves to be put automatically into aristocrat expectation of instant gratification and top promotional tiers forever. The Trump family epitomizes this dynastic empire and the whores of Whorewood are absolutely 100% in. As are the politicians who will be promised a systematic enlongation of their tenure in office should Trump decide to over-ride the traditional restraints of the Constitutional term limits of office.
That is why they used mind control on Biden for the last debate and have left the situation upended until now--with the fully compliant and corrupted Kamala automatically assured that for her "silence" and complicity in this new "rape toy" that teleportation promises for the disgusting rapists of this organization (which is almost all, or they fully support anything that their 'superiors" do in their spare corrupt rotten old man and woman time such as teleporting for rape, as a performance and torture and the longer they are put in control over these technologies the more macabre the abuse becomes.
The corrupt and the rotten have flocked to join in with the Trump cartel after having demonstrated the absolute criminal, sexual and illegal maneuvers that are possible with this technology.
That is why they are all really supporting Trump, but a similar candidate on the Dem side who has already proven HER complicity with this rape technology and information extraction so rotten, dumb scum actors can steal ideas from people steeped in research and academic pursuits, for example, but NEVER HAVING TO PAY THEM and taking all credit. The examples I have been writing of for so many years of the forms of cruelty, criminal license and all illegal and illicit behavior has been fully amplified by Biden and Trump promoting all who engage in these activities. The result is that both have been put into lead position but the truth of the Biden prop-up project (by having all who participate in this sick contract out on me propping Biden up by complimenting and supporting him and stating he is sharp as a tack and etc while knowing full well that he's a failing puppet.
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