"Listen children, to a story, that was written long ago...Go Ahead and HATE a Neighbor, Go Ahead and CHEAT a Friend. Do it in the name of HEAVEN, JUSTIFY it in the end..."//A 70's-era song that was replayed on the "radio" (WLS, Chicago transmitted over the flat fields over 100 miles down South to where I lived in Champaign, Illinois). IT had a story, it was not a feel-good get-your-groove-on type of ditty so you could feel a part of the gyration groove city no matter where. It had a message of Peace over material frenzy blood-bath war obsession. It was replayed, it was a time when protests against an encroaching State demanding the military compulsive service of white, middle-class-to-affluent men was a threat to the casual opulent-obsession culture that wanted to just get down and boogie oogie to the beat and go off to Wall Street to eat of the fruit of conspicuous consumption retreating to Studio 54 repeats on the radio as the main goal was to drive a Mercedes Benz, or at that time, the American brand Cadillac was the goal (but nevermore now).//I am thinking of this song this morning because it has gone completely out-of-vogue. It is so anathema to the entire culturally-obsessed "winner gets all" society and the gyration generation that only wants to get down in order to be raised up on titillation tribulation. Sado-masochism having replaced the "exploratory" 60's-70's "youth" generation of "freedom". //If you are not, now, tethered to the wealth accumulation machine you literally risk your entire life, prospects and survival. //Right now, as some have noted, the United States economy has relied, at least in part, on a WAR MACHINE in order to counter inflation and shock the economy after the Covid devastation. The one and only determining factor of Americans in the upcoming election is whether they are "on track" after Covid for the continuation of the MONEY MACHINE that makes many homeless and dying at a rate of 800 homeless in the U .S. per day to the extreme, narrow top tier expecting a non-stop 2nd generation of tax breaks from the multitudes of Presidents and their administrations. The hate and death in the streets, desolation, homelessness and the death toll from the War Machine, driven by the Money Machine, has also driven the extreme sadism of the "elite" teleporting me who revel in the desperation which is creating an entrenched 2-tier society of any set of pairings of control you want to use as reference.

"One Tin Soldier (Theme from Billy Jack)". The Original Caste--Topic. March 10, 2017.

 "Listen, children, to a story

That was written long ago,
'Bout a kingdom on a mountain
And the valley-folk below.

On the mountain was a treasure
Buried deep beneath the stone,
And the valley-people swore
They'd have it for their very own.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

So the people of the valley
Sent a message up the hill,
Asking for the buried treasure,
Tons of gold for which they'd kill.

Came an answer from the kingdom,
"With our brothers we will share
All the secrets of our mountain,
All the riches buried there."

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

Now the valley cried with anger,
"Mount your horses! Draw your sword!"
And they killed the mountain-people,
So they won their just reward.

Now they stood beside the treasure,
On the mountain, dark and red.
Turned the stone and looked beneath it...
"Peace on Earth" was all it said.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away.

Go ahead and hate your neighbor,
Go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of Heaven,
You can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowing
Come the judgement day,
On the bloody morning after....
One tin soldier rides away."


The extreme lack of concern for human welfare in the general aspect of caring about the ramifications of the excessive capacity for mental blockage that mind control technology offers, but most importantly, the sense of enormous entitlement to commit any type of sadistic crime against a target and be renumerated not with just money but applause, flattery without end, and promotion has created a descent into a frenzy of murderous aptitude on the part of the participants.

AS the United States is now on every brink of every catastrophe, a joke universally around the world at this point of chaos and apparent corruption, I recalled this morning this song about some venturing budding capitalist on the usual prototypical pilgrim's quest, but more likely a crusader searching for plunder, or more rightly, a pirate looking for the next bounty to steal from a "weaker" indigenous population, or a combination of all and many other descriptions are possible (Colonialist looking to savagely brutalize a weak and defenseless country and plunder it's resources and life and break and then control and invade it.)

In the end, psychological remnants of vicious brutality control the dominated and decimated population until they "love" their abuser and murdering controller.

I have come to embrace the tenants of this song in the past few months/years of trying to reverse the decades of programming for the boogie-woogie culture which is combined with the Money Machine which is cranked into generation by the War Machine, which for the entitled is an "entitlement" regime machine but for the many others, it's a Death Machine.

The brutal frenzy of selfish acquisition for promotion and the display of fascistic brutality using flux and flow of complimentary and vicious murder threats of the programmed programmers who are trying to turn me into lessor and lower levels of their own hierarchical template machinery---

crushed, broken and destroyed emotionally, physically and intellectually is their goal for me. It has a larger implication of course and the "controllers" have a huge force of global desolation combined with the age-old system of terror gang stalking and also the newer technology of brain-alteration and stifling (similar almost exactly to the Biden debate performance, losing train-of-thought, unable to tie sentences together, unable to remember most basic items, sometimes unable to utter words due to physical construction imposed by the microchip implants which can extensively block mental and physical and nervous system operation).

My thoughts are on this song because it has been put out-of-commission and is "never" remembered.

Perhaps just searching for PEACE is a gift far greater than the endless absorption in gyration wealth accumulation generation at the expense of millions of others who are considered the invisible "losers" who are shunted out, blocked out, bombed out, starved out, bullied out, and then never bailed out. The numbers of such invisibles increase as the 4th Reich progresses making helping those in need such a cumbersome impossibility.



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